// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Gaussian blur renderer * * Authors: * Niko Kiirala * bulia byak * Jasper van de Gronde * * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" // only include where actually required! #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_OPENMP #include #endif //HAVE_OPENMP #include "display/cairo-utils.h" #include "display/nr-filter-primitive.h" #include "display/nr-filter-gaussian.h" #include "display/nr-filter-types.h" #include "display/nr-filter-units.h" #include "display/nr-filter-slot.h" #include <2geom/affine.h> #include "util/fixed_point.h" #include "preferences.h" #ifndef INK_UNUSED #define INK_UNUSED(x) ((void)(x)) #endif // IIR filtering method based on: // L.J. van Vliet, I.T. Young, and P.W. Verbeek, Recursive Gaussian Derivative Filters, // in: A.K. Jain, S. Venkatesh, B.C. Lovell (eds.), // ICPR'98, Proc. 14th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition (Brisbane, Aug. 16-20), // IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 1998, 509-514. // // Using the backwards-pass initialization procedure from: // Boundary Conditions for Young - van Vliet Recursive Filtering // Bill Triggs, Michael Sdika // IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 54, Number 5 - may 2006 // Number of IIR filter coefficients used. Currently only 3 is supported. // "Recursive Gaussian Derivative Filters" says this is enough though (and // some testing indeed shows that the quality doesn't improve much if larger // filters are used). static size_t const N = 3; template inline void copy_n(InIt beg_in, Size N, OutIt beg_out) { std::copy(beg_in, beg_in+N, beg_out); } // Type used for IIR filter coefficients (can be 10.21 signed fixed point, see Anisotropic Gaussian Filtering Using Fixed Point Arithmetic, Christoph H. Lampert & Oliver Wirjadi, 2006) typedef double IIRValue; // Type used for FIR filter coefficients (can be 16.16 unsigned fixed point, should have 8 or more bits in the fractional part, the integer part should be capable of storing approximately 20*255) typedef Inkscape::Util::FixedPoint FIRValue; template static inline T sqr(T const& v) { return v*v; } template static inline T clip(T const& v, T const& a, T const& b) { if ( v < a ) return a; if ( v > b ) return b; return v; } template static inline Tt round_cast(Ts v) { static Ts const rndoffset(.5); return static_cast(v+rndoffset); } /* template<> inline unsigned char round_cast(double v) { // This (fast) rounding method is based on: // http://stereopsis.com/sree/fpu2006.html #if G_BYTE_ORDER==G_LITTLE_ENDIAN double const dmr = 6755399441055744.0; v = v + dmr; return ((unsigned char*)&v)[0]; #elif G_BYTE_ORDER==G_BIG_ENDIAN double const dmr = 6755399441055744.0; v = v + dmr; return ((unsigned char*)&v)[7]; #else static double const rndoffset(.5); return static_cast(v+rndoffset); #endif }*/ template static inline Tt clip_round_cast(Ts const v) { Ts const minval = std::numeric_limits::min(); Ts const maxval = std::numeric_limits::max(); Tt const minval_rounded = std::numeric_limits::min(); Tt const maxval_rounded = std::numeric_limits::max(); if ( v < minval ) return minval_rounded; if ( v > maxval ) return maxval_rounded; return round_cast(v); } template static inline Tt clip_round_cast_varmax(Ts const v, Tt const maxval_rounded) { Ts const minval = std::numeric_limits::min(); Tt const maxval = maxval_rounded; Tt const minval_rounded = std::numeric_limits::min(); if ( v < minval ) return minval_rounded; if ( v > maxval ) return maxval_rounded; return round_cast(v); } namespace Inkscape { namespace Filters { FilterGaussian::FilterGaussian() { _deviation_x = _deviation_y = 0.0; } FilterPrimitive *FilterGaussian::create() { return new FilterGaussian(); } FilterGaussian::~FilterGaussian() { // Nothing to do here } static int _effect_area_scr(double const deviation) { return (int)std::ceil(std::fabs(deviation) * 3.0); } static void _make_kernel(FIRValue *const kernel, double const deviation) { int const scr_len = _effect_area_scr(deviation); g_assert(scr_len >= 0); double const d_sq = sqr(deviation) * 2; double k[scr_len+1]; // This is only called for small kernel sizes (above approximately 10 coefficients the IIR filter is used) // Compute kernel and sum of coefficients // Note that actually only half the kernel is computed, as it is symmetric double sum = 0; for ( int i = scr_len; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { k[i] = std::exp(-sqr(i) / d_sq); if ( i > 0 ) sum += k[i]; } // the sum of the complete kernel is twice as large (plus the center element which we skipped above to prevent counting it twice) sum = 2*sum + k[0]; // Normalize kernel (making sure the sum is exactly 1) double ksum = 0; FIRValue kernelsum = 0; for ( int i = scr_len; i >= 1 ; i-- ) { ksum += k[i]/sum; kernel[i] = ksum-static_cast(kernelsum); kernelsum += kernel[i]; } kernel[0] = FIRValue(1)-2*kernelsum; } // Return value (v) should satisfy: // 2^(2*v)*255<2^32 // 255<2^(32-2*v) // 2^8<=2^(32-2*v) // 8<=32-2*v // 2*v<=24 // v<=12 static int _effect_subsample_step_log2(double const deviation, int const quality) { // To make sure FIR will always be used (unless the kernel is VERY big): // deviation/step <= 3 // deviation/3 <= step // log(deviation/3) <= log(step) // So when x below is >= 1/3 FIR will almost always be used. // This means IIR is almost only used with the modes BETTER or BEST. int stepsize_l2; switch (quality) { case BLUR_QUALITY_WORST: // 2 == log(x*8/3)) // 2^2 == x*2^3/3 // x == 3/2 stepsize_l2 = clip(static_cast(log(deviation*(3./2.))/log(2.)), 0, 12); break; case BLUR_QUALITY_WORSE: // 2 == log(x*16/3)) // 2^2 == x*2^4/3 // x == 3/2^2 stepsize_l2 = clip(static_cast(log(deviation*(3./4.))/log(2.)), 0, 12); break; case BLUR_QUALITY_BETTER: // 2 == log(x*32/3)) // 2 == x*2^5/3 // x == 3/2^4 stepsize_l2 = clip(static_cast(log(deviation*(3./16.))/log(2.)), 0, 12); break; case BLUR_QUALITY_BEST: stepsize_l2 = 0; // no subsampling at all break; case BLUR_QUALITY_NORMAL: default: // 2 == log(x*16/3)) // 2 == x*2^4/3 // x == 3/2^3 stepsize_l2 = clip(static_cast(log(deviation*(3./8.))/log(2.)), 0, 12); break; } return stepsize_l2; } static void calcFilter(double const sigma, double b[N]) { assert(N==3); std::complex const d1_org(1.40098, 1.00236); double const d3_org = 1.85132; double qbeg = 1; // Don't go lower than sigma==2 (we'd probably want a normal convolution in that case anyway) double qend = 2*sigma; double const sigmasqr = sqr(sigma); do { // Binary search for right q (a linear interpolation scheme is suggested, but this should work fine as well) double const q = (qbeg+qend)/2; // Compute scaled filter coefficients std::complex const d1 = pow(d1_org, 1.0/q); double const d3 = pow(d3_org, 1.0/q); // Compute actual sigma^2 double const ssqr = 2*(2*(d1/sqr(d1-1.)).real()+d3/sqr(d3-1.)); if ( ssqr < sigmasqr ) { qbeg = q; } else { qend = q; } } while(qend-qbeg>(sigma/(1<<30))); // Compute filter coefficients double const q = (qbeg+qend)/2; std::complex const d1 = pow(d1_org, 1.0/q); double const d3 = pow(d3_org, 1.0/q); double const absd1sqr = std::norm(d1); // d1*d2 = d1*conj(d1) = |d1|^2 = std::norm(d1) double const re2d1 = 2*d1.real(); // d1+d2 = d1+conj(d1) = 2*real(d1) double const bscale = 1.0/(absd1sqr*d3); b[2] = -bscale; b[1] = bscale*(d3+re2d1); b[0] = -bscale*(absd1sqr+d3*re2d1); } static void calcTriggsSdikaM(double const b[N], double M[N*N]) { assert(N==3); double a1=b[0], a2=b[1], a3=b[2]; double const Mscale = 1.0/((1+a1-a2+a3)*(1-a1-a2-a3)*(1+a2+(a1-a3)*a3)); M[0] = 1-a2-a1*a3-sqr(a3); M[1] = (a1+a3)*(a2+a1*a3); M[2] = a3*(a1+a2*a3); M[3] = a1+a2*a3; M[4] = (1-a2)*(a2+a1*a3); M[5] = a3*(1-a2-a1*a3-sqr(a3)); M[6] = a1*(a1+a3)+a2*(1-a2); M[7] = a1*(a2-sqr(a3))+a3*(1+a2*(a2-1)-sqr(a3)); M[8] = a3*(a1+a2*a3); for(unsigned int i=0; i<9; i++) M[i] *= Mscale; } template static void calcTriggsSdikaInitialization(double const M[N*N], IIRValue const uold[N][SIZE], IIRValue const uplus[SIZE], IIRValue const vplus[SIZE], IIRValue const alpha, IIRValue vold[N][SIZE]) { for(unsigned int c=0; c static void filter2D_IIR(PT *const dest, int const dstr1, int const dstr2, PT const *const src, int const sstr1, int const sstr2, int const n1, int const n2, IIRValue const b[N+1], double const M[N*N], IIRValue *const tmpdata[], int const num_threads) { #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN static unsigned int const alpha_PC = PC-1; #define PREMUL_ALPHA_LOOP for(unsigned int c=0; c0; i--) copy_n(u[i-1], PC, u[i]); copy_n(srcimg, PC, u[0]); srcimg += sstr1; for(unsigned int c=0; c(M, u, iplus, iplus, b[0], v); dstimg -= dstr1; if ( PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA ) { dstimg[alpha_PC] = clip_round_cast(v[0][alpha_PC]); PREMUL_ALPHA_LOOP dstimg[c] = clip_round_cast_varmax(v[0][c], dstimg[alpha_PC]); } else { for(unsigned int c=0; c(v[0][c]); } int c1=n1-1; while(c1-->0) { for(unsigned int i=N; i>0; i--) copy_n(v[i-1], PC, v[i]); copy_n(tmpdata[tid]+c1*PC, PC, v[0]); for(unsigned int c=0; c(v[0][alpha_PC]); PREMUL_ALPHA_LOOP dstimg[c] = clip_round_cast_varmax(v[0][c], dstimg[alpha_PC]); } else { for(unsigned int c=0; c(v[0][c]); } } } } // Filters over 1st dimension // Assumes kernel is symmetric // Kernel should have scr_len+1 elements template static void filter2D_FIR(PT *const dst, int const dstr1, int const dstr2, PT const *const src, int const sstr1, int const sstr2, int const n1, int const n2, FIRValue const *const kernel, int const scr_len, int const num_threads) { // Past pixels seen (to enable in-place operation) PT history[scr_len+1][PC]; INK_UNUSED(num_threads); // suppresses unused argument compiler warning #if HAVE_OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(num_threads) private(history) #endif // HAVE_OPENMP for ( int c2 = 0 ; c2 < n2 ; c2++ ) { // corresponding line in the source buffer int const src_line = c2 * sstr2; // current line in the output buffer int const dst_line = c2 * dstr2; int skipbuf[4] = {INT_MIN, INT_MIN, INT_MIN, INT_MIN}; // history initialization PT imin[PC]; copy_n(src + src_line, PC, imin); for(int i=0; i0; i--) copy_n(history[i-1], PC, history[i]); copy_n(src + src_disp, PC, history[0]); // for all bytes of the pixel for ( unsigned int byte = 0 ; byte < PC ; byte++) { if(skipbuf[byte] > c1) continue; FIRValue sum = 0; int last_in = -1; int different_count = 0; // go over our point's neighbours in the history for ( int i = 0 ; i <= scr_len ; i++ ) { // value at the pixel PT in_byte = history[i][byte]; // is it the same as last one we saw? if(in_byte != last_in) different_count++; last_in = in_byte; // sum pixels weighted by the kernel sum += in_byte * kernel[i]; } // go over our point's neighborhood on x axis in the in buffer int nb_src_disp = src_disp + byte; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= scr_len ; i++ ) { // the pixel we're looking at int c1_in = c1 + i; if (c1_in >= n1) { c1_in = n1 - 1; } else { nb_src_disp += sstr1; } // value at the pixel PT in_byte = src[nb_src_disp]; // is it the same as last one we saw? if(in_byte != last_in) different_count++; last_in = in_byte; // sum pixels weighted by the kernel sum += in_byte * kernel[i]; } // store the result in bufx dst[dst_disp + byte] = round_cast(sum); // optimization: if there was no variation within this point's neighborhood, // skip ahead while we keep seeing the same last_in byte: // blurring flat color would not change it anyway if (different_count <= 1) { // note that different_count is at least 1, because last_in is initialized to -1 int pos = c1 + 1; int nb_src_disp = src_disp + (1+scr_len)*sstr1 + byte; // src_line + (pos+scr_len) * sstr1 + byte int nb_dst_disp = dst_disp + (1) *dstr1 + byte; // dst_line + (pos) * sstr1 + byte while(pos + scr_len < n1 && src[nb_src_disp] == last_in) { dst[nb_dst_disp] = last_in; pos++; nb_src_disp += sstr1; nb_dst_disp += dstr1; } skipbuf[byte] = pos; } } } } } static void gaussian_pass_IIR(Geom::Dim2 d, double deviation, cairo_surface_t *src, cairo_surface_t *dest, IIRValue **tmpdata, int num_threads) { // Filter variables IIRValue b[N+1]; // scaling coefficient + filter coefficients (can be 10.21 fixed point) double bf[N]; // computed filter coefficients double M[N*N]; // matrix used for initialization procedure (has to be double) // Compute filter calcFilter(deviation, bf); for(double & i : bf) i = -i; b[0] = 1; // b[0] == alpha (scaling coefficient) for(size_t i=0; i( cairo_image_surface_get_data(dest), d == Geom::X ? 1 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 1, cairo_image_surface_get_data(src), d == Geom::X ? 1 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 1, w, h, b, M, tmpdata, num_threads); break; case CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32: ///< Premultiplied 8 bit RGBA filter2D_IIR( cairo_image_surface_get_data(dest), d == Geom::X ? 4 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 4, cairo_image_surface_get_data(src), d == Geom::X ? 4 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 4, w, h, b, M, tmpdata, num_threads); break; default: g_warning("gaussian_pass_IIR: unsupported image format"); }; } static void gaussian_pass_FIR(Geom::Dim2 d, double deviation, cairo_surface_t *src, cairo_surface_t *dest, int num_threads) { int scr_len = _effect_area_scr(deviation); // Filter kernel for x direction std::vector kernel(scr_len + 1); _make_kernel(&kernel[0], deviation); int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(src); int w = cairo_image_surface_get_width(src); int h = cairo_image_surface_get_height(src); if (d != Geom::X) std::swap(w, h); // Filter (x) switch (cairo_image_surface_get_format(src)) { case CAIRO_FORMAT_A8: ///< Grayscale filter2D_FIR( cairo_image_surface_get_data(dest), d == Geom::X ? 1 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 1, cairo_image_surface_get_data(src), d == Geom::X ? 1 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 1, w, h, &kernel[0], scr_len, num_threads); break; case CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32: ///< Premultiplied 8 bit RGBA filter2D_FIR( cairo_image_surface_get_data(dest), d == Geom::X ? 4 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 4, cairo_image_surface_get_data(src), d == Geom::X ? 4 : stride, d == Geom::X ? stride : 4, w, h, &kernel[0], scr_len, num_threads); break; default: g_warning("gaussian_pass_FIR: unsupported image format"); }; } void FilterGaussian::render_cairo(FilterSlot &slot) { cairo_surface_t *in = slot.getcairo(_input); if (!in) return; // We may need to transform input surface to correct color interpolation space. The input surface // might be used as input to another primitive but it is likely that all the primitives in a given // filter use the same color interpolation space so we don't copy the input before converting. SPColorInterpolation ci_fp = SP_CSS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_AUTO; if( _style ) { ci_fp = (SPColorInterpolation)_style->color_interpolation_filters.computed; } set_cairo_surface_ci( in, ci_fp ); // zero deviation = no change in output if (_deviation_x <= 0 && _deviation_y <= 0) { cairo_surface_t *cp = ink_cairo_surface_copy(in); slot.set(_output, cp); cairo_surface_destroy(cp); return; } // Handle bounding box case. double dx = _deviation_x; double dy = _deviation_y; if( slot.get_units().get_primitive_units() == SP_FILTER_UNITS_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX ) { Geom::OptRect const bbox = slot.get_units().get_item_bbox(); if( bbox ) { dx *= (*bbox).width(); dy *= (*bbox).height(); } } Geom::Affine trans = slot.get_units().get_matrix_user2pb(); double deviation_x_orig = dx * trans.expansionX(); double deviation_y_orig = dy * trans.expansionY(); int device_scale = slot.get_device_scale(); deviation_x_orig *= device_scale; deviation_y_orig *= device_scale; cairo_format_t fmt = cairo_image_surface_get_format(in); int bytes_per_pixel = 0; switch (fmt) { case CAIRO_FORMAT_A8: bytes_per_pixel = 1; break; case CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32: default: bytes_per_pixel = 4; break; } #if HAVE_OPENMP Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); int threads = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/threading/numthreads", omp_get_num_procs(), 1, 256); #else int threads = 1; #endif int quality = slot.get_blurquality(); int x_step = 1 << _effect_subsample_step_log2(deviation_x_orig, quality); int y_step = 1 << _effect_subsample_step_log2(deviation_y_orig, quality); bool resampling = x_step > 1 || y_step > 1; int w_orig = ink_cairo_surface_get_width(in); // Pixels int h_orig = ink_cairo_surface_get_height(in); int w_downsampled = resampling ? static_cast(ceil(static_cast(w_orig)/x_step))+1 : w_orig; int h_downsampled = resampling ? static_cast(ceil(static_cast(h_orig)/y_step))+1 : h_orig; double deviation_x = deviation_x_orig / x_step; double deviation_y = deviation_y_orig / y_step; int scr_len_x = _effect_area_scr(deviation_x); int scr_len_y = _effect_area_scr(deviation_y); // Decide which filter to use for X and Y // This threshold was determined by trial-and-error for one specific machine, // so there's a good chance that it's not optimal. // Whatever you do, don't go below 1 (and preferably not even below 2), as // the IIR filter gets unstable there. bool use_IIR_x = deviation_x > 3; bool use_IIR_y = deviation_y > 3; // Temporary storage for IIR filter // NOTE: This can be eliminated, but it reduces the precision a bit IIRValue * tmpdata[threads]; std::fill_n(tmpdata, threads, (IIRValue*)0); if ( use_IIR_x || use_IIR_y ) { for(int i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { tmpdata[i] = new IIRValue[std::max(w_downsampled,h_downsampled)*bytes_per_pixel]; } } cairo_surface_t *downsampled = nullptr; if (resampling) { // Divide by device scale as w_downsampled is in pixels while // cairo_surface_create_similar() uses device units. downsampled = cairo_surface_create_similar(in, cairo_surface_get_content(in), w_downsampled/device_scale, h_downsampled/device_scale); cairo_t *ct = cairo_create(downsampled); cairo_scale(ct, static_cast(w_downsampled)/w_orig, static_cast(h_downsampled)/h_orig); cairo_set_source_surface(ct, in, 0, 0); cairo_paint(ct); cairo_destroy(ct); } else { downsampled = ink_cairo_surface_copy(in); } cairo_surface_flush(downsampled); if (scr_len_x > 0) { if (use_IIR_x) { gaussian_pass_IIR(Geom::X, deviation_x, downsampled, downsampled, tmpdata, threads); } else { gaussian_pass_FIR(Geom::X, deviation_x, downsampled, downsampled, threads); } } if (scr_len_y > 0) { if (use_IIR_y) { gaussian_pass_IIR(Geom::Y, deviation_y, downsampled, downsampled, tmpdata, threads); } else { gaussian_pass_FIR(Geom::Y, deviation_y, downsampled, downsampled, threads); } } // free the temporary data if ( use_IIR_x || use_IIR_y ) { for(int i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { delete[] tmpdata[i]; } } cairo_surface_mark_dirty(downsampled); if (resampling) { cairo_surface_t *upsampled = cairo_surface_create_similar(downsampled, cairo_surface_get_content(downsampled), w_orig/device_scale, h_orig/device_scale); cairo_t *ct = cairo_create(upsampled); cairo_scale(ct, static_cast(w_orig)/w_downsampled, static_cast(h_orig)/h_downsampled); cairo_set_source_surface(ct, downsampled, 0, 0); cairo_paint(ct); cairo_destroy(ct); set_cairo_surface_ci( upsampled, ci_fp ); slot.set(_output, upsampled); cairo_surface_destroy(upsampled); cairo_surface_destroy(downsampled); } else { set_cairo_surface_ci( downsampled, ci_fp ); slot.set(_output, downsampled); cairo_surface_destroy(downsampled); } } void FilterGaussian::area_enlarge(Geom::IntRect &area, Geom::Affine const &trans) { int area_x = _effect_area_scr(_deviation_x * trans.expansionX()); int area_y = _effect_area_scr(_deviation_y * trans.expansionY()); // maximum is used because rotations can mix up these directions // TODO: calculate a more tight-fitting rendering area int area_max = std::max(area_x, area_y); area.expandBy(area_max); } bool FilterGaussian::can_handle_affine(Geom::Affine const &) { // Previously we tried to be smart and return true for rotations. // However, the transform passed here is NOT the total transform // from filter user space to screen. // TODO: fix this, or replace can_handle_affine() with isotropic(). return false; } double FilterGaussian::complexity(Geom::Affine const &trans) { int area_x = _effect_area_scr(_deviation_x * trans.expansionX()); int area_y = _effect_area_scr(_deviation_y * trans.expansionY()); return 2.0 * area_x * area_y; } void FilterGaussian::set_deviation(double deviation) { if(std::isfinite(deviation) && deviation >= 0) { _deviation_x = _deviation_y = deviation; } } void FilterGaussian::set_deviation(double x, double y) { if(std::isfinite(x) && x >= 0 && std::isfinite(y) && y >= 0) { _deviation_x = x; _deviation_y = y; } } } /* namespace Filters */ } /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :