#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nikita Kitaev # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # """ An Inkscape extension for exporting Synfig files (.sif) """ import math import uuid from copy import deepcopy from lxml import etree import inkex from inkex import Group, Layer, Anchor, Switch, PathElement, \ Metadata, NamedView, Gradient, SvgDocumentElement, \ Path, Transform import synfig_fileformat as sif from synfig_prepare import MalformedSVGError, SynfigPrep, get_dimension # ##### Utility Classes #################################### class UnsupportedException(Exception): """When part of an element is not supported, this exception is raised to invalidate the whole element""" pass class SynfigDocument(object): """A synfig document, with commands for adding layers and layer parameters""" def __init__(self, width=1024, height=768, name="Synfig Animation 1"): self.root_canvas = etree.fromstring( """ {} """.format(width, height, name) ) self._update_viewbox() self.gradients = {} self.filters = {} # ## Properties def get_root_canvas(self): return self.root_canvas def get_root_tree(self): return self.root_canvas.getroottree() def _update_viewbox(self): """Update the viewbox to match document width and height""" attr_viewbox = "{:f} {:f} {:f} {:f}".format(-self.width / 2.0 / sif.kux, self.height / 2.0 / sif.kux, self.width / 2.0 / sif.kux, -self.height / 2.0 / sif.kux) self.root_canvas.set("view-box", attr_viewbox) def get_width(self): return float(self.root_canvas.get("width", "0")) def set_width(self, value): self.root_canvas.set("width", str(value)) self._update_viewbox() def get_height(self): return float(self.root_canvas.get("height", "0")) def set_height(self, value): self.root_canvas.set("height", str(value)) self._update_viewbox() def get_name(self): return self.root_canvas.get("name", "") def set_name(self, value): self.root_canvas.set("name", value) self._update_viewbox() width = property(get_width, set_width) height = property(get_height, set_height) name = property(get_name, set_name) # ## Public utility functions def new_guid(self): """Generate a new GUID""" return uuid.uuid4().hex # ## Coordinate system conversions def distance_svg2sif(self, distance): """Convert distance from SVG to Synfig units""" return distance / sif.kux def distance_sif2svg(self, distance): """Convert distance from Synfig to SVG units""" return distance * sif.kux def coor_svg2sif(self, vector): """Convert SVG coordinate [x, y] to Synfig units""" x = vector[0] y = self.height - vector[1] x -= self.width / 2.0 y -= self.height / 2.0 x /= sif.kux y /= sif.kux return [x, y] def coor_sif2svg(self, vector): """Convert Synfig coordinate [x, y] to SVG units""" x = vector[0] * sif.kux + self.width / 2.0 y = vector[1] * sif.kux + self.height / 2.0 y = self.height - y assert self.coor_svg2sif([x, y]) == vector, "sif to svg coordinate conversion error" return [x, y] def list_coor_svg2sif(self, l): """Scan a list for coordinate pairs and convert them to Synfig units""" # If list has two numerical elements, # treat it as a coordinate pair if type(l) == list and len(l) == 2: if type(l[0]) == int or type(l[0]) == float: if type(l[1]) == int or type(l[1]) == float: l_sif = self.coor_svg2sif(l) l[0] = l_sif[0] l[1] = l_sif[1] return # Otherwise recursively iterate over the list for x in l: if type(x) == list: self.list_coor_svg2sif(x) def list_coor_sif2svg(self, l): """Scan a list for coordinate pairs and convert them to SVG units""" # If list has two numerical elements, # treat it as a coordinate pair if type(l) == list and len(l) == 2: if type(l[0]) == int or type(l[0]) == float: if type(l[1]) == int or type(l[1]) == float: l_sif = self.coor_sif2svg(l) l[0] = l_sif[0] l[1] = l_sif[1] return # Otherwise recursively iterate over the list for x in l: if type(x) == list: self.list_coor_sif2svg(x) def bline_coor_svg2sif(self, b): """Convert a BLine from SVG to Synfig coordinate units""" self.list_coor_svg2sif(b["points"]) def bline_coor_sif2svg(self, b): """Convert a BLine from Synfig to SVG coordinate units""" self.list_coor_sif2svg(b["points"]) # ## XML Builders -- private # ## used to create XML elements in the Synfig document def build_layer(self, layer_type, desc, canvas=None, active=True, version="auto"): """Build an empty layer""" if canvas is None: layer = self.root_canvas.makeelement("layer") else: layer = etree.SubElement(canvas, "layer") layer.set("type", layer_type) layer.set("desc", desc) if active: layer.set("active", "true") else: layer.set("active", "false") if version == "auto": version = sif.defaultLayerVersion(layer_type) if type(version) == float: version = str(version) layer.set("version", version) return layer def _calc_radius(self, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y): """Calculate radius of a tangent given two points""" # Synfig tangents are scaled by a factor of 3 return sif.tangent_scale * math.sqrt((p2x - p1x) ** 2 + (p2y - p1y) ** 2) def _calc_angle(self, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y): """Calculate angle (in radians) of a tangent given two points""" dx = p2x - p1x dy = p2y - p1y if dx > 0 and dy > 0: ag = math.pi + math.atan(dy / dx) elif dx > 0 > dy: ag = math.pi + math.atan(dy / dx) elif dx < 0 and dy < 0: ag = math.atan(dy / dx) elif dx < 0 < dy: ag = 2 * math.pi + math.atan(dy / dx) elif dx == 0 and dy > 0: ag = -1 * math.pi / 2 elif dx == 0 and dy < 0: ag = math.pi / 2 elif dx == 0 and dy == 0: ag = 0 elif dx < 0 and dy == 0: ag = 0 elif dx > 0 and dy == 0: ag = math.pi return (ag * 180) / math.pi def build_param(self, layer, name, value, param_type="auto", guid=None): """Add a parameter node to a layer""" if layer is None: param = self.root_canvas.makeelement("param") else: param = etree.SubElement(layer, "param") param.set("name", name) # Automatically detect param_type if param_type == "auto": if layer is not None: layer_type = layer.get("type") param_type = sif.paramType(layer_type, name) else: param_type = sif.paramType(None, name, value) if param_type == "real": el = etree.SubElement(param, "real") el.set("value", str(float(value))) elif param_type == "integer": el = etree.SubElement(param, "integer") el.set("value", str(int(value))) elif param_type == "vector": el = etree.SubElement(param, "vector") x = etree.SubElement(el, "x") x.text = str(float(value[0])) y = etree.SubElement(el, "y") y.text = str(float(value[1])) elif param_type == "color": el = etree.SubElement(param, "color") r = etree.SubElement(el, "r") r.text = str(float(value[0])) g = etree.SubElement(el, "g") g.text = str(float(value[1])) b = etree.SubElement(el, "b") b.text = str(float(value[2])) a = etree.SubElement(el, "a") a.text = str(float(value[3])) if len(value) > 3 else "1.0" elif param_type == "gradient": el = etree.SubElement(param, "gradient") # Value is a dictionary of color stops # see get_gradient() for pos in value.keys(): color = etree.SubElement(el, "color") color.set("pos", str(float(pos))) c = value[pos] r = etree.SubElement(color, "r") r.text = str(float(c[0])) g = etree.SubElement(color, "g") g.text = str(float(c[1])) b = etree.SubElement(color, "b") b.text = str(float(c[2])) a = etree.SubElement(color, "a") a.text = str(float(c[3])) if len(c) > 3 else "1.0" elif param_type == "bool": el = etree.SubElement(param, "bool") if value: el.set("value", "true") else: el.set("value", "false") elif param_type == "time": el = etree.SubElement(param, "time") if type(value) == int: el.set("value", "{:d}s".format(value)) elif type(value) == float: el.set("value", "{:f}s".format(value)) elif type(value) == str: el.set("value", value) elif param_type == "bline": el = etree.SubElement(param, "bline") el.set("type", "bline_point") # value is a bline (dictionary type), see path_to_bline_list if value["loop"]: el.set("loop", "true") else: el.set("loop", "false") for vertex in value["points"]: x = float(vertex[1][0]) y = float(vertex[1][1]) tg1x = float(vertex[0][0]) tg1y = float(vertex[0][1]) tg2x = float(vertex[2][0]) tg2y = float(vertex[2][1]) tg1_radius = self._calc_radius(x, y, tg1x, tg1y) tg1_angle = self._calc_angle(x, y, tg1x, tg1y) tg2_radius = self._calc_radius(x, y, tg2x, tg2y) tg2_angle = self._calc_angle(x, y, tg2x, tg2y) - 180.0 if vertex[3]: split = "true" else: split = "false" entry = etree.SubElement(el, "entry") composite = etree.SubElement(entry, "composite") composite.set("type", "bline_point") point = etree.SubElement(composite, "point") vector = etree.SubElement(point, "vector") etree.SubElement(vector, "x").text = str(x) etree.SubElement(vector, "y").text = str(y) width = etree.SubElement(composite, "width") etree.SubElement(width, "real").set("value", "1.0") origin = etree.SubElement(composite, "origin") etree.SubElement(origin, "real").set("value", "0.5") split_el = etree.SubElement(composite, "split") etree.SubElement(split_el, "bool").set("value", split) t1 = etree.SubElement(composite, "t1") t2 = etree.SubElement(composite, "t2") t1_rc = etree.SubElement(t1, "radial_composite") t1_rc.set("type", "vector") t2_rc = etree.SubElement(t2, "radial_composite") t2_rc.set("type", "vector") t1_r = etree.SubElement(t1_rc, "radius") t2_r = etree.SubElement(t2_rc, "radius") t1_radius = etree.SubElement(t1_r, "real") t2_radius = etree.SubElement(t2_r, "real") t1_radius.set("value", str(tg1_radius)) t2_radius.set("value", str(tg2_radius)) t1_t = etree.SubElement(t1_rc, "theta") t2_t = etree.SubElement(t2_rc, "theta") t1_angle = etree.SubElement(t1_t, "angle") t2_angle = etree.SubElement(t2_t, "angle") t1_angle.set("value", str(tg1_angle)) t2_angle.set("value", str(tg2_angle)) elif param_type == "canvas": el = etree.SubElement(param, "canvas") el.set("xres", "10.0") el.set("yres", "10.0") # "value" is a list of layers if value is not None: for layer in value: el.append(layer) else: raise AssertionError("Unsupported param type {}".format(param_type)) if guid: el.set("guid", guid) else: el.set("guid", self.new_guid()) return param # ## Public layer API # ## Should be used by outside functions to create layers and set layer parameters def create_layer(self, layer_type, desc, params={}, guids={}, canvas=None, active=True, version="auto"): """Create a new layer Keyword arguments: layer_type -- layer type string used internally by Synfig desc -- layer description params -- a dictionary of parameter names and their values guids -- a dictionary of parameter types and their guids (optional) active -- set to False to create a hidden layer """ layer = self.build_layer(layer_type, desc, canvas, active, version) default_layer_params = sif.defaultLayerParams(layer_type) for param_name in default_layer_params.keys(): param_type = default_layer_params[param_name][0] if param_name in params.keys(): param_value = params[param_name] else: param_value = default_layer_params[param_name][1] if param_name in guids.keys(): param_guid = guids[param_name] else: param_guid = None if param_value is not None: self.build_param(layer, param_name, param_value, param_type, guid=param_guid) return layer def set_param(self, layer, name, value, param_type="auto", guid=None, modify_linked=False): """Set a layer parameter Keyword arguments: layer -- the layer to set the parameter for name -- parameter name value -- parameter value param_type -- parameter type (default "auto") guid -- guid of the parameter value """ if modify_linked: raise AssertionError("Modifying linked parameters is not supported") layer_type = layer.get("type") assert layer_type, "Layer does not have a type" if param_type == "auto": param_type = sif.paramType(layer_type, name) # Remove existing parameters with this name existing = [] for param in layer.iterchildren(): if param.get("name") == name: existing.append(param) if len(existing) == 0: self.build_param(layer, name, value, param_type, guid) elif len(existing) > 1: raise AssertionError("Found multiple parameters with the same name") else: new_param = self.build_param(None, name, value, param_type, guid) layer.replace(existing[0], new_param) def set_params(self, layer, params={}, guids={}, modify_linked=False): """Set layer parameters Keyword arguments: layer -- the layer to set the parameter for params -- a dictionary of parameter names and their values guids -- a dictionary of parameter types and their guids (optional) """ for param_name in params.keys(): if param_name in guids.keys(): self.set_param(layer, param_name, params[param_name], guid=guids[param_name], modify_linked=modify_linked) else: self.set_param(layer, param_name, params[param_name], modify_linked=modify_linked) def get_param(self, layer, name, param_type="auto"): """Get the value of a layer parameter Keyword arguments: layer -- the layer to get the parameter from name -- param name param_type -- parameter type (default "auto") NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED """ layer_type = layer.get("type") assert layer_type, "Layer does not have a type" if param_type == "auto": param_type = sif.paramType(layer_type, name) for param in layer.iterchildren(): if param.get("name") == name: if param_type == "real": return float(param[0].get("value", "0")) elif param_type == "integer": return int(param[0].get("integer", "0")) else: raise Exception("Getting this type of parameter not yet implemented") # ## Global defs, and related # SVG Filters def add_filter(self, filter_id, f): """Register a filter""" self.filters[filter_id] = f # SVG Gradients def add_linear_gradient(self, gradient_id, p1, p2, mtx=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], stops=[], link="", spread_method="pad"): """Register a linear gradient definition""" gradient = { "type": "linear", "p1": p1, "p2": p2, "mtx": mtx, "spreadMethod": spread_method } if stops: gradient["stops"] = stops gradient["stops_guid"] = self.new_guid() elif link != "": gradient["link"] = link else: raise MalformedSVGError("Gradient has neither stops nor link") self.gradients[gradient_id] = gradient def add_radial_gradient(self, gradient_id, center, radius, focus, mtx=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], stops=[], link="", spread_method="pad"): """Register a radial gradient definition""" gradient = { "type": "radial", "center": center, "radius": radius, "focus": focus, "mtx": mtx, "spreadMethod": spread_method } if stops: gradient["stops"] = stops gradient["stops_guid"] = self.new_guid() elif link != "": gradient["link"] = link else: raise MalformedSVGError("Gradient has neither stops nor link") self.gradients[gradient_id] = gradient def get_gradient(self, gradient_id): """ Return a gradient with a given id Linear gradient format: { "type" : "linear", "p1" : [x, y], "p2" : [x, y], "mtx" : mtx, "stops" : color stops, "stops_guid": color stops guid, "spreadMethod": "pad", "reflect", or "repeat" } Radial gradient format: { "type" : "radial", "center" : [x, y], "radius" : r, "focus" : [x, y], "mtx" : mtx, "stops" : color stops, "stops_guid": color stops guid, "spreadMethod": "pad", "reflect", or "repeat" } Color stops format { 0.0 : color ([r,g,b,a] or [r,g,b]) at start, [a number] : color at that position, 1.0 : color at end } """ if gradient_id not in self.gradients.keys(): return None gradient = self.gradients[gradient_id] # If the gradient has no link, we are done if "link" not in gradient.keys() or gradient["link"] == "": return gradient # If the gradient does have a link, find the color stops recursively if gradient["link"] not in self.gradients.keys(): raise MalformedSVGError("Linked gradient ID not found") linked_gradient = self.get_gradient(gradient["link"]) gradient["stops"] = linked_gradient["stops"] gradient["stops_guid"] = linked_gradient["stops_guid"] del gradient["link"] # Update the gradient in our listing # (so recursive lookup only happens once) self.gradients[gradient_id] = gradient return gradient def gradient_to_params(self, gradient): """Transform gradient to a list of parameters to pass to a Synfig layer""" # Create a copy of the gradient g = gradient.copy() # Set synfig-only attribs if g["spreadMethod"] == "repeat": g["loop"] = True elif g["spreadMethod"] == "reflect": g["loop"] = True # Reflect the gradient # Original: 0.0 [A . B . C] 1.0 # New: 0.0 [A . B . C . B . A] 1.0 # (with gradient size doubled) new_stops = {} # reflect the stops for pos in g["stops"]: val = g["stops"][pos] if pos == 1.0: new_stops[pos / 2.0] = val else: new_stops[pos / 2.0] = val new_stops[1 - pos / 2.0] = val g["stops"] = new_stops # double the gradient size if g["type"] == "linear": g["p2"] = [g["p1"][0] + 2.0 * (g["p2"][0] - g["p1"][0]), g["p1"][1] + 2.0 * (g["p2"][1] - g["p1"][1])] if g["type"] == "radial": g["radius"] *= 2.0 # Rename "stops" to "gradient" g["gradient"] = g["stops"] # Convert coordinates if g["type"] == "linear": g["p1"] = self.coor_svg2sif(g["p1"]) g["p2"] = self.coor_svg2sif(g["p2"]) if g["type"] == "radial": g["center"] = self.coor_svg2sif(g["center"]) g["radius"] = self.distance_svg2sif(g["radius"]) # Delete extra attribs removed_attribs = ["type", "stops", "stops_guid", "mtx", "focus", "spreadMethod"] for x in removed_attribs: if x in g.keys(): del g[x] return g # ## Public operations API # Operations act on a series of layers, and (optionally) on a series of named parameters # The "is_end" attribute should be set to true when the layers are at the end of a canvas # (i.e. when adding transform layers on top of them does not require encapsulation) def op_blur(self, layers, x, y, name="Blur", is_end=False): """Gaussian blur the given layers by the given x and y amounts Keyword arguments: layers -- list of layers x -- x-amount of blur y -- x-amount of blur is_end -- set to True if layers are at the end of a canvas Returns: list of layers """ blur = self.create_layer("blur", name, params={ "blend_method": sif.blend_methods["straight"], "size": [x, y] }) if is_end: return layers + [blur] else: return self.op_encapsulate(layers + [blur]) def op_color(self, layers, overlay, is_end=False): """Apply a color overlay to the given layers Should be used to apply a gradient or pattern to a shape Keyword arguments: layers -- list of layers overlay -- color layer to apply is_end -- set to True if layers are at the end of a canvas Returns: list of layers """ if not layers: return layers if overlay is None: return layers overlay_enc = self.op_encapsulate([overlay]) self.set_param(overlay_enc[0], "blend_method", sif.blend_methods["straight onto"]) ret = layers + overlay_enc if is_end: return ret else: return self.op_encapsulate(ret) def op_encapsulate(self, layers, name="Inline Canvas", is_end=False): """Encapsulate the given layers Keyword arguments: layers -- list of layers name -- Name of the PasteCanvas layer that is created is_end -- set to True if layers are at the end of a canvas Returns: list of one layer """ if not layers: return layers layer = self.create_layer("PasteCanvas", name, params={"canvas": layers}) return [layer] def op_fade(self, layers, opacity, is_end=False): """Increase the opacity of the given layers by a certain amount Keyword arguments: layers -- list of layers opacity -- the opacity to apply (float between 0.0 to 1.0) name -- name of the Transform layer that is added is_end -- set to True if layers are at the end of a canvas Returns: list of layers """ # If there is blending involved, first encapsulate the layers for layer in layers: if self.get_param(layer, "blend_method") != sif.blend_methods["composite"]: return self.op_fade(self.op_encapsulate(layers), opacity, is_end) # Otherwise, set their amount for layer in layers: amount = self.get_param(layer, "amount") self.set_param(layer, "amount", amount * opacity) return layers def op_filter(self, layers, filter_id, is_end=False): """Apply a filter to the given layers Keyword arguments: layers -- list of layers filter_id -- id of the filter is_end -- set to True if layers are at the end of a canvas Returns: list of layers """ if filter_id not in self.filters.keys(): raise MalformedSVGError("Filter {} not found".format(filter_id)) try: ret = self.filters[filter_id](self, layers, is_end) assert type(ret) == list return ret except UnsupportedException: # If the filter is not supported, ignore it. return layers def op_set_blend(self, layers, blend_method, is_end=False): """Set the blend method of the given group of layers If more than one layer is supplied, they will be encapsulated. Keyword arguments: layers -- list of layers blend_method -- blend method to give the layers is_end -- set to True if layers are at the end of a canvas Returns: list of layers """ if not layers: return layers if blend_method == "composite": return layers layer = layers[0] if len(layers) > 1 or self.get_param(layers[0], "amount") != 1.0: layer = self.op_encapsulate(layers)[0] layer = deepcopy(layer) self.set_param(layer, "blend_method", sif.blend_methods[blend_method]) return [layer] def op_transform(self, layers, mtx, name="Transform", is_end=False): """Apply a matrix transformation to the given layers Keyword arguments: layers -- list of layers mtx -- transformation matrix name -- name of the Transform layer that is added is_end -- set to True if layers are at the end of a canvas Returns: list of layers """ if not layers: return layers if mtx is None or mtx == [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]: return layers src_tl = [100, 100] src_br = [200, 200] dest_tl = [100, 100] dest_tr = [200, 100] dest_br = [200, 200] dest_bl = [100, 200] dest_tl = Transform(mtx).apply_to_point(dest_tl) dest_tr = Transform(mtx).apply_to_point(dest_tr) dest_br = Transform(mtx).apply_to_point(dest_br) dest_bl = Transform(mtx).apply_to_point(dest_bl) warp = self.create_layer("warp", name, params={ "src_tl": self.coor_svg2sif(src_tl), "src_br": self.coor_svg2sif(src_br), "dest_tl": self.coor_svg2sif(dest_tl), "dest_tr": self.coor_svg2sif(dest_tr), "dest_br": self.coor_svg2sif(dest_br), "dest_bl": self.coor_svg2sif(dest_bl) }) if is_end: return layers + [warp] else: return self.op_encapsulate(layers + [warp]) # ##### Utility Functions ################################## # ## Path related def path_to_bline_list(path_d, nodetypes=None, mtx=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]): """ Convert a path to a BLine List bline_list format: Vertex: [[tg1x, tg1y], [x,y], [tg2x, tg2y], split = T/F] Vertex list: [ vertex, vertex, vertex, ...] Bline: { "points" : vertex_list, "loop" : True / False } """ # Exit on empty paths if not path_d: return [] # Parse the path path = Path(path_d).to_arrays() # Append (more than) enough c's to the nodetypes if nodetypes is None: nt = "" else: nt = nodetypes for _ in range(len(path)): nt += "c" # Create bline list # borrows code from cubicsuperpath.py # bline_list := [bline, bline, ...] # bline := { # "points":[vertex, vertex, ...], # "loop":True/False, # } bline_list = [] subpathstart = [] last = [] lastctrl = [] lastsplit = True for s in path: cmd, params = s if cmd != "M" and bline_list == []: raise MalformedSVGError("Bad path data: path doesn't start with moveto, {}, {}".format(s, path)) elif cmd == "M": # Add previous point to subpath if last: bline_list[-1]["points"].append([lastctrl[:], last[:], last[:], lastsplit]) # Start a new subpath bline_list.append({"nodetypes": "", "loop": False, "points": []}) # Save coordinates of this point subpathstart = params[:] last = params[:] lastctrl = params[:] lastsplit = False if nt[0] == "z" else True nt = nt[1:] elif cmd in "LHV": bline_list[-1]["points"].append([lastctrl[:], last[:], last[:], lastsplit]) if cmd == 'H': last = [params[0], last[1]] lastctrl = [params[0], last[1]] elif cmd == 'V': last = [last[0], params[0]] lastctrl = [last[0], params[0]] else: last = params[:] lastctrl = params[:] lastsplit = False if nt[0] == "z" else True nt = nt[1:] elif cmd == 'C': bline_list[-1]["points"].append([lastctrl[:], last[:], params[:2], lastsplit]) last = params[-2:] lastctrl = params[2:4] lastsplit = False if nt[0] == "z" else True nt = nt[1:] elif cmd == 'Q': q0 = last[:] q1 = params[0:2] q2 = params[2:4] x0 = q0[0] x1 = 1. / 3 * q0[0] + 2. / 3 * q1[0] x2 = 2. / 3 * q1[0] + 1. / 3 * q2[0] x3 = q2[0] y0 = q0[1] y1 = 1. / 3 * q0[1] + 2. / 3 * q1[1] y2 = 2. / 3 * q1[1] + 1. / 3 * q2[1] y3 = q2[1] bline_list[-1]["points"].append([lastctrl[:], [x0, y0], [x1, y1], lastsplit]) last = [x3, y3] lastctrl = [x2, y2] lastsplit = False if nt[0] == "z" else True nt = nt[1:] elif cmd == 'A': from inkex.paths import arc_to_path arcp = arc_to_path(last[:], params[:]) arcp[0][0] = lastctrl[:] last = arcp[-1][1] lastctrl = arcp[-1][0] lastsplit = False if nt[0] == "z" else True nt = nt[1:] for el in arcp[:-1]: el.append(True) bline_list[-1]["points"].append(el) elif cmd == "Z": if len(bline_list[-1]["points"]) == 0: # If the path "loops" after only one point # e.g. "M 0 0 Z" bline_list[-1]["points"].append([lastctrl[:], last[:], last[:], False]) elif last == subpathstart: # If we are back to the original position # merge our tangent into the first point bline_list[-1]["points"][0][0] = lastctrl[:] else: # Otherwise draw a line to the starting point bline_list[-1]["points"].append([lastctrl[:], last[:], last[:], lastsplit]) # Clear the variables (no more points need to be added) last = [] lastctrl = [] lastsplit = True # Loop the subpath bline_list[-1]["loop"] = True # Append final superpoint, if needed if last: bline_list[-1]["points"].append([lastctrl[:], last[:], last[:], lastsplit]) # Apply the transformation if mtx != [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]: for bline in bline_list: for vertex in bline["points"]: for point in vertex: if not isinstance(point, bool): pnt = Transform(mtx).apply_to_point(point) point[0], point[1] = pnt[0], pnt[1] return bline_list # ## Style related def extract_color(style, color_attrib, *opacity_attribs): if color_attrib in style.keys(): if style[color_attrib] == "none": return [1, 1, 1, 0] c = inkex.Color(style[color_attrib]).to_rgb() else: c = (0, 0, 0) # Convert color scales and adjust gamma color = [pow(c[0] / 255.0, sif.gamma), pow(c[1] / 255.0, sif.gamma), pow(c[2] / 255.0, sif.gamma), 1.0] for opacity in opacity_attribs: if opacity in style.keys(): color[3] *= float(style[opacity]) return color def extract_opacity(style, *opacity_attribs): ret = 1.0 for opacity in opacity_attribs: if opacity in style.keys(): ret *= float(style[opacity]) return ret def extract_width(style, width_attrib, mtx): if width_attrib in style.keys(): width = get_dimension(style[width_attrib]) else: width = 1 area_scale_factor = mtx[0][0] * mtx[1][1] - mtx[0][1] * mtx[1][0] linear_scale_factor = math.sqrt(abs(area_scale_factor)) return width * linear_scale_factor / sif.kux # ##### Main Class ######################################### class SynfigExport(SynfigPrep): def __init__(self): SynfigPrep.__init__(self) def effect(self): # Prepare the document for exporting SynfigPrep.effect(self) svg = self.document.getroot() width = get_dimension(svg.get("width", 1024)) height = get_dimension(svg.get("height", 768)) title = svg.getElement('svg:title') if title: name = title.text else: name = svg.get('sodipodi:docname', "Synfig Animation 1") doc = SynfigDocument(width, height, name) layers = [] for node in svg.iterchildren(): layers += self.convert_node(node, doc) root_canvas = doc.get_root_canvas() for layer in layers: root_canvas.append(layer) self.synfig_document = doc.get_root_tree() def save(self, stream): self.synfig_document.write(stream) def convert_node(self, node, d): """Convert an SVG node to a list of Synfig layers""" # Parse tags that don't draw any layers if isinstance(node, SvgDocumentElement): self.parse_defs(node, d) return [] elif not isinstance(node, (Group, Anchor, Switch, PathElement, Metadata, NamedView)): # An unsupported element return [] layers = [] if isinstance(node, Group): for subnode in node: layers += self.convert_node(subnode, d) if isinstance(node, Layer): name = node.label or "Inline Canvas" layers = d.op_encapsulate(layers, name=name) elif isinstance(node, (Anchor, Switch)): # Treat anchor and switch as a group for subnode in node: layers += self.convert_node(subnode, d) elif isinstance(node, PathElement): layers = self.convert_path(node, d) style = node.style if "filter" in style.keys() and style["filter"].startswith("url"): filter_id = style["filter"][5:].split(")")[0] layers = d.op_filter(layers, filter_id) opacity = extract_opacity(style, "opacity") if opacity != 1.0: layers = d.op_fade(layers, opacity) return layers def parse_defs(self, node, d): for child in node.iterchildren(): if isinstance(child, Gradient): self.parse_gradient(child, d) elif child.TAG == "filter": self.parse_filter(child, d) def parse_gradient(self, node, d): if node.TAG == "linearGradient": gradient_id = node.get("id", str(id(node))) x1 = float(node.get("x1", "0.0")) x2 = float(node.get("x2", "0.0")) y1 = float(node.get("y1", "0.0")) y2 = float(node.get("y2", "0.0")) mtx = node.gradientTransform.matrix link = node.get('xlink:href', "#")[1:] spread_method = node.get("spreadMethod", "pad") if link == "": stops = self.parse_stops(node, d) d.add_linear_gradient(gradient_id, [x1, y1], [x2, y2], mtx, stops=stops, spread_method=spread_method) else: d.add_linear_gradient(gradient_id, [x1, y1], [x2, y2], mtx, link=link, spread_method=spread_method) elif node.TAG == "radialGradient": gradient_id = node.get("id", str(id(node))) cx = float(node.get("cx", "0.0")) cy = float(node.get("cy", "0.0")) r = float(node.get("r", "0.0")) fx = float(node.get("fx", "0.0")) fy = float(node.get("fy", "0.0")) mtx = node.gradientTransform.matrix link = node.get('xlink:href', "#")[1:] spread_method = node.get("spreadMethod", "pad") if link == "": stops = self.parse_stops(node, d) d.add_radial_gradient(gradient_id, [cx, cy], r, [fx, fy], mtx, stops=stops, spread_method=spread_method) else: d.add_radial_gradient(gradient_id, [cx, cy], r, [fx, fy], mtx, link=link, spread_method=spread_method) def parse_stops(self, node, d): stops = {} for stop in node.iterchildren(): if stop.TAG == "stop": offset = float(stop.get("offset")) style = stop.style stops[offset] = extract_color(style, "stop-color", "stop-opacity") else: raise MalformedSVGError("Child of gradient is not a stop") return stops def parse_filter(self, node, d): filter_id = node.get("id", str(id(node))) # A filter is just like an operator (the op_* functions), # except that it's created here def the_filter(d, layers, is_end=False): refs = {None: layers, # default "SourceGraphic": layers} encapsulate_result = not is_end for child in node.iterchildren(): if child.get("in") not in refs: # "SourceAlpha", "BackgroundImage", # "BackgroundAlpha", "FillPaint", "StrokePaint" # are not supported raise UnsupportedException l_in = refs[child.get("in")] l_out = [] if child.TAG == "feGaussianBlur": std_dev = child.get("stdDeviation", "0") std_dev = std_dev.replace(",", " ").split() x = float(std_dev[0]) if len(std_dev) > 1: y = float(std_dev[1]) else: y = x if x == 0 and y == 0: l_out = l_in else: x = d.distance_svg2sif(x) y = d.distance_svg2sif(y) l_out = d.op_blur(l_in, x, y, is_end=True) elif child.TAG == "feBlend": # Note: Blend methods are not an exact match # because SVG uses alpha channel in places where # Synfig does not mode = child.get("mode", "normal") if mode == "normal": blend_method = "composite" elif mode == "multiply": blend_method = "multiply" elif mode == "screen": blend_method = "screen" elif mode == "darken": blend_method = "darken" elif mode == "lighten": blend_method = "brighten" else: raise MalformedSVGError("Invalid blend method") if child.get("in2") == "BackgroundImage": encapsulate_result = False l_out = d.op_set_blend(l_in, blend_method) + d.op_set_blend(l_in, "behind") elif child.get("in2") not in refs: raise UnsupportedException else: l_in2 = refs[child.get("in2")] l_out = l_in2 + d.op_set_blend(l_in, blend_method) else: # This filter element is currently unsupported raise UnsupportedException # Output the layers if child.get("result"): refs[child.get("result")] = l_out # Set the default for the next filter element refs[None] = l_out # Return the output from the last element if len(refs[None]) > 1 and encapsulate_result: return d.op_encapsulate(refs[None]) else: return refs[None] d.add_filter(filter_id, the_filter) def convert_path(self, node, d): """Convert an SVG path node to a list of Synfig layers""" layers = [] node_id = node.get("id", str(id(node))) style = node.style mtx = node.transform.matrix blines = path_to_bline_list(node.get("d"), node.get('sodipodi:nodetypes'), mtx) for bline in blines: d.bline_coor_svg2sif(bline) bline_guid = d.new_guid() if style.setdefault("fill", "#000000") != "none": if style["fill"].startswith("url"): # Set the color to black, so we can later overlay # the shape with a gradient or pattern color = [0, 0, 0, 1] else: color = extract_color(style, "fill", "fill-opacity") layer = d.create_layer("region", node_id, { "bline": bline, "color": color, "winding_style": 1 if style.setdefault("fill-rule", "nonzero") == "evenodd" else 0, }, guids={ "bline": bline_guid }) if style["fill"].startswith("url"): color_layer = self.convert_url(style["fill"][5:].split(")")[0], mtx, d)[0] layer = d.op_color([layer], overlay=color_layer)[0] layer = d.op_fade([layer], extract_opacity(style, "fill-opacity"))[0] layers.append(layer) if style.setdefault("stroke", "none") != "none": if style["stroke"].startswith("url"): # Set the color to black, so we can later overlay # the shape with a gradient or pattern color = [0, 0, 0, 1] else: color = extract_color(style, "stroke", "stroke-opacity") layer = d.create_layer("outline", node_id, { "bline": bline, "color": color, "width": extract_width(style, "stroke-width", mtx), "sharp_cusps": True if style.setdefault("stroke-linejoin", "miter") == "miter" else False, "round_tip[0]": False if style.setdefault("stroke-linecap", "butt") == "butt" else True, "round_tip[1]": False if style.setdefault("stroke-linecap", "butt") == "butt" else True }, guids={ "bline": bline_guid }) if style["stroke"].startswith("url"): color_layer = self.convert_url(style["stroke"][5:].split(")")[0], mtx, d)[0] layer = d.op_color([layer], overlay=color_layer)[0] layer = d.op_fade([layer], extract_opacity(style, "stroke-opacity"))[0] layers.append(layer) return layers def convert_url(self, url_id, mtx, d): """Return a list Synfig layers that represent the gradient with the given id""" gradient = d.get_gradient(url_id) if gradient is None: # Patterns and other URLs not supported return [None] if gradient["type"] == "linear": layer = d.create_layer("linear_gradient", url_id, d.gradient_to_params(gradient), guids={"gradient": gradient["stops_guid"]}) if gradient["type"] == "radial": layer = d.create_layer("radial_gradient", url_id, d.gradient_to_params(gradient), guids={"gradient": gradient["stops_guid"]}) trm = Transform(mtx) * Transform(gradient["mtx"]) return d.op_transform([layer], trm.matrix) if __name__ == '__main__': SynfigExport().run()