/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #include #include "nsWindow.h" #include "nsScreenManager.h" #include "nsAppShell.h" #include "nsWidgetsCID.h" #include "nsGfxCIID.h" #include "gfxQuartzSurface.h" #include "gfxUtils.h" #include "gfxImageSurface.h" #include "gfxContext.h" #include "nsRegion.h" #include "Layers.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h" #include "mozilla/TouchEvents.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MouseEventBinding.h" #include "GeckoProfiler.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::layers; #define ALOG(args...) \ fprintf(stderr, args); \ fprintf(stderr, "\n") static LayoutDeviceIntPoint UIKitPointsToDevPixels(CGPoint aPoint, CGFloat aBackingScale) { return LayoutDeviceIntPoint(NSToIntRound(aPoint.x * aBackingScale), NSToIntRound(aPoint.y * aBackingScale)); } static CGRect DevPixelsToUIKitPoints(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect, CGFloat aBackingScale) { return CGRectMake((CGFloat)aRect.x / aBackingScale, (CGFloat)aRect.y / aBackingScale, (CGFloat)aRect.width / aBackingScale, (CGFloat)aRect.height / aBackingScale); } // Used to retain a Cocoa object for the remainder of a method's execution. class nsAutoRetainUIKitObject { public: nsAutoRetainUIKitObject(id anObject) { mObject = [anObject retain]; } ~nsAutoRetainUIKitObject() { [mObject release]; } private: id mObject; // [STRONG] }; @interface ChildView : UIView { @public nsWindow* mGeckoChild; // weak ref BOOL mWaitingForPaint; CFMutableDictionaryRef mTouches; int mNextTouchID; } // sets up our view, attaching it to its owning gecko view - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)inFrame geckoChild:(nsWindow*)inChild; // Our Gecko child was Destroy()ed - (void)widgetDestroyed; // Tear down this ChildView - (void)delayedTearDown; - (void)sendMouseEvent:(EventMessage)aType point:(LayoutDeviceIntPoint)aPoint widget:(nsWindow*)aWindow; - (void)handleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)sender; - (BOOL)isUsingMainThreadOpenGL; - (void)drawUsingOpenGL; - (void)drawUsingOpenGLCallback; - (void)sendTouchEvent:(EventMessage)aType touches:(NSSet*)aTouches widget:(nsWindow*)aWindow; // Event handling (UIResponder) - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event; - (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event; - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event; - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event; @end @implementation ChildView + (Class)layerClass { return [CAEAGLLayer class]; } - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)inFrame geckoChild:(nsWindow*)inChild { self.multipleTouchEnabled = YES; if ((self = [super initWithFrame:inFrame])) { mGeckoChild = inChild; } ALOG("[ChildView[%p] initWithFrame:] (mGeckoChild = %p)", (void*)self, (void*)mGeckoChild); self.opaque = YES; self.alpha = 1.0; UITapGestureRecognizer* tapRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleTap:)]; tapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1; [self addGestureRecognizer:tapRecognizer]; mTouches = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, nullptr, nullptr); mNextTouchID = 0; return self; } - (void)widgetDestroyed { mGeckoChild = nullptr; CFRelease(mTouches); } - (void)delayedTearDown { [self removeFromSuperview]; [self release]; } - (void)sendMouseEvent:(EventMessage)aType point:(LayoutDeviceIntPoint)aPoint widget:(nsWindow*)aWindow { WidgetMouseEvent event(true, aType, aWindow, WidgetMouseEvent::eReal, WidgetMouseEvent::eNormal); event.mRefPoint = aPoint; event.mClickCount = 1; event.button = MouseButton::ePrimary; event.mTime = PR_IntervalNow(); event.inputSource = MouseEvent_Binding::MOZ_SOURCE_UNKNOWN; nsEventStatus status; aWindow->DispatchEvent(&event, status); } - (void)handleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)sender { if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) { ALOG("[ChildView[%p] handleTap]", self); LayoutDeviceIntPoint lp = UIKitPointsToDevPixels([sender locationInView:self], [self contentScaleFactor]); [self sendMouseEvent:eMouseMove point:lp widget:mGeckoChild]; [self sendMouseEvent:eMouseDown point:lp widget:mGeckoChild]; [self sendMouseEvent:eMouseUp point:lp widget:mGeckoChild]; } } - (void)sendTouchEvent:(EventMessage)aType touches:(NSSet*)aTouches widget:(nsWindow*)aWindow { WidgetTouchEvent event(true, aType, aWindow); // XXX: I think nativeEvent.timestamp * 1000 is probably usable here but // I don't care that much right now. event.mTime = PR_IntervalNow(); event.mTouches.SetCapacity(aTouches.count); for (UITouch* touch in aTouches) { LayoutDeviceIntPoint loc = UIKitPointsToDevPixels([touch locationInView:self], [self contentScaleFactor]); LayoutDeviceIntPoint radius = UIKitPointsToDevPixels([touch majorRadius], [touch majorRadius]); void* value; if (!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(mTouches, touch, (const void**)&value)) { // This shouldn't happen. NS_ASSERTION(false, "Got a touch that we didn't know about"); continue; } int id = reinterpret_cast(value); RefPtr t = new Touch(id, loc, radius, 0.0f, 1.0f); event.mRefPoint = loc; event.mTouches.AppendElement(t); } aWindow->DispatchInputEvent(&event); } - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { ALOG("[ChildView[%p] touchesBegan", self); if (!mGeckoChild) return; for (UITouch* touch : touches) { CFDictionaryAddValue(mTouches, touch, (void*)mNextTouchID); mNextTouchID++; } [self sendTouchEvent:eTouchStart touches:[event allTouches] widget:mGeckoChild]; } - (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { ALOG("[ChildView[%p] touchesCancelled", self); [self sendTouchEvent:eTouchCancel touches:touches widget:mGeckoChild]; for (UITouch* touch : touches) { CFDictionaryRemoveValue(mTouches, touch); } if (CFDictionaryGetCount(mTouches) == 0) { mNextTouchID = 0; } } - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { ALOG("[ChildView[%p] touchesEnded", self); if (!mGeckoChild) return; [self sendTouchEvent:eTouchEnd touches:touches widget:mGeckoChild]; for (UITouch* touch : touches) { CFDictionaryRemoveValue(mTouches, touch); } if (CFDictionaryGetCount(mTouches) == 0) { mNextTouchID = 0; } } - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event { ALOG("[ChildView[%p] touchesMoved", self); if (!mGeckoChild) return; [self sendTouchEvent:eTouchMove touches:[event allTouches] widget:mGeckoChild]; } - (void)setNeedsDisplayInRect:(CGRect)aRect { if ([self isUsingMainThreadOpenGL]) { // Draw without calling drawRect. This prevent us from // needing to access the normal window buffer surface unnecessarily, so we // waste less time synchronizing the two surfaces. if (!mWaitingForPaint) { mWaitingForPaint = YES; // Use NSRunLoopCommonModes instead of the default NSDefaultRunLoopMode // so that the timer also fires while a native menu is open. [self performSelector:@selector(drawUsingOpenGLCallback) withObject:nil afterDelay:0 inModes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSRunLoopCommonModes]]; } } } - (BOOL)isUsingMainThreadOpenGL { if (!mGeckoChild || ![self window]) return NO; return mGeckoChild->GetLayerManager(nullptr)->GetBackendType() == mozilla::layers::LayersBackend::LAYERS_OPENGL; } - (void)drawUsingOpenGL { ALOG("drawUsingOpenGL"); AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("ChildView::drawUsingOpenGL", OTHER); if (!mGeckoChild->IsVisible()) return; mWaitingForPaint = NO; LayoutDeviceIntRect geckoBounds = mGeckoChild->GetBounds(); LayoutDeviceIntRegion region(geckoBounds); mGeckoChild->PaintWindow(region); } // Called asynchronously after setNeedsDisplay in order to avoid entering the // normal drawing machinery. - (void)drawUsingOpenGLCallback { if (mWaitingForPaint) { [self drawUsingOpenGL]; } } // The display system has told us that a portion of our view is dirty. Tell // gecko to paint it - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)aRect { CGContextRef cgContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); [self drawRect:aRect inContext:cgContext]; } - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)aRect inContext:(CGContextRef)aContext { #ifdef DEBUG_UPDATE LayoutDeviceIntRect geckoBounds = mGeckoChild->GetBounds(); fprintf(stderr, "---- Update[%p][%p] [%f %f %f %f] cgc: %p\n gecko bounds: [%d %d %d %d]\n", self, mGeckoChild, aRect.origin.x, aRect.origin.y, aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height, aContext, geckoBounds.x, geckoBounds.y, geckoBounds.width, geckoBounds.height); CGAffineTransform xform = CGContextGetCTM(aContext); fprintf(stderr, " xform in: [%f %f %f %f %f %f]\n", xform.a, xform.b, xform.c, xform.d, xform.tx, xform.ty); #endif if (true) { // For Gecko-initiated repaints in OpenGL mode, drawUsingOpenGL is // directly called from a delayed perform callback - without going through // drawRect. // Paints that come through here are triggered by something that Cocoa // controls, for example by window resizing or window focus changes. // Do GL composition and return. [self drawUsingOpenGL]; return; } AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("ChildView::drawRect", OTHER); // The CGContext that drawRect supplies us with comes with a transform that // scales one user space unit to one Cocoa point, which can consist of // multiple dev pixels. But Gecko expects its supplied context to be scaled // to device pixels, so we need to reverse the scaling. double scale = mGeckoChild->BackingScaleFactor(); CGContextSaveGState(aContext); CGContextScaleCTM(aContext, 1.0 / scale, 1.0 / scale); CGSize viewSize = [self bounds].size; gfx::IntSize backingSize(viewSize.width * scale, viewSize.height * scale); CGContextSaveGState(aContext); LayoutDeviceIntRegion region = LayoutDeviceIntRect( NSToIntRound(aRect.origin.x * scale), NSToIntRound(aRect.origin.y * scale), NSToIntRound(aRect.size.width * scale), NSToIntRound(aRect.size.height * scale)); // Create Cairo objects. RefPtr targetSurface; RefPtr targetContext; if (gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->SupportsAzureContentForType(gfx::BackendType::CAIRO)) { // This is dead code unless you mess with prefs, but keep it around for // debugging. targetSurface = new gfxQuartzSurface(aContext, backingSize); targetSurface->SetAllowUseAsSource(false); RefPtr dt = gfxPlatform::CreateDrawTargetForSurface(targetSurface, backingSize); if (!dt || !dt->IsValid()) { gfxDevCrash(mozilla::gfx::LogReason::InvalidContext) << "Window context problem 2 " << backingSize; return; } dt->AddUserData(&gfxContext::sDontUseAsSourceKey, dt, nullptr); targetContext = gfxContext::CreateOrNull(dt); } else { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("COREGRAPHICS is the only supported backend"); } MOZ_ASSERT(targetContext); // already checked for valid draw targets above // Set up the clip region. targetContext->NewPath(); for (auto iter = region.RectIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { const LayoutDeviceIntRect& r = iter.Get(); targetContext->Rectangle(gfxRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height)); } targetContext->Clip(); // nsAutoRetainCocoaObject kungFuDeathGrip(self); bool painted = false; if (mGeckoChild->GetLayerManager()->GetBackendType() == LayersBackend::LAYERS_BASIC) { nsBaseWidget::AutoLayerManagerSetup setupLayerManager(mGeckoChild, targetContext, BufferMode::BUFFER_NONE); painted = mGeckoChild->PaintWindow(region); } else if (mGeckoChild->GetLayerManager()->GetBackendType() == LayersBackend::LAYERS_CLIENT) { // We only need this so that we actually get DidPaintWindow fired painted = mGeckoChild->PaintWindow(region); } targetContext = nullptr; targetSurface = nullptr; CGContextRestoreGState(aContext); // Undo the scale transform so that from now on the context is in // CocoaPoints again. CGContextRestoreGState(aContext); if (!painted && [self isOpaque]) { // Gecko refused to draw, but we've claimed to be opaque, so we have to // draw something--fill with white. CGContextSetRGBFillColor(aContext, 1, 1, 1, 1); CGContextFillRect(aContext, aRect); } #ifdef DEBUG_UPDATE fprintf(stderr, "---- update done ----\n"); # if 0 CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor (aContext, ((((unsigned long)self) & 0xff)) / 255.0, ((((unsigned long)self) & 0xff00) >> 8) / 255.0, ((((unsigned long)self) & 0xff0000) >> 16) / 255.0, 0.5); # endif CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(aContext, 1, 0, 0, 0.8); CGContextSetLineWidth(aContext, 4.0); CGContextStrokeRect(aContext, aRect); #endif } @end nsWindow::nsWindow() : mNativeView(nullptr), mVisible(false), mParent(nullptr) {} nsWindow::~nsWindow() { [mNativeView widgetDestroyed]; // Safe if mNativeView is nil. TearDownView(); // Safe if called twice. } void nsWindow::TearDownView() { if (!mNativeView) return; [mNativeView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(delayedTearDown) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:false]; mNativeView = nil; } bool nsWindow::IsTopLevel() { return mWindowType == eWindowType_toplevel || mWindowType == eWindowType_dialog || mWindowType == eWindowType_invisible; } // // nsIWidget // nsresult nsWindow::Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent, const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect, nsWidgetInitData* aInitData) { ALOG("nsWindow[%p]::Create %p/%p [%d %d %d %d]", (void*)this, (void*)aParent, (void*)aNativeParent, aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.width, aRect.height); nsWindow* parent = (nsWindow*)aParent; ChildView* nativeParent = (ChildView*)aNativeParent; if (parent == nullptr && nativeParent) parent = nativeParent->mGeckoChild; if (parent && nativeParent == nullptr) nativeParent = parent->mNativeView; // for toplevel windows, bounds are fixed to full screen size if (parent == nullptr) { if (nsAppShell::gWindow == nil) { mBounds = UIKitScreenManager::GetBounds(); } else { CGRect cgRect = [nsAppShell::gWindow bounds]; mBounds.x = cgRect.origin.x; mBounds.y = cgRect.origin.y; mBounds.width = cgRect.size.width; mBounds.height = cgRect.size.height; } } else { mBounds = aRect; } ALOG("nsWindow[%p]::Create bounds: %d %d %d %d", (void*)this, mBounds.x, mBounds.y, mBounds.width, mBounds.height); // Set defaults which can be overriden from aInitData in BaseCreate mWindowType = eWindowType_toplevel; mBorderStyle = eBorderStyle_default; Inherited::BaseCreate(aParent, aInitData); NS_ASSERTION(IsTopLevel() || parent, "non top level window doesn't have a parent!"); mNativeView = [[ChildView alloc] initWithFrame:DevPixelsToUIKitPoints(mBounds, BackingScaleFactor()) geckoChild:this]; mNativeView.hidden = YES; if (parent) { parent->mChildren.AppendElement(this); mParent = parent; } if (nativeParent) { [nativeParent addSubview:mNativeView]; } else if (nsAppShell::gWindow) { [nsAppShell::gWindow.rootViewController.view addSubview:mNativeView]; } else { [nsAppShell::gTopLevelViews addObject:mNativeView]; } return NS_OK; } void nsWindow::Destroy() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mChildren.Length(); ++i) { // why do we still have children? mChildren[i]->SetParent(nullptr); } if (mParent) mParent->mChildren.RemoveElement(this); [mNativeView widgetDestroyed]; nsBaseWidget::Destroy(); // ReportDestroyEvent(); TearDownView(); nsBaseWidget::OnDestroy(); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsWindow::ConfigureChildren(const nsTArray& config) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < config.Length(); ++i) { nsWindow* childWin = (nsWindow*)config[i].mChild.get(); childWin->Resize(config[i].mBounds.x, config[i].mBounds.y, config[i].mBounds.width, config[i].mBounds.height, false); } return NS_OK; } void nsWindow::Show(bool aState) { if (aState != mVisible) { mNativeView.hidden = aState ? NO : YES; if (aState) { UIView* parentView = mParent ? mParent->mNativeView : nsAppShell::gWindow.rootViewController.view; [parentView bringSubviewToFront:mNativeView]; [mNativeView setNeedsDisplay]; } mVisible = aState; } } void nsWindow::Move(double aX, double aY) { if (!mNativeView || (mBounds.x == aX && mBounds.y == aY)) return; // XXX: handle this // The point we have is in Gecko coordinates (origin top-left). Convert // it to Cocoa ones (origin bottom-left). mBounds.x = aX; mBounds.y = aY; mNativeView.frame = DevPixelsToUIKitPoints(mBounds, BackingScaleFactor()); if (mVisible) [mNativeView setNeedsDisplay]; ReportMoveEvent(); } void nsWindow::Resize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) { BOOL isMoving = (mBounds.x != aX || mBounds.y != aY); BOOL isResizing = (mBounds.width != aWidth || mBounds.height != aHeight); if (!mNativeView || (!isMoving && !isResizing)) return; if (isMoving) { mBounds.x = aX; mBounds.y = aY; } if (isResizing) { mBounds.width = aWidth; mBounds.height = aHeight; } [mNativeView setFrame:DevPixelsToUIKitPoints(mBounds, BackingScaleFactor())]; if (mVisible && aRepaint) [mNativeView setNeedsDisplay]; if (isMoving) ReportMoveEvent(); if (isResizing) ReportSizeEvent(); } void nsWindow::Resize(double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) { if (!mNativeView || (mBounds.width == aWidth && mBounds.height == aHeight)) return; mBounds.width = aWidth; mBounds.height = aHeight; [mNativeView setFrame:DevPixelsToUIKitPoints(mBounds, BackingScaleFactor())]; if (mVisible && aRepaint) [mNativeView setNeedsDisplay]; ReportSizeEvent(); } void nsWindow::SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode aMode) { if (aMode == static_cast(mSizeMode)) { return; } mSizeMode = static_cast(aMode); if (aMode == nsSizeMode_Maximized || aMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen) { // Resize to fill screen nsBaseWidget::InfallibleMakeFullScreen(true); } ReportSizeModeEvent(aMode); } void nsWindow::Invalidate(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect) { if (!mNativeView || !mVisible) return; MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(GetLayerManager()->GetBackendType() != LayersBackend::LAYERS_CLIENT, "Shouldn't need to invalidate with accelerated OMTC layers!"); [mNativeView setNeedsLayout]; [mNativeView setNeedsDisplayInRect:DevPixelsToUIKitPoints(mBounds, BackingScaleFactor())]; } void nsWindow::SetFocus(Raise) { [[mNativeView window] makeKeyWindow]; [mNativeView becomeFirstResponder]; } void nsWindow::WillPaintWindow() { if (mWidgetListener) { mWidgetListener->WillPaintWindow(this); } } bool nsWindow::PaintWindow(LayoutDeviceIntRegion aRegion) { if (!mWidgetListener) return false; bool returnValue = false; returnValue = mWidgetListener->PaintWindow(this, aRegion); if (mWidgetListener) { mWidgetListener->DidPaintWindow(); } return returnValue; } void nsWindow::ReportMoveEvent() { NotifyWindowMoved(mBounds.x, mBounds.y); } void nsWindow::ReportSizeModeEvent(nsSizeMode aMode) { if (mWidgetListener) { // This is terrible. nsSizeMode theMode; switch (aMode) { case nsSizeMode_Maximized: theMode = nsSizeMode_Maximized; break; case nsSizeMode_Fullscreen: theMode = nsSizeMode_Fullscreen; break; default: return; } mWidgetListener->SizeModeChanged(theMode); } } void nsWindow::ReportSizeEvent() { if (mWidgetListener) { LayoutDeviceIntRect innerBounds = GetClientBounds(); mWidgetListener->WindowResized(this, innerBounds.width, innerBounds.height); } } LayoutDeviceIntRect nsWindow::GetScreenBounds() { return LayoutDeviceIntRect(WidgetToScreenOffset(), mBounds.Size()); } LayoutDeviceIntPoint nsWindow::WidgetToScreenOffset() { LayoutDeviceIntPoint offset(0, 0); if (mParent) { offset = mParent->WidgetToScreenOffset(); } CGPoint temp = [mNativeView convertPoint:temp toView:nil]; if (!mParent && nsAppShell::gWindow) { // convert to screen coords temp = [nsAppShell::gWindow convertPoint:temp toWindow:nil]; } offset.x += temp.x; offset.y += temp.y; return offset; } nsresult nsWindow::DispatchEvent(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, nsEventStatus& aStatus) { aStatus = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; nsCOMPtr kungFuDeathGrip(aEvent->mWidget); if (mWidgetListener) aStatus = mWidgetListener->HandleEvent(aEvent, mUseAttachedEvents); return NS_OK; } void nsWindow::SetInputContext(const InputContext& aContext, const InputContextAction& aAction) { // TODO: actually show VKB mInputContext = aContext; } mozilla::widget::InputContext nsWindow::GetInputContext() { return mInputContext; } void nsWindow::SetBackgroundColor(const nscolor& aColor) { mNativeView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:NS_GET_R(aColor) green:NS_GET_G(aColor) blue:NS_GET_B(aColor) alpha:NS_GET_A(aColor)]; } void* nsWindow::GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType) { void* retVal = nullptr; switch (aDataType) { case NS_NATIVE_WIDGET: case NS_NATIVE_DISPLAY: retVal = (void*)mNativeView; break; case NS_NATIVE_WINDOW: retVal = [mNativeView window]; break; case NS_NATIVE_GRAPHIC: NS_ERROR("Requesting NS_NATIVE_GRAPHIC on a UIKit child view!"); break; case NS_NATIVE_OFFSETX: retVal = 0; break; case NS_NATIVE_OFFSETY: retVal = 0; break; case NS_NATIVE_PLUGIN_PORT: // not implemented break; case NS_RAW_NATIVE_IME_CONTEXT: retVal = GetPseudoIMEContext(); if (retVal) { break; } retVal = NS_ONLY_ONE_NATIVE_IME_CONTEXT; break; } return retVal; } CGFloat nsWindow::BackingScaleFactor() { if (mNativeView) { return [mNativeView contentScaleFactor]; } return [UIScreen mainScreen].scale; } int32_t nsWindow::RoundsWidgetCoordinatesTo() { if (BackingScaleFactor() == 2.0) { return 2; } return 1; } already_AddRefed nsIWidget::CreateTopLevelWindow() { nsCOMPtr window = new nsWindow(); return window.forget(); } already_AddRefed nsIWidget::CreateChildWindow() { nsCOMPtr window = new nsWindow(); return window.forget(); }