path: root/packaging/macos/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/macos/ b/packaging/macos/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f722444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/macos/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# This file is part of the build pipeline for Inkscape on macOS.
+# ### ###
+# Get application ready for distribution.
+### load settings and functions ################################################
+SELF_DIR=$(F=$0; while [ ! -z $(readlink $F) ] && F=$(readlink $F); cd $(dirname $F); F=$(basename $F); [ -L $F ]; do :; done; echo $(pwd -P))
+for script in $SELF_DIR/0??-*.sh; do source $script; done
+set -o errtrace
+trap 'catch_error "$SELF_NAME" "$LINENO" "$FUNCNAME" "${BASH_COMMAND}" "${?}"' ERR
+### create disk image for distribution #########################################
+# Create background for development snapshots. This is not meant for
+# official releases, those will be re-packaged manually (they also need
+# to be signed and notarized).
+convert -size 560x400 xc:transparent \
+ -font Andale-Mono -pointsize 64 -fill black \
+ -draw "text 20,60 'Inkscape'" \
+ -draw "text 20,120 '$(get_inkscape_version)'" \
+ -draw "text 20,180 'development'" \
+ -draw "text 20,240 'snapshot'" \
+ -draw "text 20,300 '$(get_repo_version $INK_DIR)'" \
+ $SRC_DIR/inkscape_dmg.png
+# create the disk image
+# Due to an undiagnosed instability that only occurs during CI runs (not when
+# run interactively from the terminal), the following code will be put into
+# a separate script and be executed via
+# See:
+create_dmg $ARTIFACT_DIR/ $TMP_DIR/Inkscape.dmg $SRC_DIR/
+rm -rf $APP_DIR
+mv $TMP_DIR/Inkscape.dmg $ARTIFACT_DIR
+# CI: move disk image to a location accessible for the runner
+if [ ! -z $CI_JOB_ID ]; then
+ [ -d $INK_DIR/artifacts ] && rm -rf $INK_DIR/artifacts
+ mv $ARTIFACT_DIR $INK_DIR/artifacts