/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- * vi:set noexpandtab tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8: * * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Richard Hughes * Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Kalev Lember * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include #include #include #include #include "gs-appstream.h" /* * SECTION: * Uses offline AppStream data to populate and refine package results. * * This plugin calls UpdatesChanged() if any of the AppStream stores are * changed in any way. * * Methods: | AddCategory * Refines: | [source]->[name,summary,pixbuf,id,kind] */ struct GsPluginData { XbSilo *silo; GRWLock silo_lock; GSettings *settings; }; void gs_plugin_initialize (GsPlugin *plugin) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_alloc_data (plugin, sizeof(GsPluginData)); /* XbSilo needs external locking as we destroy the silo and build a new * one when something changes */ g_rw_lock_init (&priv->silo_lock); /* need package name */ gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_AFTER, "dpkg"); /* require settings */ priv->settings = g_settings_new ("org.gnome.software"); } void gs_plugin_destroy (GsPlugin *plugin) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_object_unref (priv->silo); g_object_unref (priv->settings); g_rw_lock_clear (&priv->silo_lock); } static const gchar * gs_plugin_appstream_convert_component_kind (const gchar *kind) { if (g_strcmp0 (kind, "web-application") == 0) return "webapp"; if (g_strcmp0 (kind, "console-application") == 0) return "console"; return kind; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_upgrade_cb (XbBuilderFixup *self, XbBuilderNode *bn, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { if (g_strcmp0 (xb_builder_node_get_element (bn), "application") == 0) { g_autoptr(XbBuilderNode) id = xb_builder_node_get_child (bn, "id", NULL); g_autofree gchar *kind = NULL; if (id != NULL) { kind = g_strdup (xb_builder_node_get_attr (id, "type")); xb_builder_node_remove_attr (id, "type"); } if (kind != NULL) xb_builder_node_set_attr (bn, "type", kind); xb_builder_node_set_element (bn, "component"); } else if (g_strcmp0 (xb_builder_node_get_element (bn), "metadata") == 0) { xb_builder_node_set_element (bn, "custom"); } else if (g_strcmp0 (xb_builder_node_get_element (bn), "component") == 0) { const gchar *type_old = xb_builder_node_get_attr (bn, "type"); const gchar *type_new = gs_plugin_appstream_convert_component_kind (type_old); if (type_old != type_new) xb_builder_node_set_attr (bn, "type", type_new); } return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_add_icons_cb (XbBuilderFixup *self, XbBuilderNode *bn, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { GsPlugin *plugin = GS_PLUGIN (user_data); if (g_strcmp0 (xb_builder_node_get_element (bn), "component") != 0) return TRUE; gs_appstream_component_add_extra_info (plugin, bn); return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_add_origin_keyword_cb (XbBuilderFixup *self, XbBuilderNode *bn, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { if (g_strcmp0 (xb_builder_node_get_element (bn), "components") == 0) { const gchar *origin = xb_builder_node_get_attr (bn, "origin"); GPtrArray *components = xb_builder_node_get_children (bn); if (origin == NULL || origin[0] == '\0') return TRUE; g_debug ("origin %s has %u components", origin, components->len); if (components->len < 200) { for (guint i = 0; i < components->len; i++) { XbBuilderNode *component = g_ptr_array_index (components, i); gs_appstream_component_add_keyword (component, origin); } } } return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_load_appdata_fn (GsPlugin *plugin, XbBuilder *builder, const gchar *filename, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (filename); g_autoptr(XbBuilderFixup) fixup = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderNode) info = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderSource) source = xb_builder_source_new (); /* add source */ if (!xb_builder_source_load_file (source, file, #if LIBXMLB_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 0) XB_BUILDER_SOURCE_FLAG_WATCH_DIRECTORY, #else XB_BUILDER_SOURCE_FLAG_WATCH_FILE, #endif cancellable, error)) { return FALSE; } /* fix up any legacy installed files */ fixup = xb_builder_fixup_new ("AppStreamUpgrade2", gs_plugin_appstream_upgrade_cb, plugin, NULL); xb_builder_fixup_set_max_depth (fixup, 3); xb_builder_source_add_fixup (source, fixup); /* add metadata */ info = xb_builder_node_insert (NULL, "info", NULL); xb_builder_node_insert_text (info, "filename", filename, NULL); xb_builder_source_set_info (source, info); /* success */ xb_builder_import_source (builder, source); return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_load_appdata (GsPlugin *plugin, XbBuilder *builder, const gchar *path, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { const gchar *fn; g_autoptr(GDir) dir = NULL; g_autoptr(GFile) parent = g_file_new_for_path (path); if (!g_file_query_exists (parent, cancellable)) return TRUE; dir = g_dir_open (path, 0, error); if (dir == NULL) return FALSE; while ((fn = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { if (g_str_has_suffix (fn, ".appdata.xml") || g_str_has_suffix (fn, ".metainfo.xml")) { g_autofree gchar *filename = g_build_filename (path, fn, NULL); g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_load_appdata_fn (plugin, builder, filename, cancellable, &error_local)) { g_debug ("ignoring %s: %s", filename, error_local->message); continue; } } } /* success */ return TRUE; } static GInputStream * gs_plugin_appstream_load_desktop_cb (XbBuilderSource *self, XbBuilderSourceCtx *ctx, gpointer user_data, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GString *xml; g_autoptr(AsApp) app = as_app_new (); g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = NULL; bytes = xb_builder_source_ctx_get_bytes (ctx, cancellable, error); if (bytes == NULL) return NULL; as_app_set_id (app, xb_builder_source_ctx_get_filename (ctx)); if (!as_app_parse_data (app, bytes, AS_APP_PARSE_FLAG_USE_FALLBACKS, error)) return NULL; xml = as_app_to_xml (app, error); if (xml == NULL) return NULL; g_string_prepend (xml, "\n"); return g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data (g_string_free (xml, FALSE), -1, g_free); } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_load_desktop_fn (GsPlugin *plugin, XbBuilder *builder, const gchar *filename, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (filename); g_autoptr(XbBuilderFixup) fixup = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderNode) info = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderSource) source = xb_builder_source_new (); /* add support for desktop files */ xb_builder_source_add_adapter (source, "application/x-desktop", gs_plugin_appstream_load_desktop_cb, NULL, NULL); /* add source */ if (!xb_builder_source_load_file (source, file, #if LIBXMLB_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 0) XB_BUILDER_SOURCE_FLAG_WATCH_DIRECTORY, #else XB_BUILDER_SOURCE_FLAG_WATCH_FILE, #endif cancellable, error)) { return FALSE; } /* add metadata */ info = xb_builder_node_insert (NULL, "info", NULL); xb_builder_node_insert_text (info, "filename", filename, NULL); xb_builder_source_set_info (source, info); /* success */ xb_builder_import_source (builder, source); return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_load_desktop (GsPlugin *plugin, XbBuilder *builder, const gchar *path, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { const gchar *fn; g_autoptr(GDir) dir = NULL; g_autoptr(GFile) parent = g_file_new_for_path (path); if (!g_file_query_exists (parent, cancellable)) return TRUE; dir = g_dir_open (path, 0, error); if (dir == NULL) return FALSE; while ((fn = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { if (g_str_has_suffix (fn, ".desktop")) { g_autofree gchar *filename = g_build_filename (path, fn, NULL); g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL; if (g_strcmp0 (fn, "mimeinfo.cache") == 0) continue; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_load_desktop_fn (plugin, builder, filename, cancellable, &error_local)) { g_debug ("ignoring %s: %s", filename, error_local->message); continue; } } } /* success */ return TRUE; } static GInputStream * gs_plugin_appstream_load_dep11_cb (XbBuilderSource *self, XbBuilderSourceCtx *ctx, gpointer user_data, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GString *xml; g_autoptr(AsStore) store = as_store_new (); g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = NULL; bytes = xb_builder_source_ctx_get_bytes (ctx, cancellable, error); if (bytes == NULL) return NULL; if (!as_store_from_bytes (store, bytes, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; xml = as_store_to_xml (store, AS_NODE_INSERT_FLAG_NONE); if (xml == NULL) return NULL; g_string_prepend (xml, "\n"); return g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data (g_string_free (xml, FALSE), -1, g_free); } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_load_appstream_fn (GsPlugin *plugin, XbBuilder *builder, const gchar *filename, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr(GFile) file = g_file_new_for_path (filename); g_autoptr(XbBuilderNode) info = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderFixup) fixup1 = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderFixup) fixup2 = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderFixup) fixup3 = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderSource) source = xb_builder_source_new (); /* add support for DEP-11 files */ xb_builder_source_add_adapter (source, "application/x-yaml", gs_plugin_appstream_load_dep11_cb, NULL, NULL); /* add source */ if (!xb_builder_source_load_file (source, file, #if LIBXMLB_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 0) XB_BUILDER_SOURCE_FLAG_WATCH_DIRECTORY, #else XB_BUILDER_SOURCE_FLAG_WATCH_FILE, #endif cancellable, error)) { return FALSE; } /* add metadata */ info = xb_builder_node_insert (NULL, "info", NULL); xb_builder_node_insert_text (info, "scope", "system", NULL); xb_builder_node_insert_text (info, "filename", filename, NULL); xb_builder_source_set_info (source, info); /* add missing icons as required */ fixup1 = xb_builder_fixup_new ("AddIcons", gs_plugin_appstream_add_icons_cb, plugin, NULL); xb_builder_fixup_set_max_depth (fixup1, 2); xb_builder_source_add_fixup (source, fixup1); /* fix up any legacy installed files */ fixup2 = xb_builder_fixup_new ("AppStreamUpgrade2", gs_plugin_appstream_upgrade_cb, plugin, NULL); xb_builder_fixup_set_max_depth (fixup2, 3); xb_builder_source_add_fixup (source, fixup2); /* add the origin as a search keyword for small repos */ fixup3 = xb_builder_fixup_new ("AddOriginKeyword", gs_plugin_appstream_add_origin_keyword_cb, plugin, NULL); xb_builder_fixup_set_max_depth (fixup3, 1); xb_builder_source_add_fixup (source, fixup3); /* success */ xb_builder_import_source (builder, source); return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_load_appstream (GsPlugin *plugin, XbBuilder *builder, const gchar *path, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { const gchar *fn; g_autoptr(GDir) dir = NULL; g_autoptr(GFile) parent = g_file_new_for_path (path); /* parent patch does not exist */ if (!g_file_query_exists (parent, cancellable)) return TRUE; dir = g_dir_open (path, 0, error); if (dir == NULL) return FALSE; while ((fn = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) { if (g_str_has_suffix (fn, ".xml") || g_str_has_suffix (fn, ".yml") || g_str_has_suffix (fn, ".yml.gz") || g_str_has_suffix (fn, ".xml.gz")) { g_autofree gchar *filename = g_build_filename (path, fn, NULL); g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_load_appstream_fn (plugin, builder, filename, cancellable, &error_local)) { g_debug ("ignoring %s: %s", filename, error_local->message); continue; } } } /* success */ return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (GsPlugin *plugin, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); const gchar *locale; const gchar *test_xml; g_autofree gchar *blobfn = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilder) builder = xb_builder_new (); g_autoptr(XbNode) n = NULL; g_autoptr(GFile) file = NULL; g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) reader_locker = NULL; g_autoptr(GRWLockWriterLocker) writer_locker = NULL; g_autoptr(GPtrArray) parent_appdata = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); g_autoptr(GPtrArray) parent_appstream = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); reader_locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); /* everything is okay */ if (priv->silo != NULL && xb_silo_is_valid (priv->silo)) return TRUE; g_clear_pointer (&reader_locker, g_rw_lock_reader_locker_free); /* drat! silo needs regenerating */ writer_locker = g_rw_lock_writer_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); g_clear_object (&priv->silo); /* verbose profiling */ if (g_getenv ("GS_XMLB_VERBOSE") != NULL) { xb_builder_set_profile_flags (builder, XB_SILO_PROFILE_FLAG_XPATH | XB_SILO_PROFILE_FLAG_DEBUG); } /* add current locales */ locale = g_getenv ("GS_SELF_TEST_LOCALE"); if (locale == NULL) { const gchar *const *locales = g_get_language_names (); for (guint i = 0; locales[i] != NULL; i++) xb_builder_add_locale (builder, locales[i]); } else { xb_builder_add_locale (builder, locale); } /* only when in self test */ test_xml = g_getenv ("GS_SELF_TEST_APPSTREAM_XML"); if (test_xml != NULL) { g_autoptr(XbBuilderFixup) fixup1 = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderFixup) fixup2 = NULL; g_autoptr(XbBuilderSource) source = xb_builder_source_new (); if (!xb_builder_source_load_xml (source, test_xml, XB_BUILDER_SOURCE_FLAG_NONE, error)) return FALSE; fixup1 = xb_builder_fixup_new ("AddOriginKeywords", gs_plugin_appstream_add_origin_keyword_cb, plugin, NULL); xb_builder_fixup_set_max_depth (fixup1, 1); xb_builder_source_add_fixup (source, fixup1); fixup2 = xb_builder_fixup_new ("AddIcons", gs_plugin_appstream_add_icons_cb, plugin, NULL); xb_builder_fixup_set_max_depth (fixup2, 2); xb_builder_source_add_fixup (source, fixup2); xb_builder_import_source (builder, source); } else { /* add search paths */ g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename (DATADIR, "app-info", "xmls", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename (DATADIR, "app-info", "yaml", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appdata, g_build_filename (DATADIR, "appdata", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appdata, g_build_filename (DATADIR, "metainfo", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename (LOCALSTATEDIR, "cache", "app-info", "xmls", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename (LOCALSTATEDIR, "cache", "app-info", "yaml", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename (LOCALSTATEDIR, "lib", "app-info", "xmls", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename (LOCALSTATEDIR, "lib", "app-info", "yaml", NULL)); /* Add the normal system directories if the installation prefix * is different from normal — typically this happens when doing * development builds. It’s useful to still list the system apps * during development. */ if (g_strcmp0 (DATADIR, "/usr/share") != 0) { g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename ("/usr/share", "app-info", "xmls", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename ("/usr/share", "app-info", "yaml", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appdata, g_build_filename ("/usr/share", "appdata", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appdata, g_build_filename ("/usr/share", "metainfo", NULL)); } if (g_strcmp0 (LOCALSTATEDIR, "/var") != 0) { g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename ("/var", "cache", "app-info", "xmls", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename ("/var", "cache", "app-info", "yaml", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename ("/var", "lib", "app-info", "xmls", NULL)); g_ptr_array_add (parent_appstream, g_build_filename ("/var", "lib", "app-info", "yaml", NULL)); } /* import all files */ for (guint i = 0; i < parent_appstream->len; i++) { const gchar *fn = g_ptr_array_index (parent_appstream, i); if (!gs_plugin_appstream_load_appstream (plugin, builder, fn, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } for (guint i = 0; i < parent_appdata->len; i++) { const gchar *fn = g_ptr_array_index (parent_appdata, i); if (!gs_plugin_appstream_load_appdata (plugin, builder, fn, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } if (!gs_plugin_appstream_load_desktop (plugin, builder, DATADIR "/applications", cancellable, error)) { return FALSE; } if (g_strcmp0 (DATADIR, "/usr/share") != 0 && !gs_plugin_appstream_load_desktop (plugin, builder, "/usr/share/applications", cancellable, error)) { return FALSE; } } /* regenerate with each minor release */ xb_builder_append_guid (builder, PACKAGE_VERSION); /* create per-user cache */ blobfn = gs_utils_get_cache_filename ("appstream", "components.xmlb", GS_UTILS_CACHE_FLAG_WRITEABLE, error); if (blobfn == NULL) return FALSE; file = g_file_new_for_path (blobfn); g_debug ("ensuring %s", blobfn); priv->silo = xb_builder_ensure (builder, file, XB_BUILDER_COMPILE_FLAG_IGNORE_INVALID | XB_BUILDER_COMPILE_FLAG_SINGLE_LANG, NULL, error); if (priv->silo == NULL) return FALSE; /* watch all directories too */ for (guint i = 0; i < parent_appstream->len; i++) { const gchar *fn = g_ptr_array_index (parent_appstream, i); g_autoptr(GFile) file_tmp = g_file_new_for_path (fn); if (!xb_silo_watch_file (priv->silo, file_tmp, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } for (guint i = 0; i < parent_appdata->len; i++) { const gchar *fn = g_ptr_array_index (parent_appdata, i); g_autoptr(GFile) file_tmp = g_file_new_for_path (fn); if (!xb_silo_watch_file (priv->silo, file_tmp, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } /* test we found something */ n = xb_silo_query_first (priv->silo, "components/component", NULL); if (n == NULL) { g_warning ("No AppStream data, try 'make install-sample-data' in data/"); g_set_error (error, GS_PLUGIN_ERROR, GS_PLUGIN_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "No AppStream data found"); return FALSE; } /* success */ return TRUE; } gboolean gs_plugin_setup (GsPlugin *plugin, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { /* set up silo, compiling if required */ return gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_url_to_app (GsPlugin *plugin, GsAppList *list, const gchar *url, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autofree gchar *path = NULL; g_autofree gchar *scheme = NULL; g_autofree gchar *xpath = NULL; g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; g_autoptr(GsApp) app = NULL; g_autoptr(XbNode) component = NULL; /* check silo is valid */ if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; /* not us */ scheme = gs_utils_get_url_scheme (url); if (g_strcmp0 (scheme, "appstream") != 0) return TRUE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); /* create app */ path = gs_utils_get_url_path (url); xpath = g_strdup_printf ("components/component/id[text()='%s']", path); component = xb_silo_query_first (priv->silo, xpath, NULL); if (component == NULL) return TRUE; app = gs_appstream_create_app (plugin, priv->silo, component, error); if (app == NULL) return FALSE; gs_app_set_scope (app, AS_APP_SCOPE_SYSTEM); gs_app_list_add (list, app); return TRUE; } static void gs_plugin_appstream_set_compulsory_quirk (GsApp *app, XbNode *component) { g_autoptr(GPtrArray) array = NULL; const gchar *current_desktop; /* * Set the core applications for the current desktop that cannot be * removed. * * If XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP contains ":", indicating that it is made up * of multiple components per the Desktop Entry Specification, an app * is compulsory if any of the components in XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP match * any value in . In that way, * "GNOME-Classic:GNOME" shares compulsory apps with GNOME. * * As a special case, if the value contains * a ":", we match the entire XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP. This lets people set * compulsory apps for such compound desktops if they want. * */ array = xb_node_query (component, "compulsory_for_desktop", 0, NULL); if (array == NULL) return; current_desktop = g_getenv ("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"); if (current_desktop != NULL) { g_auto(GStrv) xdg_current_desktops = g_strsplit (current_desktop, ":", 0); for (guint i = 0; i < array->len; i++) { XbNode *n = g_ptr_array_index (array, i); const gchar *tmp = xb_node_get_text (n); /* if the value has a :, check the whole string */ if (g_strstr_len (tmp, -1, ":")) { if (g_strcmp0 (current_desktop, tmp) == 0) { gs_app_add_quirk (app, GS_APP_QUIRK_COMPULSORY); break; } /* otherwise check if any element matches this one */ } else if (g_strv_contains ((const gchar * const *) xdg_current_desktops, tmp)) { gs_app_add_quirk (app, GS_APP_QUIRK_COMPULSORY); break; } } } } static gboolean gs_plugin_appstream_refine_state (GsPlugin *plugin, GsApp *app, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autofree gchar *xpath = NULL; g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL; g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; g_autoptr(XbNode) component = NULL; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); xpath = g_strdup_printf ("component/id[text()='%s']", gs_app_get_id (app)); component = xb_silo_query_first (priv->silo, xpath, &error_local); if (component == NULL) { if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) return TRUE; if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)) return TRUE; g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&error_local)); return FALSE; } gs_app_set_state (app, AS_APP_STATE_INSTALLED); return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_refine_from_id (GsPlugin *plugin, GsApp *app, GsPluginRefineFlags flags, gboolean *found, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); const gchar *id; g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL; g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; g_autoptr(GString) xpath = g_string_new (NULL); g_autoptr(GPtrArray) components = NULL; /* not enough info to find */ id = gs_app_get_id (app); if (id == NULL) return TRUE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); /* look in AppStream then fall back to AppData */ xb_string_append_union (xpath, "components/component/id[text()='%s']/../pkgname/..", id); xb_string_append_union (xpath, "components/component[@type='webapp']/id[text()='%s']/..", id); xb_string_append_union (xpath, "component/id[text()='%s']/..", id); components = xb_silo_query (priv->silo, xpath->str, 0, &error_local); if (components == NULL) { if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) return TRUE; if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)) return TRUE; g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&error_local)); return FALSE; } for (guint i = 0; i < components->len; i++) { XbNode *component = g_ptr_array_index (components, i); if (!gs_appstream_refine_app (plugin, app, priv->silo, component, flags, error)) return FALSE; gs_plugin_appstream_set_compulsory_quirk (app, component); } /* if an installed desktop or appdata file exists set to installed */ if (gs_app_get_state (app) == AS_APP_STATE_UNKNOWN) { if (!gs_plugin_appstream_refine_state (plugin, app, error)) return FALSE; } /* success */ *found = TRUE; return TRUE; } static gboolean gs_plugin_refine_from_pkgname (GsPlugin *plugin, GsApp *app, GsPluginRefineFlags flags, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); GPtrArray *sources = gs_app_get_sources (app); g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL; /* not enough info to find */ if (sources->len == 0) return TRUE; /* find all apps when matching any prefixes */ for (guint j = 0; j < sources->len; j++) { const gchar *pkgname = g_ptr_array_index (sources, j); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; g_autoptr(GString) xpath = g_string_new (NULL); g_autoptr(XbNode) component = NULL; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); /* prefer actual apps and then fallback to anything else */ xb_string_append_union (xpath, "components/component[@type='desktop']/pkgname[text()='%s']/..", pkgname); xb_string_append_union (xpath, "components/component[@type='console']/pkgname[text()='%s']/..", pkgname); xb_string_append_union (xpath, "components/component[@type='webapp']/pkgname[text()='%s']/..", pkgname); xb_string_append_union (xpath, "components/component/pkgname[text()='%s']/..", pkgname); component = xb_silo_query_first (priv->silo, xpath->str, &error_local); if (component == NULL) { if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) continue; if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)) continue; g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&error_local)); return FALSE; } if (!gs_appstream_refine_app (plugin, app, priv->silo, component, flags, error)) return FALSE; gs_plugin_appstream_set_compulsory_quirk (app, component); } /* success */ return TRUE; } gboolean gs_plugin_refine (GsPlugin *plugin, GsAppList *list, GsPluginRefineFlags flags, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean found = FALSE; /* check silo is valid */ if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; for (guint i = 0; i < gs_app_list_length (list); i++) { GsApp *app = gs_app_list_index (list, i); /* not us */ if (gs_app_get_bundle_kind (app) != AS_BUNDLE_KIND_PACKAGE && gs_app_get_bundle_kind (app) != AS_BUNDLE_KIND_UNKNOWN) return TRUE; /* find by ID then fall back to package name */ if (!gs_plugin_refine_from_id (plugin, app, flags, &found, error)) return FALSE; if (!found) { if (!gs_plugin_refine_from_pkgname (plugin, app, flags, error)) return FALSE; } } /* success */ return TRUE; } gboolean gs_plugin_refine_wildcard (GsPlugin *plugin, GsApp *app, GsAppList *list, GsPluginRefineFlags refine_flags, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); const gchar *id; g_autofree gchar *xpath = NULL; g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL; g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; g_autoptr(GPtrArray) components = NULL; /* check silo is valid */ if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; /* not enough info to find */ id = gs_app_get_id (app); if (id == NULL) return TRUE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); /* find all app with package names when matching any prefixes */ xpath = g_strdup_printf ("components/component/id[text()='%s']/../pkgname/..", id); components = xb_silo_query (priv->silo, xpath, 0, &error_local); if (components == NULL) { if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) return TRUE; if (g_error_matches (error_local, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)) return TRUE; g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&error_local)); return FALSE; } for (guint i = 0; i < components->len; i++) { XbNode *component = g_ptr_array_index (components, i); g_autoptr(GsApp) new = NULL; /* new app */ new = gs_appstream_create_app (plugin, priv->silo, component, error); if (new == NULL) return FALSE; gs_app_set_scope (new, AS_APP_SCOPE_SYSTEM); gs_app_subsume_metadata (new, app); if (!gs_appstream_refine_app (plugin, new, priv->silo, component, refine_flags, error)) return FALSE; gs_app_list_add (list, new); } /* success */ return TRUE; } gboolean gs_plugin_add_category_apps (GsPlugin *plugin, GsCategory *category, GsAppList *list, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); return gs_appstream_add_category_apps (plugin, priv->silo, category, list, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_add_search (GsPlugin *plugin, gchar **values, GsAppList *list, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); return gs_appstream_search (plugin, priv->silo, (const gchar * const *) values, list, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_add_installed (GsPlugin *plugin, GsAppList *list, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; g_autoptr(GPtrArray) components = NULL; /* check silo is valid */ if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); /* get all installed appdata files (notice no 'components/' prefix...) */ components = xb_silo_query (priv->silo, "component/description/..", 0, NULL); if (components == NULL) return TRUE; for (guint i = 0; i < components->len; i++) { XbNode *component = g_ptr_array_index (components, i); g_autoptr(GsApp) app = gs_appstream_create_app (plugin, priv->silo, component, error); if (app == NULL) return FALSE; gs_app_set_state (app, AS_APP_STATE_INSTALLED); gs_app_set_scope (app, AS_APP_SCOPE_SYSTEM); gs_app_list_add (list, app); } return TRUE; } gboolean gs_plugin_add_categories (GsPlugin *plugin, GPtrArray *list, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); return gs_appstream_add_categories (plugin, priv->silo, list, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_add_popular (GsPlugin *plugin, GsAppList *list, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); return gs_appstream_add_popular (plugin, priv->silo, list, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_add_featured (GsPlugin *plugin, GsAppList *list, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); return gs_appstream_add_featured (plugin, priv->silo, list, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_add_recent (GsPlugin *plugin, GsAppList *list, guint64 age, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); return gs_appstream_add_recent (plugin, priv->silo, list, age, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_add_alternates (GsPlugin *plugin, GsApp *app, GsAppList *list, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GsPluginData *priv = gs_plugin_get_data (plugin); g_autoptr(GRWLockReaderLocker) locker = NULL; if (!gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; locker = g_rw_lock_reader_locker_new (&priv->silo_lock); return gs_appstream_add_alternates (plugin, priv->silo, app, list, cancellable, error); } gboolean gs_plugin_refresh (GsPlugin *plugin, guint cache_age, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { return gs_plugin_appstream_check_silo (plugin, cancellable, error); }