# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os import re import subprocess import sys import logging from mach.decorators import ( CommandArgument, CommandProvider, Command, ) from mozbuild.base import MachCommandBase import mozpack.path as mozpath import json GITHUB_ROOT = "https://github.com/" PR_REPOSITORIES = { "webrender": { "github": "servo/webrender", "path": "gfx/wr", "bugzilla_product": "Core", "bugzilla_component": "Graphics: WebRender", }, "webgpu": { "github": "gfx-rs/wgpu", "path": "gfx/wgpu", "bugzilla_product": "Core", "bugzilla_component": "Graphics: WebGPU", }, "debugger": { "github": "firefox-devtools/debugger", "path": "devtools/client/debugger", "bugzilla_product": "DevTools", "bugzilla_component": "Debugger", }, } @CommandProvider class PullRequestImporter(MachCommandBase): @Command( "import-pr", category="misc", description="Import a pull request from Github to the local repo.", ) @CommandArgument( "-b", "--bug-number", help="Bug number to use in the commit messages." ) @CommandArgument( "-t", "--bugzilla-token", help="Bugzilla API token used to file a new bug if no bug number is " "provided.", ) @CommandArgument( "-r", "--reviewer", help="Reviewer nick to apply to commit messages." ) @CommandArgument( "pull_request", help="URL to the pull request to import (e.g. " "https://github.com/servo/webrender/pull/3665).", ) def import_pr( self, pull_request, bug_number=None, bugzilla_token=None, reviewer=None ): import requests pr_number = None repository = None for r in PR_REPOSITORIES.values(): if pull_request.startswith(GITHUB_ROOT + r["github"] + "/pull/"): # sanitize URL, dropping anything after the PR number pr_number = int(re.search("/pull/([0-9]+)", pull_request).group(1)) pull_request = GITHUB_ROOT + r["github"] + "/pull/" + str(pr_number) repository = r break if repository is None: self.log( logging.ERROR, "unrecognized_repo", {}, "The pull request URL was not recognized; add it to the list of " "recognized repos in PR_REPOSITORIES in %s" % __file__, ) sys.exit(1) self.log( logging.INFO, "import_pr", {"pr_url": pull_request}, "Attempting to import {pr_url}", ) dirty = [ f for f in self.repository.get_changed_files(mode="all") if f.startswith(repository["path"]) ] if dirty: self.log( logging.ERROR, "dirty_tree", repository, "Local {path} tree is dirty; aborting!", ) sys.exit(1) target_dir = mozpath.join(self.topsrcdir, os.path.normpath(repository["path"])) if bug_number is None: if bugzilla_token is None: self.log( logging.WARNING, "no_token", {}, "No bug number or bugzilla API token provided; bug number will not " "be added to commit messages.", ) else: bug_number = self._file_bug(bugzilla_token, repository, pr_number) elif bugzilla_token is not None: self.log( logging.WARNING, "too_much_bug", {}, "Providing a bugzilla token is unnecessary when a bug number is provided. " "Using bug number; ignoring token.", ) pr_patch = requests.get(pull_request + ".patch") pr_patch.raise_for_status() for patch in self._split_patches( pr_patch.content, bug_number, pull_request, reviewer ): self.log( logging.INFO, "commit_msg", patch, "Processing commit [{commit_summary}] by [{author}] at [{date}]", ) patch_cmd = subprocess.Popen( ["patch", "-p1", "-s"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=target_dir ) patch_cmd.stdin.write(patch["diff"].encode("utf-8")) patch_cmd.stdin.close() patch_cmd.wait() if patch_cmd.returncode != 0: self.log( logging.ERROR, "commit_fail", {}, 'Error applying diff from commit via "patch -p1 -s". Aborting...', ) sys.exit(patch_cmd.returncode) self.repository.commit( patch["commit_msg"], patch["author"], patch["date"], [target_dir] ) self.log(logging.INFO, "commit_pass", {}, "Committed successfully.") def _file_bug(self, token, repo, pr_number): import requests bug = requests.post( "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/rest/bug?api_key=%s" % token, json={ "product": repo["bugzilla_product"], "component": repo["bugzilla_component"], "summary": "Land %s#%s in mozilla-central" % (repo["github"], pr_number), "version": "unspecified", }, ) bug.raise_for_status() self.log(logging.DEBUG, "new_bug", {}, bug.content) bugnumber = json.loads(bug.content)["id"] self.log( logging.INFO, "new_bug", {"bugnumber": bugnumber}, "Filed bug {bugnumber}" ) return bugnumber def _split_patches(self, patchfile, bug_number, pull_request, reviewer): INITIAL = 0 HEADERS = 1 STAT_AND_DIFF = 2 patch = b"" state = INITIAL for line in patchfile.splitlines(): if state == INITIAL: if line.startswith(b"From "): state = HEADERS elif state == HEADERS: patch += line + b"\n" if line == b"---": state = STAT_AND_DIFF elif state == STAT_AND_DIFF: if line.startswith(b"From "): yield self._parse_patch(patch, bug_number, pull_request, reviewer) patch = b"" state = HEADERS else: patch += line + b"\n" if len(patch) > 0: yield self._parse_patch(patch, bug_number, pull_request, reviewer) return def _parse_patch(self, patch, bug_number, pull_request, reviewer): import email from email import ( header, policy, ) parse_policy = policy.compat32.clone(max_line_length=None) parsed_mail = email.message_from_bytes(patch, policy=parse_policy) def header_as_unicode(key): decoded = header.decode_header(parsed_mail[key]) return str(header.make_header(decoded)) author = header_as_unicode("From") date = header_as_unicode("Date") commit_summary = header_as_unicode("Subject") email_body = parsed_mail.get_payload(decode=True).decode("utf-8") (commit_body, diff) = ("\n" + email_body).rsplit("\n---\n", 1) bug_prefix = "" if bug_number is not None: bug_prefix = "Bug %s - " % bug_number commit_summary = re.sub(r"^\[PATCH[0-9 /]*\] ", bug_prefix, commit_summary) if reviewer is not None: commit_summary += " r=" + reviewer commit_msg = commit_summary + "\n" if len(commit_body) > 0: commit_msg += commit_body + "\n" commit_msg += "\n[import_pr] From " + pull_request + "\n" patch_obj = { "author": author, "date": date, "commit_summary": commit_summary, "commit_msg": commit_msg, "diff": diff, } return patch_obj