#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2009 Bryan Hoyt (MIT License) # 2011 Nicolas Dufour # 2013 Johan B. C. Engelen # 2019 Martin Owens # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """ TODO: mark elements that have previously been snapped, along with the settings used, so that the same settings can be used for that element next time when it's selected as part of a group (and add an option to the extension dialog "Use previous/default settings" which is selected by default) TODO: make elem_offset return [x_offset, y_offset] so we can handle non-symetric scaling => will probably need to take into account non-symetric scaling on stroke-widths, too (horizontal vs vertical strokes) TODO: Transforming points isn't quite perfect, to say the least. In particular, when translating a point on a bezier curve, we translate the handles by the same amount. BUT, some handles that are attached to a particular point are conceptually handles of the prev/next node. Best way to fix it would be to keep a list of the fractional_offsets[] of each point, without transforming anything. Then go through each point and transform the appropriate handle according to the relevant fraction_offset in the list. i.e. calculate first, then modify. In fact, that might be a simpler algorithm anyway -- it avoids having to keep track of all the first_xy/next_xy guff. Note: This doesn't work very well on paths which have both straight segments and curved segments. The biggest three problems are: a) we don't take handles into account (segments where the nodes are aligned are always treated as straight segments, even where the handles make it curve) b) when we snap a straight segment right before/after a curve, it doesn't make any attempt to keep the transition from the straight segment to the curve smooth. c) no attempt is made to keep equal widths equal. (or nearly-equal widths nearly-equal). For example, font strokes. Note: Paths that have curves & arcs on some sides of the bounding box won't be snapped correctly on that side of the bounding box, and nor will they be translated/resized correctly before the path is modified. Doesn't affect most applications of this extension, but it highlights the fact that we take a geometrically simplistic approach to inspecting & modifying the path. """ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import sys import inkex from inkex import PathElement, Group, Image, Rectangle, ShapeElement, Transform Precision = 5 # number of digits of precision for comparing float numbers class TransformError(Exception): pass def transform_point(transform, pt, inverse=False): """apply_to_point with inbuilt inverse""" if inverse: transform = -transform return transform.apply_to_point(pt) def transform_dimensions(transform, width=None, height=None, inverse=False): """ Dimensions don't get translated. I'm not sure how much diff rotate/skew makes in this context, but we currently ignore anything besides scale. """ if inverse: transform = -transform if width is not None: width *= transform.a if height is not None: height *= transform.d if width is not None and height is not None: return width, height if width is not None: return width if height is not None: return height class PixelSnap(inkex.EffectExtension): def add_arguments(self, pars): """Add inx options""" pars.add_argument("-a", "--snap_ancestors", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True,\ help="Snap unselected ancestors' translations "\ "(groups, layers, document height) first") pars.add_argument("-t", "--ancestor_offset", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True,\ help="Calculate offset relative to unselected ancestors' "\ "transforms (includes document height offset)") pars.add_argument("-g", "--max_gradient", type=float, default=0.5,\ help="Maximum slope to consider straight (%)") def vertical(self, pt1, pt2): hlen = abs(pt1[0] - pt2[0]) vlen = abs(pt1[1] - pt2[1]) if vlen == 0 and hlen == 0: return True elif vlen == 0: return False return (hlen / vlen) < self.options.max_gradient / 100 def horizontal(self, pt1, pt2): hlen = round(abs(pt1[0] - pt2[0]), Precision) vlen = round(abs(pt1[1] - pt2[1]), Precision) if hlen == 0 and vlen == 0: return True elif hlen == 0: return False return (vlen / hlen) < self.options.max_gradient / 100 def stroke_width_offset(self, elem, parent_transform=None): """ Returns the amount the bounding-box is offset due to the stroke-width. Transform is taken into account. """ stroke_width = self.stroke_width(elem) if stroke_width == 0: return 0 # if there's no stroke, no need to worry about the transform transform = (elem.transform * Transform(parent_transform)) if abs(abs(transform.a) - abs(transform.d)) > (10 ** -Precision): raise TransformError("Selection contains non-symetric scaling") # *** wouldn't be hard to get around this by calculating vertical_offset & horizontal_offset separately, maybe 1 functions, or maybe returning a tuple stroke_width = transform_dimensions(transform, width=stroke_width) return stroke_width / 2 def stroke_width(self, elem, setval=None): """Get/set stroke-width in pixels, untransformed""" style = dict(inkex.Style.parse_str(elem.attrib.get('style', ''))) stroke = style.get('stroke', None) if stroke == 'none': stroke = None stroke_width = 0 if stroke and setval is None: stroke_width = self.svg.unittouu(style.get('stroke-width', '').strip()) if setval: style['stroke-width'] = str(setval) elem.attrib['style'] = str(inkex.Style(style)) else: return stroke_width def transform_path_node(self, transform, path, i): """ Modifies a segment so that every point is transformed, including handles """ segtype = path[i][0].lower() if segtype == 'z': return elif segtype == 'h': path[i][1][0] = transform_point(transform, [path[i][1][0], 0])[0] elif segtype == 'v': path[i][1][0] = transform_point(transform, [0, path[i][1][0]])[1] else: first_coordinate = 0 if segtype == 'a': first_coordinate = 5 # for elliptical arcs, skip the radius x/y, rotation, large-arc, and sweep for j in range(first_coordinate, len(path[i][1]), 2): x, y = path[i][1][j], path[i][1][j + 1] x, y = transform_point(transform, (x, y)) path[i][1][j] = x path[i][1][j + 1] = y def pathxy(self, path, i, setval=None): """ Return the endpoint of the given path segment. Inspects the segment type to know which elements are the endpoints. """ segtype = path[i][0].lower() x = y = 0 if segtype == 'z': i = 0 if segtype == 'h': if setval: path[i][1][0] = setval[0] else: x = path[i][1][0] elif segtype == 'v': if setval: path[i][1][0] = setval[1] else: y = path[i][1][0] else: if setval and segtype != 'z': path[i][1][-2] = setval[0] path[i][1][-1] = setval[1] else: x = path[i][1][-2] y = path[i][1][-1] if setval is None: return [x, y] def snap_path_scale(self, elem, parent_transform=None): path = elem.original_path.to_arrays() transform = elem.transform * Transform(parent_transform) bbox = elem.bounding_box() # In case somebody tries to snap a 0-high element, # or a curve/arc with all nodes in a line, and of course # because we should always check for divide-by-zero! if not bbox.width or not bbox.height: return width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height min_xy, max_xy = bbox.minimum, bbox.maximum rescale = round(width) / width, round(height) / height min_xy = transform_point(transform, min_xy, inverse=True) max_xy = transform_point(transform, max_xy, inverse=True) for i in range(len(path)): translate = Transform(translate=min_xy) self.transform_path_node(-translate, path, i) # center transform self.transform_path_node(Transform(scale=rescale), path, i) self.transform_path_node(translate, path, i) # uncenter transform elem.original_path = path def snap_path_pos(self, elem, parent_transform=None): path = elem.original_path.to_arrays() transform = elem.transform * Transform(parent_transform) bbox = elem.bounding_box() min_xy, max_xy = bbox.minimum, bbox.maximum fractional_offset = min_xy[0] - round(min_xy[0]), min_xy[1] - round(min_xy[1]) - self.document_offset fractional_offset = transform_dimensions(transform, fractional_offset[0], fractional_offset[1], inverse=True) for i in range(len(path)): self.transform_path_node(-Transform(translate=fractional_offset), path, i) path = str(inkex.Path(path)) if elem.get('inkscape:original-d'): elem.set('inkscape:original-d', path) else: elem.set('d', path) def snap_transform(self, elem): # Only snaps the x/y translation of the transform, nothing else. # Doesn't take any parent_transform into account -- assumes # that the parent's transform has already been snapped. transform = elem.transform # if we've got any skew/rotation, get outta here if transform.c or transform.b: raise TransformError("TR: Selection contains transformations with skew/rotation") trm = list(transform.to_hexad()) trm[4] = round(transform.e) trm[5] = round(transform.f) elem.transform *= Transform(trm) def snap_stroke(self, elem, parent_transform=None): transform = elem.transform * Transform(parent_transform) stroke_width = self.stroke_width(elem) if (stroke_width == 0): return # no point raising a TransformError if there's no stroke to snap if abs(abs(transform.a) - abs(transform.d)) > (10**-Precision): raise TransformError("Selection contains non-symetric scaling, can't snap stroke width") if stroke_width: stroke_width = transform_dimensions(transform, width=stroke_width) stroke_width = round(stroke_width) stroke_width = transform_dimensions(transform, width=stroke_width, inverse=True) self.stroke_width(elem, stroke_width) def snap_path(self, elem, parent_transform=None): path = elem.original_path.to_arrays() transform = (elem.transform * Transform(parent_transform)) if transform.c or transform.b: # if we've got any skew/rotation, get outta here raise TransformError("Path: Selection contains transformations with skew/rotation") offset = self.stroke_width_offset(elem, parent_transform) % 1 prev_xy = self.pathxy(path, -1) first_xy = self.pathxy(path, 0) for i in range(len(path)): segtype = path[i][0].lower() xy = self.pathxy(path, i) if segtype == 'z': xy = first_xy if (i == len(path) - 1) or \ ((i == len(path) - 2) and path[-1][0].lower() == 'z'): next_xy = first_xy else: next_xy = self.pathxy(path, i + 1) if not (xy and prev_xy and next_xy): prev_xy = xy continue xy_untransformed = tuple(xy) xy = list(transform_point(transform, xy)) prev_xy = transform_point(transform, prev_xy) next_xy = transform_point(transform, next_xy) on_vertical = on_horizontal = False if self.horizontal(xy, prev_xy): # on 2-point paths, first.next==first.prev==last and last.next==last.prev==first if len(path) > 2 or i == 0: # make the almost-equal values equal, so they round in the same direction xy[1] = prev_xy[1] on_horizontal = True if self.horizontal(xy, next_xy): on_horizontal = True if self.vertical(xy, prev_xy): # as above if len(path) > 2 or i == 0: xy[0] = prev_xy[0] on_vertical = True if self.vertical(xy, next_xy): on_vertical = True prev_xy = tuple(xy_untransformed) fractional_offset = [0, 0] if on_vertical: fractional_offset[0] = xy[0] - (round(xy[0] - offset) + offset) if on_horizontal: fractional_offset[1] = xy[1] - (round(xy[1] - offset) + offset)\ - self.document_offset fractional_offset = transform_dimensions( transform, fractional_offset[0], fractional_offset[1], inverse=True) self.transform_path_node(-Transform(translate=fractional_offset), path, i) elem.original_path = path def snap_rect(self, elem, parent_transform=None): transform = (elem.transform * Transform(parent_transform)) if transform.c or transform.b: # if we've got any skew/rotation, get outta here raise TransformError("Rect: Selection contains transformations with skew/rotation") offset = self.stroke_width_offset(elem, parent_transform) % 1 width = self.svg.unittouu(elem.attrib['width']) height = self.svg.unittouu(elem.attrib['height']) x = self.svg.unittouu(elem.attrib['x']) y = self.svg.unittouu(elem.attrib['y']) width, height = transform_dimensions(transform, width, height) x, y = transform_point(transform, [x, y]) # Snap to the nearest pixel height = round(height) width = round(width) x = round(x - offset) + offset # If there's a stroke of non-even width, it's shifted by half a pixel y = round(y - offset) + offset width, height = transform_dimensions(transform, width, height, inverse=True) x, y = transform_point(transform, [x, y], inverse=True) y += self.document_offset / transform.d # Position the elem at the newly calculate values elem.attrib['width'] = str(width) elem.attrib['height'] = str(height) elem.attrib['x'] = str(x) elem.attrib['y'] = str(y) def snap_image(self, elem, parent_transform=None): self.snap_rect(elem, parent_transform) def pixel_snap(self, elem, parent_transform=None): if not isinstance(elem, (Group, Image, Rectangle, PathElement)): return if isinstance(elem, Group): self.snap_transform(elem) transform = elem.transform * Transform(parent_transform) for child in elem: try: self.pixel_snap(child, transform) except TransformError as err: raise inkex.AbortExtension(str(err)) return # If we've been given a parent_transform, we can assume that the # parents have already been snapped, or don't need to be if self.options.snap_ancestors and parent_transform is None: # Loop through ancestors from outermost to innermost, excluding this element. for child in elem.ancestors().values(): self.snap_transform(child) # If we haven't been given a parent_transform, then we need to calculate it if self.options.ancestor_offset and parent_transform is None: if isinstance(elem.getparent(), ShapeElement): parent_transform = elem.getparent().composed_transform() self.snap_transform(elem) try: self.snap_stroke(elem, parent_transform) except TransformError as err: raise inkex.AbortExtension(str(err)) if isinstance(elem, PathElement): self.snap_path_scale(elem, parent_transform) self.snap_path_pos(elem, parent_transform) self.snap_path(elem, parent_transform) # would be quite useful to make this an option, as scale/pos alone doesn't mess with the path itself, and works well for sans-serif text elif isinstance(elem, Rectangle): self.snap_rect(elem, parent_transform) elif isinstance(elem, Image): self.snap_image(elem, parent_transform) def effect(self): svg = self.document.getroot() self.document_offset = self.svg.unittouu(svg.attrib['height']) % 1 # although SVG units are absolute, the elements are positioned relative to the top of the page, rather than zero for elem in self.svg.selected.values(): try: self.pixel_snap(elem) except TransformError as err: raise inkex.AbortExtension(str(err)) if __name__ == '__main__': PixelSnap().run()