/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsGIOService.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsStringEnumerator.h" #include "nsIMIMEInfo.h" #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "nsArray.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include #include #ifdef MOZ_ENABLE_DBUS # include # include #endif using namespace mozilla; // s. a. the code gtk_should_use_portal() uses to detect if in flatpak env // https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/blob/4300a5c609306ce77cbc8a3580c19201dccd8d13/gdk/gdk.c#L472 static bool GetFlatpakPortalEnv() { bool shouldUsePortal; if (g_file_test("/.flatpak-info", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { shouldUsePortal = true; } else { const char* portalEnvString = g_getenv("GTK_USE_PORTAL"); shouldUsePortal = portalEnvString != nullptr && atoi(portalEnvString) != 0; } return shouldUsePortal; } static bool GetShouldUseFlatpakPortal() { static bool sFlatpakPortalEnv = GetFlatpakPortalEnv(); return Preferences::HasUserValue("widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal") ? Preferences::GetBool("widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal", false) : sFlatpakPortalEnv; } class nsFlatpakHandlerApp : public nsIHandlerApp { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIHANDLERAPP nsFlatpakHandlerApp() = default; private: virtual ~nsFlatpakHandlerApp() = default; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsFlatpakHandlerApp, nsIHandlerApp) NS_IMETHODIMP nsFlatpakHandlerApp::GetName(nsAString& aName) { aName.AssignLiteral("System Handler"); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFlatpakHandlerApp::SetName(const nsAString& aName) { // We don't implement SetName because flatpak system handler name is fixed return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFlatpakHandlerApp::GetDetailedDescription(nsAString& aDetailedDescription) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFlatpakHandlerApp::SetDetailedDescription( const nsAString& aDetailedDescription) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFlatpakHandlerApp::Equals(nsIHandlerApp* aHandlerApp, bool* _retval) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsFlatpakHandlerApp::LaunchWithURI( nsIURI* aUri, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext) { nsCString spec; aUri->GetSpec(spec); GError* error = nullptr; // The TMPDIR where files are downloaded when user choose to open them // needs to be accessible from sandbox and host. The default settings // TMPDIR=/tmp is accessible only to the sandbox. That can be the reason // why the gtk_show_uri fails there. // The workaround is to set TMPDIR environment variable in sandbox to // $XDG_CACHE_HOME/tmp before executing Firefox. gtk_show_uri(nullptr, spec.get(), GDK_CURRENT_TIME, &error); if (error) { NS_WARNING( nsPrintfCString("Cannot launch flatpak handler: %s", error->message) .get()); g_error_free(error); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } /** * Get command without any additional arguments * @param aCommandWithArguments full commandline input string * @param aCommand string for storing command without arguments * @return NS_ERROR_FAILURE when unable to parse commandline */ static nsresult GetCommandFromCommandline( nsACString const& aCommandWithArguments, nsACString& aCommand) { GError* error = nullptr; gchar** argv = nullptr; if (!g_shell_parse_argv(aCommandWithArguments.BeginReading(), nullptr, &argv, &error) || !argv[0]) { g_warning("Cannot parse command with arguments: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); g_strfreev(argv); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } aCommand.Assign(argv[0]); g_strfreev(argv); return NS_OK; } class nsGIOMimeApp final : public nsIGIOMimeApp { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIHANDLERAPP NS_DECL_NSIGIOMIMEAPP explicit nsGIOMimeApp(GAppInfo* aApp) : mApp(aApp) {} private: ~nsGIOMimeApp() { g_object_unref(mApp); } GAppInfo* mApp; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsGIOMimeApp, nsIGIOMimeApp, nsIHandlerApp) NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::GetId(nsACString& aId) { aId.Assign(g_app_info_get_id(mApp)); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::GetName(nsAString& aName) { aName.Assign(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(g_app_info_get_name(mApp))); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::SetName(const nsAString& aName) { // We don't implement SetName because we're using mGIOMimeApp instance for // obtaining application name return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::GetCommand(nsACString& aCommand) { const char* cmd = g_app_info_get_commandline(mApp); if (!cmd) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; aCommand.Assign(cmd); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::GetExpectsURIs(int32_t* aExpects) { *aExpects = g_app_info_supports_uris(mApp); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::GetDetailedDescription(nsAString& aDetailedDescription) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::SetDetailedDescription(const nsAString& aDetailedDescription) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::Equals(nsIHandlerApp* aHandlerApp, bool* _retval) { if (!aHandlerApp) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // Compare with nsILocalHandlerApp instance by name nsCOMPtr localHandlerApp = do_QueryInterface(aHandlerApp); if (localHandlerApp) { nsAutoString theirName; nsAutoString thisName; GetName(thisName); localHandlerApp->GetName(theirName); *_retval = thisName.Equals(theirName); return NS_OK; } // Compare with nsIGIOMimeApp instance by command with stripped arguments nsCOMPtr gioMimeApp = do_QueryInterface(aHandlerApp); if (gioMimeApp) { nsAutoCString thisCommandline, thisCommand; nsresult rv = GetCommand(thisCommandline); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = GetCommandFromCommandline(thisCommandline, thisCommand); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString theirCommandline, theirCommand; gioMimeApp->GetCommand(theirCommandline); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = GetCommandFromCommandline(theirCommandline, theirCommand); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); *_retval = thisCommand.Equals(theirCommand); return NS_OK; } // We can only compare with nsILocalHandlerApp and nsGIOMimeApp *_retval = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::LaunchWithURI(nsIURI* aUri, mozilla::dom::BrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext) { GList uris = {0}; nsCString spec; aUri->GetSpec(spec); // nsPromiseFlatCString flatUri(aUri); uris.data = const_cast(spec.get()); GError* error = nullptr; gboolean result = g_app_info_launch_uris(mApp, &uris, nullptr, &error); if (!result) { g_warning("Cannot launch application: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } class GIOUTF8StringEnumerator final : public nsStringEnumeratorBase { ~GIOUTF8StringEnumerator() = default; public: GIOUTF8StringEnumerator() : mIndex(0) {} NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIUTF8STRINGENUMERATOR using nsStringEnumeratorBase::GetNext; nsTArray mStrings; uint32_t mIndex; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(GIOUTF8StringEnumerator, nsIUTF8StringEnumerator, nsIStringEnumerator) NS_IMETHODIMP GIOUTF8StringEnumerator::HasMore(bool* aResult) { *aResult = mIndex < mStrings.Length(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP GIOUTF8StringEnumerator::GetNext(nsACString& aResult) { if (mIndex >= mStrings.Length()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; aResult.Assign(mStrings[mIndex]); ++mIndex; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::GetSupportedURISchemes(nsIUTF8StringEnumerator** aSchemes) { *aSchemes = nullptr; RefPtr array = new GIOUTF8StringEnumerator(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(array, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); GVfs* gvfs = g_vfs_get_default(); if (!gvfs) { g_warning("Cannot get GVfs object."); return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } const gchar* const* uri_schemes = g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes(gvfs); while (*uri_schemes != nullptr) { // XXX(Bug 1631371) Check if this should use a fallible operation as it // pretended earlier. array->mStrings.AppendElement(*uri_schemes); uri_schemes++; } array.forget(aSchemes); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::SetAsDefaultForMimeType(nsACString const& aMimeType) { char* content_type = g_content_type_from_mime_type(PromiseFlatCString(aMimeType).get()); if (!content_type) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; GError* error = nullptr; g_app_info_set_as_default_for_type(mApp, content_type, &error); if (error) { g_warning("Cannot set application as default for MIME type (%s): %s", PromiseFlatCString(aMimeType).get(), error->message); g_error_free(error); g_free(content_type); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } g_free(content_type); return NS_OK; } /** * Set default application for files with given extensions * @param fileExts string of space separated extensions * @return NS_OK when application was set as default for given extensions, * NS_ERROR_FAILURE otherwise */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::SetAsDefaultForFileExtensions(nsACString const& fileExts) { GError* error = nullptr; char* extensions = g_strdup(PromiseFlatCString(fileExts).get()); char* ext_pos = extensions; char* space_pos; while ((space_pos = strchr(ext_pos, ' ')) || (*ext_pos != '\0')) { if (space_pos) { *space_pos = '\0'; } g_app_info_set_as_default_for_extension(mApp, ext_pos, &error); if (error) { g_warning("Cannot set application as default for extension (%s): %s", ext_pos, error->message); g_error_free(error); g_free(extensions); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (space_pos) { ext_pos = space_pos + 1; } else { *ext_pos = '\0'; } } g_free(extensions); return NS_OK; } /** * Set default application for URI's of a particular scheme * @param aURIScheme string containing the URI scheme * @return NS_OK when application was set as default for URI scheme, * NS_ERROR_FAILURE otherwise */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOMimeApp::SetAsDefaultForURIScheme(nsACString const& aURIScheme) { GError* error = nullptr; nsAutoCString contentType("x-scheme-handler/"); contentType.Append(aURIScheme); g_app_info_set_as_default_for_type(mApp, contentType.get(), &error); if (error) { g_warning("Cannot set application as default for URI scheme (%s): %s", PromiseFlatCString(aURIScheme).get(), error->message); g_error_free(error); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsGIOService, nsIGIOService) NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(const nsACString& aExtension, nsACString& aMimeType) { nsAutoCString fileExtToUse("file."); fileExtToUse.Append(aExtension); gboolean result_uncertain; char* content_type = g_content_type_guess(fileExtToUse.get(), nullptr, 0, &result_uncertain); if (!content_type) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; char* mime_type = g_content_type_get_mime_type(content_type); if (!mime_type) { g_free(content_type); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } aMimeType.Assign(mime_type); g_free(mime_type); g_free(content_type); return NS_OK; } // used in nsGNOMERegistry // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::GetAppForURIScheme(const nsACString& aURIScheme, nsIHandlerApp** aApp) { *aApp = nullptr; // Application in flatpak sandbox does not have access to the list // of installed applications on the system. We use generic // nsFlatpakHandlerApp which forwards launch call to the system. if (GetShouldUseFlatpakPortal()) { nsFlatpakHandlerApp* mozApp = new nsFlatpakHandlerApp(); NS_ADDREF(*aApp = mozApp); return NS_OK; } GAppInfo* app_info = g_app_info_get_default_for_uri_scheme( PromiseFlatCString(aURIScheme).get()); if (app_info) { nsGIOMimeApp* mozApp = new nsGIOMimeApp(app_info); NS_ADDREF(*aApp = mozApp); } else { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::GetAppsForURIScheme(const nsACString& aURIScheme, nsIMutableArray** aResult) { // We don't need to return the nsFlatpakHandlerApp here because // it would be skipped by the callers anyway. // The preferred handler is provided by GetAppForURIScheme. // This method returns all possible application handlers // including preferred one. The callers skips the preferred // handler in this list to avoid duplicate records in the list // they create. nsCOMPtr handlersArray = do_CreateInstance(NS_ARRAY_CONTRACTID); nsAutoCString contentType("x-scheme-handler/"); contentType.Append(aURIScheme); GList* appInfoList = g_app_info_get_all_for_type(contentType.get()); // g_app_info_get_all_for_type returns NULL when no appinfo is found // or error occurs (contentType is NULL). We are fine with empty app list // and we're sure that contentType is not NULL, so we won't return failure. if (appInfoList) { GList* appInfo = appInfoList; while (appInfo) { nsCOMPtr mimeApp = new nsGIOMimeApp(G_APP_INFO(appInfo->data)); handlersArray->AppendElement(mimeApp); appInfo = appInfo->next; } g_list_free(appInfoList); } NS_ADDREF(*aResult = handlersArray); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::GetAppForMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType, nsIHandlerApp** aApp) { *aApp = nullptr; // Flatpak does not reveal installed application to the sandbox, // we need to create generic system handler. if (GetShouldUseFlatpakPortal()) { nsFlatpakHandlerApp* mozApp = new nsFlatpakHandlerApp(); NS_ADDREF(*aApp = mozApp); return NS_OK; } char* content_type = g_content_type_from_mime_type(PromiseFlatCString(aMimeType).get()); if (!content_type) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // GIO returns "unknown" appinfo for the application/octet-stream, which is // useless. It's better to fallback to create appinfo from file extension // later. if (g_content_type_is_unknown(content_type)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } #if defined(__OpenBSD__) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) // g_app_info_get_default_for_type will fail on OpenBSD's veiled filesystem // since we most likely don't have direct access to the binaries that are // registered as defaults for this type. Fake it up by just executing // xdg-open via gio-launch-desktop (which we do have access to) and letting // it figure out which program to execute for this MIME type GAppInfo* app_info = g_app_info_create_from_commandline( "/usr/local/bin/xdg-open", nsPrintfCString("System default for %s", content_type).get(), G_APP_INFO_CREATE_NONE, NULL); #else GAppInfo* app_info = g_app_info_get_default_for_type(content_type, false); #endif if (app_info) { nsGIOMimeApp* mozApp = new nsGIOMimeApp(app_info); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mozApp, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NS_ADDREF(*aApp = mozApp); } else { g_free(content_type); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } g_free(content_type); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::GetDescriptionForMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType, nsACString& aDescription) { char* content_type = g_content_type_from_mime_type(PromiseFlatCString(aMimeType).get()); if (!content_type) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; char* desc = g_content_type_get_description(content_type); if (!desc) { g_free(content_type); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } aDescription.Assign(desc); g_free(content_type); g_free(desc); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::ShowURI(nsIURI* aURI) { nsAutoCString spec; nsresult rv = aURI->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); GError* error = nullptr; if (!g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri(spec.get(), nullptr, &error)) { g_warning("Could not launch default application for URI: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::ShowURIForInput(const nsACString& aUri) { GFile* file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(PromiseFlatCString(aUri).get()); char* spec = g_file_get_uri(file); nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; GError* error = nullptr; g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri(spec, nullptr, &error); if (error) { g_warning("Cannot launch default application: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } else { rv = NS_OK; } g_object_unref(file); g_free(spec); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::OrgFreedesktopFileManager1ShowItems(const nsACString& aPath) { #ifndef MOZ_ENABLE_DBUS return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; #else GError* error = nullptr; static bool org_freedesktop_FileManager1_exists = true; if (!org_freedesktop_FileManager1_exists) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } DBusGConnection* dbusGConnection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error); if (!dbusGConnection) { if (error) { g_printerr("Failed to open connection to session bus: %s\n", error->message); g_error_free(error); } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } char* uri = g_filename_to_uri(PromiseFlatCString(aPath).get(), nullptr, nullptr); if (uri == nullptr) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } DBusConnection* dbusConnection = dbus_g_connection_get_connection(dbusGConnection); // Make sure we do not exit the entire program if DBus connection get lost. dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect(dbusConnection, false); DBusGProxy* dbusGProxy = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name( dbusGConnection, "org.freedesktop.FileManager1", "/org/freedesktop/FileManager1", "org.freedesktop.FileManager1"); const char* uris[2] = {uri, nullptr}; gboolean rv_dbus_call = dbus_g_proxy_call(dbusGProxy, "ShowItems", nullptr, G_TYPE_STRV, uris, G_TYPE_STRING, "", G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID); g_object_unref(dbusGProxy); dbus_g_connection_unref(dbusGConnection); g_free(uri); if (!rv_dbus_call) { org_freedesktop_FileManager1_exists = false; return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return NS_OK; #endif } /** * Find GIO Mime App from given commandline. * This is different from CreateAppFromCommand because instead of creating the * GIO Mime App in case it's not found in the GIO application list, the method * returns error. * @param aCmd command with parameters used to start the application * @return NS_OK when application is found, NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE otherwise */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::FindAppFromCommand(nsACString const& aCmd, nsIGIOMimeApp** aAppInfo) { GAppInfo *app_info = nullptr, *app_info_from_list = nullptr; GList* apps = g_app_info_get_all(); GList* apps_p = apps; // Try to find relevant and existing GAppInfo in all installed application // We do this by comparing each GAppInfo's executable with out own while (apps_p) { app_info_from_list = (GAppInfo*)apps_p->data; if (!app_info) { // If the executable is not absolute, get it's full path char* executable = g_find_program_in_path(g_app_info_get_executable(app_info_from_list)); if (executable && strcmp(executable, PromiseFlatCString(aCmd).get()) == 0) { g_object_ref(app_info_from_list); app_info = app_info_from_list; } g_free(executable); } g_object_unref(app_info_from_list); apps_p = apps_p->next; } g_list_free(apps); if (app_info) { nsGIOMimeApp* app = new nsGIOMimeApp(app_info); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(app, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NS_ADDREF(*aAppInfo = app); return NS_OK; } *aAppInfo = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } /** * Create application info for specified command and application name. * Command arguments are ignored and the "%u" is always added. * @param cmd command to execute * @param appName application name * @param appInfo location where created GAppInfo is stored * @return NS_OK when object is created, NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND when executable * is not found in the system path or NS_ERROR_FAILURE otherwise. */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::CreateAppFromCommand(nsACString const& cmd, nsACString const& appName, nsIGIOMimeApp** appInfo) { GError* error = nullptr; *appInfo = nullptr; // Using G_APP_INFO_CREATE_SUPPORTS_URIS calling // g_app_info_create_from_commandline appends %u to the cmd even when cmd // already contains this parameter. To avoid that we're going to remove // arguments before passing to it. nsAutoCString commandWithoutArgs; nsresult rv = GetCommandFromCommandline(cmd, commandWithoutArgs); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); GAppInfo* app_info = g_app_info_create_from_commandline( commandWithoutArgs.BeginReading(), PromiseFlatCString(appName).get(), G_APP_INFO_CREATE_SUPPORTS_URIS, &error); if (!app_info) { g_warning("Cannot create application info from command: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Check if executable exist in path gchar* executableWithFullPath = g_find_program_in_path(commandWithoutArgs.BeginReading()); if (!executableWithFullPath) { return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } g_free(executableWithFullPath); nsGIOMimeApp* mozApp = new nsGIOMimeApp(app_info); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mozApp, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NS_ADDREF(*appInfo = mozApp); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsGIOService::ShouldUseFlatpakPortal(bool* aRes) { *aRes = GetShouldUseFlatpakPortal(); return NS_OK; }