#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2008 Aurelio A. Heckert # Week number option added by Olav Vitters and Nicolas Dufour (2012) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # """ A calendar generator plugin for Inkscape, but also can be used as a standalone command line application. # More on ISO week number calculation on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date (The first week of a year is the week that contains the first Thursdayof the year.) """ __version__ = "0.3" import datetime import calendar import re import sys import inkex from inkex import TextElement if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def unicode(s, encoding): if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode(encoding) return s class Calendar(inkex.EffectExtension): """Generate Calendar in SVG""" def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument("--tab", type=str, dest="tab") pars.add_argument("--month", type=int, default=0,\ help="Month to be generated. If 0, then the entry year will be generated.") pars.add_argument("--year", type=int, default=0,\ help="Year to be generated. If 0, then the current year will be generated.") pars.add_argument("--fill-empty-day-boxes", type=inkex.Boolean,\ dest="fill_edb", default=True, help="Fill empty day boxes with next month days.") pars.add_argument("--show-week-number", type=inkex.Boolean,\ dest="show_weeknr", default=False, help="Include a week number column.") pars.add_argument("--start-day", default="sun", help='Week start day. ("sun" or "mon")') pars.add_argument("--weekend", default="sat+sun",\ help='Define the weekend days. ("sat+sun" or "sat" or "sun")') pars.add_argument( "--auto-organize", type=inkex.Boolean, dest="auto_organize", default=True, help='Automatically set the size and positions.') pars.add_argument( "--months-per-line", type=int, dest="months_per_line", default=3, help='Number of months side by side.') pars.add_argument( "--month-width", type=str, dest="month_width", default="6cm", help='The width of the month days box.') pars.add_argument( "--month-margin", type=str, dest="month_margin", default="1cm", help='The space between the month boxes.') pars.add_argument( "--color-year", type=str, dest="color_year", default="#888", help='Color for the year header.') pars.add_argument( "--color-month", type=str, dest="color_month", default="#666", help='Color for the month name header.') pars.add_argument( "--color-day-name", type=str, dest="color_day_name", default="#999", help='Color for the week day names header.') pars.add_argument( "--color-day", type=str, dest="color_day", default="#000", help='Color for the common day box.') pars.add_argument( "--color-weekend", type=str, dest="color_weekend", default="#777", help='Color for the weekend days.') pars.add_argument( "--color-nmd", type=str, dest="color_nmd", default="#BBB", help='Color for the next month day, in empty day boxes.') pars.add_argument( "--color-weeknr", type=str, dest="color_weeknr", default="#808080", help='Color for the week numbers.') pars.add_argument( "--font-year", type=str, dest="font_year", default="arial", help='Font for the year string.') pars.add_argument( "--font-month", type=str, dest="font_month", default="arial", help='Font for the month strings.') pars.add_argument( "--font-day-name", type=str, dest="font_day_name", default="arial", help='Font for the days of the week strings.') pars.add_argument( "--font-day", type=str, dest="font_day", default="arial", help='Font for the day strings.') pars.add_argument( "--month-names", type=str, dest="month_names", default='January February March ' 'April May June July ' 'August September October ' 'November December', help='The month names for localization.') pars.add_argument( "--day-names", type=str, dest="day_names", default='Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat', help='The week day names for localization.') pars.add_argument( "--weeknr-name", type=str, dest="weeknr_name", default='Wk', help='The week number column name for localization.') pars.add_argument( "--encoding", type=str, dest="input_encode", default='utf-8', help='The input encoding of the names.') def validate_options(self): # inkex.errormsg( self.options.input_encode ) # Convert string names lists in real lists m = re.match(r'\s*(.*[^\s])\s*', self.options.month_names) self.options.month_names = re.split(r'\s+', m.group(1)) m = re.match(r'\s*(.*[^\s])\s*', self.options.day_names) self.options.day_names = re.split(r'\s+', m.group(1)) # Validate names lists if len(self.options.month_names) != 12: inkex.errormsg('The month name list "' + str(self.options.month_names) + '" is invalid. Using default.') self.options.month_names = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] if len(self.options.day_names) != 7: inkex.errormsg('The day name list "' + str(self.options.day_names) + '" is invalid. Using default.') self.options.day_names = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'] # Convert year 0 to current year if self.options.year == 0: self.options.year = datetime.datetime.today().year # Year 1 starts it's week at monday, obligatorily if self.options.year == 1: self.options.start_day = 'mon' # Set the calendar start day if self.options.start_day == 'sun': calendar.setfirstweekday(6) else: calendar.setfirstweekday(0) # Convert string numbers with unit to user space float numbers self.options.month_width = self.svg.unittouu(self.options.month_width) self.options.month_margin = self.svg.unittouu(self.options.month_margin) # initial values month_x_pos = 0 month_y_pos = 0 weeknr = 0 def calculate_size_and_positions(self): # month_margin month_width months_per_line auto_organize self.doc_w = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().get('width')) self.doc_h = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().get('height')) if self.options.show_weeknr: self.cols_before = 1 else: self.cols_before = 0 if self.options.auto_organize: if self.doc_h > self.doc_w: self.months_per_line = 3 else: self.months_per_line = 4 else: self.months_per_line = self.options.months_per_line # self.month_w = self.doc_w / self.months_per_line if self.options.auto_organize: self.month_w = (self.doc_w * 0.8) / self.months_per_line self.month_margin = self.month_w / 10 else: self.month_w = self.options.month_width self.month_margin = self.options.month_margin self.day_w = self.month_w / (7 + self.cols_before) self.day_h = self.month_w / 9 self.month_h = self.day_w * 7 if self.options.month == 0: self.year_margin = ((self.doc_w + self.day_w - (self.month_w * self.months_per_line) - (self.month_margin * (self.months_per_line - 1))) / 2) # - self.month_margin else: self.year_margin = (self.doc_w - self.month_w) / 2 self.style_day = { 'font-size': str(self.day_w / 2), 'font-family': self.options.font_day, 'text-anchor': 'middle', 'text-align': 'center', 'fill': self.options.color_day } self.style_weekend = self.style_day.copy() self.style_weekend['fill'] = self.options.color_weekend self.style_nmd = self.style_day.copy() self.style_nmd['fill'] = self.options.color_nmd self.style_month = self.style_day.copy() self.style_month['fill'] = self.options.color_month self.style_month['font-family'] = self.options.font_month self.style_month['font-size'] = str(self.day_w / 1.5) self.style_month['font-weight'] = 'bold' self.style_day_name = self.style_day.copy() self.style_day_name['fill'] = self.options.color_day_name self.style_day_name['font-family'] = self.options.font_day_name self.style_day_name['font-size'] = str(self.day_w / 3) self.style_year = self.style_day.copy() self.style_year['fill'] = self.options.color_year self.style_year['font-family'] = self.options.font_year self.style_year['font-size'] = str(self.day_w * 2) self.style_year['font-weight'] = 'bold' self.style_weeknr = self.style_day.copy() self.style_weeknr['fill'] = self.options.color_weeknr self.style_weeknr['font-size'] = str(self.day_w / 3) def is_weekend(self, pos): # weekend values: "sat+sun" or "sat" or "sun" if self.options.start_day == 'sun': if self.options.weekend == 'sat+sun' and pos == 0: return True if self.options.weekend == 'sat+sun' and pos == 6: return True if self.options.weekend == 'sat' and pos == 6: return True if self.options.weekend == 'sun' and pos == 0: return True else: if self.options.weekend == 'sat+sun' and pos == 5: return True if self.options.weekend == 'sat+sun' and pos == 6: return True if self.options.weekend == 'sat' and pos == 5: return True if self.options.weekend == 'sun' and pos == 6: return True return False def in_line_month(self, cal): cal2 = [] for week in cal: for day in week: if day != 0: cal2.append(day) return cal2 def write_month_header(self, g, m): txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(self.style_month)), 'x': str((self.month_w - self.day_w) / 2), 'y': str(self.day_h / 5)} try: g.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = unicode( self.options.month_names[m - 1], self.options.input_encode) except: raise ValueError('You must select a correct system encoding.') gw = g.add(inkex.Group()) week_x = 0 if self.options.start_day == 'sun': day_names = self.options.day_names[:] else: day_names = self.options.day_names[1:] day_names.append(self.options.day_names[0]) if self.options.show_weeknr: day_names.insert(0, self.options.weeknr_name) for wday in day_names: txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(self.style_day_name)), 'x': str(self.day_w * week_x), 'y': str(self.day_h)} try: gw.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = unicode( wday, self.options.input_encode) except: raise ValueError('You must select a correct system encoding.') week_x += 1 def create_month(self, m): txt_atts = { 'transform': 'translate(' + str(self.year_margin + (self.month_w + self.month_margin) * self.month_x_pos) + ',' + str((self.day_h * 4) + (self.month_h * self.month_y_pos)) + ')', 'id': 'month_' + str(m) + '_' + str(self.options.year)} g = self.year_g.add(inkex.Group(**txt_atts)) self.write_month_header(g, m) gdays = g.add(inkex.Group()) cal = calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m) if m == 1: if self.options.year > 1: before_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year - 1, 12)) else: before_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m - 1)) if m == 12: next_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year + 1, 1)) else: next_month = \ self.in_line_month(calendar.monthcalendar(self.options.year, m + 1)) if len(cal) < 6: # add a line after the last week cal.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) if len(cal) < 6: # add a line before the first week (Feb 2009) cal.reverse() cal.append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) cal.reverse() # How mutch before month days will be showed: bmd = cal[0].count(0) + cal[1].count(0) before = True week_y = 0 for week in cal: if (self.weeknr != 0 and ((self.options.start_day == 'mon' and week[0] != 0) or (self.options.start_day == 'sun' and week[1] != 0))) or \ (self.weeknr == 0 and ((self.options.start_day == 'mon' and week[3] > 0) or (self.options.start_day == 'sun' and week[4] > 0))): self.weeknr += 1 week_x = 0 if self.options.show_weeknr: # Remove leap week (starting previous year) and empty weeks if self.weeknr != 0 and not (week[0] == 0 and week[6] == 0): style = self.style_weeknr txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'x': str(self.day_w * week_x), 'y': str(self.day_h * (week_y + 2))} gdays.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = str(self.weeknr) week_x += 1 else: week_x += 1 for day in week: style = self.style_day if self.is_weekend(week_x - self.cols_before): style = self.style_weekend if day == 0: style = self.style_nmd txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(style)), 'x': str(self.day_w * week_x), 'y': str(self.day_h * (week_y + 2))} text = None if day == 0 and not self.options.fill_edb: pass # draw nothing elif day == 0: if before: text = str(before_month[-bmd]) bmd -= 1 else: text = str(next_month[bmd]) bmd += 1 else: text = str(day) before = False if text: gdays.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = text week_x += 1 week_y += 1 self.month_x_pos += 1 if self.month_x_pos >= self.months_per_line: self.month_x_pos = 0 self.month_y_pos += 1 def effect(self): self.validate_options() self.calculate_size_and_positions() parent = self.document.getroot() txt_atts = {'id': 'year_' + str(self.options.year)} self.year_g = parent.add(inkex.Group(**txt_atts)) txt_atts = {'style': str(inkex.Style(self.style_year)), 'x': str(self.doc_w / 2), 'y': str(self.day_w * 1.5)} self.year_g.add(TextElement(**txt_atts)).text = str(self.options.year) try: if self.options.month == 0: for m in range(1, 13): self.create_month(m) else: self.create_month(self.options.month) except ValueError as err: return inkex.errormsg(str(err)) if __name__ == '__main__': Calendar().run()