// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * feColorMatrix filter primitive renderer * * Authors: * Felipe CorrĂȘa da Silva Sanches * Jasper van de Gronde * * Copyright (C) 2007 authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include #include "display/cairo-templates.h" #include "display/cairo-utils.h" #include "display/nr-filter-colormatrix.h" #include "display/nr-filter-slot.h" #include <2geom/math-utils.h> namespace Inkscape { namespace Filters { FilterColorMatrix::FilterColorMatrix() = default; FilterPrimitive * FilterColorMatrix::create() { return new FilterColorMatrix(); } FilterColorMatrix::~FilterColorMatrix() = default; FilterColorMatrix::ColorMatrixMatrix::ColorMatrixMatrix(std::vector const &values) { unsigned limit = std::min(static_cast(20), values.size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { if (i % 5 == 4) { _v[i] = round(values[i]*255*255); } else { _v[i] = round(values[i]*255); } } for (unsigned i = limit; i < 20; ++i) { _v[i] = 0; } } guint32 FilterColorMatrix::ColorMatrixMatrix::operator()(guint32 in) { EXTRACT_ARGB32(in, a, r, g, b) // we need to un-premultiply alpha values for this type of matrix // TODO: unpremul can be ignored if there is an identity mapping on the alpha channel if (a != 0) { r = unpremul_alpha(r, a); g = unpremul_alpha(g, a); b = unpremul_alpha(b, a); } gint32 ro = r*_v[0] + g*_v[1] + b*_v[2] + a*_v[3] + _v[4]; gint32 go = r*_v[5] + g*_v[6] + b*_v[7] + a*_v[8] + _v[9]; gint32 bo = r*_v[10] + g*_v[11] + b*_v[12] + a*_v[13] + _v[14]; gint32 ao = r*_v[15] + g*_v[16] + b*_v[17] + a*_v[18] + _v[19]; ro = (pxclamp(ro, 0, 255*255) + 127) / 255; go = (pxclamp(go, 0, 255*255) + 127) / 255; bo = (pxclamp(bo, 0, 255*255) + 127) / 255; ao = (pxclamp(ao, 0, 255*255) + 127) / 255; ro = premul_alpha(ro, ao); go = premul_alpha(go, ao); bo = premul_alpha(bo, ao); ASSEMBLE_ARGB32(pxout, ao, ro, go, bo) return pxout; } struct ColorMatrixSaturate { ColorMatrixSaturate(double v_in) { // clamp parameter instead of clamping color values double v = CLAMP(v_in, 0.0, 1.0); _v[0] = 0.213+0.787*v; _v[1] = 0.715-0.715*v; _v[2] = 0.072-0.072*v; _v[3] = 0.213-0.213*v; _v[4] = 0.715+0.285*v; _v[5] = 0.072-0.072*v; _v[6] = 0.213-0.213*v; _v[7] = 0.715-0.715*v; _v[8] = 0.072+0.928*v; } guint32 operator()(guint32 in) { EXTRACT_ARGB32(in, a, r, g, b) // Note: this cannot be done in fixed point, because the loss of precision // causes overflow for some values of v guint32 ro = r*_v[0] + g*_v[1] + b*_v[2] + 0.5; guint32 go = r*_v[3] + g*_v[4] + b*_v[5] + 0.5; guint32 bo = r*_v[6] + g*_v[7] + b*_v[8] + 0.5; ASSEMBLE_ARGB32(pxout, a, ro, go, bo) return pxout; } private: double _v[9]; }; struct ColorMatrixHueRotate { ColorMatrixHueRotate(double v) { double sinhue, coshue; Geom::sincos(v * M_PI/180.0, sinhue, coshue); _v[0] = round((0.213 +0.787*coshue -0.213*sinhue)*255); _v[1] = round((0.715 -0.715*coshue -0.715*sinhue)*255); _v[2] = round((0.072 -0.072*coshue +0.928*sinhue)*255); _v[3] = round((0.213 -0.213*coshue +0.143*sinhue)*255); _v[4] = round((0.715 +0.285*coshue +0.140*sinhue)*255); _v[5] = round((0.072 -0.072*coshue -0.283*sinhue)*255); _v[6] = round((0.213 -0.213*coshue -0.787*sinhue)*255); _v[7] = round((0.715 -0.715*coshue +0.715*sinhue)*255); _v[8] = round((0.072 +0.928*coshue +0.072*sinhue)*255); } guint32 operator()(guint32 in) { EXTRACT_ARGB32(in, a, r, g, b) gint32 maxpx = a*255; gint32 ro = r*_v[0] + g*_v[1] + b*_v[2]; gint32 go = r*_v[3] + g*_v[4] + b*_v[5]; gint32 bo = r*_v[6] + g*_v[7] + b*_v[8]; ro = (pxclamp(ro, 0, maxpx) + 127) / 255; go = (pxclamp(go, 0, maxpx) + 127) / 255; bo = (pxclamp(bo, 0, maxpx) + 127) / 255; ASSEMBLE_ARGB32(pxout, a, ro, go, bo) return pxout; } private: gint32 _v[9]; }; struct ColorMatrixLuminanceToAlpha { guint32 operator()(guint32 in) { // original computation in double: r*0.2125 + g*0.7154 + b*0.0721 EXTRACT_ARGB32(in, a, r, g, b) // unpremultiply color values if (a != 0) { r = unpremul_alpha(r, a); g = unpremul_alpha(g, a); b = unpremul_alpha(b, a); } guint32 ao = r*54 + g*182 + b*18; return ((ao + 127) / 255) << 24; } }; void FilterColorMatrix::render_cairo(FilterSlot &slot) { cairo_surface_t *input = slot.getcairo(_input); cairo_surface_t *out = nullptr; // We may need to transform input surface to correct color interpolation space. The input surface // might be used as input to another primitive but it is likely that all the primitives in a given // filter use the same color interpolation space so we don't copy the input before converting. SPColorInterpolation ci_fp = SP_CSS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_AUTO; if( _style ) { ci_fp = (SPColorInterpolation)_style->color_interpolation_filters.computed; } set_cairo_surface_ci( input, ci_fp ); if (type == COLORMATRIX_LUMINANCETOALPHA) { out = ink_cairo_surface_create_same_size(input, CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA); } else { out = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(input); // Set ci to that used for computation set_cairo_surface_ci(out, ci_fp); } switch (type) { case COLORMATRIX_MATRIX: ink_cairo_surface_filter(input, out, FilterColorMatrix::ColorMatrixMatrix(values)); break; case COLORMATRIX_SATURATE: ink_cairo_surface_filter(input, out, ColorMatrixSaturate(value)); break; case COLORMATRIX_HUEROTATE: ink_cairo_surface_filter(input, out, ColorMatrixHueRotate(value)); break; case COLORMATRIX_LUMINANCETOALPHA: ink_cairo_surface_filter(input, out, ColorMatrixLuminanceToAlpha()); break; case COLORMATRIX_ENDTYPE: default: break; } slot.set(_output, out); cairo_surface_destroy(out); } bool FilterColorMatrix::can_handle_affine(Geom::Affine const &) { return true; } double FilterColorMatrix::complexity(Geom::Affine const &) { return 2.0; } void FilterColorMatrix::set_type(FilterColorMatrixType t){ type = t; } void FilterColorMatrix::set_value(gdouble v){ value = v; } void FilterColorMatrix::set_values(std::vector const &v){ values = v; } } /* namespace Filters */ } /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :