/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ProfileBuffer.h" #include "BaseProfiler.h" #include "js/GCAPI.h" #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h" #include "nsJSPrincipals.h" #include "nsScriptSecurityManager.h" using namespace mozilla; ProfileBuffer::ProfileBuffer(ProfileChunkedBuffer& aBuffer) : mEntries(aBuffer) { // Assume the given buffer is in-session. MOZ_ASSERT(mEntries.IsInSession()); } /* static */ ProfileBufferBlockIndex ProfileBuffer::AddEntry( ProfileChunkedBuffer& aProfileChunkedBuffer, const ProfileBufferEntry& aEntry) { switch (aEntry.GetKind()) { #define SWITCH_KIND(KIND, TYPE, SIZE) \ case ProfileBufferEntry::Kind::KIND: { \ return aProfileChunkedBuffer.PutFrom(&aEntry, 1 + (SIZE)); \ } FOR_EACH_PROFILE_BUFFER_ENTRY_KIND(SWITCH_KIND) #undef SWITCH_KIND default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unhandled ProfilerBuffer entry KIND"); return ProfileBufferBlockIndex{}; } } // Called from signal, call only reentrant functions uint64_t ProfileBuffer::AddEntry(const ProfileBufferEntry& aEntry) { return AddEntry(mEntries, aEntry).ConvertToProfileBufferIndex(); } /* static */ ProfileBufferBlockIndex ProfileBuffer::AddThreadIdEntry( ProfileChunkedBuffer& aProfileChunkedBuffer, int aThreadId) { return AddEntry(aProfileChunkedBuffer, ProfileBufferEntry::ThreadId(aThreadId)); } uint64_t ProfileBuffer::AddThreadIdEntry(int aThreadId) { return AddThreadIdEntry(mEntries, aThreadId).ConvertToProfileBufferIndex(); } void ProfileBuffer::CollectCodeLocation( const char* aLabel, const char* aStr, uint32_t aFrameFlags, uint64_t aInnerWindowID, const Maybe& aLineNumber, const Maybe& aColumnNumber, const Maybe& aCategoryPair) { AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::Label(aLabel)); AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::FrameFlags(uint64_t(aFrameFlags))); if (aStr) { // Store the string using one or more DynamicStringFragment entries. size_t strLen = strlen(aStr) + 1; // +1 for the null terminator // If larger than the prescribed limit, we will cut the string and end it // with an ellipsis. const bool tooBig = strLen > kMaxFrameKeyLength; if (tooBig) { strLen = kMaxFrameKeyLength; } char chars[ProfileBufferEntry::kNumChars]; for (size_t j = 0;; j += ProfileBufferEntry::kNumChars) { // Store up to kNumChars characters in the entry. size_t len = ProfileBufferEntry::kNumChars; const bool last = j + len >= strLen; if (last) { // Only the last entry may be smaller than kNumChars. len = strLen - j; if (tooBig) { // That last entry is part of a too-big string, replace the end // characters with an ellipsis "...". len = std::max(len, size_t(4)); chars[len - 4] = '.'; chars[len - 3] = '.'; chars[len - 2] = '.'; chars[len - 1] = '\0'; // Make sure the memcpy will not overwrite our ellipsis! len -= 4; } } memcpy(chars, &aStr[j], len); AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::DynamicStringFragment(chars)); if (last) { break; } } } if (aInnerWindowID) { AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::InnerWindowID(aInnerWindowID)); } if (aLineNumber) { AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::LineNumber(*aLineNumber)); } if (aColumnNumber) { AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::ColumnNumber(*aColumnNumber)); } if (aCategoryPair.isSome()) { AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::CategoryPair(int(*aCategoryPair))); } } size_t ProfileBuffer::SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { // Measurement of the following members may be added later if DMD finds it // is worthwhile: // - memory pointed to by the elements within mEntries return mEntries.SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } size_t ProfileBuffer::SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { return aMallocSizeOf(this) + SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } void ProfileBuffer::CollectOverheadStats(double aSamplingTimeMs, TimeDuration aLocking, TimeDuration aCleaning, TimeDuration aCounters, TimeDuration aThreads) { double timeUs = aSamplingTimeMs * 1000.0; if (mFirstSamplingTimeUs == 0.0) { mFirstSamplingTimeUs = timeUs; } else { // Note that we'll have 1 fewer interval than other numbers (because // we need both ends of an interval to know its duration). The final // difference should be insignificant over the expected many thousands // of iterations. mIntervalsUs.Count(timeUs - mLastSamplingTimeUs); } mLastSamplingTimeUs = timeUs; double locking = aLocking.ToMilliseconds() * 1000.0; double cleaning = aCleaning.ToMilliseconds() * 1000.0; double counters = aCounters.ToMilliseconds() * 1000.0; double threads = aThreads.ToMilliseconds() * 1000.0; mOverheadsUs.Count(locking + cleaning + counters + threads); mLockingsUs.Count(locking); mCleaningsUs.Count(cleaning); mCountersUs.Count(counters); mThreadsUs.Count(threads); AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::ProfilerOverheadTime(aSamplingTimeMs)); AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::ProfilerOverheadDuration(locking)); AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::ProfilerOverheadDuration(cleaning)); AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::ProfilerOverheadDuration(counters)); AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::ProfilerOverheadDuration(threads)); } ProfilerBufferInfo ProfileBuffer::GetProfilerBufferInfo() const { return {BufferRangeStart(), BufferRangeEnd(), static_cast(*mEntries.BufferLength() / 8), // 8 bytes per entry. mIntervalsUs, mOverheadsUs, mLockingsUs, mCleaningsUs, mCountersUs, mThreadsUs}; } /* ProfileBufferCollector */ void ProfileBufferCollector::CollectNativeLeafAddr(void* aAddr) { mBuf.AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::NativeLeafAddr(aAddr)); } void ProfileBufferCollector::CollectJitReturnAddr(void* aAddr) { mBuf.AddEntry(ProfileBufferEntry::JitReturnAddr(aAddr)); } void ProfileBufferCollector::CollectWasmFrame(const char* aLabel) { mBuf.CollectCodeLocation("", aLabel, 0, 0, Nothing(), Nothing(), Nothing()); } void ProfileBufferCollector::CollectProfilingStackFrame( const js::ProfilingStackFrame& aFrame) { // WARNING: this function runs within the profiler's "critical section". MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame.isLabelFrame() || (aFrame.isJsFrame() && !aFrame.isOSRFrame())); const char* label = aFrame.label(); const char* dynamicString = aFrame.dynamicString(); Maybe line; Maybe column; if (aFrame.isJsFrame()) { // There are two kinds of JS frames that get pushed onto the ProfilingStack. // // - label = "", dynamic string = // - label = "js::RunScript", dynamic string = nullptr // // The line number is only interesting in the first case. if (label[0] == '\0') { MOZ_ASSERT(dynamicString); // We call aFrame.script() repeatedly -- rather than storing the result in // a local variable in order -- to avoid rooting hazards. if (aFrame.script()) { if (aFrame.pc()) { unsigned col = 0; line = Some(JS_PCToLineNumber(aFrame.script(), aFrame.pc(), &col)); column = Some(col); } } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(strcmp(label, "js::RunScript") == 0 && !dynamicString); } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame.isLabelFrame()); } mBuf.CollectCodeLocation(label, dynamicString, aFrame.flags(), aFrame.realmID(), line, column, Some(aFrame.categoryPair())); }