path: root/share/extensions/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/extensions/ b/share/extensions/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..144577c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=utf-8
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Nikita Kitaev
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+Simplifies SVG files in preparation for sif export.
+import os
+import tempfile
+from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
+import inkex
+from inkex import load_svg, Group, PathElement, ShapeElement,\
+ Anchor, Switch, SvgDocumentElement, Transform
+###### Utility Classes ####################################
+class MalformedSVGError(Exception):
+ """Raised when the SVG document is invalid or contains unsupported features"""
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return """SVG document is invalid or contains unsupported features
+Error message: %s
+The SVG to Synfig converter is designed to handle SVG files that were created using Inkscape. Unsupported features are most likely to occur in SVG files written by other programs.
+""" % repr(self.value)
+class InkscapeActionGroup(object):
+ """A class for calling Inkscape to perform operations on a document"""
+ def __init__(self, svg_document=None):
+ self.command = ""
+ self.init_args = ""
+ self.has_selection = False
+ self.has_action = False
+ self.set_svg_document(svg_document)
+ def set_svg_document(self, svg_document):
+ """Set the SVG document that Inkscape will operate on"""
+ self.svg_document = svg_document
+ self.svg = svg_document.getroot()
+ def set_init_args(self, cmd):
+ """Set the initial arguments to Inkscape subprocess
+ Can be used to pass additional arguments to Inkscape, or an initializer
+ command (e.g. unlock all objects before proceeding).
+ """
+ self.init_args = cmd
+ def clear(self):
+ """Clear all actions"""
+ self.command = ""
+ self.has_action = False
+ self.has_selection = False
+ def verb(self, verb):
+ """Run an Inkscape verb
+ For a list of verbs, run `inkscape --verb-list`
+ """
+ if self.has_selection:
+ self.command += "--verb=%s " % verb
+ if not self.has_action:
+ self.has_action = True
+ def select_id(self, object_id):
+ """Select object with given id"""
+ self.command += "--select=%s " % object_id
+ if not self.has_selection:
+ self.has_selection = True
+ def select_node(self, node):
+ """Select the object represented by the SVG node
+ Selection will fail if node has no id attribute
+ """
+ node_id = node.get("id", None)
+ if node_id is None:
+ raise MalformedSVGError("Node has no id")
+ self.select_id(node_id)
+ def select_nodes(self, nodes):
+ """Select objects represented by SVG nodes
+ Selection will fail if any node has no id attribute
+ """
+ for node in nodes:
+ self.select_node(node)
+ def select_xpath(self, xpath):
+ """Select objects matching a given XPath expression
+ Selection will fail if any matching node has no id attribute
+ """
+ self.select_nodes(self.svg.xpath(xpath))
+ def deselect(self):
+ """Deselect all objects"""
+ if self.has_selection:
+ self.verb("EditDeselect")
+ self.has_selection = False
+ def run_file(self, filename):
+ """Run the actions on a specific file"""
+ if not self.has_action:
+ return
+ cmd = self.init_args + " " + self.command + "--verb=FileSave --verb=FileQuit"
+ p = Popen('inkscape "{}" {}'.format(filename, cmd), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ rc = p.wait()
+ f = p.stdout
+ err = p.stderr
+ f.close()
+ err.close()
+ def run_document(self):
+ """Run the actions on the svg xml tree"""
+ if not self.has_action:
+ return self.svg_document
+ # First save the document
+ svgfile = tempfile.mktemp(".svg")
+ self.svg_document.write(svgfile)
+ # Run the action on the document
+ self.run_file(svgfile)
+ # Open the resulting file
+ with open(svgfile, 'r') as stream:
+ self.svg_document = load_svg(stream)
+ # Clean up.
+ try:
+ os.remove(svgfile)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # Return the new document
+ return self.svg_document
+class SynfigExportActionGroup(InkscapeActionGroup):
+ """An action group with stock commands designed for Synfig exporting"""
+ def __init__(self, svg_document=None):
+ InkscapeActionGroup.__init__(self, svg_document)
+ self.set_init_args("--verb=UnlockAllInAllLayers")
+ self.objects_to_paths()
+ self.unlink_clones()
+ def objects_to_paths(self):
+ """Convert unsupported objects to paths"""
+ # Flow roots contain rectangles inside them, so they need to be
+ # converted to paths separately from other shapes
+ self.select_xpath("//svg:flowRoot")
+ self.verb("ObjectToPath")
+ self.deselect()
+ non_paths = [
+ "svg:rect",
+ "svg:circle",
+ "svg:ellipse",
+ "svg:line",
+ "svg:polyline",
+ "svg:polygon",
+ "svg:text"
+ ]
+ # Build an xpath command to select these nodes
+ xpath_cmd = " | ".join(["//" + np for np in non_paths])
+ # Select all of these elements
+ # Note: already selected elements are not deselected
+ self.select_xpath(xpath_cmd)
+ # Convert them to paths
+ self.verb("ObjectToPath")
+ self.deselect()
+ def unlink_clones(self):
+ """Unlink clones (remove <svg:use> elements)"""
+ self.select_xpath("//svg:use")
+ self.verb("EditUnlinkClone")
+ self.deselect()
+###### Utility Functions ##################################
+### Path related
+def fuse_subpaths(path_node):
+ """Fuse subpaths of a path. Should only be used on unstroked paths"""
+ path = path_node.path.to_arrays()
+ if len(path) == 0:
+ return
+ i = 0
+ initial_point = [path[i][1][-2], path[i][1][-1]]
+ prev_end = initial_point[:]
+ return_stack = []
+ while i < len(path):
+ # Remove any terminators: they are redundant
+ if path[i][0] == "Z":
+ path.remove(["Z", []])
+ continue
+ if path[i][0] == 'V':
+ prev_end[0] = path[i][1][0]
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ elif path[i][0] == 'H':
+ prev_end[1] = path[i][1][0]
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ elif path[1][0] != 'M' or i == 0:
+ prev_end = path[i][1][-2:]
+ i += 1
+ continue
+ # This element begins a new path - it should be a moveto
+ assert (path[i][0] == 'M')
+ # Swap it for a lineto
+ path[i][0] = 'L'
+ # If the old subpath has not been closed yet, close it
+ if prev_end != initial_point:
+ path.insert(i, ['L', initial_point])
+ i += 1
+ # Set the initial point of this subpath
+ initial_point = path[i][1][-2:]
+ # Append this point to the return stack
+ return_stack.append(initial_point)
+ # end while
+ # Now pop the entire return stack
+ while return_stack:
+ el = ['L', return_stack.pop()]
+ path.insert(i, el)
+ i += 1
+ path_d = str(inkex.Path(path))
+ path_node.set("d", path_d)
+def split_fill_and_stroke(path_node):
+ """Split a path into two paths, one filled and one stroked
+ Returns a the list [fill, stroke], where each is the XML element of the
+ fill or stroke, or None.
+ """
+ style = dict(inkex.Style.parse_str(path_node.get("style", "")))
+ # If there is only stroke or only fill, don't split anything
+ if "fill" in style and style["fill"] == "none":
+ if "stroke" not in style or style["stroke"] == "none":
+ return [None, None] # Path has neither stroke nor fill
+ else:
+ return [None, path_node]
+ if "stroke" not in style.keys() or style["stroke"] == "none":
+ return [path_node, None]
+ group = Group()
+ fill = group.add(PathElement())
+ stroke = group.add(PathElement())
+ d = path_node.pop('d')
+ if d is None:
+ raise AssertionError("Cannot split stroke and fill of non-path element")
+ nodetypes = path_node.pop('sodipodi:nodetypes', None)
+ path_id = path_node.pop('id', str(id(path_node)))
+ transform = path_node.pop('transform', None)
+ path_node.pop('style')
+ # Pass along all remaining attributes to the group
+ for attrib_name, attrib_value in path_node.attrib.items():
+ group.set(attrib_name, attrib_value)
+ group.set("id", path_id)
+ # Next split apart the style attribute
+ style_group = {}
+ style_fill = {"stroke": "none", "fill": "#000000"}
+ style_stroke = {"fill": "none", "stroke": "none"}
+ for key in style.keys():
+ if key.startswith("fill"):
+ style_fill[key] = style[key]
+ elif key.startswith("stroke"):
+ style_stroke[key] = style[key]
+ elif key.startswith("marker"):
+ style_stroke[key] = style[key]
+ elif key.startswith("filter"):
+ style_group[key] = style[key]
+ else:
+ style_fill[key] = style[key]
+ style_stroke[key] = style[key]
+ if len(style_group) != 0:
+ group.set("style", str(inkex.Style(style_group)))
+ fill.set("style", str(inkex.Style(style_fill)))
+ stroke.set("style", str(inkex.Style(style_stroke)))
+ # Finalize the two paths
+ fill.set("d", d)
+ stroke.set("d", d)
+ if nodetypes is not None:
+ fill.set('sodipodi:nodetypes', nodetypes)
+ stroke.set('sodipodi:nodetypes', nodetypes)
+ fill.set("id", path_id + "-fill")
+ stroke.set("id", path_id + "-stroke")
+ if transform is not None:
+ fill.set("transform", transform)
+ stroke.set("transform", transform)
+ # Replace the original node with the group
+ path_node.getparent().replace(path_node, group)
+ return [fill, stroke]
+### Object related
+def propagate_attribs(node, parent_style={}, parent_transform=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]):
+ """Propagate style and transform to remove inheritance"""
+ # Don't enter non-graphical portions of the document
+ if not isinstance(node, (ShapeElement, SvgDocumentElement)):
+ return
+ # Compose the transformations
+ if isinstance(node, SvgDocumentElement) and node.get("viewBox"):
+ vx, vy, vw, vh = [get_dimension(x) for x in node.get_viewbox()]
+ dw = get_dimension(node.get("width", vw))
+ dh = get_dimension(node.get("height", vh))
+ this_transform = Transform(translate=(-vx, -vy), scale=(dw / vw, dh / vh))
+ del node.attrib["viewBox"]
+ else:
+ this_transform = Transform(parent_transform)
+ this_transform *= node.transform
+ # Compose the style attribs
+ this_style = dict(inkex.Style.parse_str(node.get("style", "")))
+ remaining_style = {} # Style attributes that are not propagated
+ non_propagated = ["filter"] # Filters should remain on the topmost ancestor
+ for key in non_propagated:
+ if key in this_style.keys():
+ remaining_style[key] = this_style[key]
+ del this_style[key]
+ # Create a copy of the parent style, and merge this style into it
+ parent_style_copy = parent_style.copy()
+ parent_style_copy.update(this_style)
+ this_style = parent_style_copy
+ # Merge in any attributes outside of the style
+ style_attribs = ["fill", "stroke"]
+ for attrib in style_attribs:
+ if node.get(attrib):
+ this_style[attrib] = node.get(attrib)
+ del node.attrib[attrib]
+ if isinstance(node, (SvgDocumentElement, Group, Anchor, Switch)):
+ # Leave only non-propagating style attributes
+ if remaining_style:
+ = remaining_style
+ else:
+ if "style" in node.keys():
+ del node.attrib["style"]
+ # Remove the transform attribute
+ if "transform" in node.keys():
+ del node.attrib["transform"]
+ # Continue propagating on subelements
+ for child in node.iterchildren():
+ propagate_attribs(child, this_style, this_transform)
+ else:
+ # This element is not a container
+ # Merge remaining_style into this_style
+ this_style.update(remaining_style)
+ # Set the element's style and transform attribs
+ = this_style
+ node.transform = this_transform
+### Style related
+def get_dimension(s="1024"):
+ """Convert an SVG length string from arbitrary units to pixels"""
+ if s == "":
+ return 0
+ if isinstance(s, float):
+ return s
+ try:
+ last = int(s[-1])
+ except:
+ last = None
+ if type(last) == int:
+ return float(s)
+ elif s[-1] == "%":
+ return 1024
+ elif s[-2:] == "px":
+ return float(s[:-2])
+ elif s[-2:] == "pt":
+ return float(s[:-2]) * 1.333
+ elif s[-2:] == "em":
+ return float(s[:-2]) * 16
+ elif s[-2:] == "mm":
+ return float(s[:-2]) * 3.779
+ elif s[-2:] == "pc":
+ return float(s[:-2]) * 16
+ elif s[-2:] == "cm":
+ return float(s[:-2]) * 37.79
+ elif s[-2:] == "in":
+ return float(s[:-2]) * 96
+ else:
+ return 1024
+###### Main Class #########################################
+class SynfigPrep(inkex.EffectExtension):
+ def effect(self):
+ """Transform document in preparation for exporting it into the Synfig format"""
+ a = SynfigExportActionGroup(self.document)
+ self.document = a.run_document()
+ # Remove inheritance of attributes
+ propagate_attribs(self.document.getroot())
+ # Fuse multiple subpaths in fills
+ for node in self.document.getroot().xpath('//svg:path'):
+ if node.get("d", "").lower().count("m") > 1:
+ # There are multiple subpaths
+ fill = split_fill_and_stroke(node)[0]
+ if fill is not None:
+ fuse_subpaths(fill)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ SynfigPrep().run()