/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __GIMP_DISPLAY_SHELL_H__ #define __GIMP_DISPLAY_SHELL_H__ /* Apply to a float the same rounding mode used in the renderer */ #define PROJ_ROUND(coord) ((gint) RINT (coord)) #define PROJ_ROUND64(coord) ((gint64) RINT (coord)) /* scale values */ #define SCALEX(s,x) PROJ_ROUND ((x) * (s)->scale_x) #define SCALEY(s,y) PROJ_ROUND ((y) * (s)->scale_y) /* unscale values */ #define UNSCALEX(s,x) ((gint) ((x) / (s)->scale_x)) #define UNSCALEY(s,y) ((gint) ((y) / (s)->scale_y)) /* (and float-returning versions) */ #define FUNSCALEX(s,x) ((x) / (s)->scale_x) #define FUNSCALEY(s,y) ((y) / (s)->scale_y) #define GIMP_TYPE_DISPLAY_SHELL (gimp_display_shell_get_type ()) #define GIMP_DISPLAY_SHELL(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GIMP_TYPE_DISPLAY_SHELL, GimpDisplayShell)) #define GIMP_DISPLAY_SHELL_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GIMP_TYPE_DISPLAY_SHELL, GimpDisplayShellClass)) #define GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GIMP_TYPE_DISPLAY_SHELL)) #define GIMP_IS_DISPLAY_SHELL_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GIMP_TYPE_DISPLAY_SHELL)) #define GIMP_DISPLAY_SHELL_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GIMP_TYPE_DISPLAY_SHELL, GimpDisplayShellClass)) typedef struct _GimpDisplayShellClass GimpDisplayShellClass; struct _GimpDisplayShell { GtkEventBox parent_instance; GimpDisplay *display; GimpUIManager *popup_manager; GdkScreen *initial_screen; gint initial_monitor; GimpDisplayOptions *options; GimpDisplayOptions *fullscreen_options; GimpDisplayOptions *no_image_options; GimpUnit unit; gint offset_x; /* offset of display image */ gint offset_y; gdouble scale_x; /* horizontal scale factor */ gdouble scale_y; /* vertical scale factor */ gboolean flip_horizontally; gboolean flip_vertically; gdouble rotate_angle; cairo_matrix_t *rotate_transform; cairo_matrix_t *rotate_untransform; gdouble monitor_xres; gdouble monitor_yres; gboolean dot_for_dot; /* ignore monitor resolution */ GimpZoomModel *zoom; gdouble last_scale; /* scale used when reverting zoom */ guint last_scale_time; /* time when last_scale was set */ gint last_offset_x; /* offsets used when reverting zoom */ gint last_offset_y; gdouble other_scale; /* scale factor entered in Zoom->Other*/ gint disp_width; /* width of drawing area */ gint disp_height; /* height of drawing area */ gboolean proximity; /* is a device in proximity */ gboolean show_image; /* whether to show the image */ gboolean show_all; /* show the entire image */ Selection *selection; /* Selection (marching ants) */ GList *children; GtkWidget *canvas; /* GimpCanvas widget */ GtkAdjustment *hsbdata; /* adjustments */ GtkAdjustment *vsbdata; GtkWidget *hsb; /* scroll bars */ GtkWidget *vsb; GtkWidget *hrule; /* rulers */ GtkWidget *vrule; GtkWidget *origin; /* NW: origin */ GtkWidget *quick_mask_button;/* SW: quick mask button */ GtkWidget *zoom_button; /* NE: zoom toggle button */ GtkWidget *nav_ebox; /* SE: navigation event box */ GtkWidget *statusbar; /* statusbar */ GimpCanvasItem *canvas_item; /* items drawn on the canvas */ GimpCanvasItem *unrotated_item; /* unrotated items for e.g. cursor */ GimpCanvasItem *passe_partout; /* item for the highlight */ GimpCanvasItem *preview_items; /* item for previews */ GimpCanvasItem *vectors; /* item proxy of vectors */ GimpCanvasItem *grid; /* item proxy of the grid */ GimpCanvasItem *guides; /* item proxies of guides */ GimpCanvasItem *sample_points; /* item proxies of sample points */ GimpCanvasItem *canvas_boundary; /* item for the cabvas boundary */ GimpCanvasItem *layer_boundary; /* item for the layer boundary */ GimpCanvasItem *tool_items; /* tools items, below the cursor */ GimpCanvasItem *cursor; /* item for the software cursor */ guint title_idle_id; /* title update idle ID */ gchar *title; /* current title */ gchar *status; /* current default statusbar content */ gint icon_size; /* size of the icon pixbuf */ gint icon_size_small; /* size of the icon's wilber pixbuf */ guint icon_idle_id; /* ID of the idle-function */ GdkPixbuf *icon; /* icon */ guint fill_idle_id; /* display_shell_fill() idle ID */ GimpHandedness cursor_handedness;/* Handedness for cursor display */ GimpCursorType current_cursor; /* Currently installed main cursor */ GimpToolCursorType tool_cursor; /* Current Tool cursor */ GimpCursorModifier cursor_modifier; /* Cursor modifier (plus, minus, ...) */ GimpCursorType override_cursor; /* Overriding cursor */ gboolean using_override_cursor; gboolean draw_cursor; /* should we draw software cursor ? */ GtkWidget *close_dialog; /* close dialog */ GtkWidget *scale_dialog; /* scale (zoom) dialog */ GtkWidget *rotate_dialog; /* rotate dialog */ GtkWidget *nav_popup; /* navigation popup */ GimpColorConfig *color_config; /* color management settings */ gboolean color_config_set; /* settings changed from defaults */ GimpColorTransform *profile_transform; GeglBuffer *profile_buffer; /* buffer for profile transform */ guchar *profile_data; /* profile_buffer's pixels */ gint profile_stride; /* profile_buffer's stride */ GimpColorDisplayStack *filter_stack; /* color display conversion stuff */ guint filter_idle_id; GimpColorTransform *filter_transform; const Babl *filter_format; /* filter_buffer's format */ GeglBuffer *filter_buffer; /* buffer for display filters */ guchar *filter_data; /* filter_buffer's pixels */ gint filter_stride; /* filter_buffer's stride */ GimpDisplayXfer *xfer; /* manages image buffer transfers */ cairo_surface_t *mask_surface; /* buffer for rendering the mask */ cairo_pattern_t *checkerboard; /* checkerboard pattern */ gint paused_count; GimpTreeHandler *vectors_freeze_handler; GimpTreeHandler *vectors_thaw_handler; GimpTreeHandler *vectors_visible_handler; gboolean zoom_on_resize; gboolean size_allocate_from_configure_event; gboolean size_allocate_center_image; /* the state of gimp_display_shell_tool_events() */ gboolean pointer_grabbed; guint32 pointer_grab_time; gboolean keyboard_grabbed; guint32 keyboard_grab_time; gboolean inferior_ignore_mode; /* Two states are possible when the shell is grabbed: it can be * grabbed with space (or space+button1 which is the same state), * then if space is released but button1 was still pressed, we wait * for button1 to be released as well. */ gboolean space_release_pending; gboolean button1_release_pending; const gchar *space_shaded_tool; gboolean scrolling; gint scroll_start_x; gint scroll_start_y; gint scroll_last_x; gint scroll_last_y; gboolean rotating; gdouble rotate_drag_angle; gboolean scaling; gpointer scroll_info; gboolean layer_picking; GimpLayer *picked_layer; GeglBuffer *mask; gint mask_offset_x; gint mask_offset_y; GimpRGB mask_color; gboolean mask_inverted; GimpMotionBuffer *motion_buffer; GQueue *zoom_focus_pointer_queue; gboolean blink; guint blink_timeout_id; }; struct _GimpDisplayShellClass { GtkEventBoxClass parent_class; void (* scaled) (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void (* scrolled) (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void (* rotated) (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void (* reconnect) (GimpDisplayShell *shell); }; GType gimp_display_shell_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; GtkWidget * gimp_display_shell_new (GimpDisplay *display, GimpUnit unit, gdouble scale, GimpUIManager *popup_manager, GdkScreen *screen, gint monitor); void gimp_display_shell_add_overlay (GimpDisplayShell *shell, GtkWidget *child, gdouble image_x, gdouble image_y, GimpHandleAnchor anchor, gint spacing_x, gint spacing_y); void gimp_display_shell_move_overlay (GimpDisplayShell *shell, GtkWidget *child, gdouble image_x, gdouble image_y, GimpHandleAnchor anchor, gint spacing_x, gint spacing_y); GimpImageWindow * gimp_display_shell_get_window (GimpDisplayShell *shell); GimpStatusbar * gimp_display_shell_get_statusbar (GimpDisplayShell *shell); GimpColorConfig * gimp_display_shell_get_color_config (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_present (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_reconnect (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_empty (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_fill (GimpDisplayShell *shell, GimpImage *image, GimpUnit unit, gdouble scale); void gimp_display_shell_scaled (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_scrolled (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_rotated (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_set_unit (GimpDisplayShell *shell, GimpUnit unit); GimpUnit gimp_display_shell_get_unit (GimpDisplayShell *shell); gboolean gimp_display_shell_snap_coords (GimpDisplayShell *shell, GimpCoords *coords, gint snap_offset_x, gint snap_offset_y, gint snap_width, gint snap_height); gboolean gimp_display_shell_mask_bounds (GimpDisplayShell *shell, gint *x, gint *y, gint *width, gint *height); void gimp_display_shell_set_show_image (GimpDisplayShell *shell, gboolean show_image); void gimp_display_shell_set_show_all (GimpDisplayShell *shell, gboolean show_all); GimpPickable * gimp_display_shell_get_pickable (GimpDisplayShell *shell); GimpPickable * gimp_display_shell_get_canvas_pickable (GimpDisplayShell *shell); GeglRectangle gimp_display_shell_get_bounding_box (GimpDisplayShell *shell); gboolean gimp_display_shell_get_infinite_canvas (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_update_priority_rect (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_flush (GimpDisplayShell *shell, gboolean now); void gimp_display_shell_pause (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_resume (GimpDisplayShell *shell); void gimp_display_shell_set_highlight (GimpDisplayShell *shell, const GdkRectangle *highlight, double opacity); void gimp_display_shell_set_mask (GimpDisplayShell *shell, GeglBuffer *mask, gint offset_x, gint offset_y, const GimpRGB *color, gboolean inverted); #endif /* __GIMP_DISPLAY_SHELL_H__ */