# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import os import attr from mozilla_version.gecko import FirefoxVersion from ..cli import BaseTryParser from ..push import push_to_try, vcs TARGET_TASKS = { "staging": "staging_release_builds", "release-sim": "release_simulation", } def read_file(path): with open(path) as fh: return fh.read() class ReleaseParser(BaseTryParser): name = "release" arguments = [ [ ["-v", "--version"], { "metavar": "STR", "required": True, "action": "store", "type": FirefoxVersion.parse, "help": "The version number to use for the staging release.", }, ], [ ["--migration"], { "metavar": "STR", "action": "append", "dest": "migrations", "choices": [ "central-to-beta", "beta-to-release", "early-to-late-beta", "release-to-esr", ], "help": "Migration to run for the release (can be specified multiple times).", }, ], [ ["--no-limit-locales"], { "action": "store_false", "dest": "limit_locales", "help": "Don't build a limited number of locales in the staging release.", }, ], [ ["--tasks"], { "choices": TARGET_TASKS.keys(), "default": "staging", "help": "Which tasks to run on-push.", }, ], ] common_groups = ["push"] task_configs = ["disable-pgo", "worker-overrides"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ReleaseParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.set_defaults(migrations=[]) _UNSET_EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER = """\ # Define indicating that this build is prior to one of the early betas. To be # unset mid-way through the beta cycle. EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER= """ def run( version, migrations, limit_locales, tasks, try_config=None, push=True, message="{msg}", closed_tree=False, ): app_version = attr.evolve(version, beta_number=None, is_esr=False) files_to_change = { "browser/config/version.txt": "{}\n".format(app_version), "browser/config/version_display.txt": "{}\n".format(version), "config/milestone.txt": "{}\n".format(app_version), } if "beta-to-release" in migrations: files_to_change["build/defines.sh"] = _UNSET_EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER release_type = version.version_type.name.lower() if release_type not in ("beta", "release", "esr"): raise Exception( "Can't do staging release for version: {} type: {}".format( version, version.version_type ) ) elif release_type == "esr": release_type += str(version.major_number) task_config = { "version": 2, "parameters": { "target_tasks_method": TARGET_TASKS[tasks], "optimize_target_tasks": True, "release_type": release_type, }, } if try_config: task_config["parameters"]["try_task_config"] = try_config for migration in migrations: migration_path = os.path.join( vcs.path, "testing/mozharness/configs/merge_day", "{}.py".format(migration.replace("-", "_")), ) migration_config = {} with open(migration_path) as f: code = compile(f.read(), migration_path, "exec") exec(code, migration_config, migration_config) for (path, from_, to) in migration_config["config"]["replacements"]: if path in files_to_change: contents = files_to_change[path] else: contents = read_file(path) files_to_change[path] = contents.replace(from_, to) if limit_locales: files_to_change["browser/locales/l10n-changesets.json"] = read_file( os.path.join(vcs.path, "browser/locales/l10n-onchange-changesets.json") ) files_to_change["browser/locales/shipped-locales"] = "en-US\n" + read_file( os.path.join(vcs.path, "browser/locales/onchange-locales") ) msg = "staging release: {}".format(version) return push_to_try( "release", message.format(msg=msg), push=push, closed_tree=closed_tree, try_task_config=task_config, files_to_change=files_to_change, )