/* * vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0 * * libvpsc - A solver for the problem of Variable Placement with * Separation Constraints. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Monash University * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library in the file LICENSE; if not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace vpsc; static inline double getRand(const int range) { return (double)range*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0); } inline bool approxEquals(const double a, const double b) { return fabs((double)a-b)<0.01; } typedef vector CS; bool checkResult(unsigned n, Variable *a[], unsigned m, Constraint *c[], double expected[]=nullptr) { std::vector aa(a,a+n); std::vector cc(c,c+m); IncSolver vpsc(aa,cc); vpsc.solve(); #ifdef MOSEK_AVAILABLE //printf("Checking with mosek..."); MosekEnv* menv = mosek_init_sep_ls(n,c,m); float *b=new float[n]; float *x=new float[n]; for(unsigned i=0;idesiredPosition; } mosek_quad_solve_sep(menv,b,x); mosek_delete(menv); #endif for(unsigned i=0;ifinalPosition,x[i],s); if(!(approxEquals(a[i]->finalPosition,x[i]))) { return false; } assert(approxEquals(a[i]->finalPosition,x[i])); #endif if(expected) assert(approxEquals(a[i]->finalPosition,expected[i])); } #ifdef MOSEK_AVAILABLE delete [] b; delete [] x; #endif return true; } void dumpMatlabProblem(unsigned n, Variable *a[], unsigned m, Constraint *c[]){ printf("H=2*eye(%d);\n",n); printf("f=-2*[ "); for(unsigned i=0;idesiredPosition); } printf("];\n"); printf("s=[ "); for(unsigned i=0;iscale); } printf("];\n"); printf("C=zeros(%d,%d);\n",m,n); for(unsigned i=0;ileft->id+1,c[i]->right->id+1); } printf("A=C*diag(s);\n"); printf("b=[ "); for(unsigned i=0;igap); } printf("];\n"); printf("quadprog(H,f,A,b)\n"); } void test1() { cout << "Test 1..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,2,1,1.), new Variable(1,9,1,1), new Variable(2,9,1,1), new Variable(3,9,1,1), new Variable(4,2,1,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[1],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); double expected[]={1.4,4.4,7.4,7.4,10.4}; checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 1... done." << endl; } void test1a() { cout << "Test 1a..." << endl; /* matlab: H=2*eye(2) f=[0 0] A=[ 2 -1 ] b=[ -2 ] quadprog(H,f,A,b) */ Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,0,1,2.), new Variable(1,0,1,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[1],2)}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); double expected[]={-0.8,0.4}; checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 1a... done." << endl; } void test1b() { cout << "Test 1b..." << endl; /* matlab: H=2*eye(2) f=[0 0] A=[ 1 -2 ] b=[ -2 ] quadprog(H,f,A,b) */ Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,0,1,1.), new Variable(1,0,1,2)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[1],2)}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); double expected[]={-0.4,0.8}; checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 1b... done." << endl; } void test1c() { cout << "Test 1c..." << endl; /* matlab: H=2*eye(3) f=-2*[ 1 1 1 ] s=[ 3 2 4 ] C=zeros(2,3) C(1,1:2)=[1 -1] C(2,2:3)=[1 -1] A=C*diag(s) b=[-2 -2 ] quadprog(H,f,A,b) */ Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,1,1,3), new Variable(1,1,1,2), new Variable(2,1,1,4)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[1],2), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],2)}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); double expected[]={0.2623, 1.3934, 1.1967}; checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 1c... done." << endl; } // no splits required void test2() { cout << "Test 2..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,4,1), new Variable(1,6,1), new Variable(2,9,1), new Variable(3,2,1), new Variable(4,5,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; double expected[]={0.5,6,3.5,6.5,9.5}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 2... done." << endl; } // split required void test3() { /* matlab: H=2*eye(5) f=-2*[ 5 6 7 4 3 ] s=[ 1 1 1 1 1 ] C=zeros(5,5) C(1,[1 5])=[1 -1] C(2,[2 3])=[1 -1] C(3,[3 4])=[1 -1] C(4,[3 5])=[1 -1] C(5,[4 5])=[1 -1] A=C*diag(s) b=-3*ones(5,1) quadprog(H,f,A,b) */ cout << "Test 3..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,5,1), new Variable(1,6,1), new Variable(2,7,1), new Variable(3,4,1), new Variable(4,3,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; double expected[]={5,0.5,3.5,6.5,9.5}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 3... done." << endl; } // split required void test4() { /* matlab: H=2*eye(5) f=-2*[ 7 1 6 0 2 ] s=[ 5 8 3 1 7 ] C=zeros(6,5) C(1,[1 4])=[1 -1] C(2,[1 2])=[1 -1] C(3,[2 5])=[1 -1] C(4,[3 5])=[1 -1] C(5,[3 4])=[1 -1] C(6,[4 5])=[1 -1] A=C*diag(s) b=-3*ones(6,1) quadprog(H,f,A,b) */ cout << "Test 4..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,7,1,1), new Variable(1,1,1,1), new Variable(2,6,1,1), new Variable(3,0,1,1), new Variable(4,2,1,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[1],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; double expected[]={0.8,3.8,0.8,3.8,6.8}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 4... done." << endl; } void test5() { cout << "Test 5..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,0,1), new Variable(1,9,1), new Variable(2,1,1), new Variable(3,9,1), new Variable(4,5,1), new Variable(5,1,1), new Variable(6,2,1), new Variable(7,1,1), new Variable(8,6,1), new Variable(9,3,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[8],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[6],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[6],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[5],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[6],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[7],3), new Constraint(a[4],a[8],3), new Constraint(a[4],a[7],3), new Constraint(a[5],a[8],3), new Constraint(a[5],a[7],3), new Constraint(a[5],a[8],3), new Constraint(a[6],a[9],3), new Constraint(a[7],a[8],3), new Constraint(a[7],a[9],3), new Constraint(a[8],a[9],3) }; double expected[]={-3.71429,4,1,-0.714286,2.28571,2.28571,7,5.28571,8.28571,11.2857}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 5... done." << endl; } void test6() { cout << "Test 6..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,7,1), new Variable(1,0,1), new Variable(2,3,1), new Variable(3,1,1), new Variable(4,4,1) }; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3) }; double expected[]={-0.75,0,2.25,5.25,8.25}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 6... done." << endl; } void test7() { cout << "Test 7..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,4,1), new Variable(1,2,1), new Variable(2,3,1), new Variable(3,1,1), new Variable(4,8,1) }; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3) }; double expected[]={-0.5,2,2.5,5.5,8.5}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 7... done." << endl; } void test8() { /* matlab: H=2*eye(5) f=-2*[ 3 4 0 5 6 ] s=[ 1 1 1 1 1 ] C=zeros(6,5) C(1,[1 2])=[1 -1] C(2,[1 3])=[1 -1] C(3,[2 3])=[1 -1] C(4,[2 5])=[1 -1] C(5,[3 4])=[1 -1] C(6,[4 5])=[1 -1] A=C*diag(s) b=-3*ones(6,1) quadprog(H,f,A,b) */ // This cycles when using the heuristic of merging on the least // violated, violated constraint first. cout << "Test 8..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,3,1), new Variable(1,4,1), new Variable(2,0,1), new Variable(3,5,1), new Variable(4,6,1) }; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[1],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3) }; double expected[]={-2.4,0.6,3.6,6.6,9.6}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 8... done." << endl; } void test9() { /* matlab: H=2*eye(5) f=-2*[ 8 2 6 5 3 ] s=[ 1 1 1 1 1 ] C=zeros(7,5) C(1,[1 5])=[1 -1] C(2,[1 4])=[1 -1] C(3,[2 3])=[1 -1] C(4,[2 5])=[1 -1] C(5,[3 4])=[1 -1] C(6,[3 5])=[1 -1] C(7,[4 5])=[1 -1] A=C*diag(s) b=-3*ones(7,1) quadprog(H,f,A,b) */ cout << "Test 9..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,8,1), new Variable(1,2,1), new Variable(2,6,1), new Variable(3,5,1), new Variable(4,3,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; double expected[]={3.6,0.6,3.6,6.6,9.6}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); checkResult(n,a,m,c,expected); cout << "Test 9... done." << endl; } void test10() { cout << "Test 10..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,8.56215,1,4.99888), new Variable(1,1.27641,1,8.06009), new Variable(2,6.28523,1,1.06585), new Variable(3,4.09743,1,0.924166), new Variable(4,0.369025,1,6.12702)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[1],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[1],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; //double expected[]={-1,2,5,5,8}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); std::vector aa(a,a+n); std::vector cc(c,c+m); IncSolver vpsc(aa,cc); vpsc.solve(); assert(checkResult(n,a,m,c,nullptr)); cout << "Test 10... done." << endl; } void test11() { cout << "Test 11..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,1.31591,1,9.02545), new Variable(1,1.48155,1,3.68918), new Variable(2,3.5091,1,2.07033), new Variable(3,3.47131,1,8.75145), new Variable(4,0.77374,1,0.967941)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[1],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; //double expected[]={-1,2,5,5,8}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); //dumpMatlabProblem(n,a,m,c); std::vector aa(a,a+n); std::vector cc(c,c+m); IncSolver vpsc(aa,cc); vpsc.solve(); assert(checkResult(n,a,m,c,nullptr)); cout << "Test 11... done." << endl; } void test12() { cout << "Test 12..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,2.83063,1,6.67901), new Variable(1,6.81696,1,7.28642), new Variable(2,9.27616,1,0.918345), new Variable(3,3.4094,1,3.39673), new Variable(4,2.92492,1,2.36269)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[1],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; //double expected[]={-1,2,5,5,8}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); //dumpMatlabProblem(n,a,m,c); assert(checkResult(n,a,m,c,nullptr)); cout << "Test 12... done." << endl; } void test13() { cout << "Test 13..." << endl; Variable *a[] = { new Variable(0,0.485024,1,1), new Variable(1,3.52714,1,1), new Variable(2,4.01263,1,1), new Variable(3,4.58524,1,1), new Variable(4,5.40796,1,1)}; Constraint *c[] = { new Constraint(a[0],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[0],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[1],a[2],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[2],a[3],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3), new Constraint(a[3],a[4],3)}; //double expected[]={-1,2,5,5,8}; unsigned int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(Variable*); unsigned int m = sizeof(c)/sizeof(Constraint*); //dumpMatlabProblem(n,a,m,c); assert(checkResult(n,a,m,c,nullptr)); cout << "Test 13... done." << endl; } // n=number vars // m=max constraints per var void rand_test(unsigned n, unsigned m) { Variable **a=new Variable*[n]; CS cs; for(unsigned i=0;i(i + getRand(n-1-i)+1); cs.push_back(new Constraint(a[i],a[e],3)); } } Constraint **acs=new Constraint*[cs.size()]; for(unsigned i=0;ileft->id << "->" << c->right->id << ";" << endl; } cout<<"}"<desiredPosition<< ",1," << a[i]->scale <<")"; //cout << "a[i]->Pos="<position() << endl; } cout << "};" << endl; for(CS::iterator i(cs.begin());i!=cs.end();i++) { if(i!=cs.begin()) cout << "," << endl; Constraint *c=*i; //cout << c->left->id << "->" << c->right->id << ";" << endl; cout << "new Constraint(a[" << c->left->id << "],a[" << c->right->id << "],3)"; } cout << "};" << endl; throw "test failed!"; } /* for(unsigned i=0;idesiredPosition=getRand(10); } vpsc.solve(); try { if(!checkResult(n,a,m,acs)) { throw "2nd Check failed!"; } } catch (char const *msg) { cout << msg << endl; for(unsigned i=0;idesiredPosition<< ",1)"; //cout << "a[i]->Pos="<position() << endl; } cout << "};" << endl; for(CS::iterator i(cs.begin());i!=cs.end();i++) { if(i!=cs.begin()) cout << "," << endl; Constraint *c=*i; //cout << c->left->id << "->" << c->right->id << ";" << endl; cout << "new Constraint(a[" << c->left->id << "],a[" << c->right->id << "],3)"; } cout << "};" << endl; throw "test failed!"; } */ for_each(a,a+n,delete_object()); delete [] a; for_each(cs.begin(),cs.end(),delete_object()); delete [] acs; } int main() { srand(time(nullptr)); test10(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); test7(); test8(); test9(); test10(); test11(); test12(); test13(); for(int i=0;i<1000;i++) { if(i%100==0) cout << "i=" << i << endl; rand_test(100,3); } for(int i=0;i<10000;i++) { if(i%100==0) cout << "i=" << i << endl; rand_test(5,3); } return 0; }