# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os import json from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError import mozpack.path as mozpath from mozfile import which from mozpack.files import FileFinder from mozlint import result from mozlint.util.implementation import LintProcess SHELLCHECK_NOT_FOUND = """ Unable to locate shellcheck, please ensure it is installed and in your PATH or set the SHELLCHECK environment variable. https://shellcheck.net or your system's package manager. """.strip() results = [] class ShellcheckProcess(LintProcess): def process_line(self, line): try: data = json.loads(line) except JSONDecodeError as e: print("Unable to load shellcheck output ({}): {}".format(e, line)) return for entry in data: res = { "path": entry["file"], "message": entry["message"], "level": "error", "lineno": entry["line"], "column": entry["column"], "rule": entry["code"], } results.append(result.from_config(self.config, **res)) def determine_shell_from_script(path): """Returns a string identifying the shell used. Returns None if not identifiable. Copes with the following styles: #!bash #!/bin/bash #!/usr/bin/env bash """ with open(path, "r") as f: head = f.readline() if not head.startswith("#!"): return # allow for parameters to the shell shebang = head.split()[0] # if the first entry is a variant of /usr/bin/env if "env" in shebang: shebang = head.split()[1] if shebang.endswith("sh"): # Strip first to avoid issues with #!bash return shebang.strip("#!").split("/")[-1] # make it clear we return None, rather than fall through. return def find_shell_scripts(config, paths): found = dict() root = config["root"] exclude = [mozpath.join(root, e) for e in config.get("exclude", [])] if config.get("extensions"): pattern = "**/*.{}".format(config.get("extensions")[0]) else: pattern = "**/*.sh" files = [] for path in paths: path = mozpath.normsep(path) ignore = [ e[len(path) :].lstrip("/") for e in exclude if mozpath.commonprefix((path, e)) == path ] finder = FileFinder(path, ignore=ignore) files.extend([os.path.join(path, p) for p, f in finder.find(pattern)]) for filename in files: shell = determine_shell_from_script(filename) if shell: found[filename] = shell return found def run_process(config, cmd): proc = ShellcheckProcess(config, cmd) proc.run() try: proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() def get_shellcheck_binary(): """ Returns the path of the first shellcheck binary available if not found returns None """ binary = os.environ.get("SHELLCHECK") if binary: return binary return which("shellcheck") def lint(paths, config, **lintargs): log = lintargs["log"] binary = get_shellcheck_binary() if not binary: print(SHELLCHECK_NOT_FOUND) if "MOZ_AUTOMATION" in os.environ: return 1 return [] config["root"] = lintargs["root"] files = find_shell_scripts(config, paths) base_command = [binary, "-f", "json"] if config.get("excludecodes"): base_command.extend(["-e", ",".join(config.get("excludecodes"))]) for f in files: cmd = list(base_command) cmd.extend(["-s", files[f], f]) log.debug("Command: {}".format(cmd)) run_process(config, cmd) return results