/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { AbuseReporter, AbuseReportError } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AbuseReporter.jsm" ); const { ClientID } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/ClientID.jsm"); const { TelemetryController } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryController.jsm" ); const { TelemetryTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.jsm" ); const { L10nRegistry, FileSource } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/L10nRegistry.jsm" ); const APPNAME = "XPCShell"; const APPVERSION = "1"; const ADDON_ID = "test-addon@tests.mozilla.org"; const ADDON_ID2 = "test-addon2@tests.mozilla.org"; const FAKE_INSTALL_INFO = { source: "fake-Install:Source", method: "fake:install method", }; const PREF_REQUIRED_LOCALE = "intl.locale.requested"; const REPORT_OPTIONS = { reportEntryPoint: "menu" }; const TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTERS = { category: "addonsManager", method: "report", }; const FAKE_AMO_DETAILS = { name: { "en-US": "fake name", "it-IT": "fake it-IT name", }, current_version: { version: "1.0" }, type: "extension", is_recommended: true, }; createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "49"); const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: ["test.addons.org"] }); // Mock abuse report API endpoint. let apiRequestHandler; server.registerPathHandler("/api/report/", (request, response) => { const stream = request.bodyInputStream; const buffer = NetUtil.readInputStream(stream, stream.available()); const data = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer); apiRequestHandler({ data, request, response }); }); // Mock addon details API endpoint. const amoAddonDetailsMap = new Map(); server.registerPrefixHandler("/api/addons/addon/", (request, response) => { const addonId = request.path.split("/").pop(); if (!amoAddonDetailsMap.has(addonId)) { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 404, "Not Found"); response.write(JSON.stringify({ detail: "Not found." })); } else { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "Success"); response.write(JSON.stringify(amoAddonDetailsMap.get(addonId))); } }); function getProperties(obj, propNames) { return propNames.reduce((acc, el) => { acc[el] = obj[el]; return acc; }, {}); } function handleSubmitRequest({ request, response }) { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false); response.write("{}"); } function clearAbuseReportState() { // Clear the timestamp of the last submission. AbuseReporter._lastReportTimestamp = null; } async function installTestExtension(overrideOptions = {}) { const extOptions = { manifest: { applications: { gecko: { id: ADDON_ID } }, name: "Test Extension", }, useAddonManager: "permanent", amInstallTelemetryInfo: FAKE_INSTALL_INFO, ...overrideOptions, }; const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extOptions); await extension.startup(); const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(ADDON_ID); return { extension, addon }; } async function assertRejectsAbuseReportError(promise, errorType, errorInfo) { let error; await Assert.rejects( promise, err => { // Log the actual error to make investigating test failures easier. Cu.reportError(err); error = err; return err instanceof AbuseReportError; }, `Got an AbuseReportError` ); equal(error.errorType, errorType, "Got the expected errorType"); equal(error.errorInfo, errorInfo, "Got the expected errorInfo"); ok( error.message.includes(errorType), "errorType should be included in the error message" ); if (errorInfo) { ok( error.message.includes(errorInfo), "errorInfo should be included in the error message" ); } } async function assertBaseReportData({ reportData, addon }) { // Report properties related to addon metadata. equal(reportData.addon, ADDON_ID, "Got expected 'addon'"); equal( reportData.addon_version, addon.version, "Got expected 'addon_version'" ); equal( reportData.install_date, addon.installDate.toISOString(), "Got expected 'install_date' in ISO format" ); equal( reportData.addon_install_origin, addon.sourceURI.spec, "Got expected 'addon_install_origin'" ); equal( reportData.addon_install_source, "fake_install_source", "Got expected 'addon_install_source'" ); equal( reportData.addon_install_method, "fake_install_method", "Got expected 'addon_install_method'" ); equal( reportData.addon_signature, "privileged", "Got expected 'addon_signature'" ); // Report properties related to the environment. equal( reportData.client_id, await ClientID.getClientIdHash(), "Got the expected 'client_id'" ); equal(reportData.app, APPNAME.toLowerCase(), "Got expected 'app'"); equal(reportData.appversion, APPVERSION, "Got expected 'appversion'"); equal( reportData.lang, Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47, "Got expected 'lang'" ); equal( reportData.operating_system, AppConstants.platform, "Got expected 'operating_system'" ); equal( reportData.operating_system_version, Services.sysinfo.getProperty("version"), "Got expected 'operating_system_version'" ); } add_task(async function test_setup() { Services.prefs.setCharPref( "extensions.abuseReport.url", "http://test.addons.org/api/report/" ); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "extensions.abuseReport.amoDetailsURL", "http://test.addons.org/api/addons/addon" ); await promiseStartupManager(); // Telemetry test setup needed to ensure that the builtin events are defined // and they can be collected and verified. await TelemetryController.testSetup(); // This is actually only needed on Android, because it does not properly support unified telemetry // and so, if not enabled explicitly here, it would make these tests to fail when running on a // non-Nightly build. const oldCanRecordBase = Services.telemetry.canRecordBase; Services.telemetry.canRecordBase = true; registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.telemetry.canRecordBase = oldCanRecordBase; }); // Register a fake it-IT locale (used to test localized AMO details in some // of the test case defined in this test file). L10nRegistry.registerSources([ new FileSource( "mock", ["it-IT", "fr-FR"], "resource://fake/locales/{locale}" ), ]); }); add_task(async function test_addon_report_data() { info("Verify report property for a privileged extension"); const { addon, extension } = await installTestExtension(); const data = await AbuseReporter.getReportData(addon); await assertBaseReportData({ reportData: data, addon }); await extension.unload(); info("Verify 'addon_signature' report property for non privileged extension"); AddonTestUtils.usePrivilegedSignatures = false; const { addon: addon2, extension: extension2 } = await installTestExtension(); const data2 = await AbuseReporter.getReportData(addon2); equal( data2.addon_signature, "signed", "Got expected 'addon_signature' for non privileged extension" ); await extension2.unload(); info("Verify 'addon_install_method' report property on temporary install"); const { addon: addon3, extension: extension3 } = await installTestExtension({ useAddonManager: "temporary", }); const data3 = await AbuseReporter.getReportData(addon3); equal( data3.addon_install_source, "temporary_addon", "Got expected 'addon_install_method' on temporary install" ); await extension3.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_report_on_not_installed_addon() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); // Make sure that the AMO addons details API endpoint is going to // return a 404 status for the not installed addon. amoAddonDetailsMap.delete(ADDON_ID); await assertRejectsAbuseReportError( AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport(ADDON_ID, REPORT_OPTIONS), "ERROR_ADDON_NOTFOUND" ); TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [ { object: REPORT_OPTIONS.reportEntryPoint, value: ADDON_ID, extra: { error_type: "ERROR_AMODETAILS_NOTFOUND" }, }, { object: REPORT_OPTIONS.reportEntryPoint, value: ADDON_ID, extra: { error_type: "ERROR_ADDON_NOTFOUND" }, }, ], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTERS ); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); }); // This tests verifies how the addon installTelemetryInfo values are being // normalized into the addon_install_source and addon_install_method // expected by the API endpoint. add_task(async function test_normalized_addon_install_source_and_method() { async function assertAddonInstallMethod(amInstallTelemetryInfo, expected) { const { addon, extension } = await installTestExtension({ amInstallTelemetryInfo, }); const { addon_install_method, addon_install_source, addon_install_source_url, } = await AbuseReporter.getReportData(addon); Assert.deepEqual( { addon_install_method, addon_install_source, addon_install_source_url, }, { addon_install_method: expected.method, addon_install_source: expected.source, addon_install_source_url: expected.sourceURL, }, `Got the expected report data for ${JSON.stringify( amInstallTelemetryInfo )}` ); await extension.unload(); } // Array of testcases: the `test` property contains the installTelemetryInfo value // and the `expect` contains the expected normalized values. const TEST_CASES = [ // Explicitly verify normalized values on missing telemetry info. { test: null, expect: { source: null, method: null }, }, // Verify expected normalized values for some common install telemetry info. { test: { source: "about:addons", method: "drag-and-drop" }, expect: { source: "about_addons", method: "drag_and_drop" }, }, { test: { source: "amo", method: "amWebAPI" }, expect: { source: "amo", method: "amwebapi" }, }, { test: { source: "app-profile", method: "sideload" }, expect: { source: "app_profile", method: "sideload" }, }, { test: { source: "distribution" }, expect: { source: "distribution", method: null }, }, { test: { method: "installTrigger", source: "test-host", sourceURL: "http://host.triggered.install/example?test=1", }, expect: { method: "installtrigger", source: "test_host", sourceURL: "http://host.triggered.install/example?test=1", }, }, { test: { method: "link", source: "unknown", sourceURL: "https://another.host/installExtension?name=ext1", }, expect: { method: "link", source: "unknown", sourceURL: "https://another.host/installExtension?name=ext1", }, }, ]; for (const { expect, test } of TEST_CASES) { await assertAddonInstallMethod(test, expect); } }); add_task(async function test_report_create_and_submit() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); // Override the test api server request handler, to be able to // intercept the submittions to the test api server. let reportSubmitted; apiRequestHandler = ({ data, request, response }) => { reportSubmitted = JSON.parse(data); handleSubmitRequest({ request, response }); }; const { addon, extension } = await installTestExtension(); const reportEntryPoint = "menu"; const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport(ADDON_ID, { reportEntryPoint, }); equal(report.addon, addon, "Got the expected addon property"); equal( report.reportEntryPoint, reportEntryPoint, "Got the expected reportEntryPoint" ); const baseReportData = await AbuseReporter.getReportData(addon); const reportProperties = { message: "test message", reason: "test-reason", }; info("Submitting report"); report.setMessage(reportProperties.message); report.setReason(reportProperties.reason); await report.submit(); const expectedEntries = Object.entries({ report_entry_point: reportEntryPoint, ...baseReportData, ...reportProperties, }); for (const [expectedKey, expectedValue] of expectedEntries) { equal( reportSubmitted[expectedKey], expectedValue, `Got the expected submitted value for "${expectedKey}"` ); } TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [ { object: reportEntryPoint, value: ADDON_ID, extra: { addon_type: "extension" }, }, ], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTERS ); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_error_recent_submit() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); clearAbuseReportState(); let reportSubmitted; apiRequestHandler = ({ data, request, response }) => { reportSubmitted = JSON.parse(data); handleSubmitRequest({ request, response }); }; const { extension } = await installTestExtension(); const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport(ADDON_ID, { reportEntryPoint: "uninstall", }); const { extension: extension2 } = await installTestExtension({ manifest: { applications: { gecko: { id: ADDON_ID2 } }, name: "Test Extension2", }, }); const report2 = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport( ADDON_ID2, REPORT_OPTIONS ); // Submit the two reports in fast sequence. report.setReason("reason1"); report2.setReason("reason2"); await report.submit(); await assertRejectsAbuseReportError(report2.submit(), "ERROR_RECENT_SUBMIT"); equal( reportSubmitted.reason, "reason1", "Server only received the data from the first submission" ); TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [ { object: "uninstall", value: ADDON_ID, extra: { addon_type: "extension" }, }, { object: REPORT_OPTIONS.reportEntryPoint, value: ADDON_ID2, extra: { addon_type: "extension", error_type: "ERROR_RECENT_SUBMIT", }, }, ], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTERS ); await extension.unload(); await extension2.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_submission_server_error() { const { extension } = await installTestExtension(); async function testErrorCode({ responseStatus, responseText = "", expectedErrorType, expectedErrorInfo, expectRequest = true, }) { info( `Test expected AbuseReportError on response status "${responseStatus}"` ); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); clearAbuseReportState(); let requestReceived = false; apiRequestHandler = ({ request, response }) => { requestReceived = true; response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, responseStatus, "Error"); response.write(responseText); }; const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport( ADDON_ID, REPORT_OPTIONS ); report.setReason("a-reason"); const promiseSubmit = report.submit(); if (typeof expectedErrorType === "string") { // Assert a specific AbuseReportError errorType. await assertRejectsAbuseReportError( promiseSubmit, expectedErrorType, expectedErrorInfo ); } else { // Assert on a given Error class. await Assert.rejects(promiseSubmit, expectedErrorType); } equal( requestReceived, expectRequest, `${expectRequest ? "" : "Not "}received a request as expected` ); TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [ { object: REPORT_OPTIONS.reportEntryPoint, value: ADDON_ID, extra: { addon_type: "extension", error_type: typeof expectedErrorType === "string" ? expectedErrorType : "ERROR_UNKNOWN", }, }, ], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTERS ); } await testErrorCode({ responseStatus: 500, responseText: "A server error", expectedErrorType: "ERROR_SERVER", expectedErrorInfo: JSON.stringify({ status: 500, responseText: "A server error", }), }); await testErrorCode({ responseStatus: 404, responseText: "Not found error", expectedErrorType: "ERROR_CLIENT", expectedErrorInfo: JSON.stringify({ status: 404, responseText: "Not found error", }), }); // Test response with unexpected status code. await testErrorCode({ responseStatus: 604, responseText: "An unexpected status code", expectedErrorType: "ERROR_UNKNOWN", expectedErrorInfo: JSON.stringify({ status: 604, responseText: "An unexpected status code", }), }); // Test response status 200 with invalid json data. await testErrorCode({ responseStatus: 200, expectedErrorType: /SyntaxError: JSON.parse/, }); // Test on invalid url. Services.prefs.setCharPref( "extensions.abuseReport.url", "invalid-protocol://abuse-report" ); await testErrorCode({ expectedErrorType: "ERROR_NETWORK", expectRequest: false, }); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function set_test_abusereport_url() { Services.prefs.setCharPref( "extensions.abuseReport.url", "http://test.addons.org/api/report/" ); }); add_task(async function test_submission_aborting() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); clearAbuseReportState(); const { extension } = await installTestExtension(); // override the api request handler with one that is never going to reply. let receivedRequestsCount = 0; let resolvePendingResponses; const waitToReply = new Promise( resolve => (resolvePendingResponses = resolve) ); const onRequestReceived = new Promise(resolve => { apiRequestHandler = ({ request, response }) => { response.processAsync(); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); receivedRequestsCount++; resolve(); // Keep the request pending until resolvePendingResponses have been // called. waitToReply.then(() => { response.finish(); }); }; }); const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport( ADDON_ID, REPORT_OPTIONS ); report.setReason("a-reason"); const promiseResult = report.submit(); await onRequestReceived; ok(receivedRequestsCount > 0, "Got the expected number of requests"); ok( (await Promise.race([promiseResult, Promise.resolve("pending")])) === "pending", "Submission fetch request should still be pending" ); report.abort(); await assertRejectsAbuseReportError(promiseResult, "ERROR_ABORTED_SUBMIT"); TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [ { object: REPORT_OPTIONS.reportEntryPoint, value: ADDON_ID, extra: { addon_type: "extension", error_type: "ERROR_ABORTED_SUBMIT" }, }, ], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTERS ); await extension.unload(); // Unblock pending requests on the server request handler side, so that the // test file can shutdown (otherwise the test run will be stuck after this // task completed). resolvePendingResponses(); }); add_task(async function test_truncated_string_properties() { const generateString = len => new Array(len).fill("a").join(""); const LONG_STRINGS_ADDON_ID = "addon-with-long-strings-props@mochi.test"; const { extension } = await installTestExtension({ manifest: { name: generateString(400), description: generateString(400), applications: { gecko: { id: LONG_STRINGS_ADDON_ID } }, }, }); // Override the test api server request handler, to be able to // intercept the properties actually submitted. let reportSubmitted; apiRequestHandler = ({ data, request, response }) => { reportSubmitted = JSON.parse(data); handleSubmitRequest({ request, response }); }; const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport( LONG_STRINGS_ADDON_ID, REPORT_OPTIONS ); report.setMessage("fake-message"); report.setReason("fake-reason"); await report.submit(); const expected = { addon_name: generateString(255), addon_summary: generateString(255), }; Assert.deepEqual( { addon_name: reportSubmitted.addon_name, addon_summary: reportSubmitted.addon_summary, }, expected, "Got the long strings truncated as expected" ); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_report_recommended() { const NON_RECOMMENDED_ADDON_ID = "non-recommended-addon@mochi.test"; const RECOMMENDED_ADDON_ID = "recommended-addon@mochi.test"; const now = Date.now(); const not_before = new Date(now - 3600000).toISOString(); const not_after = new Date(now + 3600000).toISOString(); const { extension: nonRecommended } = await installTestExtension({ manifest: { name: "Fake non recommended addon", applications: { gecko: { id: NON_RECOMMENDED_ADDON_ID } }, }, }); const { extension: recommended } = await installTestExtension({ manifest: { name: "Fake recommended addon", applications: { gecko: { id: RECOMMENDED_ADDON_ID } }, }, files: { "mozilla-recommendation.json": { addon_id: RECOMMENDED_ADDON_ID, states: ["recommended"], validity: { not_before, not_after }, }, }, }); // Override the test api server request handler, to be able to // intercept the properties actually submitted. let reportSubmitted; apiRequestHandler = ({ data, request, response }) => { reportSubmitted = JSON.parse(data); handleSubmitRequest({ request, response }); }; async function checkReportedSignature(addonId, expectedAddonSignature) { clearAbuseReportState(); const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport( addonId, REPORT_OPTIONS ); report.setMessage("fake-message"); report.setReason("fake-reason"); await report.submit(); equal( reportSubmitted.addon_signature, expectedAddonSignature, `Got the expected addon_signature for ${addonId}` ); } await checkReportedSignature(NON_RECOMMENDED_ADDON_ID, "signed"); await checkReportedSignature(RECOMMENDED_ADDON_ID, "curated"); await nonRecommended.unload(); await recommended.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_query_amo_details() { async function assertReportOnAMODetails({ addonId, addonType = "extension", expectedReport, } = {}) { // Clear last report timestamp and any telemetry event recorded so far. clearAbuseReportState(); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport(addonId, { reportEntryPoint: "menu", }); let reportSubmitted; apiRequestHandler = ({ data, request, response }) => { reportSubmitted = JSON.parse(data); handleSubmitRequest({ request, response }); }; report.setMessage("fake message"); report.setReason("reason1"); await report.submit(); Assert.deepEqual( expectedReport, getProperties(reportSubmitted, Object.keys(expectedReport)), "Got the expected report properties" ); // Telemetry recorded for the successfully submitted report. TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [ { object: "menu", value: addonId, extra: { addon_type: FAKE_AMO_DETAILS.type }, }, ], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTERS ); clearAbuseReportState(); } // Add the expected AMO addons details. const addonId = "not-installed-addon@mochi.test"; amoAddonDetailsMap.set(addonId, FAKE_AMO_DETAILS); // Test on the default en-US locale. Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_REQUIRED_LOCALE, "en-US"); let locale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47; equal(locale, "en-US", "Got the expected app locale set"); let expectedReport = { addon: addonId, addon_name: FAKE_AMO_DETAILS.name[locale], addon_version: FAKE_AMO_DETAILS.current_version.version, addon_install_source: "not_installed", addon_install_method: null, addon_signature: "curated", }; await assertReportOnAMODetails({ addonId, expectedReport }); // Test with a non-default locale also available in the AMO details. Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_REQUIRED_LOCALE, "it-IT"); locale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47; equal(locale, "it-IT", "Got the expected app locale set"); expectedReport = { ...expectedReport, addon_name: FAKE_AMO_DETAILS.name[locale], }; await assertReportOnAMODetails({ addonId, expectedReport }); // Test with a non-default locale not available in the AMO details. Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_REQUIRED_LOCALE, "fr-FR"); locale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47; equal(locale, "fr-FR", "Got the expected app locale set"); expectedReport = { ...expectedReport, // Fallbacks on en-US for non available locales. addon_name: FAKE_AMO_DETAILS.name["en-US"], }; await assertReportOnAMODetails({ addonId, expectedReport }); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_REQUIRED_LOCALE); amoAddonDetailsMap.clear(); }); add_task(async function test_statictheme_normalized_into_type_theme() { const themeId = "not-installed-statictheme@mochi.test"; amoAddonDetailsMap.set(themeId, { ...FAKE_AMO_DETAILS, type: "statictheme", }); const report = await AbuseReporter.createAbuseReport(themeId, REPORT_OPTIONS); equal(report.addon.id, themeId, "Got a report for the expected theme id"); equal(report.addon.type, "theme", "Got the expected addon type"); amoAddonDetailsMap.clear(); });