/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "Helpers.h" #include "mozilla/ReentrantMonitor.h" #include "mozilla/Printf.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsIAsyncInputStream.h" #include "nsIAsyncOutputStream.h" #include "nsIBufferedStreams.h" #include "nsIClassInfo.h" #include "nsICloneableInputStream.h" #include "nsIInputStream.h" #include "nsIOutputStream.h" #include "nsIPipe.h" #include "nsITellableStream.h" #include "nsIThread.h" #include "nsIRunnable.h" #include "nsStreamUtils.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "prinrval.h" using namespace mozilla; #define ITERATIONS 33333 char kTestPattern[] = "My hovercraft is full of eels.\n"; bool gTrace = false; static nsresult WriteAll(nsIOutputStream* os, const char* buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t* lenWritten) { const char* p = buf; *lenWritten = 0; while (bufLen) { uint32_t n; nsresult rv = os->Write(p, bufLen, &n); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; p += n; bufLen -= n; *lenWritten += n; } return NS_OK; } class nsReceiver final : public Runnable { public: NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsresult rv; char buf[101]; uint32_t count; PRIntervalTime start = PR_IntervalNow(); while (true) { rv = mIn->Read(buf, 100, &count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { printf("read failed\n"); break; } if (count == 0) { // printf("EOF count = %d\n", mCount); break; } if (gTrace) { buf[count] = '\0'; printf("read: %s\n", buf); } mCount += count; } PRIntervalTime end = PR_IntervalNow(); printf("read %d bytes, time = %dms\n", mCount, PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(end - start)); return rv; } explicit nsReceiver(nsIInputStream* in) : Runnable("nsReceiver"), mIn(in), mCount(0) {} uint32_t GetBytesRead() { return mCount; } private: ~nsReceiver() = default; protected: nsCOMPtr mIn; uint32_t mCount; }; static nsresult TestPipe(nsIInputStream* in, nsIOutputStream* out) { RefPtr receiver = new nsReceiver(in); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr thread; rv = NS_NewNamedThread("TestPipe", getter_AddRefs(thread), receiver); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; uint32_t total = 0; PRIntervalTime start = PR_IntervalNow(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { uint32_t writeCount; SmprintfPointer buf = mozilla::Smprintf("%d %s", i, kTestPattern); uint32_t len = strlen(buf.get()); rv = WriteAll(out, buf.get(), len, &writeCount); if (gTrace) { printf("wrote: "); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < writeCount; j++) { putc(buf.get()[j], stdout); } printf("\n"); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; total += writeCount; } rv = out->Close(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; PRIntervalTime end = PR_IntervalNow(); thread->Shutdown(); printf("wrote %d bytes, time = %dms\n", total, PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(end - start)); EXPECT_EQ(receiver->GetBytesRead(), total); return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class nsShortReader final : public Runnable { public: NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsresult rv; char buf[101]; uint32_t count; uint32_t total = 0; while (true) { // if (gTrace) // printf("calling Read\n"); rv = mIn->Read(buf, 100, &count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { printf("read failed\n"); break; } if (count == 0) { break; } if (gTrace) { // For next |printf()| call and possible others elsewhere. buf[count] = '\0'; printf("read %d bytes: %s\n", count, buf); } Received(count); total += count; } printf("read %d bytes\n", total); return rv; } explicit nsShortReader(nsIInputStream* in) : Runnable("nsShortReader"), mIn(in), mReceived(0) { mMon = new ReentrantMonitor("nsShortReader"); } void Received(uint32_t count) { ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(*mMon); mReceived += count; mon.Notify(); } uint32_t WaitForReceipt(const uint32_t aWriteCount) { ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(*mMon); uint32_t result = mReceived; while (result < aWriteCount) { mon.Wait(); EXPECT_TRUE(mReceived > result); result = mReceived; } mReceived = 0; return result; } private: ~nsShortReader() = default; protected: nsCOMPtr mIn; uint32_t mReceived; ReentrantMonitor* mMon; }; static nsresult TestShortWrites(nsIInputStream* in, nsIOutputStream* out) { RefPtr receiver = new nsShortReader(in); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr thread; rv = NS_NewNamedThread("TestShortWrites", getter_AddRefs(thread), receiver); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; uint32_t total = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { uint32_t writeCount; SmprintfPointer buf = mozilla::Smprintf("%d %s", i, kTestPattern); uint32_t len = strlen(buf.get()); len = len * rand() / RAND_MAX; len = std::min(1u, len); rv = WriteAll(out, buf.get(), len, &writeCount); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; EXPECT_EQ(writeCount, len); total += writeCount; if (gTrace) printf("wrote %d bytes: %s\n", writeCount, buf.get()); // printf("calling Flush\n"); out->Flush(); // printf("calling WaitForReceipt\n"); #ifdef DEBUG const uint32_t received = receiver->WaitForReceipt(writeCount); EXPECT_EQ(received, writeCount); #endif } rv = out->Close(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; thread->Shutdown(); printf("wrote %d bytes\n", total); return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class nsPump final : public Runnable { public: NS_IMETHOD Run() override { nsresult rv; uint32_t count; while (true) { rv = mOut->WriteFrom(mIn, ~0U, &count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { printf("Write failed\n"); break; } if (count == 0) { printf("EOF count = %d\n", mCount); break; } if (gTrace) { printf("Wrote: %d\n", count); } mCount += count; } mOut->Close(); return rv; } nsPump(nsIInputStream* in, nsIOutputStream* out) : Runnable("nsPump"), mIn(in), mOut(out), mCount(0) {} private: ~nsPump() = default; protected: nsCOMPtr mIn; nsCOMPtr mOut; uint32_t mCount; }; TEST(Pipes, ChainedPipes) { nsresult rv; if (gTrace) { printf("TestChainedPipes\n"); } nsCOMPtr in1; nsCOMPtr out1; rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(in1), getter_AddRefs(out1), 20, 1999); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; nsCOMPtr in2; nsCOMPtr out2; rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(in2), getter_AddRefs(out2), 200, 401); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; RefPtr pump = new nsPump(in1, out2); if (pump == nullptr) return; nsCOMPtr thread; rv = NS_NewNamedThread("ChainedPipePump", getter_AddRefs(thread), pump); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; RefPtr receiver = new nsReceiver(in2); if (receiver == nullptr) return; nsCOMPtr receiverThread; rv = NS_NewNamedThread("ChainedPipeRecv", getter_AddRefs(receiverThread), receiver); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; uint32_t total = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { uint32_t writeCount; SmprintfPointer buf = mozilla::Smprintf("%d %s", i, kTestPattern); uint32_t len = strlen(buf.get()); len = len * rand() / RAND_MAX; len = std::max(1u, len); rv = WriteAll(out1, buf.get(), len, &writeCount); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; EXPECT_EQ(writeCount, len); total += writeCount; if (gTrace) printf("wrote %d bytes: %s\n", writeCount, buf.get()); } if (gTrace) { printf("wrote total of %d bytes\n", total); } rv = out1->Close(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; thread->Shutdown(); receiverThread->Shutdown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void RunTests(uint32_t segSize, uint32_t segCount) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr in; nsCOMPtr out; uint32_t bufSize = segSize * segCount; if (gTrace) { printf("Testing New Pipes: segment size %d buffer size %d\n", segSize, bufSize); printf("Testing long writes...\n"); } rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(in), getter_AddRefs(out), segSize, bufSize); EXPECT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); rv = TestPipe(in, out); EXPECT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); if (gTrace) { printf("Testing short writes...\n"); } rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(in), getter_AddRefs(out), segSize, bufSize); EXPECT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); rv = TestShortWrites(in, out); EXPECT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); } TEST(Pipes, Main) { RunTests(16, 1); RunTests(4096, 16); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { static const uint32_t DEFAULT_SEGMENT_SIZE = 4 * 1024; // An alternate pipe testing routing that uses NS_ConsumeStream() instead of // manual read loop. static void TestPipe2(uint32_t aNumBytes, uint32_t aSegmentSize = DEFAULT_SEGMENT_SIZE) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; uint32_t maxSize = std::max(aNumBytes, aSegmentSize); nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), aSegmentSize, maxSize); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(aNumBytes, inputData); testing::WriteAllAndClose(writer, inputData); testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(reader, inputData); } } // namespace TEST(Pipes, Blocking_32k) { TestPipe2(32 * 1024); } TEST(Pipes, Blocking_64k) { TestPipe2(64 * 1024); } TEST(Pipes, Blocking_128k) { TestPipe2(128 * 1024); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { // Utility routine to validate pipe clone before. There are many knobs. // // aTotalBytes Total number of bytes to write to the pipe. // aNumWrites How many separate write calls should be made. Bytes // are evenly distributed over these write calls. // aNumInitialClones How many clones of the pipe input stream should be // made before writing begins. // aNumToCloseAfterWrite How many streams should be closed after each write. // One stream is always kept open. This verifies that // closing one stream does not effect other open // streams. // aNumToCloneAfterWrite How many clones to create after each write. Occurs // after closing any streams. This tests cloning // active streams on a pipe that is being written to. // aNumStreamToReadPerWrite How many streams to read fully after each write. // This tests reading cloned streams at different rates // while the pipe is being written to. static void TestPipeClone(uint32_t aTotalBytes, uint32_t aNumWrites, uint32_t aNumInitialClones, uint32_t aNumToCloseAfterWrite, uint32_t aNumToCloneAfterWrite, uint32_t aNumStreamsToReadPerWrite, uint32_t aSegmentSize = DEFAULT_SEGMENT_SIZE) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; uint32_t maxSize = std::max(aTotalBytes, aSegmentSize); // Use async input streams so we can NS_ConsumeStream() the current data // while the pipe is still being written to. nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), aSegmentSize, maxSize, true, false); // non-blocking - reader, writer ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr cloneable = do_QueryInterface(reader); ASSERT_TRUE(cloneable); ASSERT_TRUE(cloneable->GetCloneable()); nsTArray outputDataList; nsTArray> streamList; // first stream is our original reader from the pipe streamList.AppendElement(reader); outputDataList.AppendElement(); // Clone the initial input stream the specified number of times // before performing any writes. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aNumInitialClones; ++i) { nsCOMPtr* clone = streamList.AppendElement(); rv = cloneable->Clone(getter_AddRefs(*clone)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_TRUE(*clone); outputDataList.AppendElement(); } nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(aTotalBytes, inputData); const uint32_t bytesPerWrite = ((aTotalBytes - 1) / aNumWrites) + 1; uint32_t offset = 0; uint32_t remaining = aTotalBytes; uint32_t nextStreamToRead = 0; while (remaining) { uint32_t numToWrite = std::min(bytesPerWrite, remaining); testing::Write(writer, inputData, offset, numToWrite); offset += numToWrite; remaining -= numToWrite; // Close the specified number of streams. This allows us to // test that one closed clone does not break other open clones. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aNumToCloseAfterWrite && streamList.Length() > 1; ++i) { uint32_t lastIndex = streamList.Length() - 1; streamList[lastIndex]->Close(); streamList.RemoveElementAt(lastIndex); outputDataList.RemoveElementAt(lastIndex); if (nextStreamToRead >= streamList.Length()) { nextStreamToRead = 0; } } // Create the specified number of clones. This lets us verify // that we can create clones in the middle of pipe reading and // writing. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aNumToCloneAfterWrite; ++i) { nsCOMPtr* clone = streamList.AppendElement(); rv = cloneable->Clone(getter_AddRefs(*clone)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_TRUE(*clone); // Initialize the new output data to make whats been read to data for // the original stream. First stream is always the original stream. nsCString* outputData = outputDataList.AppendElement(); *outputData = outputDataList[0]; } // Read the specified number of streams. This lets us verify that we // can read from the clones at different rates while the pipe is being // written to. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aNumStreamsToReadPerWrite; ++i) { nsCOMPtr& stream = streamList[nextStreamToRead]; nsCString& outputData = outputDataList[nextStreamToRead]; // Can't use ConsumeAndValidateStream() here because we're not // guaranteed the exact amount read. It should just be at least // as many as numToWrite. nsAutoCString tmpOutputData; rv = NS_ConsumeStream(stream, UINT32_MAX, tmpOutputData); ASSERT_TRUE(rv == NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_GE(tmpOutputData.Length(), numToWrite); outputData += tmpOutputData; nextStreamToRead += 1; if (nextStreamToRead >= streamList.Length()) { // Note: When we wrap around on the streams being read, its possible // we will trigger a segment to be deleted from the pipe. It // would be nice to validate this here, but we don't have any // QI'able interface that would let us check easily. nextStreamToRead = 0; } } } rv = writer->Close(); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsDependentCSubstring inputString(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length()); // Finally, read the remaining bytes from each stream. This may be // different amounts of data depending on how much reading we did while // writing. Verify that the end result matches the input data. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < streamList.Length(); ++i) { nsCOMPtr& stream = streamList[i]; nsCString& outputData = outputDataList[i]; nsAutoCString tmpOutputData; rv = NS_ConsumeStream(stream, UINT32_MAX, tmpOutputData); ASSERT_TRUE(rv == NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); stream->Close(); // Append to total amount read from the stream outputData += tmpOutputData; ASSERT_EQ(inputString.Length(), outputData.Length()); ASSERT_TRUE(inputString.Equals(outputData)); } } } // namespace TEST(Pipes, Clone_BeforeWrite_ReadAtEnd) { TestPipeClone(32 * 1024, // total bytes 16, // num writes 3, // num initial clones 0, // num streams to close after each write 0, // num clones to add after each write 0); // num streams to read after each write } TEST(Pipes, Clone_BeforeWrite_ReadDuringWrite) { // Since this reads all streams on every write, it should trigger the // pipe cursor roll back optimization. Currently we can only verify // this with logging. TestPipeClone(32 * 1024, // total bytes 16, // num writes 3, // num initial clones 0, // num streams to close after each write 0, // num clones to add after each write 4); // num streams to read after each write } TEST(Pipes, Clone_DuringWrite_ReadAtEnd) { TestPipeClone(32 * 1024, // total bytes 16, // num writes 0, // num initial clones 0, // num streams to close after each write 1, // num clones to add after each write 0); // num streams to read after each write } TEST(Pipes, Clone_DuringWrite_ReadDuringWrite) { TestPipeClone(32 * 1024, // total bytes 16, // num writes 0, // num initial clones 0, // num streams to close after each write 1, // num clones to add after each write 1); // num streams to read after each write } TEST(Pipes, Clone_DuringWrite_ReadDuringWrite_CloseDuringWrite) { // Since this reads streams faster than we clone new ones, it should // trigger pipe segment deletion periodically. Currently we can // only verify this with logging. TestPipeClone(32 * 1024, // total bytes 16, // num writes 1, // num initial clones 1, // num streams to close after each write 2, // num clones to add after each write 3); // num streams to read after each write } TEST(Pipes, Write_AsyncWait) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; const uint32_t segmentSize = 1024; const uint32_t numSegments = 1; nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe2(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), true, true, // non-blocking - reader, writer segmentSize, numSegments); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(segmentSize, inputData); uint32_t numWritten = 0; rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_EQ(NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK, rv); RefPtr cb = new testing::OutputStreamCallback(); rv = writer->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(reader, inputData); ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); } TEST(Pipes, Write_AsyncWait_Clone) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; const uint32_t segmentSize = 1024; const uint32_t numSegments = 1; nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe2(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), true, true, // non-blocking - reader, writer segmentSize, numSegments); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr clone; rv = NS_CloneInputStream(reader, getter_AddRefs(clone)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(segmentSize, inputData); uint32_t numWritten = 0; rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // This attempts to write data beyond the original pipe size limit. It // should fail since neither side of the clone has been read yet. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_EQ(NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK, rv); RefPtr cb = new testing::OutputStreamCallback(); rv = writer->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); // Consume data on the original stream, but the clone still has not been read. testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(reader, inputData); // A clone that is not being read should not stall the other input stream // reader. Therefore the writer callback should trigger when the fastest // reader drains the other input stream. ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); // Attempt to write data. This will buffer data beyond the pipe size limit in // order for the clone stream to still work. This is allowed because the // other input stream has drained its buffered segments and is ready for more // data. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // Again, this should fail since the origin stream has not been read again. // The pipe size should still restrict how far ahead we can buffer even // when there is a cloned stream not being read. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_FAILED(rv)); cb = new testing::OutputStreamCallback(); rv = writer->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // The write should again be blocked since we have written data and the // main reader is at its maximum advance buffer. ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); nsTArray expectedCloneData; expectedCloneData.AppendElements(inputData); expectedCloneData.AppendElements(inputData); // We should now be able to consume the entire backlog of buffered data on // the cloned stream. testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(clone, expectedCloneData); // Draining the clone side should also trigger the AsyncWait() writer // callback ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); // Finally, we should be able to consume the remaining data on the original // reader. testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(reader, inputData); } TEST(Pipes, Write_AsyncWait_Clone_CloseOriginal) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; const uint32_t segmentSize = 1024; const uint32_t numSegments = 1; nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe2(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), true, true, // non-blocking - reader, writer segmentSize, numSegments); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr clone; rv = NS_CloneInputStream(reader, getter_AddRefs(clone)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(segmentSize, inputData); uint32_t numWritten = 0; rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // This attempts to write data beyond the original pipe size limit. It // should fail since neither side of the clone has been read yet. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_EQ(NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK, rv); RefPtr cb = new testing::OutputStreamCallback(); rv = writer->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); // Consume data on the original stream, but the clone still has not been read. testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(reader, inputData); // A clone that is not being read should not stall the other input stream // reader. Therefore the writer callback should trigger when the fastest // reader drains the other input stream. ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); // Attempt to write data. This will buffer data beyond the pipe size limit in // order for the clone stream to still work. This is allowed because the // other input stream has drained its buffered segments and is ready for more // data. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // Again, this should fail since the origin stream has not been read again. // The pipe size should still restrict how far ahead we can buffer even // when there is a cloned stream not being read. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_FAILED(rv)); cb = new testing::OutputStreamCallback(); rv = writer->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // The write should again be blocked since we have written data and the // main reader is at its maximum advance buffer. ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); // Close the original reader input stream. This was the fastest reader, // so we should have a single stream that is buffered beyond our nominal // limit. reader->Close(); // Because the clone stream is still buffered the writable callback should // not be fired. ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); // And we should not be able to perform a write. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_FAILED(rv)); // Create another clone stream. Now we have two streams that exceed our // maximum size limit nsCOMPtr clone2; rv = NS_CloneInputStream(clone, getter_AddRefs(clone2)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray expectedCloneData; expectedCloneData.AppendElements(inputData); expectedCloneData.AppendElements(inputData); // We should now be able to consume the entire backlog of buffered data on // the cloned stream. testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(clone, expectedCloneData); // The pipe should now be writable because we have two open streams, one of // which is completely drained. ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); // Write again to reach our limit again. rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); // The stream is again non-writeable. cb = new testing::OutputStreamCallback(); rv = writer->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); // Close the empty stream. This is different from our previous close since // before we were closing a stream with some data still buffered. clone->Close(); // The pipe should not be writable. The second clone is still fully buffered // over our limit. ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_FAILED(rv)); // Finally consume all of the buffered data on the second clone. expectedCloneData.AppendElements(inputData); testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(clone2, expectedCloneData); // Draining the final clone should make the pipe writable again. ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); } TEST(Pipes, Read_AsyncWait) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; const uint32_t segmentSize = 1024; const uint32_t numSegments = 1; nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe2(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), true, true, // non-blocking - reader, writer segmentSize, numSegments); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(segmentSize, inputData); RefPtr cb = new testing::InputStreamCallback(); rv = reader->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); uint32_t numWritten = 0; rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(reader, inputData); } TEST(Pipes, Read_AsyncWait_Clone) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; const uint32_t segmentSize = 1024; const uint32_t numSegments = 1; nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe2(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), true, true, // non-blocking - reader, writer segmentSize, numSegments); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr clone; rv = NS_CloneInputStream(reader, getter_AddRefs(clone)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr asyncClone = do_QueryInterface(clone); ASSERT_TRUE(asyncClone); nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(segmentSize, inputData); RefPtr cb = new testing::InputStreamCallback(); RefPtr cb2 = new testing::InputStreamCallback(); rv = reader->AsyncWait(cb, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_FALSE(cb->Called()); rv = asyncClone->AsyncWait(cb2, 0, 0, nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_FALSE(cb2->Called()); uint32_t numWritten = 0; rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_TRUE(cb->Called()); ASSERT_TRUE(cb2->Called()); testing::ConsumeAndValidateStream(reader, inputData); } namespace { nsresult CloseDuringReadFunc(nsIInputStream* aReader, void* aClosure, const char* aFromSegment, uint32_t aToOffset, uint32_t aCount, uint32_t* aWriteCountOut) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aReader); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aClosure); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aFromSegment); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aWriteCountOut); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aToOffset == 0); // This is insanity and you probably should not do this under normal // conditions. We want to simulate the case where the pipe is closed // (possibly from other end on another thread) simultaneously with the // read. This is the easiest way to do trigger this case in a synchronous // gtest. MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(aReader->Close()); nsTArray* buffer = static_cast*>(aClosure); buffer->AppendElements(aFromSegment, aCount); *aWriteCountOut = aCount; return NS_OK; } void TestCloseDuringRead(uint32_t aSegmentSize, uint32_t aDataSize) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; const uint32_t maxSize = aSegmentSize; nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer), aSegmentSize, maxSize); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray inputData; testing::CreateData(aDataSize, inputData); uint32_t numWritten = 0; rv = writer->Write(inputData.Elements(), inputData.Length(), &numWritten); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsTArray outputData; uint32_t numRead = 0; rv = reader->ReadSegments(CloseDuringReadFunc, &outputData, inputData.Length(), &numRead); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); ASSERT_EQ(inputData.Length(), numRead); ASSERT_EQ(inputData, outputData); uint64_t available; rv = reader->Available(&available); ASSERT_EQ(NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED, rv); } } // namespace TEST(Pipes, Close_During_Read_Partial_Segment) { TestCloseDuringRead(1024, 512); } TEST(Pipes, Close_During_Read_Full_Segment) { TestCloseDuringRead(1024, 1024); } TEST(Pipes, Interfaces) { nsCOMPtr reader; nsCOMPtr writer; nsresult rv = NS_NewPipe(getter_AddRefs(reader), getter_AddRefs(writer)); ASSERT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr readerType1 = do_QueryInterface(reader); ASSERT_TRUE(readerType1); nsCOMPtr readerType2 = do_QueryInterface(reader); ASSERT_TRUE(readerType2); nsCOMPtr readerType3 = do_QueryInterface(reader); ASSERT_TRUE(readerType3); nsCOMPtr readerType4 = do_QueryInterface(reader); ASSERT_TRUE(readerType4); nsCOMPtr readerType5 = do_QueryInterface(reader); ASSERT_TRUE(readerType5); nsCOMPtr readerType6 = do_QueryInterface(reader); ASSERT_TRUE(readerType6); }