path: root/po/eu.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 3546 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..342f8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/eu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,3546 @@
+# Basque translation of gedit.
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza <>, 2004.
+# Julen Ruiz Aizpuru <>, 2011.
+# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
+# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
+# Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>, 2019, 2020.
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: gedit master\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-06-09 22:13+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-16 15:00+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"
+#: data/
+msgid "gedit"
+msgstr "gedit"
+#: data/ data/
+msgid "Edit text files"
+msgstr "Editatu testu-fitxategiak"
+#: data/
+msgid "gedit is the text editor of the GNOME desktop environment."
+msgstr "gedit GNOME mahaigain-inguruneko testu-editore bat da."
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"The first goal of gedit is to be easy to use, with a simple interface by "
+"default. More advanced features are available by enabling plugins."
+msgstr "Aplikazioaren lehen helburua erabilerrraztasuna da, eta horretarako interfaze sinplea du modu lehenetsian. Eginbide aurreratuagoak ere erabili daitezke pluginak aktibatzen badira."
+#: data/ gedit/gedit-print-job.c:730
+msgid "Text Editor"
+msgstr "Testu-editorea"
+#. TRANSLATORS: Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons!
+#. The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
+#. Search terms to find this application.
+#: data/
+msgid "Text;Editor;Plaintext;Write;gedit;"
+msgstr "Testua;Editorea;Testu soila;Idatzi;gedit;"
+#: data/
+msgid "New Window"
+msgstr "_Leiho berria"
+#: data/
+msgid "New Document"
+msgstr "Dokumentu berria"
+#: data/
+msgid "Use Default Font"
+msgstr "Erabili letra-tipo lehenetsia"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether to use the system’s default fixed width font for editing text "
+"instead of a font specific to gedit. If this option is turned off, then the "
+"font named in the “Editor Font” option will be used instead of the system "
+msgstr "Sistemak lehenetsita duen zabalera finkoko letra-tipoa erabiliko den ala ez testua editatzeko, Gedit aplikazioan espezifikoa den letra-tipo baten ordez. Aukera hau desaktibatuta badago, \"Editoriaren letra-tipoa\" aukeran izendatutako letra-tipoa erabiliko da, sistemaren letra-tipoa erabili ordez."
+#. Translators: This is a GSettings default value. Do NOT change or localize the quotation marks!
+#: data/
+msgid "'Monospace 12'"
+msgstr "'Monospace 12'"
+#: data/
+msgid "Editor Font"
+msgstr "Editorearen letra-tipoa"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"A custom font that will be used for the editing area. This will only take "
+"effect if the “Use Default Font” option is turned off."
+msgstr "Edizio-arean erabiliko den letra-tipo pertsonalizatua. Hau indarrean egoteko, \"Erabili letra-tipo lehenetsia\" aukerak desaktibatuta egon behar du."
+#: data/
+msgid "Style Scheme"
+msgstr "Estilo-eskema"
+#: data/
+msgid "The ID of a GtkSourceView Style Scheme used to color the text."
+msgstr "Testuaren kolorean erabilitako GtkSourceView estilo-eskemaren IDa."
+#: data/
+msgid "Create Backup Copies"
+msgstr "Sortu babeskopiak"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should create backup copies for the files it saves."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek gordetzen dituen fitxategien babeskopiak egin behar dituen edo ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Autosave"
+msgstr "Gorde automatikoki"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether gedit should automatically save modified files after a time "
+"interval. You can set the time interval with the “Autosave Interval” option."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek automatikoki gordeko dituen ala ez aldatutako fitxategiak, denbora-tarte bat igaro ondoren. Denbora-tartea \"Automatikoki gordetzeko tartea\" aukeran ezarri daiteke."
+#: data/
+msgid "Autosave Interval"
+msgstr "Automatikoki gordetzeko tartea"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Number of minutes after which gedit will automatically save modified files. "
+"This will only take effect if the “Autosave” option is turned on."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek aldatutako fitxategiak automatikoki gorde ditzan igaroko den minutu kopurua. Indarrean egongo da \"Gorde automatikoki\" aukera aktibatuta badago soilik."
+#: data/
+msgid "Maximum Number of Undo Actions"
+msgstr "Desegite-ekintzen gehieneko kopurua"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Maximum number of actions that gedit will be able to undo or redo. Use “-1” "
+"for unlimited number of actions."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek desegin edo berregin ahal izango duen gehieneko ekintza kopurua. Erabili \"-1” ekintza kopurua mugagabea izateko."
+#: data/
+msgid "Line Wrapping Mode"
+msgstr "Lerroen egokitze modua"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies how to wrap long lines in the editing area. Use “none” for no "
+"wrapping, “word” for wrapping at word boundaries, and “char” for wrapping at "
+"individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so "
+"make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
+msgstr "Edizio-arean lerro luzeak nola egokituko diren zehazten du. Erabili \"none\" ez egokitzeko, \"word\" hitzen mugetan egokitzeko, eta \"char\" banakako karaktereen mugetan egokitzeko. Kontuan izan balioek maiuskulak eta minuskulak bereizten dituztela; beraz, ziurtatu hemen adierazi den bezala agertzen direla."
+#: data/
+msgid "Last split mode choice for line wrapping mode"
+msgstr "Lerroa egokitzean erabilitako zatitzeko azken modua"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the last split mode used with line wrapping mode, so that when "
+"wrapping mode is off we still remember the split mode choice. Use “word” for "
+"wrapping at word boundaries, and “char” for wrapping at individual character "
+msgstr "Lerroen egokitze moduan erabilitako azken zatitze modua zehazten du, egokitze modua desaktibatuta dagoenean zatitze moduaren aukera gogoratu dezagun. Erabili \"word\" hitzen mugetan egokitzeko eta \"char\" banakako karaktereen mugetan egokitzeko."
+#: data/
+msgid "Tab Size"
+msgstr "Tabuladorearen tamaina"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the number of spaces that should be displayed instead of Tab "
+msgstr "Tabuladore-karaktereen ordez bistaratu behar diren zuriune-kopurua zehazten du."
+#: data/
+msgid "Insert spaces"
+msgstr "Txertatu zuriuneak"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should insert spaces instead of tabs."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek tabuladoreen ordez zuriuneak sartu behar dituen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Automatic indent"
+msgstr "Koska automatikoa"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should enable automatic indentation."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek koska automatikoa gaitu behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Display Line Numbers"
+msgstr "Bistaratu lerro-zenbakiak"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should display line numbers in the editing area."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek editatzeko arean lerro-zenbakiak bistaratu behar dituen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Highlight Current Line"
+msgstr "Nabarmendu uneko lerroa"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should highlight the current line."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek uneko lerroa nabarmendu behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Highlight Matching Brackets"
+msgstr "Nabarmendu bat datozen parentesiak"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should highlight matching brackets."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek bat datozen parentesiak nabarmendu behar dituen edo ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Display Right Margin"
+msgstr "Bistaratu eskuineko marjinak"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should display the right margin in the editing area."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek editatzeko arean eskuineko marjina bistaratu behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Right Margin Position"
+msgstr "Eskuineko marjinaren kokalekua"
+#: data/
+msgid "Specifies the position of the right margin."
+msgstr "Eskuineko marjinaren kokalekua zehazten du."
+#: data/
+msgid "Document background pattern type"
+msgstr "Dokumentuaren atzeko planoko eredu mota"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether the document will get a background pattern painted."
+msgstr "Dokumentuak atzeko planoan eredua margotuta edukiko duen edo ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Smart Home End"
+msgstr "Hasiera Amaiera azkarra"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies how the cursor moves when the HOME and END keys are pressed. Use "
+"“disabled” to always move at the start/end of the line, “after” to move to "
+"the start/end of the line the first time the keys are pressed and to the "
+"start/end of the text ignoring whitespaces the second time the keys are "
+"pressed, “before” to move to the start/end of the text before moving to the "
+"start/end of the line and “always” to always move to the start/end of the "
+"text instead of the start/end of the line."
+msgstr "HOME eta END teklak sakatzen direnean kurtsorea nola mugitzen den zehazten du. Erabili \"disabled\" beti lerroaren hasierara/amaierara mugitzeko, \"after\" lerroaren hasierara/amaierara mugitzeko teklak lehen aldiz sakatzen direnean eta testuaren hasierara/amaierara (zuriuneak ezikusita) teklak bigarren aldiz sakatzen direnean, eta \"always\" beti testuaren hasierara/amaierara mugitzeko, lerroaren hasierara/amaierara mugitu ordez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Restore Previous Cursor Position"
+msgstr "Leheneratu kurtsorearen aurreko posizioa"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether gedit should restore the previous cursor position when a file is "
+msgstr "Fitxategi bat kargatzean gedit-ek kurtsorearen aurreko posizioa leheneratu behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Enable Syntax Highlighting"
+msgstr "Gaitu sintaxiaren nabarmentzea"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should enable syntax highlighting."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek sintaxiaren nabarmentzea gaitu behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Enable Search Highlighting"
+msgstr "Gaitu bilaketaren nabarmentzea"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether gedit should highlight all the occurrences of the searched text."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek bilaketako testuaren gertaera guztiak nabarmendu behar dituen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Ensure Trailing Newline"
+msgstr "Ziurtatu lerro amaierako lerro berria"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether gedit will ensure that documents always end with a trailing newline."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek ziurtatu behar duen edo ez dokumentuak beti amaitzea lerro amaierako lerro berriarekin."
+#: data/
+msgid "Notebook Show Tabs Mode"
+msgstr "Koadernoetan fitxak bistaratzeko modua"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies when to show the notebook tabs. Use “never” to never show the "
+"tabs, “always” to always show the tabs, and “auto” to show the tabs only "
+"when there is more than one tab. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so "
+"make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
+msgstr "Koaderno-fitxak noiz erakutsiko diren zehazten du. Erabili \"never\" inoiz ez erakusteko, \"always\" beti erakusteko, eta \"auto\" fitxat bat baino gehiago dagoenean erakusteko. Kontuan izan balioek maiuskulak eta minuskulak bereizten dituztela; beraz, ziurtatu hemen adierazi den bezala agertzen direla."
+#: data/
+msgid "Status Bar is Visible"
+msgstr "Egoera-barra ikusgai dago"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the status bar at the bottom of editing windows should be visible."
+msgstr "Editatzeko leihoen beheko egoera-barrak ikusgai egon behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Side panel is Visible"
+msgstr "Alboko panela ikusgai dago"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Whether the side panel at the left of editing windows should be visible."
+msgstr "Editatzeko leihoen ezkerreko alboko panelak ikusgai egon behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Print Syntax Highlighting"
+msgstr "Inprimatu sintaxiaren nabarmentzea"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should print syntax highlighting when printing documents."
+msgstr "gedit-ek dokumentuak inprimatzean sintaxiaren nabarmentzea inprimatu behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Print Header"
+msgstr "Inprimatu goiburua"
+#: data/
+msgid "Whether gedit should include a document header when printing documents."
+msgstr "Gedit-ek dokumentuak inprimatzean dokumentuaren goiburua sartu behar duen ala ez."
+#: data/
+msgid "Printing Line Wrapping Mode"
+msgstr "Lerroaren egokitze modua inprimatzen"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies how to wrap long lines for printing. Use “none” for no wrapping, "
+"“word” for wrapping at word boundaries, and “char” for wrapping at "
+"individual character boundaries. Note that the values are case-sensitive, so "
+"make sure they appear exactly as mentioned here."
+msgstr "Inprimatzean lerro luzeak nola egokituko diren zehazten du. Erabili \"none\" ez egokitzeko, \"word\" hitzen mugetan egokitzeko, eta \"char\" banakako karaktereen mugetan egokitzeko. Kontuan izan balioek maiuskulak eta minuskulak bereizten dituztela; beraz, ziurtatu hemen adierazi den bezala agertzen direla."
+#: data/
+msgid "Print Line Numbers"
+msgstr "Inprimatu lerro-zenbakiak"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"If this value is 0, then no line numbers will be inserted when printing a "
+"document. Otherwise, gedit will print line numbers every such number of "
+msgstr "Balioa 0 bada, ez da lerro-zenbakirik txertatuko dokumentua inprimatzean. Bestalde, gedit-ek lerro-zenbakiak inprimatuko ditu adierazitako lerro-kopuru bakoitzeko."
+#. Translators: This is a GSettings default value. Do NOT change or localize the quotation marks!
+#: data/
+msgid "'Monospace 9'"
+msgstr "'Monospace 9'"
+#: data/
+msgid "Body Font for Printing"
+msgstr "Testuaren letra-tipoa inprimatzeko"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the font to use for a document’s body when printing documents."
+msgstr "Dokumentuak inprimatzean dokumentuaren gorputzean erabiliko den letra-tipoa zehazten du."
+#. Translators: This is a GSettings default value. Do NOT change or localize the quotation marks!
+#: data/
+msgid "'Sans 11'"
+msgstr "'Sans 11'"
+#: data/
+msgid "Header Font for Printing"
+msgstr "Inprimatzeko goiburuen letra-tipoa"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the font to use for page headers when printing a document. This "
+"will only take effect if the “Print Header” option is turned on."
+msgstr "Dokumentuak inprimatzean orri-goiburuetan erabiliko den letra-tipoa zehazten du. Hau indarrean egoteko, \"Inprimatu goiburua\" aukerak aktibatuta egon behar du."
+#. Translators: This is a GSettings default value. Do NOT change or localize the quotation marks!
+#: data/
+msgid "'Sans 8'"
+msgstr "'Sans 8'"
+#: data/
+msgid "Line Number Font for Printing"
+msgstr "Inprimatzeko lerro-zenbakiaren letra-tipoa"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the font to use for line numbers when printing. This will only "
+"take effect if the “Print Line Numbers” option is non-zero."
+msgstr "Inprimatzean lerro-zenbakietarako erabiliko den letra-tipoa zehazten du. Hau indarrean egoteko, \"Inprimatu lerro-zenbakiak\" aukerak aktibatuta egon behar du."
+#: data/
+msgid "Margin Left"
+msgstr "Ezkerreko marjina"
+#: data/
+msgid "The left margin, in millimeters."
+msgstr "Ezkerreko marjina (milimetrotan)."
+#: data/
+msgid "Margin Top"
+msgstr "Goiko marjina"
+#: data/
+msgid "The top margin, in millimeters."
+msgstr "Goiko marjina (milimetrotan)."
+#: data/
+msgid "Margin Right"
+msgstr "Eskuineko marjina"
+#: data/
+msgid "The right margin, in millimeters."
+msgstr "Eskuineko marjina (milimetrotan)."
+#: data/
+msgid "Margin Bottom"
+msgstr "Azpiko marjina"
+#: data/
+msgid "The bottom margin, in millimeters."
+msgstr "Azpiko marjina (milimetrotan)."
+#: data/
+msgid "Candidate Encodings"
+msgstr "Kodeketa hautagaiak"
+#: data/
+msgid ""
+"List of candidate encodings shown in the Character Encoding menu in the open/"
+"save file chooser. “CURRENT” represents the current locale encoding. Only "
+"recognized encodings are used. The default value is the empty list, in which "
+"case gedit will choose good defaults depending on the country and language."
+msgstr "Ireki/gorde fitxategi-aukeratzaileko karaktere-kodeketen menuan erakutsiko diren kodeketa hautagaien zerrenda. \"CURRENT\" balioak uneko hizkuntzaren kodeketa ordezkatzen du. Ezagunak diren kodeketak soilik erabiliko dira. Balio lehenetsia zerrenda hutsa da; kasu horretan, Gedit-ek lehenespen egokiak aukeratuko ditu, herrialdearen eta hizkuntzaren arabera."
+#: data/
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Plugin aktiboak"
+#: data/
+msgid "List of active plugins."
+msgstr "Plugin aktiboen zerrenda."
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:85
+msgid "Show the application’s version"
+msgstr "Erakutsi aplikazioaren bertsioa"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:91
+msgid "Display list of possible values for the encoding option"
+msgstr "Bistaratu balio posibleen zerrenda kodeketaren aukerarentzako"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:98
+msgid ""
+"Set the character encoding to be used to open the files listed on the "
+"command line"
+msgstr "Ezarri karaketere-kodeketa komando lerroan zerrendatzen diren fitxategiak irekitzean erabiltzeko"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:99
+msgid "ENCODING"
+msgstr "KODEKETA"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:105
+msgid "Create a new top-level window in an existing instance of gedit"
+msgstr "Sortu goi-mailako leiho berri bat lehendik dagoen gedit-en instantzia batean"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:112
+msgid "Create a new document in an existing instance of gedit"
+msgstr "Sortu dokumentu berri bat lehendik dagoen gedit-en instantzia batean"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:119
+msgid "Open files and block process until files are closed"
+msgstr "Ireki fitxategiak eta blokeatu prozesuak fitxategiak itxi arte"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:126
+msgid "Run gedit in standalone mode"
+msgstr "Exekutatu gedit modu bakunean"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:133
+msgid "[FILE…] [+LINE[:COLUMN]]"
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:223
+msgid "There was an error displaying the help."
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da laguntza bistaratzean."
+#: gedit/gedit-app.c:838
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: invalid encoding."
+msgstr "%s: kodeketa baliogabea."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:271
+msgid "Close _without Saving"
+msgstr "Itxi gorde _gabe"
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:277 gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:496
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:572 gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:796
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1518 gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:192
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser-open-adapter.c:113
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:721 gedit/gedit-progress-info-bar.c:49
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:44
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-highlight-mode-dialog.ui:31
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-utils.c:211
+#: plugins/quickopen/quickopen/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/sort/resources/ui/gedit-sort-plugin.ui:143
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:150
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Utzi"
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:295 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:37
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:33
+msgid "_Save As…"
+msgstr "Gorde _honela…"
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:295 gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:795
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:127
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:59
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gorde"
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:312
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last %ld seconds will be permanently "
+msgstr[0] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken %ld segundoko aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken %ld segundotako aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:321
+msgid ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last minute will be permanently lost."
+msgstr "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken minutuko aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:327
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last minute and %ld second will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last minute and %ld seconds will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgstr[0] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken minutu eta %ld segundotako aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken minutuko eta %ld segundotako aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:337
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last %ld minutes will be permanently "
+msgstr[0] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken %ld minututako aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken %ld minututako aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:352
+msgid "If you don’t save, changes from the last hour will be permanently lost."
+msgstr "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken orduko aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:358
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last hour and %d minute will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last hour and %d minutes will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgstr[0] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken orduko eta %d minutuko aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken orduko eta %d minututako aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:373
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"If you don’t save, changes from the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
+msgstr[0] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken %d orduko aldaketak betiko galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Ez baduzu gordetzen, azken %d orduko aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:400
+#, c-format
+msgid "Save changes to document “%s” before closing?"
+msgstr "Aldaketak '%s' dokumentuan gorde itxi aurretik?"
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:470
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %d document with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are %d documents with unsaved changes. Save changes before closing?"
+msgstr[0] "Aldatutako dokumentu %d gorde gabe dago. Aldaketak gorde itxi aurretik?"
+msgstr[1] "Aldatutako %d dokumentu gorde gabe daude. Aldaketak gorde itxi aurretik?"
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:493
+msgid "S_elect the documents you want to save:"
+msgstr "_Hautatu dokumentuak, gordetzea nahi dituzunak:"
+#. Secondary label
+#: gedit/gedit-close-confirmation-dialog.c:509
+msgid "If you don’t save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
+msgstr "Gordetzen ez baduzu, aldaketa guztiak betiko galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:263
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading file “%s”…"
+msgstr "\"%s” fitxategia kargatzen…"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:272
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading %d file…"
+msgid_plural "Loading %d files…"
+msgstr[0] "Fitxategi %d kargatzen…"
+msgstr[1] "%d fitxategi kargatzen…"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:487
+#, c-format
+msgid "The file “%s” is read-only."
+msgstr "\"%s” fitxategia irakurtzeko soilik da."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:492
+msgid "Do you want to try to replace it with the one you are saving?"
+msgstr "Gordetzen ari zarenarekin ordezten saiatu nahi duzu?"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:497
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:55
+msgid "_Replace"
+msgstr "_Ordeztu"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:537
+msgid "Save the file using compression?"
+msgstr "Gorde fitxategia konpresioa erabiliz?"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:541
+msgid "Save the file as plain text?"
+msgstr "Gorde fitxategia testu arrunt gisa?"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:554
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The file “%s” was previously saved as plain text and will now be saved using "
+msgstr "\"%s” fitxategia testu arrunt gisa gorde da lehenago, eta orain konprimatuta gordeko da."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:558
+msgid "_Save Using Compression"
+msgstr "_Gorde konpresioa erabiliz"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:563
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The file “%s” was previously saved using compression and will now be saved "
+"as plain text."
+msgstr "\"%s” fitxategia konprimatuta gorde da lehenago, eta orain testu arrunt gisa gordeko da."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:566
+msgid "_Save As Plain Text"
+msgstr "_Gorde testu arrunt gisa"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:681 gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving file “%s”…"
+msgstr "\"%s” fitxategia gordetzen…"
+#. Translators: "Save As" is the title of the file chooser window.
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:792
+msgctxt "window title"
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Gorde honela"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1379
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reverting the document “%s”…"
+msgstr "\"%s” dokumentua leheneratzen…"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1426
+#, c-format
+msgid "Revert unsaved changes to document “%s”?"
+msgstr "Leheneratu \"%s” dokumentuan gorde gabeko aldaketak?"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1435
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last %ld second will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last %ld seconds will be permanently "
+msgstr[0] "Azken %ld segundoan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Azken %ld segundotan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1444
+msgid ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last minute will be permanently lost."
+msgstr "Azken minutuan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1450
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld second will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last minute and %ld seconds will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgstr[0] "Azken minutuan eta %ld segundoan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Azken minutuan eta %ld segundotan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1460
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last %ld minute will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last %ld minutes will be permanently "
+msgstr[0] "Azken %ld minutuan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Azken %ld minututan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1475
+msgid "Changes made to the document in the last hour will be permanently lost."
+msgstr "Azken orduan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1481
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minute will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last hour and %d minutes will be "
+"permanently lost."
+msgstr[0] "Azken orduan eta %d minutuan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Azken orduan eta %d minututan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1496
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last %d hour will be permanently lost."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Changes made to the document in the last %d hours will be permanently lost."
+msgstr[0] "Azken orduan (%d) dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+msgstr[1] "Azken %d ordutan dokumentuan egin diren aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-file.c:1519
+msgid "_Revert"
+msgstr "_Leheneratu"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-help.c:110
+msgid "gedit is a small and lightweight text editor for the GNOME desktop"
+msgstr "gedit GNOME mahaigainerako testu-editore txiki eta sinplea da"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-help.c:115
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "translator-credits"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-search.c:106
+#, c-format
+msgid "Found and replaced %d occurrence"
+msgid_plural "Found and replaced %d occurrences"
+msgstr[0] "Agerraldi %d aurkitu eta ordeztu da"
+msgstr[1] "%d agerraldi aurkitu eta ordeztu dira"
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-search.c:115
+msgid "Found and replaced one occurrence"
+msgstr "Agerraldi bat aurkitu eta ordeztu da"
+#. Translators: %s is replaced by the text
+#. entered by the user in the search box
+#: gedit/gedit-commands-search.c:141
+#, c-format
+msgid "“%s” not found"
+msgstr "\"%s” ez da aurkitu"
+#: gedit/gedit-document.c:993 gedit/gedit-document.c:1022
+#, c-format
+msgid "Untitled Document %d"
+msgstr "Izenik gabeko %d. dokumentua"
+#: gedit/gedit-documents-panel.c:398
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tab Group %i"
+msgstr "Fitxen %i. taldea"
+#: gedit/gedit-documents-panel.c:498 gedit/gedit-window.c:1082
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:1088 gedit/gedit-window.c:1096
+msgid "Read-Only"
+msgstr "Irakurtzeko soilik"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-combo-box.c:297
+msgid "Automatically Detected"
+msgstr "Automatikoki detektatuta"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-combo-box.c:326
+msgid "Add or Remove…"
+msgstr "Gehitu edo kendu…"
+#: gedit/gedit-encoding-items.c:92
+#, c-format
+msgid "Current Locale (%s)"
+msgstr "Uneko locale-a (%s)"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:93
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (Current Locale)"
+msgstr "%s (uneko locale-a)"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:188
+msgid "Do you really want to reset the character encodings’ preferences?"
+msgstr "Benetan berrezarri nahi dituzu karaktere-kodeketaren hobespenak?"
+#. Reset button
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:193 gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:818
+msgid "_Reset"
+msgstr "_Berrezarri"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:729
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Gehitu"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:772
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Kendu"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:783
+msgid "Move to a higher priority"
+msgstr "Eraman lehentasun altuagora"
+#: gedit/gedit-encodings-dialog.c:794
+msgid "Move to a lower priority"
+msgstr "Eraman lehentasun baxuagora"
+#. Common code between the different GeditFileChooser's.
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser.c:27 gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:730
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Fitxategi guztiak"
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser.c:28
+msgid "All Text Files"
+msgstr "Testu-fitxategi guztiak"
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser-dialog-gtk.c:256
+msgid "C_haracter Encoding:"
+msgstr "_Karaktere-kodeketa:"
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser-dialog-gtk.c:315
+msgid "L_ine Ending:"
+msgstr "Le_rroaren amaiera:"
+#. Translators: "Open Files" is the title of the file chooser window.
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser-open-adapter.c:109
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser-open.c:87
+msgctxt "window title"
+msgid "Open Files"
+msgstr "Ireki fitxategiak"
+#: gedit/gedit-file-chooser-open-adapter.c:112 gedit/gedit-window.c:2636
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:100
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:106
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:7
+#: plugins/quickopen/quickopen/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "_Open"
+msgstr "_Ireki"
+#: gedit/gedit-highlight-mode-selector.c:269 gedit/gedit-window.c:1166
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Plain Text"
+msgstr "Testu soila"
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:135 gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:415
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "S_aiatu berriro"
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not find the file “%s”."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' fitxategia aurkitu."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:157 gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:197
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:204
+msgid "Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "Egiaztatu helbidea ondo idatzi duzula eta saiatu berriro."
+#. Translators: %s is a URI scheme (like for example http:, ftp:, etc.)
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:176
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to handle “%s:” locations."
+msgstr "Ezin dira '%s:' helbideak kudeatu."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:182
+msgid "Unable to handle this location."
+msgstr "Ezin da helbide hau kudeatu."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:191
+msgid "The location of the file cannot be accessed."
+msgstr "Fitxategiaren kokalekua ezin da atzitu."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:195
+#, c-format
+msgid "“%s” is a directory."
+msgstr "'%s' direktorioa da."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:202
+#, c-format
+msgid "“%s” is not a valid location."
+msgstr "'%s' ez da baliozko helbidea."
+#. Translators: %s is a host name
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Host “%s” could not be found. Please check that your proxy settings are "
+"correct and try again."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' ostalaria aurkitu. Egiaztatu proxy-ezarpenak zuzenak direla eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:253
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Hostname was invalid. Please check that you typed the location correctly and "
+"try again."
+msgstr "Ostalari-izena baliogabea da. Egiaztatu helbidea ondo idatzi duzula eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:261
+#, c-format
+msgid "“%s” is not a regular file."
+msgstr "'%s' ez da fitxategi arrunta."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:266
+msgid "Connection timed out. Please try again."
+msgstr "Konexioaren denbora-muga gainditu da. Saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:299
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unexpected error: %s"
+msgstr "Ustekabeko errorea: %s"
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:335
+msgid "Cannot find the requested file. Perhaps it has recently been deleted."
+msgstr "Ezin da eskatutako fitxategia aurkitu. Baliteke duela gutxi ezabatu izana."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:345
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not revert the file “%s”."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' fitxategia leheneratu."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:372
+msgid "Ch_aracter Encoding:"
+msgstr "_Karaktere-kodeketa:"
+#. Translators: the access key chosen for this string should be
+#. different from other main menu access keys (Open, Edit, View...)
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:423
+msgid "Edit Any_way"
+msgstr "Editatu _dena den"
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:511
+msgid ""
+"The number of followed links is limited and the actual file could not be "
+"found within this limit."
+msgstr "Esteka jarraien kopurua mugatua dago, eta uneko fitxategia ezin izan da muga horretan aurkitu."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:515
+msgid "You do not have the permissions necessary to open the file."
+msgstr "Ez dituzu nahikoa baimen fitxategia irekitzeko."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:521
+msgid "Unable to detect the character encoding."
+msgstr "Ezin da karaktere-kodeketa atzeman."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:522 gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:546
+msgid "Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file."
+msgstr "Egiaztatu fitxategi bitarra irekitzen saiatzen ari ez zarela."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:523
+msgid "Select a character encoding from the menu and try again."
+msgstr "Hautatu karaktere-kodeketa menutik eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:529
+#, c-format
+msgid "There was a problem opening the file “%s”."
+msgstr "Arazo bat egon da '%s' fitxategia irekitzean."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:531
+msgid ""
+"The file you opened has some invalid characters. If you continue editing "
+"this file you could corrupt this document."
+msgstr "Ireki duzun fitxategiak zenbait karaktere baliogabe ditu. Fitxategi hau editatzen jarraitzen baduzu, dokumentua honda dezakezu."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:534
+msgid "You can also choose another character encoding and try again."
+msgstr "Beste karaktere-kodeketa hauta dezakezu menutik eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:543
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open the file “%s” using the “%s” character encoding."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' fitxategia ireki' %s' karaktere-kodeketa erabiliz."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:547 gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:622
+msgid "Select a different character encoding from the menu and try again."
+msgstr "Hautatu beste karaktere-kodeketa menutik eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:559
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open the file “%s”."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' fitxategia ireki."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:617
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not save the file “%s” using the “%s” character encoding."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' fitxategia gorde '%s' karaktere-kodeketa erabiliz."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:620
+msgid ""
+"The document contains one or more characters that cannot be encoded using "
+"the specified character encoding."
+msgstr "Zehaztutako karaktere-kodeketarekin kodetu ezin den karaktere bat (edo gehiago) du dokumentuak."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:691
+msgid "S_ave Anyway"
+msgstr "_Gorde dena den"
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:694
+msgid "D_on’t Save"
+msgstr "E_z gorde"
+#. FIXME: review this message, it's not clear since for the user the "modification"
+#. * could be interpreted as the changes he made in the document. beside "reading" is
+#. * not accurate (since last load/save)
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:708
+#, c-format
+msgid "The file “%s” has been modified since reading it."
+msgstr "'%s' fitxategia aldatu egin da azken irakurketatik."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:723
+msgid "If you save it, all the external changes could be lost. Save it anyway?"
+msgstr "Gordetzen baduzu kanpoko aldaketak galdu egingo dira. Gorde dena den?"
+#. Translators: %s is a URI scheme (like for example http:, ftp:, etc.)
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:781
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Cannot handle “%s:” locations in write mode. Please check that you typed the "
+"location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "Ezin dira '%s:' helbideak idazteko moduan kudeatu. Egiaztatu helbidea ondo idatzi duzula eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:789
+msgid ""
+"Cannot handle this location in write mode. Please check that you typed the "
+"location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "Ezin da helbide hau idazteko moduan kudeatu. Egiaztatu helbidea ondo idatzi duzula eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:798
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"“%s” is not a valid location. Please check that you typed the location "
+"correctly and try again."
+msgstr "'%s' ez da baliozko helbidea. Egiaztatu helbidea ondo idatzi duzula eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:805
+msgid ""
+"You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check "
+"that you typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "Ez dituzu nahikoa baimen fitxategia gordetzeko. Egiaztatu helbidea ondo idatzi duzula eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:811
+msgid ""
+"There is not enough disk space to save the file. Please free some disk space "
+"and try again."
+msgstr "Diskoan ez dago fitxategia gordetzeko behar adina leku. Libratu lekua diskoan eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:816
+msgid ""
+"You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you "
+"typed the location correctly and try again."
+msgstr "Irakurtzeko soilik den diskoan fitxategia gordetzen saiatzen ari zara. Egiaztatu helbidea ondo idatzi duzula eta saiatu berriro."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:822
+msgid "A file with the same name already exists. Please use a different name."
+msgstr "Izen berdineko fitxategia badago lehendik ere. Erabili beste izen bat."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:827
+msgid ""
+"The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on length of "
+"the file names. Please use a shorter name."
+msgstr "Fitxategia gordetzeko erabili nahi duzun diskoak fitxategi-izenaren muga du. Saiatu izen laburragoa erabiltzen."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:838
+msgid ""
+"The disk where you are trying to save the file has a limitation on file "
+"sizes. Please try saving a smaller file or saving it to a disk that does not "
+"have this limitation."
+msgstr "Fitxategia gordetzeko erabili nahi duzun diskoak fitxategi-tamainaren muga du. Saiatu fitxategia tamaina txikiagoan gordetzen edo muga hori ez duen disko batean gordetzen."
+#: gedit/gedit-io-error-info-bar.c:855
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not save the file “%s”."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da '%s' fitxategia gorde."
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:433
+msgid "Click on this button to select the font to be used by the editor"
+msgstr "Sakatu botoi hau editoreak erabili beharreko letra-tipoa hautatzeko"
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:439
+#, c-format
+msgid "_Use the system fixed width font (%s)"
+msgstr "_Erabili sistemaren letra-zabalera (%s)"
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:685
+#, c-format
+msgid "The selected color scheme cannot be installed: %s"
+msgstr "Hautatutako kolore-eskema ezin da instalatu: %s"
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:691
+msgid "The selected color scheme cannot be installed."
+msgstr "Hautatutako kolore-eskema ezin da instalatu."
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:717
+msgid "Add Color Scheme"
+msgstr "Gehitu kolore-eskema"
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:720
+msgid "_Add Scheme"
+msgstr "_Gehitu eskema"
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:725
+msgid "Color Scheme Files"
+msgstr "Kolore-eskemaren fitxategiak"
+#: gedit/gedit-preferences-dialog.c:763
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not remove color scheme “%s”."
+msgstr "Ezin izan da \"%s” kolore-eskema kendu."
+#: gedit/gedit-print-job.c:227
+msgid "Preparing…"
+msgstr "Prestatzen…"
+#: gedit/gedit-print-job.c:539
+#, c-format
+msgid "File: %s"
+msgstr "Fitxategia: %s"
+#. Translators: %N is the current page number, %Q is the total
+#. * number of pages (ex. Page 2 of 10)
+#: gedit/gedit-print-job.c:548
+msgid "Page %N of %Q"
+msgstr "%N/%Q orria"
+#: gedit/gedit-print-job.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "Rendering page %d of %d…"
+msgstr "Orrialdea errendatzen: %d / %d…"
+#: gedit/gedit-print-preview.c:651
+#, c-format
+msgid "Page %d of %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d orrialdea"
+#: gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:688 plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:49
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:83
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:121
+msgid "Nothing"
+msgstr "Ezer ez"
+#: gedit/gedit-replace-dialog.c:777
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:7
+msgid "Find and Replace"
+msgstr "Bilatu eta ordeztu"
+#. Use spaces to leave padding proportional to the font size
+#: gedit/gedit-statusbar.c:56 gedit/gedit-statusbar.c:62
+msgid "OVR"
+msgstr "GAIN"
+#: gedit/gedit-statusbar.c:56 gedit/gedit-statusbar.c:62
+msgid "INS"
+msgstr "TXER"
+#: gedit/gedit-statusbar.c:242
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is a tab with errors"
+msgid_plural "There are %d tabs with errors"
+msgstr[0] "Erroreak dituen fitxa bat dago"
+msgstr[1] "Erroreak dituzten %d fitxa daude"
+#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
+#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reverting %s from %s"
+msgstr "%2$s(e)tik %1$s(e)ra leheneratzen"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "Reverting %s"
+msgstr "%s leheneratzen"
+#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
+#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:844
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading %s from %s"
+msgstr "%2$s(e)tik %1$s kargatzen"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Loading %s"
+msgstr "%s kargatzen"
+#. Translators: the first %s is a file name (e.g. test.txt) the second one
+#. is a directory (e.g. ssh://
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:931
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving %s to %s"
+msgstr "%2$s(e)n %1$s gordetzen"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:936
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saving %s"
+msgstr "%s gordetzen"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:1484
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error opening file %s"
+msgstr "Errorea %s fitxategia irekitzean"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:1489
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error reverting file %s"
+msgstr "Errorea %s fitxategia leheneratzean"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:1494
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error saving file %s"
+msgstr "Errorea %s fitxategia gordetzean"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:1525
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Izena:"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:1526
+msgid "MIME Type:"
+msgstr "MIME mota:"
+#: gedit/gedit-tab.c:1527
+msgid "Encoding:"
+msgstr "Kodeketa:"
+#. Translators: '/ on <remote-share>'
+#: gedit/gedit-utils.c:436
+#, c-format
+msgid "/ on %s"
+msgstr "/ %s kokalekuan"
+#: gedit/gedit-utils.c:610
+msgid "Unix/Linux"
+msgstr "Unix/Linux"
+#: gedit/gedit-utils.c:612
+msgid "Mac OS Classic"
+msgstr "Mac OS Klasikoa"
+#: gedit/gedit-utils.c:614
+msgid "Windows"
+msgstr "Leihoak"
+#: gedit/gedit-view.c:438 gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:41
+msgid "_Display line numbers"
+msgstr "B_istaratu lerro-zenbakiak"
+#. Translators: the first %d is the position of the current search
+#. * occurrence, and the second %d is the total number of search
+#. * occurrences.
+#: gedit/gedit-view-frame.c:668
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d of %d"
+msgstr "%d / %d"
+#. create "Wrap Around" menu item.
+#: gedit/gedit-view-frame.c:760
+msgid "_Wrap Around"
+msgstr "Egok_itu"
+#. create "Match as Regular Expression" menu item.
+#: gedit/gedit-view-frame.c:770
+msgid "Match as _Regular Expression"
+msgstr "Bat etorri _adierazpen erregular gisa"
+#. create "Match Entire Word Only" menu item.
+#: gedit/gedit-view-frame.c:784
+msgid "Match _Entire Word Only"
+msgstr "_Hitz osoak soilik"
+#. create "Match Case" menu item.
+#: gedit/gedit-view-frame.c:798
+msgid "_Match Case"
+msgstr "_Maiuskula/minuskula"
+#: gedit/gedit-view-frame.c:1023
+msgid "String you want to search for"
+msgstr "Bilatzea nahi duzun katea"
+#: gedit/gedit-view-frame.c:1035
+msgid "Line you want to move the cursor to"
+msgstr "Lerroa kurtsorea kokatzeko"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:919
+msgid "Bracket match is out of range"
+msgstr "Parentesien bat-etortzea barrutitik kanpo"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:924
+msgid "Bracket match not found"
+msgstr "Parentesien bat-etortzea ez da aurkitu"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:929
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bracket match found on line: %d"
+msgstr "Bat datorren parentesia honako lerroan aurkituta: %d"
+#. Translators: "Ln" is an abbreviation for "Line", Col is an abbreviation for "Column". Please,
+#. use abbreviations if possible to avoid space problems.
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:964
+#, c-format
+msgid " Ln %d, Col %d"
+msgstr " %d lerroa, %d zutabea"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:1148
+#, c-format
+msgid "Tab Width: %u"
+msgstr "Tabulazio-zabalera: %u"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:1493
+msgid "There are unsaved documents"
+msgstr "Gorde gabeko dokumentuak daude"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:2330
+msgid "Change side panel page"
+msgstr "Aldatu alboko paneleko orria"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:2350 gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:19
+msgid "Documents"
+msgstr "Dokumentuak"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:2637
+msgid "Open a file"
+msgstr "Ireki fitxategia"
+#: gedit/gedit-window.c:2641
+msgid "Open a recently used file"
+msgstr "Ireki erabili berri duzun fitxategia"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:7
+msgid "Move _Left"
+msgstr "Eraman e_zkerrera"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:11
+msgid "Move _Right"
+msgstr "Eraman e_skuinera"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:17
+msgid "Move to New _Window"
+msgstr "Eraman _leiho berrira"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:21
+msgid "Move to New Tab _Group"
+msgstr "Eraman fitxen _talde berrira"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:27
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:163
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:134
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:23
+#: plugins/spell/resources/ui/gedit-spell-setup-dialog.ui:25
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:21
+msgid "_Close"
+msgstr "It_xi"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:35
+msgid "Automatic Indentation"
+msgstr "Koska automatikoa"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:58
+msgid "Use Spaces"
+msgstr "Erabili zuriuneak"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:66
+msgid "Display line numbers"
+msgstr "Bistaratu lerro-zenbakiak"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:70
+msgid "Display right margin"
+msgstr "Bistaratu eskuineko marjina"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:74
+msgid "Highlight current line"
+msgstr "Nabarmendu uneko lerroa"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:78
+msgid "Text wrapping"
+msgstr "Testua egokitzea"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:88
+msgid "_File"
+msgstr "_Fitxategia"
+#. _New is the menu item under the File menu on OS X which creates a new empty document.
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:92
+msgid "_New"
+msgstr "_Berria"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:111
+msgid "Open _Recent"
+msgstr "Ireki a_zken aldikoa"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:114
+msgid "Reopen Closed _Tab"
+msgstr "Ireki berriro itxitako _fitxa"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:132
+msgid "Save _As…"
+msgstr "Gorde _honela…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:140 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:27
+msgid "_New Window"
+msgstr "_Leiho berria"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:148 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:9
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:9
+msgid "_Reload"
+msgstr "Bir_kargatu"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:155 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:14
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:14
+msgid "_Print…"
+msgstr "_Inprimatu…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:168
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:138
+msgid "_Quit"
+msgstr "I_rten"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:176
+msgid "_Edit"
+msgstr "_Editatu"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:180
+msgid "_Undo"
+msgstr "_Desegin"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:185
+msgid "_Redo"
+msgstr "_Berregin"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:192
+msgid "C_ut"
+msgstr "E_baki"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:197
+msgid "_Copy"
+msgstr "_Kopiatu"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:202
+msgid "_Paste"
+msgstr "_Itsatsi"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:207
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:917
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:955
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:37
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "Ez_abatu"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:215
+msgid "Overwrite _Mode"
+msgstr "Gainidazteko _modua"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:223
+msgid "Select _All"
+msgstr "Hautatu _dena"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:230 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:112
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:108
+msgid "_Preferences"
+msgstr "_Hobespenak"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:237 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:72
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:68
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ikusi"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:241 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:76
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:72
+msgid "Side _Panel"
+msgstr "_Alboko panela"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:246 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:80
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:76
+msgid "_Bottom Panel"
+msgstr "_Beheko panela"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:255 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:19
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:19
+msgid "_Fullscreen"
+msgstr "_Pantaila osoa"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:263 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:91
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:87
+msgid "_Highlight Mode…"
+msgstr "_Nabarmentze-modua…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:269
+msgid "_Search"
+msgstr "_Bilatu"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:273 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:54
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:50
+msgid "_Find…"
+msgstr "_Bilatu…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:278
+msgid "Find Ne_xt"
+msgstr "Aurkitu _hurrengoa"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:283
+msgid "Find Pre_vious"
+msgstr "Aurkitu _aurrekoa"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:291
+msgid "Find and _Replace…"
+msgstr "Bilatu eta _ordeztu…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:299 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:62
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:58
+msgid "_Clear Highlight"
+msgstr "_Garbitu nabarmentzea"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:307
+msgid "Go to _Line…"
+msgstr "Joan _lerrora…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:314 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:97
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:93
+msgid "_Tools"
+msgstr "_Tresnak"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:329
+msgid "_Documents"
+msgstr "_Dokumentuak"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:333
+msgid "_Save All"
+msgstr "Gorde _dena"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:338
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:130
+msgid "_Close All"
+msgstr "It_xi dena"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:346
+msgid "_New Tab Group"
+msgstr "Fitxen _talde berria"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:351
+msgid "P_revious Tab Group"
+msgstr "Fitxen _aurreko taldea"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:356
+msgid "Nex_t Tab Group"
+msgstr "Fitxen _hurrengo taldea"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:364
+msgid "_Previous Document"
+msgstr "_Aurreko dokumentua"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:369
+msgid "N_ext Document"
+msgstr "_Hurrengo dokumentua"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:377
+msgid "_Move To New Window"
+msgstr "_Eraman leiho berrira"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:383
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:387 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:123
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:119
+#: plugins/spell/gedit-spell-plugin.c:260
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:133
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Laguntza"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-common.ui:394 gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:127
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:123
+msgid "_About Text Editor"
+msgstr "Testu-editoreari _buruz"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:41 gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:37
+msgid "Save _All"
+msgstr "Gorde _dena"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:58 gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:54
+msgid "_Find and Replace…"
+msgstr "Bilatu eta _ordeztu…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:66 gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:62
+msgid "_Go to Line…"
+msgstr "Joan _lerrora…"
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus.ui:119
+#: gedit/resources/gtk/menus-traditional.ui:115
+msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Las_ter-teklak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:41
+msgid "Character Encodings"
+msgstr "Karaktere-kodeketak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:51
+msgid "_Apply"
+msgstr "_Aplikatu"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:82
+msgid "A_vailable Encodings"
+msgstr "Kodeketa _erabilgarriak:"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:100
+msgid "Cho_sen Encodings"
+msgstr "_Aukeratutako kodeketak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:139
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:217
+msgid "_Description"
+msgstr "_Azalpena"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:151
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-encodings-dialog.ui:228
+msgid "_Encoding"
+msgstr "_Kodeketa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-highlight-mode-dialog.ui:11
+msgid "Highlight Mode"
+msgstr "Nabarmentze-modua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-highlight-mode-dialog.ui:47
+msgid "_Select"
+msgstr "_Hautatu"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-highlight-mode-selector.ui:31
+msgid "Search highlight mode…"
+msgstr "Bilaketaren nabarmentze modua…"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:8
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:15
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Hobespenak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:56
+msgid "Display right _margin at column:"
+msgstr "Bistaratu eskuineko _marjina zutabean:"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:95
+msgid "Display _statusbar"
+msgstr "Bistaratu _egoera-barra"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:110
+msgid "Display _grid pattern"
+msgstr "Bistaratu _saretaren eredua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:139
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:197
+msgid "Text Wrapping"
+msgstr "Testua egokitzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:157
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:217
+msgid "Enable text _wrapping"
+msgstr "Gaitu t_estua egokitzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:171
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:237
+msgid "Do not _split words over two lines"
+msgstr "Ez _zatitu hitzak bi lerrotan"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:205
+msgid "Highlighting"
+msgstr "Nabarmentzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:223
+msgid "Highlight current _line"
+msgstr "_Nabarmendu uneko lerroa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:237
+msgid "Highlight matching _brackets"
+msgstr "Nabarmendu itxierako _parentesia"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:270
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Ikusi"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:292
+msgid "Tab Stops"
+msgstr "Tabulazioak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:315
+msgid "_Tab width:"
+msgstr "_Zabalera:"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:344
+msgid "Insert _spaces instead of tabs"
+msgstr "Txertatu _zuriuneak tabuladoreen ordez"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:359
+msgid "_Enable automatic indentation"
+msgstr "Gaitu _koska automatikoa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:394
+msgid "File Saving"
+msgstr "Fitxategia gordetzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:413
+msgid "Create a _backup copy of files before saving"
+msgstr "Sortu _fitxategien babeskopia gorde aurretik"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:428
+msgid "_Autosave files every"
+msgstr "_Autogorde fitxategia maiztasun honekin"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:444
+msgid "_minutes"
+msgstr "_minutu"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:491
+msgid "Editor"
+msgstr "Editorea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:514
+#: plugins/externaltools/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.externaltools.gschema.xml:14
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:24
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "Letra-tipoa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:558
+msgid "Editor _font: "
+msgstr "Editorearen _letra-tipoa: "
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:575
+msgid "Pick the editor font"
+msgstr "Aukeratu editorearen letra-tipoa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:616
+msgid "Color Scheme"
+msgstr "Kolore-eskema"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:652
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:653
+msgid "Install scheme"
+msgstr "Instalatu eskema"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:654
+msgid "Install Scheme"
+msgstr "Instalatu eskema"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:668
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:669
+msgid "Uninstall scheme"
+msgstr "Desinstalatu eskema"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:670
+msgid "Uninstall Scheme"
+msgstr "Desinstalatu eskema"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:710
+msgid "Font & Colors"
+msgstr "Letra-tipoak eta koloreak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-preferences-dialog.ui:735
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Pluginak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:39
+msgid "Syntax Highlighting"
+msgstr "Sintaxiaren nabarmentzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:52
+msgid "Print synta_x highlighting"
+msgstr "Inprimatu s_intaxiaren nabarmentzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:85
+msgid "Line Numbers"
+msgstr "Lerro-zenbakiak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:105
+msgid "Print line nu_mbers"
+msgstr "Inprimatu _lerro-zenbakiak"
+#. 'Number every' from 'Number every 3 lines' in the 'Text Editor' tab of the print preferences.
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:129
+msgid "_Number every"
+msgstr "_Zenbakia"
+#. 'lines' from 'Number every 3 lines' in the 'Text Editor' tab of the print preferences.
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:157
+msgid "lines"
+msgstr "lerroz behin"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:283
+msgid "Page header"
+msgstr "Orri-goiburua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:296
+msgid "Print page _headers"
+msgstr "In_primatu orrialde-goiburuak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:342
+msgid "Fonts"
+msgstr "Letra-tipoak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:371
+msgid "_Body:"
+msgstr "_Testua:"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:402
+msgid "_Line numbers:"
+msgstr "_Lerro-zenbakiak:"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:433
+msgid "He_aders and footers:"
+msgstr "Goib_uruak eta orri-oinak:"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preferences.ui:474
+msgid "_Restore Default Fonts"
+msgstr "_Leheneratu letra-tipo lehenetsiak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:34
+msgid "Show the previous page"
+msgstr "Erakutsi aurreko orrialdea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:48
+msgid "Show the next page"
+msgstr "Erakutsi hurrengo orrialdea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:103
+msgid "Current page (Alt+P)"
+msgstr "Uneko orrialdea (Alt+P)"
+#. the "of" from "1 of 19" in print preview
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:118
+msgid "of"
+msgstr "/"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:135
+msgid "Page total"
+msgstr "Orrialdeak guztira"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:136
+msgid "The total number of pages in the document"
+msgstr "Dokumentuaren orrialde-kopurua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:185
+msgid "Show multiple pages"
+msgstr "Erakutsi hainbat orrialde"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:233
+msgid "Zoom 1:1"
+msgstr "Zooma 1:1"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:247
+msgid "Zoom to fit the whole page"
+msgstr "Orrialde osoa hartzeko doitzen du ikuspegia"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:261
+msgid "Zoom the page in"
+msgstr "Handiagotu zooma"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:275
+msgid "Zoom the page out"
+msgstr "Txikiagotu zooma"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:326
+msgid "Close print preview"
+msgstr "Itxi inprimatzeko aurrebista"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:327
+msgid "_Close Preview"
+msgstr "_Itxi aurrebista"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:374
+msgid "Page Preview"
+msgstr "Orrialdearen aurrebista"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-print-preview.ui:375
+msgid "The preview of a page in the document to be printed"
+msgstr "Inprimatuko den dokumentuaren orrialdearen aurrebista"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:39
+msgid "Replace _All"
+msgstr "Ordeztu _denak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:71
+msgctxt "label of the find button"
+msgid "_Find"
+msgstr "A_urkitu"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:105
+msgctxt "label on the left of the GtkEntry containing text to search"
+msgid "F_ind "
+msgstr "_Bilatu "
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:120
+msgid "Replace _with "
+msgstr "Ordeztu _honekin "
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:138
+msgid "_Match case"
+msgstr "_Maiuskula/minuskula"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:155
+msgid "Match _entire word only"
+msgstr "_Hitz osoak soilik"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:172
+msgid "Re_gular expression"
+msgstr "_Adierazpen erregularra"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:189
+msgid "Search _backwards"
+msgstr "Bilatu _atzerantz"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-replace-dialog.ui:206
+msgid "Wra_p around"
+msgstr "Egok_itu"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:14
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Documents"
+msgstr "Dokumentuak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:19
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Create a new document in a tab"
+msgstr "Sortu dokumentu berria fitxa batean"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:26
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Open a document"
+msgstr "Ireki dokumentua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:33
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Save the document"
+msgstr "Gorde dokumentua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:40
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Save the document with a new filename"
+msgstr "Gorde dokumentua beste izen batekin"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:47
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Save all the documents"
+msgstr "Gorde dokumentu guztiak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:54
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Close the document"
+msgstr "Itxi dokumentua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:61
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Close all the documents"
+msgstr "Itxi dokumentu guztiak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:68
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Reopen the most recently closed document"
+msgstr "Ireki berriro itxitako azken dokumentuak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:75
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Switch to the next document"
+msgstr "Aldatu hurrengo dokumentura"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:82
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Switch to the previous document"
+msgstr "Aldatu aurreko dokumentura"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:89
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Switch to the first — ninth document"
+msgstr "Aldatu lehen — bederatzigarren dokumentura"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:97
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Windows and Panels"
+msgstr "Leihoak eta panelak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:102
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Create a new document in a window"
+msgstr "Sortu dokumentu berria leihoan"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:109
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Create a new tab group"
+msgstr "Sortu fitxen talde berria"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:116
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Show side panel"
+msgstr "Erakutsi alboko panela"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:123
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Show bottom panel"
+msgstr "Erakutsi beheko panela"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:130
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Fullscreen on / off"
+msgstr "Txandakatu pantaila osoa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:137
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Quit the application"
+msgstr "Irten aplikaziotik"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:145
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:171
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Find and Replace"
+msgstr "Bilatu eta ordeztu"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:150
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Find"
+msgstr "Bilatu"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:157
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Find the next match"
+msgstr "Bilatu hurrengo parekatzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:164
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Find the previous match"
+msgstr "Bilatu aurreko parekatzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:178
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Clear highlight"
+msgstr "Garbitu nabarmentzea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:186
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Undo and Redo"
+msgstr "Desegin eta berregin"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:191
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Undo previous command"
+msgstr "Desegin aurreko komandoa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:198
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Redo previous command"
+msgstr "Berregin aurreko komandoa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:206
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Selection"
+msgstr "Hautapena"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:211
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Select all text"
+msgstr "Hautatu testu guztia"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:218
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Unselect all text"
+msgstr "Desautatu testu guztia"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:226
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Copy and Paste"
+msgstr "Kopiatu eta itsatsi"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:231
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Copy selected text to clipboard"
+msgstr "Kopiatu hautatutako testua arbelean"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:238
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Cut selected text to clipboard"
+msgstr "Ebaki hautatutako testua arbelera"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:245
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Paste text from clipboard"
+msgstr "Itsatsi testua arbeletik"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:253
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Navigation"
+msgstr "Nabigazioa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:258
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Go to line"
+msgstr "Joan lerrora"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:265
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move to the beginning of the current line"
+msgstr "Joan uneko lerroaren hasierara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:272
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move to the end of the current line"
+msgstr "Joan uneko lerroaren amaierara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:279
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move to the beginning of the document"
+msgstr "Joan dokumentuaren hasierara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:286
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move to the end of the document"
+msgstr "Joan dokumentuaren amaierara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:293
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move viewport up within the file"
+msgstr "Mugitu leihatila gora fitxategiaren baitan"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:300
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move viewport down within the file"
+msgstr "Mugitu leihatila behera fitxategiaren baitan"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:307
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move viewport to end of file"
+msgstr "Mugitu leihatila fitxategiaren amaierara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:314
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move viewport to beginning of file"
+msgstr "Mugitu leihatila fitxategiaren hasierara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:321
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move to matching bracket"
+msgstr "Mugitu bat datorren kortxetera"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:328
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Go to previous tab group"
+msgstr "Joan fitxen aurreko taldera"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:335
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Go to next tab group"
+msgstr "Joan fitxen hurrengo taldera"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:343
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Editing"
+msgstr "Edizioa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:348
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Toggle insert / overwrite"
+msgstr "Txandakatu txertatzea/gainidaztea"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:355
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Toggle cursor visibility"
+msgstr "Txandakatu kurtsorearen ikusgaitasuna"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:362
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Delete current line"
+msgstr "Ezabatu unekoa lerroa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:369
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move current line up"
+msgstr "Eraman uneko lerroa gora"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:376
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move current line down"
+msgstr "Eraman uneko lerroa behera"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:383
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move current word left"
+msgstr "Eraman uneko hitza ezkerrera"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:390
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Move current word right"
+msgstr "Eraman uneko hitza eskuinera"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:397
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Convert to uppercase"
+msgstr "Bihurtu maiuskuletara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:404
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Convert to lowercase"
+msgstr "Bihurtu minuskuletara"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:411
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Invert case"
+msgstr "Alderantzikatu maiuskulak eta minuskulak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:418
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Increment number at cursor"
+msgstr "Handiagotu zenbakia kurtsorean"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:425
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Decrement number at cursor"
+msgstr "Txikiagotu zenbakia kurtsorean"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:433
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Tools"
+msgstr "Tresnak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:438
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Check spelling"
+msgstr "Ortografia-egiaztapena"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:445
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Print the document"
+msgstr "Inprimatu dokumentua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:452
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Show completion window"
+msgstr "Erakutsi osaketaren leihoa"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:460
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Orokorra"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:465
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Show help"
+msgstr "Erakutsi laguntza"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:472
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Open menu"
+msgstr "Ireki menua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-shortcuts.ui:479
+msgctxt "shortcut window"
+msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
+msgstr "Laster-teklak"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-tab-label.ui:34
+msgid "Close Document"
+msgstr "Itxi dokumentua"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:36 gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:42
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:327
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:333
+msgid "Create a new document"
+msgstr "Dokumentu berria sortzen du"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:41 gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:332
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Berria"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:62 gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:67
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:368
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:373
+msgid "Save the current file"
+msgstr "Uneko fitxategia gordetzen du"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:66 gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:366
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:372
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Gorde"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:209
+msgid "Hide panel"
+msgstr "Ezkutatu panela"
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:341
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:346
+#: gedit/resources/ui/gedit-window.ui:347
+msgid "Leave Fullscreen"
+msgstr "Irten pantaila osotik"
+#: plugins/docinfo/
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:7
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:13
+msgid "Document Statistics"
+msgstr "Dokumentuaren estatistikak"
+#: plugins/docinfo/
+msgid "Report the number of words, lines and characters in a document."
+msgstr "Dokumentuan zenbat hitz, lerro, karaktere eta tarterik gabeko karaktere dauden buruz ematen du berri."
+#: plugins/docinfo/gedit-docinfo-plugin.c:535
+msgid "_Document Statistics"
+msgstr "_Dokumentuaren estatistikak"
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:64
+msgid "Document"
+msgstr "Dokumentua"
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:82
+msgid "Selection"
+msgstr "Hautapena"
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:97
+msgid "Lines"
+msgstr "Lerroak"
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:112
+msgid "Words"
+msgstr "Hitzak"
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:127
+msgid "Characters (with spaces)"
+msgstr "Karaktereak (tarteekin)"
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:142
+msgid "Characters (no spaces)"
+msgstr "Karaktereak (tarterik ez)"
+#: plugins/docinfo/resources/ui/gedit-docinfo-plugin.ui:157
+msgid "Bytes"
+msgstr "Byte"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Build"
+msgstr "Eraiki"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Run “make” in the document directory"
+msgstr "Exekutatu \"make\" dokumentuaren direktorioan"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Open terminal here"
+msgstr "Ireki terminala hemen"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Open a terminal in the document location"
+msgstr "Ireki terminala dokumentuaren kokalekuarekin"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Remove trailing spaces"
+msgstr "Kendu amaierako zuriuneak"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Remove useless trailing spaces in your file"
+msgstr "Kendu erabiltzen ez diren zuriuneak fitxategitik"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Run command"
+msgstr "Exekutatu komandoa"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Execute a custom command and put its output in a new document"
+msgstr "Exekutatu komando pertsonalizatua eta jarri bere irteera dokumentu berrian"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Send to fpaste"
+msgstr "Bidali fpaste-ra"
+#: plugins/externaltools/data/
+msgid "Paste selected text or current document to fpaste"
+msgstr "Hautatutako testua edo uneko dokumentua 'fpaste' gunera bidaltzen du"
+#: plugins/externaltools/
+msgid "External Tools"
+msgstr "Kanpoko tresnak"
+#: plugins/externaltools/
+msgid "Execute external commands and shell scripts."
+msgstr "Exekutatu kanpoko komandoak eta shell-eko script-ak."
+#: plugins/externaltools/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.externaltools.gschema.xml:5
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:15
+msgid "Whether to use the system font"
+msgstr "Sistemaren letra-tipoa erabili edo ez"
+#: plugins/externaltools/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.externaltools.gschema.xml:6
+msgid ""
+"If true, the external tools will use the desktop-global standard font if "
+"it’s monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise)."
+msgstr "Egia bada, kanpoko tresnak desktop-global letra-tipo estandarra erabiliko du tarte bakarrekoa bada (eta bestela, antzekoena den letra-tipoa)."
+#: plugins/externaltools/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.externaltools.gschema.xml:15
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:25
+msgid "A Pango font name. Examples are “Sans 12” or “Monospace Bold 14”."
+msgstr "Pango letra-tipo baten izena. Adibidez, \"Sans 12\" edo \"Monospace Bold 14\"."
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Manage _External Tools…"
+msgstr "Kudeatu _kanpoko tresnak…"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "External _Tools"
+msgstr "Kanpoko _tresnak"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Could not execute command: %s"
+msgstr "Ezin izan da komandoa exekutatu: %s"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "You must be inside a word to run this command"
+msgstr "Hitz baten barruan egon behar zara komando hau exekutatzeko"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Running tool:"
+msgstr "Tresna exekutatzen:"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Done."
+msgstr "Eginda."
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Exited"
+msgstr "Irten da"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "All languages"
+msgstr "Hizkuntza guztiak"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:473
+msgid "All Languages"
+msgstr "Hizkuntza guztiak"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "New tool"
+msgstr "Tresna berria"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+#, python-format
+msgid "This accelerator is already bound to %s"
+msgstr "Bizkortzaile hau jadanik %s(e)ra lotuta dago"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Type a new accelerator, or press Backspace to clear"
+msgstr "Sakatu bizkortzaile berria, edo Atzera-tekla garbitzeko"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Type a new accelerator"
+msgstr "Sakatu bizkortzaile berria"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Stopped."
+msgstr "Geldituta."
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/outputpanel.ui:37
+msgid "Stop Tool"
+msgstr "Gelditu tresna"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:15
+msgid "Always available"
+msgstr "Beti erabilgarri"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:19
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:129
+msgid "All documents"
+msgstr "Dokumentu guztiak"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:23
+msgid "All documents except untitled ones"
+msgstr "Dokumentu guztiak izenik gabekoak ezik"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:27
+msgid "Local files only"
+msgstr "Fitxategi lokalak soilik"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:31
+msgid "Remote files only"
+msgstr "Urruneko fitxategiak soilik"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:35
+msgid "Untitled documents only"
+msgstr "Izenik gabeko dokumentuak soilik"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:53
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:125
+msgid "Current document"
+msgstr "Uneko dokumentua"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:57
+msgid "Current selection"
+msgstr "Uneko hautapena"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:61
+msgid "Current selection (default to document)"
+msgstr "Uneko hautapena (lehenetsia dokumentuarentzat)"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:65
+msgid "Current line"
+msgstr "Uneko lerroa"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:69
+msgid "Current word"
+msgstr "Uneko hitza"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:87
+msgid "Display in bottom pane"
+msgstr "Bistaratu beheko panelean"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:91
+msgid "Create new document"
+msgstr "Sortu dokumentu berria"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:95
+msgid "Append to current document"
+msgstr "Erantsi uneko dokumentuari"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:99
+msgid "Replace current document"
+msgstr "Ordeztu uneko dokumentua"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:103
+msgid "Replace current selection"
+msgstr "Ordeztu uneko hautapena"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:107
+msgid "Insert at cursor position"
+msgstr "Txertatu kurtsorearen posizioan"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:136
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:146
+msgid "Manage External Tools"
+msgstr "Kudeatu kanpoko tresnak"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:204
+msgid "Add a new tool"
+msgstr "Gehitu tresna berria"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:205
+msgid "Add Tool"
+msgstr "Gehitu tresna"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:219
+msgid "Remove selected tool"
+msgstr "Kendu hautatutako tresna"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:220
+msgid "Remove Tool"
+msgstr "Kendu tresna"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:234
+msgid "Revert tool"
+msgstr "Leheneratu tresna"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:235
+msgid "Revert Tool"
+msgstr "Leheneratu tresna"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:287
+msgid "Shortcut _key:"
+msgstr "Lasterbidearen _tekla:"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:321
+msgid "_Save:"
+msgstr "_Gorde:"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:356
+msgid "_Input:"
+msgstr "_Sarrera:"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:391
+msgid "_Output:"
+msgstr "_Irteera:"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/tools.ui:426
+msgid "_Applicability:"
+msgstr "_Aplikagarritasuna:"
+#: plugins/externaltools/tools/
+msgid "Tool Output"
+msgstr "Tresnaren irteera"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/
+msgid "File Browser Panel"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen panela"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/
+msgid "Easy file access from the side panel."
+msgstr "Fitxategiak erraz atzitu alboko paneletik."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-bookmarks-store.c:200
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Karpeta nagusia"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-bookmarks-store.c:233
+msgid "File System"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-sistema"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:521
+msgid "File Browser"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailea"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:657
+msgid "An error occurred while creating a new directory"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da direktorio berria sortzean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:660
+msgid "An error occurred while creating a new file"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da fitxategi berria sortzean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:663
+msgid "An error occurred while renaming a file or directory"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da fitxategia/direktorioa izenez aldatzean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:666
+msgid "An error occurred while deleting a file or directory"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da fitxategia/direktorioa ezabatzean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:669
+msgid "An error occurred while opening a directory in the file manager"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da direktorioa fitxategi-kudeatzailearekin irekitzean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:672
+msgid "An error occurred while setting a root directory"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da erroko direktorioa ezartzean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:675
+msgid "An error occurred while loading a directory"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da direktorioa kargatzean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:678
+msgid "An error occurred"
+msgstr "Errorea gertatu da"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:900
+msgid ""
+"Cannot move file to trash, do you\n"
+"want to delete permanently?"
+msgstr "Ezin da fitxategia zakarrontzira bota.\n"
+"Betirako ezabatzea nahi duzu?"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:905
+#, c-format
+msgid "The file “%s” cannot be moved to the trash."
+msgstr "“%s” fitxategia ezin izan da zakarrontzira bota."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:910
+msgid "The selected files cannot be moved to the trash."
+msgstr "Hautatutako fitxategia ezin da zakarrontzira bota."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:941
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete “%s”?"
+msgstr "Ziur zaude “%s” behin betiko ezabatu nahi duzula?"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:946
+msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected files?"
+msgstr "Ziur zaude hautatutako fitxategiak betirako ezabatzea nahi dituzula?"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-plugin.c:949
+msgid "If you delete an item, it is permanently lost."
+msgstr "Elementu bat ezabatzen baduzu betirako galduko da."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:1701
+msgid "(Empty)"
+msgstr "(Hutsa)"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3325
+msgid ""
+"The renamed file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
+"settings to make the file visible"
+msgstr "Izenez aldatutako fitxategia jadanik iragazita dago. Iragazkiaren ezarpenak egokitu behar dituzu fitxategia ikusgai egiteko"
+#. Translators: This is the default name of new files created by the file browser pane.
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3576
+msgid "Untitled File"
+msgstr "Izenik gabeko fitxategia"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3604
+msgid ""
+"The new file is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
+"settings to make the file visible"
+msgstr "Fitxategi berria jadanik iragazita dago. Iragazkiaren ezarpenak egokitu behar dituzu fitxategia ikusgai egiteko"
+#. Translators: This is the default name of new directories created by the file browser pane.
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3633
+msgid "Untitled Folder"
+msgstr "Izenik gabeko karpeta"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-store.c:3656
+msgid ""
+"The new directory is currently filtered out. You need to adjust your filter "
+"settings to make the directory visible"
+msgstr "Direktorio berria jadanik iragazita dago. Iragazkiaren ezarpenak egokitu behar dituzu direktorioa ikusgai egiteko"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-widget.c:755
+msgid "Bookmarks"
+msgstr "Laster-markak"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-widget.c:1955
+#, c-format
+msgid "No mount object for mounted volume: %s"
+msgstr "Ez da muntatutako bolumenaren objekturik muntatu: %s"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-widget.c:2024
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open media: %s"
+msgstr "Ezin izan da euskarria ireki: %s"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-widget.c:2067
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not mount volume: %s"
+msgstr "Ezin izan da bolumena muntatu: %s"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/gedit-file-browser-widget.c:2579
+#, c-format
+msgid "Error when loading “%s”: No such directory"
+msgstr "Errorea “%s” kargatzean: Ez dago halako direktoriorik"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:5
+msgid "Open With Tree View"
+msgstr "Ireki zuhaitz ikuspegiarekin"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:6
+msgid ""
+"Open the tree view when the file browser plugin gets loaded instead of the "
+"bookmarks view"
+msgstr "Ireki zuhaitz-ikuspegian fitxategi-arakatzailearen osagaiak kargatzen duenean laster-marken ikuspegiaren ordez"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:10
+msgid "File Browser Root Directory"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen erroko direktorioa"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:11
+msgid ""
+"The file browser root directory to use when loading the file browser plugin "
+"and onload/tree_view is TRUE."
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen erroko direktorioa, fitxategi-arakatzailearen osagaia kargatzean eta onload/tree_view EGIA denean erabiltzeko."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:15
+msgid "File Browser Virtual Root Directory"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen erro birtualeko direktorioa"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:16
+msgid ""
+"The file browser virtual root directory to use when loading the file browser "
+"plugin when onload/tree_view is TRUE. The virtual root must always be below "
+"the actual root."
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen erro birtualeko direktorioa, fitxategi-arakatzailearen osagaia kargatzean eta onload/tree_view EGIA denean erabiltzeko. Erro birtuala uneko erroari dagokio beti."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:20
+msgid "Enable Restore of Remote Locations"
+msgstr "Gaitu urruneko kokalekuak berreskuratzea"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:21
+msgid "Sets whether to enable restoring of remote locations."
+msgstr "Urruneko kokalekuak berreskuratzea edo ez ezartzen du."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:25
+msgid "Set Location to First Document"
+msgstr "Ezarri aurreneko dokumentuaren kokalekua"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:26
+msgid ""
+"If TRUE the file browser plugin will view the directory of the first opened "
+"document given that the file browser hasn’t been used yet. (Thus this "
+"generally applies to opening a document from the command line or opening it "
+"with Nautilus, etc.)"
+msgstr "TRUE (egia) bada, fitxategi-arakatzailearen pluginak irekitako lehen dokumentuaren direktorioa bistaratuko du, lehenago fitxategi-arakatzailea erabili ez bada. (Hortaz, oro har dokumentu bat komando-lerrotik edo Nautilus erabilita irekitzean aplikatzen den bera da)"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:30
+msgid "File Browser Filter Mode"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen iragazki modua"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:31
+msgid ""
+"This value determines what files get filtered from the file browser. Valid "
+"values are: none (filter nothing), hide-hidden (filter hidden files) and "
+"hide-binary (filter binary files)."
+msgstr "Balio honek fitxategi-arakatzailetik iragaziko diren fitxategiak zehazten du. Balio posibleak: 'none' (ez du iragazten), 'hide-hidden' (iragazi ezkutuko fitxategiak), 'hide-binary' (iragazi fitxategi bitarrak)."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:35
+msgid "File Browser Filter Pattern"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen iragazki-eredua"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"The filter pattern to filter the file browser with. This filter works on top "
+"of the filter_mode."
+msgstr "Iragazki-eredua fitxategi-arakatzailearekin iragazteko. Iragazki honek filter_mode-ren gainean funtzionatzen du."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:40
+msgid "File Browser Binary Patterns"
+msgstr "Fitxategi-arakatzailearen eredu bitarrak"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.filebrowser.gschema.xml:41
+msgid "The supplemental patterns to use when filtering binary files."
+msgstr "Eredu gehigarriak fitxategi bitarrak iragaztean erabiltzeko."
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:13
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:79
+msgid "_Set Root to Active Document"
+msgstr "_Ezarri dokumentu aktiboaren erroa"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:19
+msgid "_New Folder"
+msgstr "Karpeta _berria"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:23
+msgid "New F_ile"
+msgstr "_Fitxategi berria"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:29
+msgid "_Rename…"
+msgstr "Be_rrizendatu…"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:33
+msgid "_Move to Trash"
+msgstr "_Bota zakarrontzira"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:43
+msgid "Re_fresh View"
+msgstr "_Freskatu ikuspegia"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:47
+msgid "_View Folder"
+msgstr "_Ikusi karpeta"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:51
+msgid "_Open in Terminal"
+msgstr "_Ireki terminalean"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:56
+msgid "_Filter"
+msgstr "_Iragazkia"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:59
+msgid "Show _Hidden"
+msgstr "Erakutsi _ezkutukoak"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:63
+msgid "Show _Binary"
+msgstr "Erakutsi _bitarra"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-menus.ui:67
+msgid "Match Filename"
+msgstr "Bat etorri fitxategi-izenarekin"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-widget.ui:183
+msgid "History"
+msgstr "Historia"
+#: plugins/filebrowser/resources/ui/gedit-file-browser-widget.ui:184
+msgid "Open history menu"
+msgstr "Ireki historiaren menua"
+#: plugins/modelines/
+msgid "Modelines"
+msgstr "Lerro-moduak"
+#: plugins/modelines/
+msgid "Emacs, Kate and Vim-style modelines support for gedit."
+msgstr "Emacs, Kate eta Vim estiloko lerro-moduen euskarria gedit-entzat."
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:5
+msgid "Command Color Text"
+msgstr "Komandoaren testuaren kolorea"
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:6
+msgid "The command color text"
+msgstr "Komandoko testuaren kolorea"
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:10
+msgid "Error Color Text"
+msgstr "Errorearen testuaren kolorea"
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:11
+msgid "The error color text"
+msgstr "Erroreko testuaren kolorea"
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.pythonconsole.gschema.xml:16
+msgid ""
+"If true, the terminal will use the desktop-global standard font if it’s "
+"monospace (and the most similar font it can come up with otherwise)."
+msgstr "Egia bada, terminalak desktop-global letra-tipo estandarra erabiliko du tarte bakarrekoa bada (eta bestela, antzekoena den letra-tipoa)."
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/config.ui:18
+msgid "C_ommand color:"
+msgstr "_Komando-kolorea:"
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/config.ui:32
+msgid "_Error color:"
+msgstr "_Errore-kolorea:"
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/pythonconsole/
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/
+msgid "Python Console"
+msgstr "Python kontsola"
+#: plugins/pythonconsole/
+msgid "Interactive Python console standing in the bottom panel."
+msgstr "Python-en kontsola interaktiboa beheko panelean."
+#: plugins/quickhighlight/
+msgid "Quick Highlight"
+msgstr "Nabarmentze azkarra"
+#: plugins/quickhighlight/
+msgid "Highlights every occurrences of selected text."
+msgstr "Hautatutako testuaren agerraldi guztiak nabarmentzen ditu."
+#: plugins/quickopen/quickopen/
+msgid "Quick Open…"
+msgstr "Irekitze azkarra…"
+#: plugins/quickopen/
+#: plugins/quickopen/quickopen/
+msgid "Quick Open"
+msgstr "Irekitze azkarra"
+#: plugins/quickopen/
+msgid "Quickly open files."
+msgstr "Ireki fitxategiak azkar."
+#: plugins/quickopen/quickopen/
+msgid "Type to search…"
+msgstr "Idatzi bilaketa…"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Manage _Snippets…"
+msgstr "Kudeatu kode-_zatiak…"
+#. Do the fancy completion dialog
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/
+msgid "Snippets"
+msgstr "Kode-zatiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "The archive “%s” could not be created"
+msgstr "“%s” fitxategia ezin izan da sortu"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Target directory “%s” does not exist"
+msgstr "“%s” direktorioa ez da existitzen"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Target directory “%s” is not a valid directory"
+msgstr "“%s” direktorioa ez da baliozkoa"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "File “%s” does not exist"
+msgstr "“%s” fitxategia ez da existitzen"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "File “%s” is not a valid snippets file"
+msgstr "“%s” fitxategia ez da kode-zatien baliozko fitxategia"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Imported file “%s” is not a valid snippets file"
+msgstr "Inportatutako “%s” fitxategia ez da kode-zatien baliozko fitxategia"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "The archive “%s” could not be extracted"
+msgstr "“%s” fitxategia ezin izan da erauzi"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "The following files could not be imported: %s"
+msgstr "Ezin izan dira honako fitxategiak inportatu: %s"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "File “%s” is not a valid snippets archive"
+msgstr "“%s” fitxategia ez da kode-zatien baliozko fitxategia"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Snippets archive"
+msgstr "Kode-zatien artxiboa"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Add a new snippet…"
+msgstr "Gehitu kode-zati berria…"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Global"
+msgstr "Globala"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Revert selected snippet"
+msgstr "Alderantzikatu hautatutako kode-zatia"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:120
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:121
+msgid "Delete selected snippet"
+msgstr "Ezabatu hautatutako kode-zatia"
+#. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(3)
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid ""
+"This is not a valid Tab trigger. Triggers can either contain alphanumeric "
+"characters (or _, : and .) or a single (non-alphanumeric) character like: {, "
+"[, etc."
+msgstr "Hau ez da Tabuladorearen baliozko abiarazlea. Abiarazleek karaktere alfazenbakizkoak (edo _, : eta .) edo karaktere bakarra (ez alfanumerikoa, {, [ bezalako karaktereak) eduki dezakete."
+#. self['hbox_tab_trigger'].set_spacing(0)
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:283
+msgid "Single word the snippet is activated with after pressing Tab"
+msgstr "Hitz bakuna kode-zatia aktibatzeko tabuladorea sakatu ondoren"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "The following error occurred while importing: %s"
+msgstr "Honako errorea gertatu da inportatzean: %s"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Import successfully completed"
+msgstr "Ongi inportatu da"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:137
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:138
+msgid "Import snippets"
+msgstr "Inportatu kode-zatiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "All supported archives"
+msgstr "Onartzen diren artxibo guztiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Gzip compressed archive"
+msgstr "Gzip-ekin konprimatutako artxiboa"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Bzip2 compressed archive"
+msgstr "Bzip2-rekin konprimatutako artxiboa"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Single snippets file"
+msgstr "Kode-zatien fitxategi bakarra"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "All files"
+msgstr "Fitxategi denak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "The following error occurred while exporting: %s"
+msgstr "Honako errorea gertatu da esportatzean: %s"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Export successfully completed"
+msgstr "Ongi esportatu da"
+#. Ask if system snippets should also be exported
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Do you want to include selected <b>system</b> snippets in your export?"
+msgstr "Nahi duzu hautatutako <b>sistemaren</b> kode-zatiak esportazioan txertatzea?"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "There are no snippets selected to be exported"
+msgstr "Ez da kode-zatirik hautatu esportatzeko"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Export snippets"
+msgstr "Esportatu kode-zatiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Type a new shortcut, or press Backspace to clear"
+msgstr "Sakatu laster-tekla berria, edo sakatu atzera-tekla garbitzeko"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+msgid "Type a new shortcut"
+msgstr "Sakatu laster-tekla berria"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Execution of the Python command (%s) exceeds the maximum time, execution "
+msgstr "Python-eko komandoak (%s) gehieneko denbora gainditu du, exekuzioa abortatu egin da."
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Execution of the Python command (%s) failed: %s"
+msgstr "Python komandoaren (%s) exekuzioak huts egin du: %s"
+#: plugins/snippets/
+msgid "Insert often-used pieces of text in a fast way."
+msgstr "Txertatu azkar sarritan erabilitako testu-zatiak."
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:40
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:47
+msgid "Manage Snippets"
+msgstr "Kudeatu kode-zatiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:103
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:104
+msgid "Create new snippet"
+msgstr "Sortu kode-zati berria"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:105
+msgid "Add Snippet"
+msgstr "Gehitu kode-zatia"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:122
+msgid "Remove Snippet"
+msgstr "Kendu kode-zatia"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:139
+msgid "Import Snippets"
+msgstr "Inportatu kode-zatiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:154
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:155
+msgid "Export selected snippets"
+msgstr "Esportatu hautatutako kode-zatiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:156
+msgid "Export Snippets"
+msgstr "Esportatu kode-zatiak"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:224
+msgid "Activation"
+msgstr "Aktibatzea"
+#. "tab" here means the tab key, not the notebook tab!
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:263
+msgid "_Tab trigger:"
+msgstr "_Fitxa-abiarazlea:"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:317
+msgid "S_hortcut key:"
+msgstr "La_sterbide tekla:"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:333
+msgid "Shortcut key with which the snippet is activated"
+msgstr "Laster-tekla kode-zatia aktibatzeko"
+#: plugins/snippets/snippets/snippets.ui:351
+msgid "_Drop targets:"
+msgstr "_Jaregin helburuak:"
+#: plugins/sort/gedit-sort-plugin.c:241
+msgid "S_ort…"
+msgstr "O_rdenatu…"
+#: plugins/sort/resources/ui/gedit-sort-plugin.ui:13
+#: plugins/sort/
+msgid "Sort"
+msgstr "Ordenatu"
+#: plugins/sort/resources/ui/gedit-sort-plugin.ui:38
+msgid "_Reverse order"
+msgstr "_Alderantzizko ordena"
+#: plugins/sort/resources/ui/gedit-sort-plugin.ui:54
+msgid "R_emove duplicates"
+msgstr "_Kendu bikoiztuak"
+#: plugins/sort/resources/ui/gedit-sort-plugin.ui:70
+msgid "C_ase sensitive"
+msgstr "Maius_kula/Minuskula"
+#: plugins/sort/resources/ui/gedit-sort-plugin.ui:93
+msgid "S_tart at column:"
+msgstr "Hasi _zutabe honetan:"
+#: plugins/sort/resources/ui/gedit-sort-plugin.ui:150
+msgid "_Sort"
+msgstr "_Ordenatu"
+#: plugins/sort/
+msgid "Sorts a document or selected text."
+msgstr "Dokumentua edo hautatutako testua ordenatzen du."
+#: plugins/spell/gedit-spell-app-activatable.c:143
+msgid "_Check Spelling…"
+msgstr "_Ortografia-egiaztatzailea…"
+#: plugins/spell/gedit-spell-app-activatable.c:147
+msgid "Set _Language…"
+msgstr "Ezarri hi_zkuntza…"
+#: plugins/spell/gedit-spell-app-activatable.c:151
+msgid "_Highlight Misspelled Words"
+msgstr "_Nabarmendu gaizki idatzitako hitzak"
+#: plugins/spell/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.spell.gschema.xml:5
+#: plugins/spell/resources/ui/gedit-spell-setup-dialog.ui:75
+msgid "Highlight misspelled words"
+msgstr "Nabarmendu gaizki idatzitako hitzak"
+#: plugins/spell/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.spell.gschema.xml:6
+msgid "Default setting for highlight misspelled words."
+msgstr "Ezarpen lehenetsia gaizki idatzitako hitzak nabarmentzeko."
+#: plugins/spell/resources/ui/gedit-spell-setup-dialog.ui:7
+msgid "Configure spell plugin"
+msgstr "Konfiguratu ortografia egiaztatzeko plugina"
+#: plugins/spell/resources/ui/gedit-spell-setup-dialog.ui:61
+msgid "Defaults for new documents"
+msgstr "Balio lehenetsiak dokumentu berrietarako"
+#: plugins/spell/
+msgid "Spell Checker"
+msgstr "Ortografia-egiaztatzailea"
+#: plugins/spell/
+msgid "Checks the spelling of the current document."
+msgstr "Uneko dokumentuaren ortografia egiaztatzen du."
+#: plugins/time/gedit-time-plugin.c:263
+msgid "In_sert Date and Time…"
+msgstr "T_xertatu data eta ordua…"
+#: plugins/time/gedit-time-plugin.c:489
+msgid "Available formats"
+msgstr "Erabil daitezkeen formatuak"
+#: plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml:5
+msgid "Prompt Type"
+msgstr "Gonbite mota"
+#: plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml:6
+msgid ""
+"If the user should be prompted for a format or if the selected or custom "
+"format should be used."
+msgstr "Erabiltzaileari galdetu behar zaion formatu batengatik, edo hautatutako formatua (edo formatu pertsonalizatua) erabiliko den."
+#: plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml:10
+msgid "Selected Format"
+msgstr "Hautatutako formatua"
+#: plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml:11
+msgid "The selected format used when inserting the date/time."
+msgstr "Hautatutako formatua erabiliko da data/ordua txertatzean."
+#: plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml:15
+msgid "Custom Format"
+msgstr "Formatu pertsonalizatua"
+#: plugins/time/org.gnome.gedit.plugins.time.gschema.xml:16
+msgid "The custom format used when inserting the date/time."
+msgstr "Erabilitako formatu pertsonalizatua data/ordua txertatzean."
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:7
+msgid "Insert Date and Time"
+msgstr "Sartu data eta ordua"
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:23
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:94
+msgid "Use the _selected format"
+msgstr "Erabili _hautatutako formatua"
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:65
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:141
+msgid "_Use custom format"
+msgstr "_Erabili formatu pertsonalizatua"
+#. Translators: Use the more common date format in your locale
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:89
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:165
+msgid "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"
+msgstr "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
+#. Translators: This example should follow the date format defined in the entry above
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:106
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:181
+msgid "01/11/2009 17:52:00"
+msgstr "2009/11/01 17:52:00"
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-dialog.ui:167
+msgid "_Insert"
+msgstr "_Txertatu"
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:6
+msgid "Configure date/time plugin"
+msgstr "Konfiguratu dataren/orduaren plugina"
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:57
+msgid "When inserting date/time…"
+msgstr "Data/ordua txertatzean…"
+#: plugins/time/resources/ui/gedit-time-setup-dialog.ui:75
+msgid "_Prompt for a format"
+msgstr "Eskatu _formatu bat"
+#: plugins/time/
+msgid "Insert Date/Time"
+msgstr "Sartu data/ordua"
+#: plugins/time/
+msgid "Inserts current date and time at the cursor position."
+msgstr "Uneko data eta ordua sartzen ditu kurtsorearen posizioan."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "gedit is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. While "
+#~ "aiming at simplicity and ease of use, gedit is a powerful general purpose "
+#~ "text editor."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "GNOME mahaigainaren testu-editore ofiziala da Gedit. Bere helburuak "
+#~ "erabiltzeko erraza eta xumea izatea den arren, gedit xede orokorrerako "
+#~ "testu-editore ahaltsua da."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Whether you are writing the next bestseller, programming an innovative "
+#~ "application, or simply taking some quick notes, gedit will be a reliable "
+#~ "tool to accomplish your task."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Liburu bat idazten ari bazara, aplikazio berri bat garatzen bazabiltza "
+#~ "edo ohar batzuk jasotzea nahi badituzu, gedit tresna oso fidagarria da "
+#~ "zure zereginetan laguntzeko."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Its flexible plugin system allows you to tailor the application to your "
+#~ "needs and adapt it to your workflow."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bere pluginen sistema malguak aplikazioa zure beharretara egokitzea "
+#~ "baimentzen dizu zure lana egiteko modura doitzeko."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "List of active plugins. It contains the “Location” of the active plugins. "
+#~ "See the .gedit-plugin file for obtaining the “Location” of a given plugin."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Plugin aktiboen zerrenda. Plugin aktiboen \"Kokalekua\" dauka. Ikusi ."
+#~ "gedit-plugin fitxategia plugin jakin baten \"Kokalekua\" jakiteko."
+#~ msgid "Changes to document “%s” will be permanently lost."
+#~ msgstr "'%s' dokumentuan egindako aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#~ msgid "Saving has been disabled by the system administrator."
+#~ msgstr "Sistemaren administratzaileak desgaitu egin du gordetzea."
+#~ msgid "Changes to %d document will be permanently lost."
+#~ msgid_plural "Changes to %d documents will be permanently lost."
+#~ msgstr[0] "Dokumentu %dean egindako aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#~ msgstr[1] "%d dokumentutan egindako aldaketak betirako galduko dira."
+#~ msgid "Docum_ents with unsaved changes:"
+#~ msgstr "_Dokumentuak, gorde gabeko aldaketekin:"
+#~ msgctxt "window title"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Ireki"
+#~ msgid "Character Encoding:"
+#~ msgstr "Karaktere-kodeketa:"
+#~ msgid "Line Ending:"
+#~ msgstr "Lerroaren amaiera:"
+#~ msgid "The location “%s” is not currently reachable."
+#~ msgstr "Unean '%s' kokalekua ezin da atzigarria."
+#~ msgid "Your system is offline. Check your network."
+#~ msgstr "Sistema lineaz kanpo dago. Egiaztatu sarea."
+#~ msgid "D_on’t Edit"
+#~ msgstr "E_z editatu"
+#~ msgid "This file “%s” is already open in another window."
+#~ msgstr "'%s' fitxategia jadanik irekita dago beste leiho batean."
+#~ msgid "Do you want to edit it anyway?"
+#~ msgstr "Hala ere, nahi duzu fitxategia editatzea?"
+#~ msgid "Could not create a backup file while saving “%s”"
+#~ msgstr "Ezin izan da babeskopiarik sortu '%s' gordetzean"
+#~ msgid "Could not create a temporary backup file while saving “%s”"
+#~ msgstr "Ezin izan da aldi baterako babeskopiarik sortu '%s' gordetzean"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Could not back up the old copy of the file before saving the new one. You "
+#~ "can ignore this warning and save the file anyway, but if an error occurs "
+#~ "while saving, you could lose the old copy of the file. Save anyway?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ezin izan da fitxategiaren kopia zaharraren babeskopiarik egin berria "
+#~ "gordetzean. Abisu honi ez ikusi egin diezaiokezu eta fitxategia gorde "
+#~ "dena den, baina errore bat gertatzen bada gordetzean fitxategiaren kopia "
+#~ "zaharra gal dezakezu. Gorde dena den?"
+#~ msgid "The file “%s” changed on disk."
+#~ msgstr "'%s' fitxategia diskoan aldatu da."
+#~ msgid "Drop Changes and _Reload"
+#~ msgstr "Jaregin aldaketak eta _kargatu berriro"
+#~ msgid "Some invalid chars have been detected while saving “%s”"
+#~ msgstr "Baliogabeko karaktere batzuk hauteman dira '%s' gordetzean"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you continue saving this file you can corrupt the document. Save "
+#~ "anyway?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fitxategi hau gordetzen jarraitzen baduzu, dokumentua honda dezakezu. "
+#~ "Gorde dena den?"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Directory “%s” could not be created: g_mkdir_with_parents() failed: %s"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\"%s” direktorioa ezin izan da sortu: g_mkdir_with_parents() funtzioak "
+#~ "huts egin du: %s"
+#~ msgid "A_dd Scheme"
+#~ msgstr "_Gehitu eskema"
+#~ msgctxt "shortcut window"
+#~ msgid "Join selected lines"
+#~ msgstr "Elkartu hautatutako lerroak"
+#~ msgid "Check update"
+#~ msgstr "Begiratu eguneraketak"
+#~ msgid "Check for latest version of gedit"
+#~ msgstr "Begiratu gedit-en bertsio berririk dagoen"
+#~ msgid "There was an error displaying the URI."
+#~ msgstr "Errorea gertatu da URLa bistaratzean."
+#~ msgid "_Download"
+#~ msgstr "_Deskargatu"
+#~ msgid "_Ignore Version"
+#~ msgstr "E_zikusi egin bertsioari"
+#~ msgid "There is a new version of gedit"
+#~ msgstr "Gedit-en bertsio berri bat dago"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "You can download the new version of gedit by clicking on the download "
+#~ "button or ignore that version and wait for a new one"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Gedit-en bertsio berria deskarga dezakezu 'Deskargatu' botoia sakatuz, "
+#~ "edo ezikusi egin bertsio horri eta berri bati itxaron"
+#~ msgid "Version to Ignore"
+#~ msgstr "Bertsioa ezikusi egiteko"
+#~ msgid "Version to ignore until a newer version is released."
+#~ msgstr "Ezikusi egingo den bertsioa hurrengoa kaleratu arte."
+#~ msgid "Display Overview Map"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratu ikuspegi orokorraren mapa"
+#~ msgid "Whether gedit should display the overview map for the document."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Gedit-ek dokumentuaren ikuspegi orokorraren mapa bistaratu behar duen ala "
+#~ "ez."
+#~ msgid "Toolbar is Visible"
+#~ msgstr "Tresna-barra ikusgai dago"
+#~ msgid "Whether the toolbar should be visible in editing windows."
+#~ msgstr "Tresna-barrak editatzeko leihoetan ikusgai egon behar duen ala ez."
+#~ msgid "Maximum Recent Files"
+#~ msgstr "Azken fitxategien gehieneko kopurua"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Specifies the maximum number of recently opened files that will be "
+#~ "displayed in the “Recent Files” submenu."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\"Azken fitxategiak\" azpimenuan bistaratuko diren azken aldiko "
+#~ "fitxategien gehieneko kopurua zehazten du."
+#~ msgid "No changes need to be saved"
+#~ msgstr "Ez da aldaketarik gorde behar"
+#~ msgid "No results"
+#~ msgstr "Ez dago emaitzarik"
+#~ msgid "Other _Documents…"
+#~ msgstr "Beste _dokumentuak…"
+#~ msgid "Display _overview map"
+#~ msgstr "Bistaratu ikuspegi _orokorraren mapa"
+#~ msgid "Open"
+#~ msgstr "Ireki"
+#~ msgid "Open a file dialog"
+#~ msgstr "Ireki fitxategiaren elkarrizketa-koadroa"
+#~ msgid " "
+#~ msgstr " "
+#~ msgctxt "shortcut window"
+#~ msgid "Insert timestamp"
+#~ msgstr "Txertatu denbora-zigilua"