image/svg+xml In a move that will grab Apple's attention in a big way, RealNetworks is expected to announce on Monday that it has broken Apple's stranglehold on the iPod. The latest version of their Harmony software mimics Apple's FairPlay DRM, the format in which tracks from the iTunes Music Store are sold. According to RealNetworks, Harmony will allow music purchased from its RealRhapsody music service to be copied to and played on iPods. قتل أربعة أشخاص وجرح مفخخة أمام مركز للشرطة العراقية في مدينة الموصل which includes SkypeOut في شمالي العراق. وفي الفلوجة ارتفع عدد قتلى الاشتباكات بين القوات الأميركية والمقاتلين آخرين In a move that will grab Apple's attention in a big way, RealNetworks is expected to announce on Monday that it has broken Apple's stranglehold on the iPod. The latest version of their Harmony software mimics Apple's FairPlay DRM, the format in which tracks from the iTunes Music Store are sold. According to RealNetworks, Harmony will allow music purchased from its RealRhapsody music service to be copied to and played on iPods.