#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # License checker: test that files have a proper SPDX license header. # Author: Max Gaukler # Licensed under GPL version 2 or any later version, read the file "COPYING" for more information. from __future__ import print_function import fnmatch import os import sys import subprocess license = {} hasSPDX = {} if sys.version_info[0] < 3: from io import open # do not check licenses in these subdirectories: # TODO: have look at the libraries' licenses IGNORE_PATHS = [ ".git*", "CMakeScripts", "LICENSES", "ccache", "build*", "doc", "inst", "man", "packaging", "patches", "po", "share", "src/2geom", "src/3rdparty", "testfiles/cli_tests/testcases", "testfiles/rendering_tests/fonts/LICENSES", ] # do not check licenses for the following file endings: IGNORE_FILE_ENDINGS = [ ".bmp", ".bz2", ".dia", ".dll", ".eps", ".kate-swp", ".ods", ".otf", ".pdf", ".png", ".po", ".ps", ".rc", ".svg", ".ttf", ".xml", ".xpm", "AUTHORS", "BUILD_YOUR_OWN", "CONTRIBUTING.md", "COPYING", "HACKING", "INSTALL.md", "NEWS", "NEWS.md", "Notes.txt", "README", "README.md", "TRANSLATORS", "todo.txt", ] # permitted licenses (MUST BE compatible with licensing the compiled product as GPL3). # IF YOU CHANGE THIS, also update the list of licenses in COPYING! PERMITTED_LICENSES = [ "GPL-2.0-or-later", "GPL-3.0-or-later", "LGPL-2.1-or-later", "LGPL-3.0-or-later", ] class LicenseCheckError(Exception): pass if not os.path.exists("./LICENSES"): print("this script must be run from the main git directory", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def files_all(): ignore_paths = [('./' + p) for p in IGNORE_PATHS] ignore_paths += [(p + '/*') for p in ignore_paths] for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): for name in files: p = os.path.join(root,name) if any(p.endswith(i) for i in IGNORE_FILE_ENDINGS): continue if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(p, i) for i in ignore_paths): continue if subprocess.call(["git", "check-ignore", "-q", "--", p]) == 0: # file is in .gitignore continue yield p def main(filenames): for p in filenames: license[p] = None hasSPDX[p] = False try: for line in open(p, encoding='utf-8').readlines(): line = line.strip(' */#<>-!;\r\n') if line.startswith("SPDX-License-Identifier: "): hasSPDX[p] = True license[p] = line[len("SPDX-License-Identifier: "):] except IOError: print("Cannot open {} (ignored)".format(p), file=sys.stderr) continue except UnicodeDecodeError: raise LicenseCheckError( "Encoding of {} is damaged (should be UTF8), cannot check license" .format(p)) if not hasSPDX[p]: raise LicenseCheckError( "File '{}' does not have a SPDX-License-Identifier: header.\n" "Please have a look at the coding style: https://inkscape.org/en/develop/coding-style/\n" "This is required so that we can make sure all files have compatible licenses." .format(p)) if not any(lic in PERMITTED_LICENSES for lic in license[p].split(' OR ')): raise LicenseCheckError( "File '{}' has an incompatible or unknown license '{}' in the SPDX-License-Identifier header.\n" "Allowed licenses are:\n" "{}".format(p, license[p], "\n".join(PERMITTED_LICENSES))) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(files_all()) except LicenseCheckError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) print("If you think this message is wrong, edit buildtools/check_license_header.py", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # vi:sw=4:expandtab: