Signals would undoubtedly be a useful thing to have in many circumstances. They are in proposed for two reasons: One, they complicate things for script writers and may conflict with the proposed C wrapper library. Two, I'm not sure how much coding it would take to implement them because I am familiar with neither Dbus signals or Inkscape events. Until I have done more experimenting I don't want to promise anything I'm not sure can be implemented in a timely fashion. The id of the object. Emitted when an object has been resized. The id of the object. Emitted when the style of an object has been changed. The id of the object. Emitted when an object has been created. Possibly useful for working in conjunction with a live user. The id of the object. Emitted when an object has been added to the selection. Possibly useful for working in conjunction with a live user. The x value to begin the path. The y value to begin the path. Begins a new path, extra nodes can be added with path_append(). The name of the path to append to. A single letter denoting what type of node is being appended. An array of numbers that describe the position and attributes of the path node. Adds to an existing path. Close the path by sending "z" and no arguments. You can no longer append to a path if it is closed. A object to remove from the selection. Removes a single object from the selection. In proposed because I already have a ton of selection functions and am not sure people would need this.