path: root/share/extensions/inkex/
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1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/extensions/inkex/ b/share/extensions/inkex/
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index 0000000..4d9e2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/extensions/inkex/
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+# coding=utf-8
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Spike,
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+Two simple functions for working with inline css
+and some color handling on top.
+import re
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from .utils import PY3
+from .colors import Color, ColorIdError
+from .tween import interpcoord, interpunit
+if PY3:
+ unicode = str # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
+class Classes(list):
+ """A list of classes applied to an element (used in css and js)"""
+ def __init__(self, classes=None, callback=None):
+ self.callback = None
+ if isinstance(classes, (str, unicode)):
+ classes = classes.split()
+ super(Classes, self).__init__(classes or ())
+ self.callback = callback
+ def __str__(self):
+ return " ".join(self)
+ def _callback(self):
+ if self.callback is not None:
+ self.callback(self)
+ def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+ super(Classes, self).__setitem__(index, value)
+ self._callback()
+ def append(self, value):
+ value = str(value)
+ if value not in self:
+ super(Classes, self).append(value)
+ self._callback()
+ def remove(self, value):
+ value = str(value)
+ if value in self:
+ super(Classes, self).remove(value)
+ self._callback()
+ def toggle(self, value):
+ """If exists, remove it, if not, add it"""
+ value = str(value)
+ if value in self:
+ return self.remove(value)
+ return self.append(value)
+class Style(OrderedDict):
+ """A list of style directives"""
+ color_props = ('stroke', 'fill', 'stop-color', 'flood-color', 'lighting-color')
+ opacity_props = ('stroke-opacity', 'fill-opacity', 'opacity', 'stop-opacity')
+ unit_props = ('stroke-width')
+ def __init__(self, style=None, callback=None, **kw):
+ # This callback is set twice because this is 'pre-initial' data (no callback)
+ self.callback = None
+ # Either a string style or kwargs (with dashes as underscores).
+ style = style or [(k.replace('_', '-'), v) for k, v in kw.items()]
+ if isinstance(style, (str, unicode)):
+ style = self.parse_str(style)
+ # Order raw dictionaries so tests can be made reliable
+ if isinstance(style, dict) and not isinstance(style, OrderedDict):
+ style = [(name, style[name]) for name in sorted(style)]
+ # Should accept dict, Style, parsed string, list etc.
+ super(Style, self).__init__(style)
+ # Now after the initial data, the callback makes sense.
+ self.callback = callback
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_str(style):
+ """Create a dictionary from the value of an inline style attribute"""
+ if style is None:
+ style = ""
+ for directive in style.split(';'):
+ if ':' in directive:
+ (name, value) = directive.split(':', 1)
+ # FUTURE: Parse value here for extra functionality
+ yield (name.strip().lower(), value.strip())
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Format an inline style attribute from a dictionary"""
+ return self.to_str()
+ def to_str(self, sep=";"):
+ """Convert to string using a custom delimiter"""
+ return sep.join(["{0}:{1}".format(*seg) for seg in self.items()])
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ """Add two styles together to get a third, composing them"""
+ ret = self.copy()
+ ret.update(Style(other))
+ return ret
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ """Add style to this style, the same as style.update(dict)"""
+ self.update(other)
+ return self
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ """Remove keys and return copy"""
+ ret = self.copy()
+ ret.__isub__(other)
+ return ret
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ """Remove keys from this style, list of keys or other style dictionary"""
+ for key in other:
+ self.pop(key, None)
+ return self
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Not equals, prefer to overload 'in' but that doesn't seem possible"""
+ if not isinstance(other, Style):
+ other = Style(other)
+ for arg in set(self) | set(other):
+ if self.get(arg, None) != other.get(arg, None):
+ return False
+ return True
+ __ne__ = lambda self, other: not self.__eq__(other)
+ def update(self, other):
+ """Make sure callback is called when updating"""
+ super(Style, self).update(Style(other))
+ if self.callback is not None:
+ self.callback(self)
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ super(Style, self).__setitem__(key, value)
+ if self.callback is not None:
+ self.callback(self)
+ def get_color(self, name='fill'):
+ """Get the color AND opacity as one Color object"""
+ color = Color(self.get(name, 'none'))
+ return color.to_rgba(self.get(name + '-opacity', 1.0))
+ def set_color(self, color, name='fill'):
+ """Sets the given color AND opacity as rgba to the fill or stroke style properties."""
+ color = Color(color)
+ if == 'rgba':
+ self[name + '-opacity'] = color.alpha
+ self[name] = str(color.to_rgb())
+ def update_urls(self, old_id, new_id):
+ """Find urls in this style and replace them with the new id"""
+ for (name, value) in self.items():
+ if value == 'url(#{})'.format(old_id):
+ self[name] = 'url(#{})'.format(new_id)
+ def interpolate_prop(self, other, fraction, prop, svg=None):
+ """Interpolate specific property."""
+ a1 = self[prop]
+ a2 = other.get(prop, None)
+ if a2 is None:
+ val = a1
+ else:
+ if prop in self.color_props:
+ if isinstance(a1, Color):
+ val = a1.interpolate(Color(a2), fraction)
+ elif a1.startswith('url(') or a2.startswith('url('):
+ # gradient requires changes to the whole svg
+ # and needs to be handled externally
+ val = a1
+ else:
+ val = Color(a1).interpolate(Color(a2), fraction)
+ elif prop in self.opacity_props:
+ val = interpcoord(float(a1), float(a2), fraction)
+ elif prop in self.unit_props:
+ val = interpunit(a1, a2, fraction)
+ else:
+ val = a1
+ return val
+ def interpolate(self, other, fraction):
+ # type: (Style, float) -> Style
+ """Interpolate all properties."""
+ style = Style()
+ for prop, value in self.items():
+ style[prop] = self.interpolate_prop(other, fraction, prop)
+ return style
+class AttrFallbackStyle(object):
+ """
+ A container for a style and an element that may have competing styles
+ If move is set to true, any new values are set to the style attribute
+ and removed from the element attributes list.
+ """
+ # TODO: This doesn't cover iterating over styles, because we don't
+ # have a list of known styles to check attribs for.
+ def __init__(self, elem, move=False):
+ self.elem = elem
+ self.styles = []
+ self.styles.extend(elem.root.stylesheets.lookup(elem.get('id')))
+ self.move = move
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ # Style is more improtant, followed by the element
+ for style in self.styles:
+ if name in style:
+ return style[name]
+ return self.elem.attrib.get(name, None)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+ # Set the item back into the attribs, or move it if requested.
+ if name in self.elem.attrib:
+ # The other reason to unset the attrib is if it's already in
+ # the style dictionary so isn't needed here anyway.
+ if not self.move and name not in self.styles[0]:
+ self.elem.set(name, value)
+ return
+ self.elem.set(name, None)
+ for style in self.styles:
+ if name in style:
+ style[name] = value
+ return
+ # Not set before (anywhere), so set to element style
+ self.styles[0][name] = value
+ def get(self, name, default=None):
+ """Get with default"""
+ try:
+ return self[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ return default
+ def set(self, name, value):
+ """Set, nothing fancy"""
+ self[name] = value
+class StyleSheets(list):
+ """
+ Special mechanism which contains all the stylesheets for an svg document
+ while also caching lookups for specific elements.
+ This caching is needed because data can't be attached to elements as they are
+ re-created on the fly by lxml so lookups have to be centralised.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, svg=None):
+ super(StyleSheets, self).__init__()
+ self.svg = svg
+ def lookup(self, element_id, svg=None):
+ """
+ Find all styles for this element.
+ """
+ # This is aweful, but required because we can't know for sure
+ # what might have changed in the xml tree.
+ if svg is None:
+ svg = self.svg
+ for sheet in self:
+ for style in sheet.lookup(element_id, svg=svg):
+ yield style
+class StyleSheet(list):
+ """
+ A style sheet, usually the CDATA contents of a style tag, but also
+ a css file used with a css. Will yield multiple Style() classes.
+ """
+ comment_strip = re.compile(r"//.*?\n")
+ def __init__(self, content=None, callback=None):
+ super(StyleSheet, self).__init__()
+ self.callback = None
+ # Remove comments
+ content = self.comment_strip.sub('', (content or ''))
+ # Parse rules
+ for block in content.split('}'):
+ if block:
+ self.append(block)
+ self.callback = callback
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '\n' + '\n'.join([str(style) for style in self]) + '\n'
+ def _callback(self, style=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ if self.callback is not None:
+ self.callback(self)
+ def add(self, rule, style):
+ """Append a rule and style combo to this stylesheet"""
+ self.append(ConditionalStyle(rules=rule, style=str(style), callback=self._callback))
+ def append(self, other):
+ """Make sure callback is called when updating"""
+ if isinstance(other, str):
+ if '{' not in other:
+ return # Warning?
+ rules, style = other.strip('}').split('{', 1)
+ other = ConditionalStyle(rules=rules, style=style.strip(), callback=self._callback)
+ super(StyleSheet, self).append(other)
+ self._callback()
+ def lookup(self, element_id, svg):
+ """Lookup the element_id against all the styles in this sheet"""
+ for style in self:
+ for elem in svg.xpath(style.to_xpath()):
+ if elem.get('id', None) == element_id:
+ yield style
+class ConditionalStyle(Style):
+ """
+ Just like a Style object, but includes one or more
+ conditional rules which places this style in a stylesheet
+ rather than being an attribute style.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, rules='*', style=None, callback=None, **kwargs):
+ super(ConditionalStyle, self).__init__(style=style, callback=callback, **kwargs)
+ self.rules = [ConditionalRule(rule) for rule in rules.split(',')]
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return this style as a css entry with class"""
+ content = self.to_str(";\n ")
+ rules = ",\n".join(str(rule) for rule in self.rules)
+ if content:
+ return "{0} {{\n {1};\n}}".format(rules, content)
+ return "{0} {{}}".format(rules)
+ def to_xpath(self):
+ """Convert all rules to an xpath"""
+ # This can be converted to cssselect.CSSSelector (lxml.cssselect) later if we have
+ # coverage problems. The main reason we're not is that cssselect is doing exactly
+ # this xpath transform and provides no extra functionality for reverse lookups.
+ return '|'.join([rule.to_xpath() for rule in self.rules])
+class ConditionalRule(object):
+ """A single css rule"""
+ step_to_xpath = [
+ (re.compile(r'\[(\w+)\^=([^\]]+)\]'), r'[starts-with(@\1,\2)]'), # Starts With
+ (re.compile(r'\[(\w+)\$=([^\]]+)\]'), r'[ends-with(@\1,\2)]'), # Ends With
+ (re.compile(r'\[(\w+)\*=([^\]]+)\]'), r'[contains(@\1,\2)]'), # Contains
+ (re.compile(r'\[([^@\(\)\]]+)\]'), r'[@\1]'), # Attribute (start)
+ (re.compile(r'#(\w+)'), r"[@id='\1']"), # Id Match
+ (re.compile(r'\s*>\s*([^\s>~\+]+)'), r'/\1'), # Direct child match
+ #(re.compile(r'\s*~\s*([^\s>~\+]+)'), r'/following-sibling::\1'),
+ #(re.compile(r'\s*\+\s*([^\s>~\+]+)'), r'/following-sibling::\1[1]'),
+ (re.compile(r'\s*([^\s>~\+]+)'), r'//\1'), # Decendant match
+ (re.compile(r'\.(\w+)'), r"[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' \1 ')]"),
+ (re.compile(r'//\['), r'//*['), # Attribute only match
+ (re.compile(r'//(\w+)'), r'//svg:\1'), # SVG namespace addition
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, rule):
+ self.rule = rule.strip()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.rule
+ def to_xpath(self):
+ """Attempt to convert the rule into a simplified xpath"""
+ ret = self.rule
+ for matcher, replacer in self.step_to_xpath:
+ ret = matcher.sub(replacer, ret)
+ return ret