Tutorial | Grundlæggende Denne gennemgang demonstrerer det grundlæggende ved Inkscape. Dette er et almindeligt Inkscape-dokument du kan vise, redigere kopiere fra eller gemme. The Basic Tutorial covers canvas navigation, managing documents, shape tool basics, selection techniques, transforming objects with selector, grouping, setting fill and stroke, alignment, and z-order. For more advanced topics, check out the other tutorials in the Help menu. Panorering på lærredet There are many ways to pan (scroll) the document canvas. Try Ctrl+arrow keys to scroll by keyboard. (Try this now to scroll this document down.) You can also drag the canvas by the middle mouse button. Or, you can use the scrollbars (press Ctrl+B to show or hide them). The wheel on your mouse also works for scrolling vertically; press Shift with the wheel to scroll horizontally. Zoom ind og ud The easiest way to zoom is by pressing - and + (or =) keys. You can also use Ctrl+middle click or Ctrl+right click to zoom in, Shift+middle click or Shift+right click to zoom out, or rotate the mouse wheel with Ctrl. Or, you can click in the zoom entry field (in the bottom right corner of the document window), type a precise zoom value in %, and press Enter. We also have the Zoom tool (in the toolbar on left) which lets you to zoom into an area by dragging around it. Inkscape also keeps a history of the zoom levels you've used in this work session. Press the ` key to go back to the previous zoom, or Shift+` to go forward. Inkscape-værktøjer Den lodrette værktøjslinje i venstre side, viser Inkscapes tegne- og redigeringsværktøjer. I vinduets verste del, under menuen, findes Kommandoværktøjslinjen med generelle kommadoknapper og Værktøjskontrollinjen med kontroller der er specifikke for hvert værktøj. Statuslinjen i bunden af vinduet, viser nyttige vink og beskeder, mens du arbejder. Many operations are available through keyboard shortcuts. Open HelpKeys and Mouse Reference to see the complete reference. Oprettelse og håndtering af dokumenter To create a new empty document, use FileNew or press Ctrl+N. To create a new document from one of Inkscape's many templates, use FileNew from Template… or press Ctrl+Alt+N To open an existing SVG document, use FileOpen (Ctrl+O). To save, use FileSave (Ctrl+S), or FileSave As (Shift+Ctrl+S) to save under a new name. (Inkscape may still be unstable, so remember to save often!) Inkscape bruger SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) formatet til sine filer. SVG er en åben standard, der er understttet af meget grafik-software. SVG filer er baseret på XML og kan redigeres med enhver tekst- eller XML-editor (foruden Inkscape, selvflgelig). Udover SVG, kan Inkscape også importere og eksportere flere andre formater (EPS, PNG). Inkscape opens a separate document window for each document. You can navigate among them using your window manager (e.g. by Alt+Tab), or you can use the Inkscape shortcut, Ctrl+Tab, which will cycle through all open document windows. (Create a new document now and switch between it and this document for practice.) Note: Inkscape treats these windows like tabs in a web browser, this means the Ctrl+Tab shortcut only works with documents running in the same process. If you open multiple files from a file browser or launch more than one Inkscape process from an icon it will not work. Oprettelse af figurer Nu er det tid til nogle lækre figurer! Klik på firkantværktøjet i værktøjslinjen, (eller tryk på F4) og klik og træk, enten i et nyt tomt dokument eller lige her: As you can see, default rectangles come up blue, with a black stroke (outline), and fully opaque. We'll see how to change that below. With other tools, you can also create ellipses, stars, and spirals: Disse værktøjer under et, kaldes figurværktøjer. Hver figur du opretter viser en eller flere diamant-formede håndtag; prv at trække i dem for at se hvordan figuren reagerer. En figurs værktøjskontrollinje er en anden måde at finjustere formen. Disse kontroller påirker de markerede figurer (dvs. dem der vises håndtag på og sætter de standardindstillinger nye figurer oprettes med. To undo your last action, press Ctrl+Z. (Or, if you change your mind again, you can redo the undone action by Shift+Ctrl+Z.) At flytte, skalere og rotere Det mest brugte værktøj i Inkscape er Markeringsværktøjet. Klik påden verste knap (den med pilen) i værktøjslinjen, eller tryk på F1 eller mellemrumstasten. Nu kan du vælge ethvert objekt på lærredet. Klik påfirkanten nedenunder. Du kan nu se otte pileformede håndtag omkring objektet. Nu kan du: Move the object by dragging it. (Press Ctrl to restrict movement to horizontal and vertical.) Scale the object by dragging any handle. (Press Ctrl to preserve the original height/width ratio.) Klik nu påfirkanten igen. Håndtagene ændrer sig. Du kan nu: Rotate the object by dragging corner handles. (Press Ctrl to restrict rotation to 15 degree steps. Drag the cross mark to position the center of rotation.) Skew (shear) the object by dragging non-corner handles. (Press Ctrl to restrict skewing to 15 degree steps.) Mens objektet er markeret, kan du også bruge tekstfelterne i værktøjskontrollinjen (over lærredet) for at indstille eksakte værdier for koordinater (X og Y) og markeringens størrelse (W and H). Transformering med tastaturgenveje En af Inkscapes fremmeste egenskaber i forhold til andre vektorgrafik-programmer, er den store vægt der er lagt på tilgængelighed via tastaturgenveje. Der er stort set ikke den kommando eller handling der ikke er mulig at benytte vha. tastaturet. At transformere objekter er ingen undtagelse. You can use the keyboard to move (arrow keys), scale (< and > keys), and rotate ([ and ] keys) objects. Default moves and scales are by 2 px; with Shift, you move by 10 times that. Ctrl+> and Ctrl+< scale up or down to 200% or 50% of the original, respectively. Default rotates are by 15 degrees; with Ctrl, you rotate by 90 degrees. However, perhaps the most useful are pixel-sizetransformations, invoked by using Alt with the transform keys. For example, Alt+arrows will move the selection by 1 pixel at the current zoom (i.e. by 1 screen pixel, not to be confused with the px unit which is an SVG length unit independent of zoom). This means that if you zoom in, one Alt+arrow will result in a smaller absolute movement which will still look like one-pixel nudge on your screen. It is thus possible to position objects with arbitrary precision simply by zooming in or out as needed. Similarly, Alt+> and Alt+< scale selection so that its visible size changes by one screen pixel, and Alt+[ and Alt+] rotate it so that its farthest-from-center point moves by one screen pixel. Note: Linux users may not get the expected results with the Alt+arrow and a few other key combinations if their Window Manager catches those key events before they reach the inkscape application. One solution would be to change the WM's configuration accordingly. Flere markeringer You can select any number of objects simultaneously by Shift+clicking them. Or, you can drag around the objects you need to select; this is called rubberband selection. (Selector creates rubberband when dragging from an empty space; however, if you press Shift before starting to drag, Inkscape will always create the rubberband.) Practice by selecting all three of the shapes below: Now, use rubberband (by drag or Shift+drag) to select the two ellipses but not the rectangle: Hvert individuelt objekt indenfor markeringen viser en markeringsindikator — som standard en stiplet rektangulær ramme. Disse indikatorer gør det let at se hvilke objekter der blev valgt og hvilke der ikke blev valgt. For eksempel, hvis du vælger begge ellipser og firkanten, ville det uden indikatorer, være svært at se om ellipserne blev markeret eller ej. Shift+clicking on a selected object excludes it from the selection. Select all three objects above, then use Shift+click to exclude both ellipses from the selection leaving only the rectangle selected. Pressing Esc deselects any selected objects. Ctrl+A selects all objects in the current layer (if you did not create layers, this is the same as all objects in the document). Gruppering Flere objekter kan kombineres til en gruppe. En gruppe opfrer sig som et enkelt objekt når du trækker i det eller transformerer det. Herunder er de tre objekter til venstre uafhængige. De samme tre objekter er grupperet til højre. Prøv at trække i gruppen. To create a group, you select one or more objects and press Ctrl+G. To ungroup one or more groups, select them and press Ctrl+U. Groups themselves may be grouped, just like any other objects; such recursive groups may go down to arbitrary depth. However, Ctrl+U only ungroups the topmost level of grouping in a selection; you'll need to press Ctrl+U repeatedly if you want to completely ungroup a deep group-in-group. You don't necessarily have to ungroup, however, if you want to edit an object within a group. Just Ctrl+click that object and it will be selected and editable alone, or Shift+Ctrl+click several objects (inside or outside any groups) for multiple selection regardless of grouping. Try to move or transform the individual shapes in the group (above right) without ungrouping it, then deselect and select the group normally to see that it still remains grouped. Udfyldning og streg Probably the simplest way to paint an object some color is to select an object, and click a swatch in the palette below the canvas to paint it (change its fill color). Alternatively, you can open the Swatches dialog from the View menu (or press Shift+Ctrl+W), select an object, and click a swatch to paint it (change its fill color). More powerful is the Fill and Stroke dialog from the Object menu (or press Shift+Ctrl+F). Select the shape below and open the Fill and Stroke dialog. Du kan se at dialogen har tre faneblade: Udfyldning, Stregfarve og Stregstil. Fanebladet Udfyldning lader dig redigere det markerede objekts udfyldning (det indre). Ved at bruge knapperne lige under fanebladet, kan du vælge udfyldningstyper, inklusiv ingen udfyldning (knappen med krydset), enkel farveudfyldning, såvel som lineære eller radiære overgange. I ovenstående figur er udfyldningen enkel farve aktiveret. Længere nede kan du se en samling af farvevælgere, hver vælger i sit eget faneblad: RGB, CMYK, HSL, og farvehjul. Den mest bekvemme er måske farvehjulet, hvor du kan rotere trekanten for at vælge farven påfarvehjulet og så vælge farvetonen i trekanten. Alle farvevælgere har en glider der indstiller uigennemsigtigheden alfa for de markerede objekter. Hver gang du markerer et objekt, opdateres farvevælgeren så den viser den aktuelle udfyldning og streg for det markerede objekt (når flere objekter er markeret, viser dialogen deres gennemsnitsfarve gennemsnits-farve). Leg med disse prver eller opret dine egne: Ved at bruge streg-fanebladet, kan du fjerne stregen (omridset) pået objekt eller give det en hvilken som helst farve eller gennemsigtighed: Det sidste faneblad, Stregstil, lader dig indstille bredde og andre parametre ved streg: Til sidst, i stedet for enkel farve, kan du bruge overgange til udfyldning og/eller streger: When you switch from flat color to gradient, the newly created gradient uses the previous flat color, going from opaque to transparent. Switch to the Gradient tool (Ctrl+F1) to drag the gradient handles — the controls connected by lines that define the direction and length of the gradient. When any of the gradient handles is selected (highlighted blue), the Fill and Stroke dialog sets the color of that handle instead of the color of the entire selected object. Yet another convenient way to change a color of an object is by using the Dropper tool (F7). Just click anywhere in the drawing with that tool, and the picked color will be assigned to the selected object's fill (Shift+click will assign stroke color). Duplikering, justering, fordeling One of the most common operations is duplicating an object (Ctrl+D). The duplicate is placed exactly above the original and is selected, so you can drag it away by mouse or by arrow keys. For practice, try to fill the line with copies of this black square: Chances are, your copies of the square are placed more or less randomly. This is where the Align and Distribute dialog (Shift+Ctrl+A) is useful. Select all the squares (Shift+click or drag a rubberband), open the dialog and press the “Center on horizontal axis” button, then the “Make horizontal gaps between objects equal” button (read the button tooltips). The objects are now neatly aligned and distributed equispacedly. Here are some other alignment and distribution examples: Z-rækkeflge The term z-order refers to the stacking order of objects in a drawing, i.e. to which objects are on top and obscure others. The two commands in the Object menu, Raise to Top (the Home key) and Lower to Bottom (the End key), will move your selected objects to the very top or very bottom of the current layer's z-order. Two more commands, Raise (PgUp) and Lower (PgDn), will sink or emerge the selection one step only, i.e. move it past one non-selected object in z-order (only objects that overlap the selection count, based on their respective bounding boxes). Øv dig i at bruge disse kommandoer ved vende z-rækkeflgen påobjekterne herunder, sådan at den ellipsen længst til venstre befinder sig verst og den længst til højre er i bunden: A very useful selection shortcut is the Tab key. If nothing is selected, it selects the bottommost object; otherwise it selects the object above theselected object(s) in z-order. Shift+Tab works in reverse, starting from the topmost object and proceeding downwards. Since the objects you create are added to the top of the stack, pressing Shift+Tab with nothing selected will conveniently select the object you created last. Practice the Tab and Shift+Tab keys on the stack of ellipses above. Markering under og træk i markering Hvad gr du hvis objektet du skal bruge er skjult bag et andet objekt? Du kan stadig se bunden af objektet hvis det verste er delvist gennemsigtigt, men hvis du klikker på det, vælges det verste objekt, ikke det nederste du skal bruge. This is what Alt+click is for. First Alt+click selects the top object just like the regular click. However, the next Alt+click at the same point will select the object below the top one; the next one, the object still lower, etc. Thus, several Alt+clicks in a row will cycle, top-to-bottom, through the entire z-order stack of objects at the click point. When the bottom object is reached, next Alt+click will, naturally, again select the topmost object. [If you are on Linux, you might find that Alt+click does not work properly. Instead, it might be moving the whole Inkscape window. This is because your window manager has reserved Alt+click for a different action. The way to fix this is to find the Window Behavior configuration for your window manager, and either turn it off, or map it to use the Meta key (aka Windows key), so Inkscape and other applications may use the Alt key freely.] This is nice, but once you selected an under-the-surface object, what can you do with it? You can use keys to transform it, and you can drag the selection handles. However, dragging the object itself will reset the selection to the top object again (this is how click-and-drag is designed to work — it selects the (top) object under cursor first, then drags the selection). To tell Inkscape to drag whatis selected now without selecting anything else, use Alt+drag. This will move the current selection no matter where you drag your mouse. Practice Alt+click and Alt+drag on the two brown shapes under the green transparent rectangle: Selecting similar objects Inkscape can select other objects similar to the object currently selected. For example, if you want to select all the blue squares below first select one of the blue squares, and use EditSelect SameFill Color from the menu. All the objects with a fill color the same shade of blue are now selected. In addition to selecting by fill color, you can select multiple similar objects by stroke color, stroke style, fill & stroke, and object type. Konklusion This concludes the Basic tutorial. There's much more than that to Inkscape, but with the techniques described here, you will already be able to create simple yet useful graphics. For more complicated stuff, go through the Advanced and other tutorials in HelpTutorials. Bulia Byak; Jonathan Leighton; Ralf Stephan; Bryce Harrington; Alexandre Prokoudine; Colin Marquardt; Josh Andler; Nicolas Dufour; Gellért Gyuris Rune Rønde Laursen — 2006 Esteban Capella — 2019