#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Alvin Penner, penner@vaxxine.com # Copyright (C) 2009 Christian Mayer, inkscape@christianmayer.de # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """ Input a DXF file >= (AutoCAD Release 13 == AC1012) """ # thanks to Aaron Spike for inkex without which this would not have been possible from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os import re import sys import math from lxml import etree import inkex if sys.version_info[0] < 3: from urllib import quote else: from urllib.parse import quote unichr = chr def re_hex2unichar(m): return unichr(int(m.group(1), 16)) def formatStyle(style): return str(inkex.Style(style)) def export_MTEXT(): # mandatory group codes : (1 or 3, 10, 20) (text, x, y) if (vals[groups['1']] or vals[groups['3']]) and vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']]: x = vals[groups['10']][0] y = vals[groups['20']][0] # optional group codes : (21, 40, 50) (direction, text height mm, text angle) size = 12 # default fontsize in px if vals[groups['40']] and vals[groups['40']][0]: size = scale * vals[groups['40']][0] attribs = {'x': '%f' % x, 'y': '%f' % y, 'style': 'font-size: %.1fpx; fill: %s; font-family: %s' % (size, color, options.font)} angle = 0 # default angle in degrees if vals[groups['50']]: angle = vals[groups['50']][0] attribs.update({'transform': 'rotate (%f %f %f)' % (-angle, x, y)}) elif vals[groups['21']]: if vals[groups['21']][0] == 1.0: attribs.update({'transform': 'rotate (%f %f %f)' % (-90, x, y)}) elif vals[groups['21']][0] == -1.0: attribs.update({'transform': 'rotate (%f %f %f)' % (90, x, y)}) node = layer.add(inkex.Text(**attribs)) node.set('sodipodi:linespacing', '125%') text = '' if vals[groups['3']]: for i in range(0, len(vals[groups['3']])): text += vals[groups['3']][i] if vals[groups['1']]: text += vals[groups['1']][0] found = text.find(r'\P') # new line while found > -1: tspan = node.add(inkex.Tspan()) tspan.set('sodipodi:role', 'line') tspan.text = text[:found] text = text[(found + 2):] found = text.find(r'\P') tspan = node.add(inkex.Tspan()) tspan.set('sodipodi:role', 'line') tspan.text = text def export_POINT(w): # mandatory group codes : (10, 20) (x, y) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']]: if options.gcodetoolspoints: generate_gcodetools_point(vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0]) else: generate_ellipse(vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], w / 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) def export_LINE(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 11, 20, 21) (x1, x2, y1, y2) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['11']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['21']]: path = 'M %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], scale * (extrude * vals[groups['11']][0] - xmin), height - scale * (vals[groups['21']][0] - ymin)) attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) def export_SPLINE(): # see : http://www.mactech.com/articles/develop/issue_25/schneider.html # mandatory group codes : (10, 20, 40, 70) (x[], y[], knots[], flags) if vals[groups['70']] and len(vals[groups['10']]) == len(vals[groups['20']]) and vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['40']]: knots = len(vals[groups['40']]) ctrls = len(vals[groups['10']]) if ctrls > 3 and knots == ctrls + 4: # cubic if ctrls > 4: for i in range(knots - 5, 3, -1): if vals[groups['40']][i] != vals[groups['40']][i - 1] and vals[groups['40']][i] != vals[groups['40']][i + 1]: a0 = (vals[groups['40']][i] - vals[groups['40']][i - 2]) / (vals[groups['40']][i + 1] - vals[groups['40']][i - 2]) a1 = (vals[groups['40']][i] - vals[groups['40']][i - 1]) / (vals[groups['40']][i + 2] - vals[groups['40']][i - 1]) vals[groups['10']].insert(i - 1, (1.0 - a1) * vals[groups['10']][i - 2] + a1 * vals[groups['10']][i - 1]) vals[groups['20']].insert(i - 1, (1.0 - a1) * vals[groups['20']][i - 2] + a1 * vals[groups['20']][i - 1]) vals[groups['10']][i - 2] = (1.0 - a0) * vals[groups['10']][i - 3] + a0 * vals[groups['10']][i - 2] vals[groups['20']][i - 2] = (1.0 - a0) * vals[groups['20']][i - 3] + a0 * vals[groups['20']][i - 2] vals[groups['40']].insert(i, vals[groups['40']][i]) knots = len(vals[groups['40']]) for i in range(knots - 6, 3, -2): if vals[groups['40']][i] != vals[groups['40']][i + 2] and vals[groups['40']][i - 1] != vals[groups['40']][i + 1] and vals[groups['40']][i - 2] != vals[groups['40']][i]: a1 = (vals[groups['40']][i] - vals[groups['40']][i - 1]) / (vals[groups['40']][i + 2] - vals[groups['40']][i - 1]) vals[groups['10']].insert(i - 1, (1.0 - a1) * vals[groups['10']][i - 2] + a1 * vals[groups['10']][i - 1]) vals[groups['20']].insert(i - 1, (1.0 - a1) * vals[groups['20']][i - 2] + a1 * vals[groups['20']][i - 1]) ctrls = len(vals[groups['10']]) path = 'M %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0]) for i in range(0, (ctrls - 1) // 3): path += ' C %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][3 * i + 1], vals[groups['20']][3 * i + 1], vals[groups['10']][3 * i + 2], vals[groups['20']][3 * i + 2], vals[groups['10']][3 * i + 3], vals[groups['20']][3 * i + 3]) if vals[groups['70']][0] & 1: # closed path path += ' z' attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) if ctrls == 3 and knots == 6: # quadratic path = 'M %f,%f Q %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], vals[groups['10']][1], vals[groups['20']][1], vals[groups['10']][2], vals[groups['20']][2]) attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) if ctrls == 5 and knots == 8: # spliced quadratic path = 'M %f,%f Q %f,%f %f,%f Q %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], vals[groups['10']][1], vals[groups['20']][1], vals[groups['10']][2], vals[groups['20']][2], vals[groups['10']][3], vals[groups['20']][3], vals[groups['10']][4], vals[groups['20']][4]) attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) def export_CIRCLE(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 20, 40) (x, y, radius) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['40']]: generate_ellipse(vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], scale * vals[groups['40']][0], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) def export_ARC(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 20, 40, 50, 51) (x, y, radius, angle1, angle2) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['40']] and vals[groups['50']] and vals[groups['51']]: generate_ellipse(vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], scale * vals[groups['40']][0], 0.0, 1.0, vals[groups['50']][0] * math.pi / 180.0, vals[groups['51']][0] * math.pi / 180.0) def export_ELLIPSE(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 11, 20, 21, 40, 41, 42) (xc, xm, yc, ym, width ratio, angle1, angle2) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['11']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['21']] and vals[groups['40']] and vals[groups['41']] and vals[groups['42']]: generate_ellipse(vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], scale * vals[groups['11']][0], scale * vals[groups['21']][0], vals[groups['40']][0], vals[groups['41']][0], vals[groups['42']][0]) def export_LEADER(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 20) (x, y) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']]: if len(vals[groups['10']]) > 1 and len(vals[groups['20']]) == len(vals[groups['10']]): path = 'M %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0]) for i in range(1, len(vals[groups['10']])): path += ' %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][i], vals[groups['20']][i]) attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) def export_LWPOLYLINE(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 20, 70) (x, y, flags) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['70']]: if len(vals[groups['10']]) > 1 and len(vals[groups['20']]) == len(vals[groups['10']]): # optional group codes : (42) (bulge) iseqs = 0 ibulge = 0 if vals[groups['70']][0] & 1: # closed path seqs.append('20') vals[groups['10']].append(vals[groups['10']][0]) vals[groups['20']].append(vals[groups['20']][0]) while seqs[iseqs] != '20': iseqs += 1 path = 'M %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0]) xold = vals[groups['10']][0] yold = vals[groups['20']][0] for i in range(1, len(vals[groups['10']])): bulge = 0 iseqs += 1 while seqs[iseqs] != '20': if seqs[iseqs] == '42': bulge = vals[groups['42']][ibulge] ibulge += 1 iseqs += 1 if bulge: sweep = 0 # sweep CCW if bulge < 0: sweep = 1 # sweep CW bulge = -bulge large = 0 # large-arc-flag if bulge > 1: large = 1 r = math.sqrt((vals[groups['10']][i] - xold) ** 2 + (vals[groups['20']][i] - yold) ** 2) r = 0.25 * r * (bulge + 1.0 / bulge) path += ' A %f,%f 0.0 %d %d %f,%f' % (r, r, large, sweep, vals[groups['10']][i], vals[groups['20']][i]) else: path += ' L %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][i], vals[groups['20']][i]) xold = vals[groups['10']][i] yold = vals[groups['20']][i] if vals[groups['70']][0] & 1: # closed path path += ' z' attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) def export_HATCH(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 20, 70, 72, 92, 93) (x, y, fill, Edge Type, Path Type, Number of edges) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['70']] and vals[groups['72']] and vals[groups['92']] and vals[groups['93']]: if len(vals[groups['10']]) > 1 and len(vals[groups['20']]) == len(vals[groups['10']]): # optional group codes : (11, 21, 40, 50, 51, 73) (x, y, r, angle1, angle2, CCW) i10 = 1 # count start points i11 = 0 # count line end points i40 = 0 # count circles i72 = 0 # count edge type flags path = '' for i in range(0, len(vals[groups['93']])): xc = vals[groups['10']][i10] yc = vals[groups['20']][i10] if vals[groups['72']][i72] == 2: # arc rm = scale * vals[groups['40']][i40] a1 = vals[groups['50']][i40] path += 'M %f,%f ' % (xc + rm * math.cos(a1 * math.pi / 180.0), yc + rm * math.sin(a1 * math.pi / 180.0)) else: a1 = 0 path += 'M %f,%f ' % (xc, yc) for j in range(0, vals[groups['93']][i]): if vals[groups['92']][i] & 2: # polyline if j > 0: path += 'L %f,%f ' % (vals[groups['10']][i10], vals[groups['20']][i10]) if j == vals[groups['93']][i] - 1: i72 += 1 elif vals[groups['72']][i72] == 2: # arc xc = vals[groups['10']][i10] yc = vals[groups['20']][i10] rm = scale * vals[groups['40']][i40] a2 = vals[groups['51']][i40] diff = (a2 - a1 + 360) % 360 sweep = 1 - vals[groups['73']][i40] # sweep CCW large = 0 # large-arc-flag if diff: path += 'A %f,%f 0.0 %d %d %f,%f ' % (rm, rm, large, sweep, xc + rm * math.cos(a2 * math.pi / 180.0), yc + rm * math.sin(a2 * math.pi / 180.0)) else: path += 'A %f,%f 0.0 %d %d %f,%f ' % (rm, rm, large, sweep, xc + rm * math.cos((a1 + 180.0) * math.pi / 180.0), yc + rm * math.sin((a1 + 180.0) * math.pi / 180.0)) path += 'A %f,%f 0.0 %d %d %f,%f ' % (rm, rm, large, sweep, xc + rm * math.cos(a1 * math.pi / 180.0), yc + rm * math.sin(a1 * math.pi / 180.0)) i40 += 1 i72 += 1 elif vals[groups['72']][i72] == 1: # line path += 'L %f,%f ' % (scale * (extrude * vals[groups['11']][i11] - xmin), height - scale * (vals[groups['21']][i11] - ymin)) i11 += 1 i72 += 1 i10 += 1 path += "z " if vals[groups['70']][0]: style = formatStyle({'fill': '%s' % color}) else: style = formatStyle({'fill': 'url(#Hatch)', 'fill-opacity': '1.0'}) attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) def export_DIMENSION(): # mandatory group codes : (10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24) (x1..4, y1..4) if vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['11']] and vals[groups['13']] and vals[groups['14']] and vals[groups['20']] and vals[groups['21']] and vals[groups['23']] and vals[groups['24']]: dx = abs(vals[groups['10']][0] - vals[groups['13']][0]) dy = abs(vals[groups['20']][0] - vals[groups['23']][0]) if (vals[groups['10']][0] == vals[groups['14']][0]) and dx > 0.00001: d = dx / scale dy = 0 path = 'M %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], vals[groups['13']][0], vals[groups['20']][0]) elif (vals[groups['20']][0] == vals[groups['24']][0]) and dy > 0.00001: d = dy / scale dx = 0 path = 'M %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['23']][0]) else: return attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style + '; marker-start: url(#DistanceX); marker-end: url(#DistanceX); stroke-width: 0.25px'} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) x = scale * (extrude * vals[groups['11']][0] - xmin) y = height - scale * (vals[groups['21']][0] - ymin) size = 12 # default fontsize in px if vals[groups['3']]: if vals[groups['3']][0] in DIMTXT: size = scale * DIMTXT[vals[groups['3']][0]] if size < 2: size = 2 attribs = {'x': '%f' % x, 'y': '%f' % y, 'style': 'font-size: %.1fpx; fill: %s; font-family: %s; text-anchor: middle; text-align: center' % (size, color, options.font)} if dx == 0: attribs.update({'transform': 'rotate (%f %f %f)' % (-90, x, y)}) node = etree.SubElement(layer, 'text', attribs) tspan = node.add(inkex.Tspan()) tspan.set('sodipodi:role', 'line') tspan.text = str(float('%.2f' % d)) def export_INSERT(): # mandatory group codes : (2, 10, 20) (block name, x, y) if vals[groups['2']] and vals[groups['10']] and vals[groups['20']]: x = vals[groups['10']][0] + scale * xmin y = vals[groups['20']][0] - scale * ymin - height elem = layer.add(inkex.Use()) elem.set('xlink:href', '#' + quote(vals[groups['2']][0].replace(" ", "_").encode("utf-8"))) elem.transform = 'translate(%f, %f)' % (x, y) if vals[groups['41']] and vals[groups['42']]: elem.transform.add_scale(vals[groups['41']][0], vals[groups['42']][0]) def export_BLOCK(): # mandatory group codes : (2) (block name) if vals[groups['2']]: global block block = etree.SubElement(defs, 'symbol', {'id': vals[groups['2']][0].replace(" ", "_")}) def export_ENDBLK(): global block block = defs # initiallize with dummy def export_ATTDEF(): # mandatory group codes : (1, 2) (default, tag) if vals[groups['1']] and vals[groups['2']]: vals[groups['1']][0] = vals[groups['2']][0] export_MTEXT() def generate_ellipse(xc, yc, xm, ym, w, a1, a2): rm = math.sqrt(xm * xm + ym * ym) a = math.atan2(ym, xm) diff = (a2 - a1 + 2 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) if abs(diff) > 0.0000001 and abs(diff - 2 * math.pi) > 0.0000001: # open arc large = 0 # large-arc-flag if diff > math.pi: large = 1 xt = rm * math.cos(a1) yt = w * rm * math.sin(a1) x1 = xt * math.cos(a) - yt * math.sin(a) y1 = xt * math.sin(a) + yt * math.cos(a) xt = rm * math.cos(a2) yt = w * rm * math.sin(a2) x2 = xt * math.cos(a) - yt * math.sin(a) y2 = xt * math.sin(a) + yt * math.cos(a) path = 'M %f,%f A %f,%f %f %d 0 %f,%f' % (xc + x1, yc - y1, rm, w * rm, -180.0 * a / math.pi, large, xc + x2, yc - y2) else: # closed arc path = 'M %f,%f A %f,%f %f 1 0 %f,%f %f,%f %f 1 0 %f,%f z' % (xc + xm, yc - ym, rm, w * rm, -180.0 * a / math.pi, xc - xm, yc + ym, rm, w * rm, -180.0 * a / math.pi, xc + xm, yc - ym) attribs = {'d': path, 'style': style} etree.SubElement(layer, 'path', attribs) def generate_gcodetools_point(xc, yc): elem = layer.add(inkex.PathElement()) elem.style = 'stroke:none;fill:#ff0000' elem.set('inkscape:dxfpoint', '1') elem.path = 'm %s,%s 2.9375,-6.34375 0.8125,1.90625 6.84375,-6.84375 0,0 0.6875,0.6875 -6.84375,6.84375 1.90625,0.8125 z' % (xc, yc) # define DXF Entities and specify which Group Codes to monitor entities = {'MTEXT': export_MTEXT, 'TEXT': export_MTEXT, 'POINT': export_POINT, 'LINE': export_LINE, 'SPLINE': export_SPLINE, 'CIRCLE': export_CIRCLE, 'ARC': export_ARC, 'ELLIPSE': export_ELLIPSE, 'LEADER': export_LEADER, 'LWPOLYLINE': export_LWPOLYLINE, 'HATCH': export_HATCH, 'DIMENSION': export_DIMENSION, 'INSERT': export_INSERT, 'BLOCK': export_BLOCK, 'ENDBLK': export_ENDBLK, 'ATTDEF': export_ATTDEF, 'VIEWPORT': False, 'ENDSEC': False} groups = {'1': 0, '2': 1, '3': 2, '6': 3, '8': 4, '10': 5, '11': 6, '13': 7, '14': 8, '20': 9, '21': 10, '23': 11, '24': 12, '40': 13, '41': 14, '42': 15, '50': 16, '51': 17, '62': 18, '70': 19, '72': 20, '73': 21, '92': 22, '93': 23, '230': 24, '370': 25} colors = {1: '#FF0000', 2: '#FFFF00', 3: '#00FF00', 4: '#00FFFF', 5: '#0000FF', 6: '#FF00FF', 7: '#000000', 8: '#808080', 9: '#C0C0C0', 10: '#FF0000', 11: '#FF7F7F', 12: '#CC0000', 13: '#CC6666', 14: '#990000', 15: '#994C4C', 16: '#7F0000', 17: '#7F3F3F', 18: '#4C0000', 19: '#4C2626', 20: '#FF3F00', 21: '#FF9F7F', 22: '#CC3300', 23: '#CC7F66', 24: '#992600', 25: '#995F4C', 26: '#7F1F00', 27: '#7F4F3F', 28: '#4C1300', 29: '#4C2F26', 30: '#FF7F00', 31: '#FFBF7F', 32: '#CC6600', 33: '#CC9966', 34: '#994C00', 35: '#99724C', 36: '#7F3F00', 37: '#7F5F3F', 38: '#4C2600', 39: '#4C3926', 40: '#FFBF00', 41: '#FFDF7F', 42: '#CC9900', 43: '#CCB266', 44: '#997200', 45: '#99854C', 46: '#7F5F00', 47: '#7F6F3F', 48: '#4C3900', 49: '#4C4226', 50: '#FFFF00', 51: '#FFFF7F', 52: '#CCCC00', 53: '#CCCC66', 54: '#989800', 55: '#98984C', 56: '#7F7F00', 57: '#7F7F3F', 58: '#4C4C00', 59: '#4C4C26', 60: '#BFFF00', 61: '#DFFF7F', 62: '#99CC00', 63: '#B2CC66', 64: '#729800', 65: '#85984C', 66: '#5F7F00', 67: '#6F7F3F', 68: '#394C00', 69: '#424C26', 70: '#7FFF00', 71: '#BFFF7F', 72: '#66CC00', 73: '#99CC66', 74: '#4C9800', 75: '#72984C', 76: '#3F7F00', 77: '#5F7F3F', 78: '#264C00', 79: '#394C26', 80: '#3FFF00', 81: '#9FFF7F', 82: '#33CC00', 83: '#7FCC66', 84: '#269800', 85: '#5F984C', 86: '#1F7F00', 87: '#4F7F3F', 88: '#134C00', 89: '#2F4C26', 90: '#00FF00', 91: '#7FFF7F', 92: '#00CC00', 93: '#66CC66', 94: '#009800', 95: '#4C984C', 96: '#007F00', 97: '#3F7F3F', 98: '#004C00', 99: '#264C26', 100: '#00FF3F', 101: '#7FFF9F', 102: '#00CC33', 103: '#66CC7F', 104: '#009826', 105: '#4C985F', 106: '#007F1F', 107: '#3F7F4F', 108: '#004C13', 109: '#264C2F', 110: '#00FF7F', 111: '#7FFFBF', 112: '#00CC66', 113: '#66CC99', 114: '#00984C', 115: '#4C9872', 116: '#007F3F', 117: '#3F7F5F', 118: '#004C26', 119: '#264C39', 120: '#00FFBF', 121: '#7FFFDF', 122: '#00CC99', 123: '#66CCB2', 124: '#009872', 125: '#4C9885', 126: '#007F5F', 127: '#3F7F6F', 128: '#004C39', 129: '#264C42', 130: '#00FFFF', 131: '#7FFFFF', 132: '#00CCCC', 133: '#66CCCC', 134: '#009898', 135: '#4C9898', 136: '#007F7F', 137: '#3F7F7F', 138: '#004C4C', 139: '#264C4C', 140: '#00BFFF', 141: '#7FDFFF', 142: '#0099CC', 143: '#66B2CC', 144: '#007298', 145: '#4C8598', 146: '#005F7F', 147: '#3F6F7F', 148: '#00394C', 149: '#26424C', 150: '#007FFF', 151: '#7FBFFF', 152: '#0066CC', 153: '#6699CC', 154: '#004C98', 155: '#4C7298', 156: '#003F7F', 157: '#3F5F7F', 158: '#00264C', 159: '#26394C', 160: '#003FFF', 161: '#7F9FFF', 162: '#0033CC', 163: '#667FCC', 164: '#002698', 165: '#4C5F98', 166: '#001F7F', 167: '#3F4F7F', 168: '#00134C', 169: '#262F4C', 170: '#0000FF', 171: '#7F7FFF', 172: '#0000CC', 173: '#6666CC', 174: '#000098', 175: '#4C4C98', 176: '#00007F', 177: '#3F3F7F', 178: '#00004C', 179: '#26264C', 180: '#3F00FF', 181: '#9F7FFF', 182: '#3300CC', 183: '#7F66CC', 184: '#260098', 185: '#5F4C98', 186: '#1F007F', 187: '#4F3F7F', 188: '#13004C', 189: '#2F264C', 190: '#7F00FF', 191: '#BF7FFF', 192: '#6600CC', 193: '#9966CC', 194: '#4C0098', 195: '#724C98', 196: '#3F007F', 197: '#5F3F7F', 198: '#26004C', 199: '#39264C', 200: '#BF00FF', 201: '#DF7FFF', 202: '#9900CC', 203: '#B266CC', 204: '#720098', 205: '#854C98', 206: '#5F007F', 207: '#6F3F7F', 208: '#39004C', 209: '#42264C', 210: '#FF00FF', 211: '#FF7FFF', 212: '#CC00CC', 213: '#CC66CC', 214: '#980098', 215: '#984C98', 216: '#7F007F', 217: '#7F3F7F', 218: '#4C004C', 219: '#4C264C', 220: '#FF00BF', 221: '#FF7FDF', 222: '#CC0099', 223: '#CC66B2', 224: '#980072', 225: '#984C85', 226: '#7F005F', 227: '#7F3F6F', 228: '#4C0039', 229: '#4C2642', 230: '#FF007F', 231: '#FF7FBF', 232: '#CC0066', 233: '#CC6699', 234: '#98004C', 235: '#984C72', 236: '#7F003F', 237: '#7F3F5F', 238: '#4C0026', 239: '#4C2639', 240: '#FF003F', 241: '#FF7F9F', 242: '#CC0033', 243: '#CC667F', 244: '#980026', 245: '#984C5F', 246: '#7F001F', 247: '#7F3F4F', 248: '#4C0013', 249: '#4C262F', 250: '#333333', 251: '#5B5B5B', 252: '#848484', 253: '#ADADAD', 254: '#D6D6D6', 255: '#FFFFFF'} class DxfInput(inkex.InputExtension): def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument("--tab", default="Options") pars.add_argument("--scalemethod", default="manual") pars.add_argument("--scale", default="1.0") pars.add_argument("--xmin", default="0.0") pars.add_argument("--ymin", default="0.0") pars.add_argument("--gcodetoolspoints", default=True, type=inkex.Boolean) pars.add_argument("--encoding", dest="input_encode", default="latin_1") pars.add_argument("--font", default="Arial") def load(self, stream): return stream def effect(self): global options global defs global entity global vals global seqs global style global layer global scale global color global extrude global xmin global ymin global height options = self.options doc = self.get_template(width=210 * 96 / 25.4, height=297 * 96 / 25.4) svg = doc.getroot() defs = svg.defs marker = etree.SubElement(defs, 'marker', {'id': 'DistanceX', 'orient': 'auto', 'refX': '0.0', 'refY': '0.0', 'style': 'overflow:visible'}) etree.SubElement(marker, 'path', {'d': 'M 3,-3 L -3,3 M 0,-5 L 0,5', 'style': 'stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.5'}) pattern = etree.SubElement(defs, 'pattern', {'id': 'Hatch', 'patternUnits': 'userSpaceOnUse', 'width': '8', 'height': '8', 'x': '0', 'y': '0'}) etree.SubElement(pattern, 'path', {'d': 'M8 4 l-4,4', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': '0.25', 'linecap': 'square'}) etree.SubElement(pattern, 'path', {'d': 'M6 2 l-4,4', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': '0.25', 'linecap': 'square'}) etree.SubElement(pattern, 'path', {'d': 'M4 0 l-4,4', 'stroke': '#000000', 'stroke-width': '0.25', 'linecap': 'square'}) def _get_line(): return self.document.readline().strip().decode(options.input_encode) def get_line(): return _get_line(), _get_line() def get_group(group): line = get_line() if line[0] == group: return float(line[1]) return 0.0 xmax = xmin = ymin = 0.0 height = 297.0 * 96.0 / 25.4 # default A4 height in pixels measurement = 0 # default inches line = get_line() polylines = 0 flag = 0 # (0, 1, 2, 3) = (none, LAYER, LTYPE, DIMTXT) layer_colors = {} # store colors by layer layer_nodes = {} # store nodes by layer linetypes = {} # store linetypes by name DIMTXT = {} # store DIMENSION text sizes while line[0] and line[1] != 'BLOCKS': line = get_line() if options.scalemethod == 'file': if line[1] == '$MEASUREMENT': measurement = get_group('70') elif options.scalemethod == 'auto': if line[1] == '$EXTMIN': xmin = get_group('10') ymin = get_group('20') if line[1] == '$EXTMAX': xmax = get_group('10') if flag == 1 and line[0] == '2': layername = line[1] layer_nodes[layername] = svg.add(inkex.Layer.new(layername)) if flag == 2 and line[0] == '2': linename = line[1] linetypes[linename] = [] if flag == 3 and line[0] == '2': stylename = line[1] if line[0] == '2' and line[1] == 'LAYER': flag = 1 if line[0] == '2' and line[1] == 'LTYPE': flag = 2 if line[0] == '2' and line[1] == 'DIMSTYLE': flag = 3 if flag == 1 and line[0] == '62': layer_colors[layername] = int(line[1]) if flag == 2 and line[0] == '49': linetypes[linename].append(float(line[1])) if flag == 3 and line[0] == '140': DIMTXT[stylename] = float(line[1]) if line[0] == '0' and line[1] == 'ENDTAB': flag = 0 if options.scalemethod == 'file': scale = 25.4 # default inches if measurement == 1.0: scale = 1.0 # use mm elif options.scalemethod == 'auto': scale = 1.0 if xmax > xmin: scale = 210.0 / (xmax - xmin) # scale to A4 width else: scale = float(options.scale) # manual scale factor xmin = float(options.xmin) ymin = float(options.ymin) svg.description('%s - scale = %f, origin = (%f, %f), method = %s' % ( os.path.basename(options.input_file), scale, xmin, ymin, options.scalemethod)) scale *= 96.0 / 25.4 # convert from mm to pixels if '0' not in layer_nodes: layer_nodes['0'] = svg.add(inkex.Layer.new('0')) layer_colors['0'] = 7 for linename in linetypes.keys(): # scale the dashed lines linetype = '' for length in linetypes[linename]: if length == 0: # test for dot linetype += ' 0.5,' else: linetype += '%.4f,' % math.fabs(length * scale) if linetype == '': linetypes[linename] = 'stroke-linecap: round' else: linetypes[linename] = 'stroke-dasharray:' + linetype entity = '' inENTITIES = False block = defs # initiallize with dummy while line[0] and (line[1] != 'ENDSEC' or not inENTITIES): line = get_line() if line[1] == 'ENTITIES': inENTITIES = True elif line[1] == 'POLYLINE': polylines += 1 if entity and line[0] in groups: seqs.append(line[0]) # list of group codes if line[0] in ('1', '2', '3', '6', '8'): # text value val = line[1].replace(r'\~', ' ') val = re.sub(r'\\A.*;', '', val) val = re.sub(r'\\H.*;', '', val) val = re.sub(r'\^I', '', val) val = re.sub(r'{\\L', '', val) val = re.sub(r'}', '', val) val = re.sub(r'\\S.*;', '', val) val = re.sub(r'\\W.*;', '', val) val = val val = re.sub(r'\\U\+([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})', re_hex2unichar, val) elif line[0] == '62' or line[0] == '70' or line[0] == '92' or line[0] == '93': val = int(line[1]) else: # unscaled float value val = float(line[1]) vals[groups[line[0]]].append(val) elif line[1] in entities: if entity in entities: if block != defs: # in a BLOCK layer = block elif vals[groups['8']]: # use Common Layer Name if not vals[groups['8']][0]: vals[groups['8']][0] = '0' # use default name if vals[groups['8']][0] not in layer_nodes: layer_nodes[vals[groups['8']][0]] = svg.add(inkex.Layer.new(vals[groups['8']][0])) layer = layer_nodes[vals[groups['8']][0]] color = '#000000' # default color if vals[groups['8']]: if vals[groups['8']][0] in layer_colors: if layer_colors[vals[groups['8']][0]] in colors: color = colors[layer_colors[vals[groups['8']][0]]] if vals[groups['62']]: # Common Color Number if vals[groups['62']][0] in colors: color = colors[vals[groups['62']][0]] style = formatStyle({'stroke': '%s' % color, 'fill': 'none'}) w = 0.5 # default lineweight for POINT if vals[groups['370']]: # Common Lineweight if vals[groups['370']][0] > 0: w = 96.0 / 25.4 * vals[groups['370']][0] / 100.0 if w < 0.5: w = 0.5 style = formatStyle({'stroke': '%s' % color, 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': '%.1f' % w}) if vals[groups['6']]: # Common Linetype if vals[groups['6']][0] in linetypes: style += ';' + linetypes[vals[groups['6']][0]] extrude = 1.0 if vals[groups['230']]: extrude = float(vals[groups['230']][0]) for xgrp in ['10', '13', '14']: # scale/reflect x values if vals[groups[xgrp]]: for i in range(0, len(vals[groups[xgrp]])): vals[groups[xgrp]][i] = scale * (extrude * vals[groups[xgrp]][i] - xmin) for ygrp in ['20', '23', '24']: # scale y values if vals[groups[ygrp]]: for i in range(0, len(vals[groups[ygrp]])): vals[groups[ygrp]][i] = height - scale * (vals[groups[ygrp]][i] - ymin) if extrude == -1.0: # reflect angles if vals[groups['50']] and vals[groups['51']]: temp = vals[groups['51']][0] vals[groups['51']][0] = 180.0 - vals[groups['50']][0] vals[groups['50']][0] = 180.0 - temp if entities[entity]: if entity == 'POINT': entities[entity](w) else: entities[entity]() entity = line[1] vals = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] seqs = [] if polylines: inkex.errormsg(_('%d ENTITIES of type POLYLINE encountered and ignored. Please try to convert to Release 13 format using QCad.') % polylines) self.document = doc if __name__ == '__main__': DxfInput().run()