/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=4 et : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "prthread.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsICrashReporter.h" #include "nsMemory.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "mozilla/CondVar.h" #include "mozilla/RecursiveMutex.h" #include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h" #include "mozilla/Mutex.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" using namespace mozilla; // The code in this file is also used by // storage/test/gtest/test_deadlock_detector.cpp. The following two macros are // used to provide the necessary differentiation between this file and that // file. #ifndef MUTEX # define MUTEX mozilla::Mutex #endif #ifndef TESTNAME # define TESTNAME(name) XPCOM##name #endif static PRThread* spawn(void (*run)(void*), void* arg) { return PR_CreateThread(PR_SYSTEM_THREAD, run, arg, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_JOINABLE_THREAD, 0); } // This global variable is defined in toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp. extern unsigned int _gdb_sleep_duration; /** * Simple test fixture that makes sure the gdb sleep setup in the * ah crap handler is bypassed during the death tests. */ class TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest) : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() final { mOldSleepDuration = ::_gdb_sleep_duration; ::_gdb_sleep_duration = 0; } void TearDown() final { ::_gdb_sleep_duration = mOldSleepDuration; } private: unsigned int mOldSleepDuration; }; static void DisableCrashReporter() { nsCOMPtr crashreporter = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/toolkit/crash-reporter;1"); if (crashreporter) { crashreporter->SetEnabled(false); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Single-threaded sanity tests // Stupidest possible deadlock. static int Sanity_Child() { DisableCrashReporter(); MUTEX m1("dd.sanity.m1"); m1.Lock(); m1.Lock(); return 0; // not reached } TEST_F(TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest), TESTNAME(SanityDeathTest)) { const char* const regex = "###!!! ERROR: Potential deadlock detected.*" "=== Cyclical dependency starts at.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity.m1.*" "=== Cycle completed at.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity.m1.*" "###!!! Deadlock may happen NOW!.*" // better catch these easy cases... "###!!! ASSERTION: Potential deadlock detected.*"; ASSERT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(Sanity_Child(), regex); } // Slightly less stupid deadlock. static int Sanity2_Child() { DisableCrashReporter(); MUTEX m1("dd.sanity2.m1"); MUTEX m2("dd.sanity2.m2"); m1.Lock(); m2.Lock(); m1.Lock(); return 0; // not reached } TEST_F(TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest), TESTNAME(Sanity2DeathTest)) { const char* const regex = "###!!! ERROR: Potential deadlock detected.*" "=== Cyclical dependency starts at.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity2.m1.*" "--- Next dependency:.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity2.m2.*" "=== Cycle completed at.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity2.m1.*" "###!!! Deadlock may happen NOW!.*" // better catch these easy cases... "###!!! ASSERTION: Potential deadlock detected.*"; ASSERT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(Sanity2_Child(), regex); } #if 0 // Temporarily disabled, see bug 1370644. int Sanity3_Child() { DisableCrashReporter(); MUTEX m1("dd.sanity3.m1"); MUTEX m2("dd.sanity3.m2"); MUTEX m3("dd.sanity3.m3"); MUTEX m4("dd.sanity3.m4"); m1.Lock(); m2.Lock(); m3.Lock(); m4.Lock(); m4.Unlock(); m3.Unlock(); m2.Unlock(); m1.Unlock(); m4.Lock(); m1.Lock(); return 0; } TEST_F(TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest), TESTNAME(Sanity3DeathTest)) { const char* const regex = "###!!! ERROR: Potential deadlock detected.*" "=== Cyclical dependency starts at.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity3.m1.*" "--- Next dependency:.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity3.m2.*" "--- Next dependency:.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity3.m3.*" "--- Next dependency:.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity3.m4.*" "=== Cycle completed at.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity3.m1.*" "###!!! ASSERTION: Potential deadlock detected.*"; ASSERT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(Sanity3_Child(), regex); } #endif static int Sanity4_Child() { DisableCrashReporter(); mozilla::ReentrantMonitor m1("dd.sanity4.m1"); MUTEX m2("dd.sanity4.m2"); m1.Enter(); m2.Lock(); m1.Enter(); return 0; } TEST_F(TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest), TESTNAME(Sanity4DeathTest)) { const char* const regex = "Re-entering ReentrantMonitor after acquiring other resources.*" "###!!! ERROR: Potential deadlock detected.*" "=== Cyclical dependency starts at.*--- ReentrantMonitor : " "dd.sanity4.m1.*" "--- Next dependency:.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity4.m2.*" "=== Cycle completed at.*--- ReentrantMonitor : dd.sanity4.m1.*" "###!!! ASSERTION: Potential deadlock detected.*"; ASSERT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(Sanity4_Child(), regex); } static int Sanity5_Child() { DisableCrashReporter(); mozilla::RecursiveMutex m1("dd.sanity4.m1"); MUTEX m2("dd.sanity4.m2"); m1.Lock(); m2.Lock(); m1.Lock(); return 0; } #if !defined(DISABLE_STORAGE_SANITY5_DEATH_TEST) TEST_F(TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest), TESTNAME(Sanity5DeathTest)) { const char* const regex = "Re-entering RecursiveMutex after acquiring other resources.*" "###!!! ERROR: Potential deadlock detected.*" "=== Cyclical dependency starts at.*--- RecursiveMutex : dd.sanity4.m1.*" "--- Next dependency:.*--- Mutex : dd.sanity4.m2.*" "=== Cycle completed at.*--- RecursiveMutex : dd.sanity4.m1.*" "###!!! ASSERTION: Potential deadlock detected.*"; ASSERT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(Sanity5_Child(), regex); } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Multithreaded tests /** * Helper for passing state to threads in the multithread tests. */ struct ThreadState { /** * Locks to use during the test. This is just a reference and is owned by * the main test thread. */ const nsTArray& locks; /** * Integer argument used to identify each thread. */ int id; }; #if 0 // Temporarily disabled, see bug 1370644. static void TwoThreads_thread(void* arg) { ThreadState* state = static_cast(arg); MUTEX* ttM1 = state->locks[0]; MUTEX* ttM2 = state->locks[1]; if (state->id) { ttM1->Lock(); ttM2->Lock(); ttM2->Unlock(); ttM1->Unlock(); } else { ttM2->Lock(); ttM1->Lock(); ttM1->Unlock(); ttM2->Unlock(); } } int TwoThreads_Child() { DisableCrashReporter(); nsTArray locks = { new MUTEX("dd.twothreads.m1"), new MUTEX("dd.twothreads.m2") }; ThreadState state_1 {locks, 0}; PRThread* t1 = spawn(TwoThreads_thread, &state_1); PR_JoinThread(t1); ThreadState state_2 {locks, 1}; PRThread* t2 = spawn(TwoThreads_thread, &state_2); PR_JoinThread(t2); for (auto& lock : locks) { delete lock; } return 0; } TEST_F(TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest), TESTNAME(TwoThreadsDeathTest)) { const char* const regex = "###!!! ERROR: Potential deadlock detected.*" "=== Cyclical dependency starts at.*--- Mutex : dd.twothreads.m2.*" "--- Next dependency:.*--- Mutex : dd.twothreads.m1.*" "=== Cycle completed at.*--- Mutex : dd.twothreads.m2.*" "###!!! ASSERTION: Potential deadlock detected.*"; ASSERT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(TwoThreads_Child(), regex); } #endif static void ContentionNoDeadlock_thread(void* arg) { const uint32_t K = 100000; ThreadState* state = static_cast(arg); int32_t starti = static_cast(state->id); auto& cndMs = state->locks; for (uint32_t k = 0; k < K; ++k) { for (int32_t i = starti; i < (int32_t)cndMs.Length(); ++i) cndMs[i]->Lock(); // comment out the next two lines for deadlocking fun! for (int32_t i = cndMs.Length() - 1; i >= starti; --i) cndMs[i]->Unlock(); starti = (starti + 1) % 3; } } static int ContentionNoDeadlock_Child() { const size_t kMutexCount = 4; PRThread* threads[3]; nsTArray locks; ThreadState states[] = {{locks, 0}, {locks, 1}, {locks, 2}}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMutexCount; ++i) locks.AppendElement(new MUTEX("dd.cnd.ms")); for (int32_t i = 0; i < (int32_t)ArrayLength(threads); ++i) threads[i] = spawn(ContentionNoDeadlock_thread, states + i); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(threads); ++i) PR_JoinThread(threads[i]); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < locks.Length(); ++i) delete locks[i]; return 0; } TEST_F(TESTNAME(DeadlockDetectorTest), TESTNAME(ContentionNoDeadlock)) { // Just check that this test runs to completion. ASSERT_EQ(ContentionNoDeadlock_Child(), 0); }