#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
Test specific elements API from svg xml lxml custom classes.
import pytest
import inkex
from inkex import (
Group, Layer, Pattern, Guide, Polyline, Use, Defs,
TextElement, TextPath, Tspan, FlowPara, FlowRoot, FlowRegion, FlowSpan,
PathElement, Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Anchor, Line as LineElement,
Transform, Style, LinearGradient, RadialGradient, Stop
from inkex.colors import Color
from inkex.paths import Move, Line
from inkex.utils import FragmentError, PY3
from .test_inkex_elements_base import SvgTestCase
class ElementTestCase(SvgTestCase):
"""Base element testing"""
tag = 'svg'
def setUp(self):
super(ElementTestCase, self).setUp()
self.elem = self.svg.getElement('//svg:{}'.format(self.tag))
def test_print(self):
"""Print element as string"""
self.assertEqual(str(self.elem), self.tag)
def assertElement(self, elem, compare): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Assert an element"""
if PY3:
self.assertEqual(elem.tostring(), compare)
class PathElementTestCase(ElementTestCase):
"""Test PathElements"""
source_file = 'with-lpe.svg'
tag = 'path'
def test_new_path(self):
"""Test new path element"""
path = PathElement.new(path=[Move(10, 10), Line(20, 20)])
self.assertEqual(path.get('d'), 'M 10 10 L 20 20')
def test_original_path(self):
"""LPE paths can return their original paths"""
lpe = self.svg.getElementById('lpe')
nolpe = self.svg.getElementById('nolpe')
self.assertEqual(str(lpe.path), 'M 30 30 L -10 -10 Z')
self.assertEqual(str(lpe.original_path), 'M 20 20 L 10 10 Z')
self.assertEqual(str(nolpe.path), 'M 30 30 L -10 -10 Z')
self.assertEqual(str(nolpe.original_path), 'M 30 30 L -10 -10 Z')
lpe.original_path = "M 60 60 L 5 5"
self.assertEqual(lpe.get('inkscape:original-d'), 'M 60 60 L 5 5')
self.assertEqual(lpe.get('d'), 'M 30 30 L -10 -10 Z')
lpe.path = "M 60 60 L 15 15 Z"
self.assertEqual(lpe.get('d'), 'M 60 60 L 15 15 Z')
nolpe.original_path = "M 60 60 L 5 5"
self.assertEqual(nolpe.get('inkscape:original-d', None), None)
self.assertEqual(nolpe.get('d'), 'M 60 60 L 5 5')
class PolylineElementTestCase(ElementTestCase):
"""Test the polyline elements support"""
tag = 'polyline'
def test_type(self):
"""Polyline have their own types"""
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.elem, inkex.Polyline))
def test_polyline_points(self):
"""Basic tests for points attribute as a path"""
pol = Polyline(points='10,10 50,50 10,15 15,10')
self.assertEqual(str(pol.path), 'M 10 10 L 50 50 L 10 15 L 15 10')
pol.path = "M 10 10 L 30 9 L 1 2 C 10 45 3 4 45 60 M 35 35"
self.assertEqual(pol.get('points'), '10,10 30,9 1,2 45,60 35,35')
class PolygonElementTestCase(ElementTestCase):
"""Test Polygon Elements"""
tag = 'polygon'
def test_type(self):
"""Polygons have their own types"""
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.elem, inkex.Polygon))
def test_conversion(self):
"""Polygones are converted to paths"""
pol = inkex.Polygon(points='10,10 50,50 10,15 15,10')
self.assertEqual(str(pol.path), 'M 10 10 L 50 50 L 10 15 L 15 10 Z')
class LineElementTestCase(ElementTestCase):
"""Test Line Elements"""
tag = 'line'
def test_new_line(self):
"""Line creation"""
line = LineElement.new((10, 10), (20, 20))
self.assertElement(line, b'')
def test_type(self):
"""Lines have their own types"""
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.elem, inkex.Line))
def test_conversion(self):
"""Lines are converted to paths"""
pol = inkex.elements.Line(x1='2', y1='3', x2='4', y2='5')
self.assertEqual(str(pol.path), 'M 2 3 L 4 5 Z')
class PatternTestCase(ElementTestCase):
"""Test Pattern elements"""
tag = 'pattern'
def test_pattern_transform(self):
"""Patterns have a transformation of their own"""
pattern = Pattern()
self.assertEqual(pattern.patternTransform, Transform())
pattern.patternTransform.add_translate(10, 10)
self.assertEqual(pattern.get('patternTransform'), 'translate(10, 10)')
class GroupTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test extra functionality on a group element"""
tag = 'g'
def test_new_group(self):
"""Test creating groups"""
svg = Layer.new('layerA', Group.new('groupA', Rectangle()))
def test_transform_property(self):
"""Test getting and setting a transform"""
self.assertEqual(str(self.elem.transform), 'matrix(1.44985 0 0 1.36417 -107.03 -167.362)')
self.elem.transform = 'translate(12, 14)'
self.assertEqual(self.elem.transform, Transform('translate(12, 14)'))
self.assertEqual(str(self.elem.transform), 'translate(12, 14)')
def test_groupmode(self):
"""Get groupmode is layer"""
self.assertEqual(self.svg.getElementById('A').groupmode, 'layer')
self.assertEqual(self.svg.getElementById('C').groupmode, 'group')
def test_get_path(self):
"""Group path is combined children"""
'M -108.539 517.61 L -87.6093 496.117 L -98.3066 492.768 L -69.9353 492.301 L -55.5172'
' 506.163 L -66.2146 502.814 L -87.1446 524.307 M 60.0914 498.694 L 156.784 439.145 L'
' 240.218 491.183 L 143.526 550.731 z M -176.909 458.816 a 64.2385 38.9175 -7.86457 1'
' 0 88.3701 -19.0784 a 64.2385 38.9175 -7.86457 0 0 -88.3701 19.0784 z M -300.162'
' 513.715 L -282.488 509.9 Z M -214.583 540.504 L -209.001 448.77 Z M -193.189 547.201 '
'L -238.536 486.266 L -185.049 503.008 L -230.396 442.073 M -193.189 547.201 L -238.536'
' 486.266 L -185.049 503.008 L -230.396 442.073 Z M 15 15 L 15.5 20 Z')
def test_bounding_box(self):
"""A group returns a bounding box"""
empty = self.svg.add(Group(Group()))
self.assertEqual(empty.bounding_box(), None)
self.assertEqual(int(self.svg.getElementById('A').bounding_box().width), 783)
self.assertEqual(int(self.svg.getElementById('B').bounding_box().height), 114)
class RectTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test extra functionality on a rectangle element"""
tag = 'rect'
def test_parse(self):
"""Test Rectangle parsed from XML"""
rect = Rectangle(attrib={
"x": "10px", "y": "20px",
"width": "100px", "height": "200px",
"rx": "15px", "ry": "30px" })
self.assertEqual(rect.left, 10)
self.assertEqual(rect.top, 20)
self.assertEqual(rect.right, 10+100)
self.assertEqual(rect.bottom, 20+200)
self.assertEqual(rect.width, 100)
self.assertEqual(rect.height, 200)
self.assertEqual(rect.rx, 15)
self.assertEqual(rect.ry, 30)
def test_compose_transform(self):
"""Composed transformation"""
self.assertEqual(self.elem.transform, Transform('rotate(16.097889)'))
'matrix(1.4019 -0.812338 1.20967 0.709877 -542.221 533.431)')
def test_effetive_stylesheet(self):
"""Test the non-parent combination of styles"""
def test_compose_stylesheet(self):
"""Test finding the composed stylesheet for the shape"""
self.assertEqual(str(self.elem.style), 'fill:#0000ff;stroke-width:1px')
def test_path(self):
"""Rectangle path"""
self.assertEqual(self.elem.get_path(), 'M 200.0,200.0 h100.0v100.0h-100.0 z')
self.assertEqual(str(self.elem.path), 'M 200 200 h 100 v 100 h -100 z')
class PathTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test path extra functionality"""
tag = 'path'
def test_apply_transform(self):
"""Transformation can be applied to path"""
path = self.svg.getElementById('D')
path.transform = Transform(translate=(10, 10))
self.assertEqual(path.get('d'), 'M30,130 L60,130 L60,120 L70,140 L60,160 L60,150 L30,150')
self.assertEqual(path.get('d'), 'M 40 140 L 70 140 L 70 130 L 80 150 '
'L 70 170 L 70 160 L 40 160')
class CircleTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test extra functionality on a circle element"""
tag = 'circle'
def test_parse(self):
"""Test Circle parsed from XML"""
circle = Circle(attrib={"cx": "10px", "cy": "20px", "r": "30px"})
self.assertEqual(circle.center.x, 10)
self.assertEqual(circle.center.y, 20)
self.assertEqual(circle.radius, 30)
ellipse = Ellipse(attrib={"cx": "10px", "cy": "20px", "rx": "30px", "ry": "40px"})
self.assertEqual(ellipse.center.x, 10)
self.assertEqual(ellipse.center.y, 20)
self.assertEqual(ellipse.radius.x, 30)
self.assertEqual(ellipse.radius.y, 40)
def test_new(self):
"""Test new circles"""
elem = Circle.new((10, 10), 50)
self.assertElement(elem, b'')
elem = Ellipse.new((10, 10), (15, 10))
self.assertElement(elem, b'')
def test_path(self):
"""Circle path"""
'M 100.0,50.0 a 50.0,50.0 0 1 0 50.0, '
'50.0 a 50.0,50.0 0 0 0 -50.0, -50.0 z')
class AnchorTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test anchor tags"""
def test_new(self):
"""Anchor tag creation"""
link = Anchor.new('https://inkscape.org', Rectangle())
self.assertElement(link, b'')
class NamedViewTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test the sodipodi namedview tag"""
def test_guides(self):
"""Create a guide and see a list of them"""
self.svg.namedview.add(Guide().move_to(0, 0, 0))
self.svg.namedview.add(Guide().move_to(0, 0, '90'))
self.assertEqual(len(self.svg.namedview.get_guides()), 2)
class TextTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test all text functions"""
def test_append_superscript(self):
"""Test adding superscript"""
tap = TextPath()
self.assertEqual(len(tap), 1)
def test_path(self):
"""Test getting paths"""
class UseTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test extra functionality on a use element"""
tag = 'use'
def test_path(self):
"""Use path follows ref"""
self.assertEqual(str(self.elem.path), 'M 0 0 L 10 10 Z')
def test_empty_ref(self):
"""An empty ref or None ref doesn't cause an error"""
use = Use()
use.set('xlink:href', 'something')
self.assertRaises(FragmentError, getattr, use, 'href')
elem = self.svg.add(Use())
self.assertEqual(elem.href, None)
elem.set('xlink:href', '')
self.assertEqual(elem.href, None)
elem.set('xlink:href', '#badref')
self.assertEqual(elem.href, None)
elem.set('xlink:href', self.elem.get('xlink:href'))
self.assertEqual(elem.href.get('id'), 'path1')
def test_unlink(self):
"""Test use tag unlinking"""
elem = self.elem.unlink()
self.assertEqual(str(elem.path), 'M 0 0 L 10 10 Z')
self.assertEqual(elem.tag_name, 'path')
self.assertEqual(elem.getparent().get('id'), 'C')
class StopTests(ElementTestCase):
"""Color stop tests"""
black = Color('#000000')
grey50 = Color('#080808')
white = Color('#111111')
def test_interpolate(self):
"""Interpolate colours"""
stl1 = Style({'stop-color': self.black, 'stop-opacity': 0.0})
stop1 = Stop(offset='0.0', style=str(stl1))
stl2 = Style({'stop-color': self.white, 'stop-opacity': 1.0})
stop2 = Stop(offset='1.0', style=str(stl2))
stop3 = stop1.interpolate(stop2, 0.5)
assert stop3.style['stop-color'] == str(self.grey50)
assert float(stop3.style['stop-opacity']) == pytest.approx(0.5, 1e-3)
class GradientTests(ElementTestCase):
"""Gradient testing"""
black = Color('#000000')
grey50 = Color('#080808')
white = Color('#111111')
whiteop1 = Style({'stop-color': white, 'stop-opacity': 1.0})
blackop1 = Style({'stop-color': black, 'stop-opacity': 1.0})
whiteop0 = Style({'stop-color': white, 'stop-opacity': 0.0})
blackop0 = Style({'stop-color': black, 'stop-opacity': 0.0})
translate11 = Transform('translate(1.0, 1.0)')
translate22 = Transform('translate(2.0, 2.0)')
def test_parse(self):
"""Gradients parsed from XML"""
values = [
{'x1': '0px', 'y1': '1px', 'x2': '2px', 'y2': '3px'},
{'x1': 0.0, 'y1': 1.0, 'x2': 2.0, 'y2': 3.0},
{'cx': '0px', 'cy': '1px', 'fx': '2px', 'fy': '3px', 'r': '4px'},
{'cx': 0.0, 'cy': 1.0, 'fx': 2.0, 'fy': 3.0}
for classname, attributes, expected in values:
grad = classname(attrib=attributes)
grad.apply_transform() # identity transform
for key, value in expected.items():
assert float(grad.get(key)) == pytest.approx(value, 1e-3)
grad = classname(attrib=attributes)
grad = grad.interpolate(grad, 0.0)
for key, value in expected.items():
assert float(grad.get(key)) == pytest.approx(value, 1e-3)
def test_apply_transform(self):
"""Transform gradients"""
values = [
{'x1': 0.0, 'y1': 0.0, 'x2': 1.0, 'y2': 1.0},
{'x1': 1.0, 'y1': 1.0, 'x2': 2.0, 'y2': 2.0}),
{'cx': 0.0, 'cy': 0.0, 'fx': 1.0, 'fy': 1.0, 'r': 1.0},
{'cx': 1.0, 'cy': 1.0, 'fx': 2.0, 'fy': 2.0, 'r': 1.0}
for classname, orientation, expected in values:
grad = classname().update(**orientation)
grad.gradientTransform = self.translate11
val = grad.get('gradientTransform')
assert val is None
for key, value in expected.items():
assert float(grad.get(key)) == pytest.approx(value, 1e-3)
def test_stops(self):
"""Gradients have stops"""
for classname in [LinearGradient, RadialGradient]:
grad = classname()
stops = [
Stop().update(offset=0.0, style=self.whiteop0),
Stop().update(offset=1.0, style=self.blackop1)]
assert [s1.tostring() == s2.tostring() for s1, s2 in zip(grad.stops, stops)]
def test_stop_styles(self):
"""Gradients have styles"""
for classname in [LinearGradient, RadialGradient]:
grad = classname()
stops = [
Stop().update(offset=0.0, style=self.whiteop0),
Stop().update(offset=1.0, style=self.blackop1)]
assert [str(s1) == str(s2.style) for s1, s2 in zip(grad.stop_styles, stops)]
def test_get_stop_offsets(self):
"""Gradients stop offsets"""
for classname in [LinearGradient, RadialGradient]:
grad = classname()
stops = [
Stop().update(offset=0.0, style=self.whiteop0),
Stop().update(offset=1.0, style=self.blackop1)]
for stop1, stop2 in zip(grad.stop_offsets, stops):
self.assertEqual(float(stop1), pytest.approx(float(stop2.offset), 1e-3))
def test_interpolate(self):
"""Gradients can be interpolated"""
values = [
{'x1': 0, 'y1': 0, 'x2': 1, 'y2': 1},
{'x1': 2, 'y1': 2, 'x2': 1, 'y2': 1},
{'x1': 1.0, 'y1': 1.0, 'x2': 1.0, 'y2': 1.0}),
{'cx': 0, 'cy': 0, 'fx': 1, 'fy': 1, 'r': 0},
{'cx': 2, 'cy': 2, 'fx': 1, 'fy': 1, 'r': 1},
{'cx': 1.0, 'cy': 1.0, 'fx': 1.0, 'fy': 1.0, 'r': 0.5})
for classname, orientation1, orientation2, expected in values:
# gradient 1
grad1 = classname()
stops1 = [
Stop().update(offset=0.0, style=self.whiteop0),
Stop().update(offset=1.0, style=self.blackop1)]
# gradient 2
grad2 = classname()
stops2 = [
Stop().update(offset=0.0, style=self.blackop1),
Stop().update(offset=1.0, style=self.whiteop0)]
grad = grad1.interpolate(grad2, 0.5)
comp = Style({'stop-color': self.grey50, 'stop-opacity': 0.5})
self.assertEqual(str(grad.stops[0].style), str(Style(comp)))
self.assertEqual(str(grad.stops[1].style), str(Style(comp)))
self.assertEqual(str(grad.gradientTransform), 'translate(1.5, 1.5)')
for key, value in expected.items():
self.assertEqual(float(grad.get(key)), pytest.approx(value, 1e-3))
class SymbolTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test Symbol elements"""
source_file = 'symbol.svg'
tag = 'symbol'
def test_unlink_symbol(self):
"""Test unlink symbols"""
use = self.svg.getElementById('plane01')
self.assertEqual(use.tag_name, 'use')
self.assertEqual(use.href.tag_name, 'symbol')
# Unlinking should replace symbol with group
elem = use.unlink()
self.assertEqual(elem.tag_name, 'g')
self.assertEqual(str(elem.transform), 'translate(18, 16)')
self.assertEqual(elem[0].tag_name, 'title')
self.assertEqual(elem[1].tag_name, 'rect')
class DefsTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test the definitions tag"""
source_file = 'shapes.svg'
tag = 'defs'
def test_defs(self):
"""Make sure defs can be seen in the nodes of an svg"""
self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.svg.defs, Defs))
defs = self.svg.getElementById('defs33')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(defs, Defs))
class StyleTest(ElementTestCase):
"""Test a style tag"""
source_file = 'css.svg'
tag = 'style'
def test_style(self):
"""Make sure style tags can be loaded and saved"""
css = self.svg.stylesheet