path: root/src/lib/Gitolite/Test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 767 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Gitolite/ b/src/lib/Gitolite/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..904abbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Gitolite/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+package Gitolite::Test;
+# functions for the test code to use
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ try
+ put
+ text
+ lines
+ dump
+ confreset
+ confadd
+ cmp
+ md5sum
+use Exporter 'import';
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+use Carp qw(carp cluck croak confess);
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
+use Gitolite::Common;
+ require Gitolite::Test::Tsh;
+ *{'try'} = \&Tsh::try;
+ *{'put'} = \&Tsh::put;
+ *{'text'} = \&Tsh::text;
+ *{'lines'} = \&Tsh::lines;
+ *{'cmp'} = \&Tsh::cmp;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# make sure the user is ready for it
+if ( not $ENV{GITOLITE_TEST} or $ENV{GITOLITE_TEST} ne 'y' ) {
+ print "Bail out! See t/README for information on how to run the tests.\n";
+ exit 255;
+# required preamble for all tests
+try "
+ DEF gsh = /TRACE: gsh.SOC=/
+ DEF reject = /hook declined to update/; /remote rejected.*hook declined/; /error: failed to push some refs to/
+ DEF AP_1 = cd ../gitolite-admin; ok or die cant find admin repo clone;
+ DEF AP_2 = AP_1; git add conf ; ok; git commit -m %1; ok; /master.* %1/
+ DEF ADMIN_PUSH = AP_2 %1; glt push admin origin; ok; gsh; /master -> master/
+ DEF CS_1 = pwd; //tmp/tsh_tempdir.*gitolite-admin/; git remote -v; ok; /file:///gitolite-admin/
+ DEF CHECK_SETUP = CS_1; git log; ok; /fa7564c1b903ea3dce49314753f25b34b9e0cea0/
+ DEF CLONE = glt clone %1 file:///%2
+ DEF PUSH = glt push %1 origin
+ # clean install
+ mkdir -p $ENV{HOME}/bin
+ ln -sf $ENV{PWD}/t/glt ~/bin
+ ./install -ln
+ cd; rm -vrf .gito* repositories
+ git config --file $ENV{HOME}/.gitconfig.local \"gitolite tester\"
+ git config --file $ENV{HOME}/.gitconfig.local \"tester\\"
+ git config --global include.path \"~/.gitconfig.local\"
+ # setup
+ gitolite setup -a admin
+ # clone admin repo
+ cd tsh_tempdir
+ glt clone admin --progress file:///gitolite-admin
+ cd gitolite-admin
+" or die "could not setup the test environment; errors:\n\n" . text() . "\n\n";
+sub dump {
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ for my $i (@_) {
+ print STDERR "DBG: " . Dumper($i);
+ }
+sub _confargs {
+ return @_ if ( $_[1] );
+ return 'gitolite.conf', $_[0];
+sub confreset {
+ chdir("../gitolite-admin") or die "in `pwd`, could not cd ../g-a";
+ system( "rm", "-rf", "conf" );
+ mkdir("conf");
+ system("mv ~/repositories/gitolite-admin.git ~/repositories/.ga");
+ system("mv ~/repositories/testing.git ~/repositories/.te");
+ system("find ~/repositories -name '*.git' |xargs rm -rf");
+ system("mv ~/repositories/.ga ~/repositories/gitolite-admin.git");
+ system("mv ~/repositories/.te ~/repositories/testing.git ");
+ put "|cut -c9- > conf/gitolite.conf", '
+ repo gitolite-admin
+ RW+ = admin
+ repo testing
+ RW+ = @all
+sub confadd {
+ chdir("../gitolite-admin") or die "in `pwd`, could not cd ../g-a";
+ my ( $file, $string ) = _confargs(@_);
+ put "|cat >> conf/$file", $string;
+sub md5sum {
+ my $out = '';
+ for my $file (@_) {
+ $out .= md5_hex( slurp($file) ) . " $file\n";
+ }
+ return $out;
diff --git a/src/lib/Gitolite/Test/ b/src/lib/Gitolite/Test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6861960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Gitolite/Test/
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+use 5.10.0;
+# Tsh -- non interactive Testing SHell in perl
+# TODO items:
+# - allow an RC file to be used to add basic and extended commands
+# - convert internal defaults to additions to the RC file
+# - implement shell commands as you go
+# - solve the "pass/fail" inconsistency between shell and perl
+# - solve the pipes problem (use 'overload'?)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# modules
+package Tsh;
+use Exporter 'import';
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ try run cmp AUTOLOAD
+ rc error_count text lines error_list put
+ cd tsh_tempdir
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+# other candidates:
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Text::Tabs; # only used for formatting the usage() message
+use Text::ParseWords;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+END { chdir( $ENV{HOME} ); }
+# we need this END handler *after* the 'use File::Temp' above. Without
+# this, if $PWD at exit was $tempdir, you get errors like "cannot remove
+# path when cwd is [...] at /usr/share/perl5/File/ line 902".
+use Data::Dumper;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# globals
+my $rc; # return code from backticked (external) programs
+my $text; # STDOUT+STDERR of backticked (external) programs
+my $lec; # the last external command (the rc and text are from this)
+my $cmd; # the current command
+my $testnum; # current test number, for info in TAP output
+my $testname; # current test name, for error info to user
+my $line; # current line number and text
+my $err_count; # count of test failures
+my @errors_in; # list of testnames that errored
+my $tick; # timestamp for git commits
+my %autoloaded;
+my $tempdir = '';
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# setup
+# unbuffer STDOUT and STDERR
+select(STDERR); $|++;
+select(STDOUT); $|++;
+# set the timestamp (needed only under harness)
+test_tick() if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# this is for one-liner access from outside, using @ARGV, as in:
+# perl -MTsh -e 'tsh()' 'tsh command list'
+# or via STDIN
+# perl -MTsh -e 'tsh()' < file-containing-tsh-commands
+# NOTE: it **exits**!
+sub tsh {
+ my @lines;
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ # simple, single argument which is a readable filename
+ if ( @ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] !~ /\s/ and -r $ARGV[0] ) {
+ # take the contents of the file
+ @lines = <>;
+ } else {
+ # more than one argument *or* not readable filename
+ # just take the arguments themselves as the command list
+ @lines = @ARGV;
+ @ARGV = ();
+ }
+ } else {
+ # no arguments given, take STDIN
+ usage() if -t;
+ @lines = <>;
+ }
+ # and process them
+ try(@lines);
+ # print error summary by default
+ if ( not defined $TSH_VERBOSE ) {
+ say STDERR "$err_count error(s)" if $err_count;
+ }
+ exit $err_count;
+# these two get called with series of tsh commands, while the autoload,
+# (later) handles single commands
+sub try {
+ $line = $rc = $err_count = 0;
+ @errors_in = ();
+ # break up multiline arguments into separate lines
+ my @lines = map { split /\n/ } @_;
+ # and process them
+ rc_lines(@lines);
+ # bump err_count if the last command had a non-0 rc (that was apparently not checked).
+ $err_count++ if $rc;
+ # finish up...
+ dbg( 1, "$err_count error(s)" ) if $err_count;
+ return ( not $err_count );
+# run() differs from try() in that
+# - uses open(), not backticks
+# - takes only one command, not tsh-things like ok, /patt/ etc
+# - - if you pass it an array it uses the list form!
+sub run {
+ open( my $fh, "-|", @_ ) or die "tell sitaram $!";
+ local $/ = undef; $text = <$fh>;
+ close $fh; warn "tell sitaram $!" if $!;
+ $rc = ( $? >> 8 );
+ return $text;
+sub put {
+ my ( $file, $data ) = @_;
+ die "probable quoting error in arguments to put: $file\n" if $file =~ /^\s*['"]/;
+ my $mode = ">";
+ $mode = "|-" if $file =~ s/^\s*\|\s*//;
+ $rc = 0;
+ my $fh;
+ open( $fh, $mode, $file )
+ and print $fh $data
+ and close $fh
+ and return 1;
+ $rc = 1;
+ dbg( 1, "put $file: $!" );
+ return '';
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# TODO: AUTOLOAD and exportable convenience subs for common shell commands
+sub cd {
+ my $dir = shift || '';
+ _cd($dir);
+ dbg( 1, "cd $dir: $!" ) if $rc;
+ return ( not $rc );
+# this is classic AUTOLOAD, almost from the perlsub manpage. Although, if
+# instead of `ls('bin');` you want to be able to say `ls 'bin';` you will need
+# to predeclare ls, with `sub ls;`.
+ my $program = $Tsh::AUTOLOAD;
+ dbg( 4, "program = $program, arg=$_[0]" );
+ $program =~ s/.*:://;
+ $autoloaded{$program}++;
+ die "tsh's autoload support expects only one arg\n" if @_ > 1;
+ _sh("$program $_[0]");
+ return ( not $rc ); # perl truth
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# exportable service subs
+sub rc {
+ return $rc || 0;
+sub text {
+ return $text || '';
+sub lines {
+ return split /\n/, $text;
+sub error_count {
+ return $err_count;
+sub error_list {
+ return (
+ wantarray
+ ? @errors_in
+ : join( "\n", @errors_in )
+ );
+sub tsh_tempdir {
+ # create tempdir if not already done
+ $tempdir = tempdir( "tsh_tempdir.XXXXXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1 ) unless $tempdir;
+ # XXX TODO that 'UNLINK' doesn't work for Ctrl_C
+ return $tempdir;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# internal (non-exportable) service subs
+sub print_plan {
+ return unless $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+ local $_ = shift;
+ say "1..$_";
+sub rc_lines {
+ my @lines = @_;
+ while (@lines) {
+ local $_ = shift @lines;
+ chomp; $_ = trim_ws($_);
+ no warnings;
+ $line++;
+ use warnings;
+ # this also sets $testname
+ next if is_comment_or_empty($_);
+ dbg( 2, "L: $_" );
+ $line .= ": $_"; # save line for printing with 'FAIL:'
+ # a DEF has to be on a line by itself
+ if (/^DEF\s+([-.\w]+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/) {
+ def( $1, $2 );
+ next;
+ }
+ my @cmds = cmds($_);
+ # process each command
+ # (note: some of the commands may put stuff back into @lines)
+ while (@cmds) {
+ # this needs to be the 'global' one, since fail() prints it
+ $cmd = shift @cmds;
+ # is the current command a "testing" command?
+ my $testing_cmd = (
+ $cmd =~ m(^ok(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$)
+ or $cmd =~ m(^!ok(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$)
+ or $cmd =~ m(^/(.*?)/(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$)
+ or $cmd =~ m(^!/(.*?)/(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$)
+ );
+ # warn if the previous command failed but rc is not being checked
+ if ( $rc and not $testing_cmd ) {
+ dbg( 1, "rc: $rc from cmd prior to '$cmd'\n" );
+ # count this as a failure, for exit status purposes
+ $err_count++;
+ # and reset the rc, otherwise for example 'ls foo; tt; tt; tt'
+ # will tell you there are 3 errors!
+ $rc = 0;
+ push @errors_in, $testname if $testname;
+ }
+ # prepare to run the command
+ dbg( 3, "C: $cmd" );
+ if ( def($cmd) ) {
+ # expand macro and replace head of @cmds (unshift)
+ dbg( 2, "DEF: $cmd" );
+ unshift @cmds, cmds( def($cmd) );
+ } else {
+ parse($cmd);
+ }
+ # reset rc if checking is done
+ $rc = 0 if $testing_cmd;
+ # assumes you will (a) never have *both* 'ok' and '!ok' after
+ # an action command, and (b) one of them will come immediately
+ # after the action command, with /patt/ only after it.
+ }
+ }
+sub def {
+ my ( $cmd, $list ) = @_;
+ state %def;
+ %def = read_rc_file() unless %def;
+ if ($list) {
+ # set mode
+ die "attempt to redefine macro $cmd\n" if $def{$cmd};
+ $def{$cmd} = $list;
+ return;
+ }
+ # get mode: split the $cmd at spaces, see if there is a definition
+ # available, substitute any %1, %2, etc., in it and send it back
+ my ( $c, @d ) = shellwords($cmd);
+ my $e; # the expanded value
+ if ( $e = $def{$c} ) { # starting value
+ for my $i ( 1 .. 9 ) {
+ last unless $e =~ /%$i/; # no more %N's (we assume sanity)
+ die "$def{$c} requires more arguments\n" unless @d;
+ my $f = shift @d; # get the next datum
+ $e =~ s/%$i/$f/g; # and substitute %N all over
+ }
+ return join( " ", $e, @d ); # join up any remaining data
+ }
+ return '';
+sub _cd {
+ my $dir = shift || $HOME;
+ # a directory name of 'tsh_tempdir' is special
+ $dir = tsh_tempdir() if $dir eq 'tsh_tempdir';
+ $rc = 0;
+ chdir($dir) or $rc = 1;
+sub _sh {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ # TODO: switch to IPC::Open3 or something...?
+ dbg( 4, " running: ( $cmd ) 2>&1" );
+ $text = `( $cmd ) 2>&1; /bin/echo -n RC=\$?`;
+ $lec = $cmd;
+ dbg( 4, " results:\n$text" );
+ if ( $text =~ /RC=(\d+)$/ ) {
+ $rc = $1;
+ $text =~ s/RC=\d+$//;
+ } else {
+ die "couldnt find RC= in result; this should not happen:\n$text\n\n...\n";
+ }
+sub _perl {
+ my $perl = shift;
+ local $_;
+ $_ = $text;
+ dbg( 4, " eval: $perl" );
+ my $evrc = eval $perl;
+ if ($@) {
+ $rc = 1; # shell truth
+ dbg( 1, $@ );
+ # leave $text unchanged
+ } else {
+ $rc = not $evrc;
+ # $rc is always shell truth, so we need to cover the case where
+ # there was no error but it still returned a perl false
+ $text = $_;
+ }
+ dbg( 4, " eval-rc=$evrc, results:\n$text" );
+sub parse {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ if ( $cmd =~ /^sh (.*)/ ) {
+ _sh($1);
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ /^perl (.*)/ ) {
+ _perl($1);
+ } elsif ( $cmd eq 'tt' or $cmd eq 'test-tick' ) {
+ test_tick();
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ /^plan ?(\d+)$/ ) {
+ print_plan($1);
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ /^cd ?(\S*)$/ ) {
+ _cd($1);
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ /^ENV (\w+)=['"]?(.+?)['"]?$/ ) {
+ $ENV{$1} = $2;
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ /^(?:tc|test-commit)\s+(\S.*)$/ ) {
+ # this is the only "git special" really; the default expansions are
+ # just that -- defaults. But this one is hardwired!
+ dummy_commits($1);
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ '^put(?:\s+(\S.*))?$' ) {
+ if ($1) {
+ put( $1, $text );
+ } else {
+ print $text if defined $text;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ m(^ok(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$) ) {
+ $rc ? fail( "ok, rc=$rc from $lec", $1 || '' ) : ok();
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ m(^!ok(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$) ) {
+ $rc ? ok() : fail( "!ok, rc=0 from $lec", $1 || '' );
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ m(^/(.*?)/(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$) ) {
+ expect( $1, $2 );
+ } elsif ( $cmd =~ m(^!/(.*?)/(?:\s+or\s+(.*))?$) ) {
+ not_expect( $1, $2 );
+ } else {
+ _sh($cmd);
+ }
+# currently unused
+sub executable {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ # path supplied
+ $cmd =~ m(/) and -x $cmd and return 1;
+ # barename; look up in $PATH
+ for my $p (@PATH) {
+ -x "$p/$cmd" and return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub ok {
+ $testnum++;
+ say "ok ($testnum)" if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+sub fail {
+ $testnum++;
+ say "not ok ($testnum)" if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+ my $die = 0;
+ my ( $msg1, $msg2 ) = @_;
+ if ($msg2) {
+ # if arg2 is non-empty, print it regardless of debug level
+ $die = 1 if $msg2 =~ s/^die //;
+ say STDERR "# $msg2";
+ }
+ local $TSH_VERBOSE = 1 if $ENV{TSH_ERREXIT};
+ dbg( 1, "FAIL: $msg1", $testname || '', "test number $testnum", "L: $line", "results:\n$text" );
+ # count the error and add the testname to the list if it is set
+ $err_count++;
+ push @errors_in, $testname if $testname;
+ return unless $die or $ENV{TSH_ERREXIT};
+ dbg( 1, "exiting at cmd $cmd\n" );
+ exit( $rc || 74 );
+sub cmp {
+ # compare input string with second input string or text()
+ my $in = shift;
+ my $text = ( @_ ? +shift : text() );
+ if ( $text eq $in ) {
+ ok();
+ } else {
+ fail( 'cmp failed', '' );
+ dbg( 4, "\n\ntext = <<<$text>>>, in = <<<$in>>>\n\n" );
+ }
+sub expect {
+ my ( $patt, $msg ) = @_;
+ $msg =~ s/^\s+// if $msg;
+ my $sm;
+ if ( $sm = sm($patt) ) {
+ dbg( 4, " M: $sm" );
+ ok();
+ } else {
+ fail( "/$patt/", $msg || '' );
+ }
+sub not_expect {
+ my ( $patt, $msg ) = @_;
+ $msg =~ s/^\s+// if $msg;
+ my $sm;
+ if ( $sm = sm($patt) ) {
+ dbg( 4, " M: $sm" );
+ fail( "!/$patt/", $msg || '' );
+ } else {
+ ok();
+ }
+sub sm {
+ # smart match? for now we just do regex match
+ my $patt = shift;
+ return ( $text =~ qr($patt) ? $& : "" );
+sub trim_ws {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
+ return $_;
+sub is_comment_or_empty {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ chomp; $_ = trim_ws($_);
+ if (/^##\s(.*)/) {
+ $testname = $1;
+ say "# $1";
+ }
+ return ( /^#/ or /^$/ );
+sub cmds {
+ local $_ = shift;
+ chomp; $_ = trim_ws($_);
+ # split on unescaped ';'s, then unescape the ';' in the results
+ my @cmds = map { s/\\;/;/g; $_ } split /(?<!\\);/;
+ @cmds = grep { $_ = trim_ws($_); /\S/; } @cmds;
+ return @cmds;
+sub dbg {
+ return unless $TSH_VERBOSE;
+ my $level = shift;
+ return unless $TSH_VERBOSE >= $level;
+ my $all = join( "\n", grep( /./, @_ ) );
+ chomp($all);
+ $all =~ s/\n/\n\t/g;
+ say STDERR "# $all";
+sub ddump {
+ for my $i (@_) {
+ print STDERR "DBG: " . Dumper($i);
+ }
+sub usage {
+ # TODO
+ print "Please see documentation at:
+Meanwhile, here are your local 'macro' definitions:
+ my %m = read_rc_file();
+ my @m = map { "$_\t$m{$_}\n" } sort keys %m;
+ $tabstop = 16;
+ print join( "", expand(@m) );
+ exit 1;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# git-specific internal service subs
+sub dummy_commits {
+ for my $f ( split ' ', shift ) {
+ if ( $f eq 'tt' or $f eq 'test-tick' ) {
+ test_tick();
+ next;
+ }
+ my $ts = ( $tick ? gmtime( $tick + 19800 ) : gmtime() );
+ _sh("echo $f at $ts >> $f && git add $f && git commit -m '$f at $ts'");
+ }
+sub test_tick {
+ unless ( $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE} ) {
+ sleep 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ $tick += 60 if $tick;
+ $tick ||= 1310000000;
+ $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_DATE} = "$tick +0530";
+ $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = "$tick +0530";
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# the internal macros, for easy reference and reading
+sub read_rc_file {
+ my $rcfile = "$HOME/.tshrc";
+ my $rctext;
+ if ( -r $rcfile ) {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ open( my $rcfh, "<", $rcfile ) or die "this should not happen: $!\n";
+ $rctext = <$rcfh>;
+ } else {
+ # this is the default "rc" content
+ $rctext = "
+ add = git add
+ branch = git branch
+ clone = git clone
+ checkout = git checkout
+ commit = git commit
+ fetch = git fetch
+ init = git init
+ push = git push
+ reset = git reset
+ tag = git tag
+ empty = git commit --allow-empty -m empty
+ push-om = git push origin master
+ reset-h = git reset --hard
+ reset-hu = git reset --hard \@{u}
+ "
+ }
+ # ignore everything except lines of the form "aa = bb cc dd"
+ my %commands = ( $rctext =~ /^\s*([-.\w]+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)$/gm );
+ return %commands;