// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
/** @file
 * Inkscape::IO::HTTP - make internet requests using libsoup
 * Authors: see git history
 * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors
 * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.

 * How to use:
 *  #include "io/http.cpp"
 *  void _async_test_call(Glib::ustring filename) {
 *      g_warning("HTTP request saved to %s", filename.c_str());
 *  }
 *  uint timeout = 20 * 60 * 60; // 20 hours
 *  Glib::ustring filename = Inkscape::IO::HTTP::get_file("https://media.inkscape.org/media/messages.xml", timeout, _async_test_call);

#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <libsoup/soup.h>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>

#include "io/sys.h"
#include "io/http.h"
#include "io/resource.h"

typedef std::function<void(Glib::ustring)> callback;

namespace Resource = Inkscape::IO::Resource;

namespace Inkscape {
namespace IO {
namespace HTTP {

void _save_data_as_file(Glib::ustring filename, const char *result) {
    FILE *fileout = Inkscape::IO::fopen_utf8name(filename.c_str(), "wb");
    if (!fileout) {
        g_warning("HTTP Cache: Can't open %s for write.", filename.c_str());

    fputs(result, fileout);
    if (ferror(fileout)) {
        g_warning("HTTP Cache: Error writing data to %s.", filename.c_str());


void _get_file_callback(SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) {
    auto data = static_cast<std::pair<callback, Glib::ustring>*>(user_data);
    delete data;

 * Downloads a file, caches it in the local filesystem and then returns the
 * new filename of the cached file.
 * Returns: filename where the file has been (blocking) or will be (async) stored.
 * uri - The uri of the desired resource, the filename comes from this uri
 * timeout - Number of seconds to keep the cache, default is forever
 * func - An optional function, if given the function becomes asynchronous
 *        the returned filename will be where the file 'hopes' to be saved
 *        and this function will be called when the http request is complete.
 *  NOTE: If the cache file exists, then it's returned without any async request
 *        your func will be called in a blocking way BEFORE this function returns.
Glib::ustring get_file(Glib::ustring uri, unsigned int timeout, callback func) {

    SoupURI *s_uri = soup_uri_new(uri.c_str());
    std::string path = std::string(soup_uri_decode(soup_uri_get_path(s_uri)));
    std::string filepart;

    // Parse the url into a filename suitable for caching.
    if(path.back() == '/') {
        filepart = path.replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '/', '_');
        filepart += ".url";
    } else {
        filepart = path.substr(path.rfind("/") + 1);

    const char *ret = get_path(Resource::CACHE, Resource::NONE, filepart.c_str());
    Glib::ustring filename = Glib::ustring(ret);

    // We test first if the cache already exists
    if(file_test(filename.c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && timeout > 0) {
        GStatBuf st;
        if(g_stat(filename.c_str(), &st) != -1) {
	    time_t changed = st.st_mtime;
	    time_t now = time(nullptr);
            // The cache hasn't timed out, so return the filename.
	    if(now - changed < timeout) {
                if(func) {
                    // Non-async func callback return, may block.
                return filename;
            g_debug("HTTP Cache is stale: %s", filename.c_str());

    // Only then do we get the http request
    SoupMessage *msg = soup_message_new_from_uri("GET", s_uri);
    SoupSession *session = soup_session_new();

    SoupLogger *logger;
    logger = soup_logger_new(SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_BODY, -1);
    soup_session_add_feature(session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE (logger));
    g_object_unref (logger);

    if(func) {
        auto *user_data = new std::pair<callback, Glib::ustring>(func, filename);
        soup_session_queue_message(session, msg, _get_file_callback, user_data);
    } else {
        guint status = soup_session_send_message (session, msg);
        if(status == SOUP_STATUS_OK) {
            g_debug("HTTP Cache saved to: %s", filename.c_str());
            _save_data_as_file(filename, msg->response_body->data);
        } else {
            g_warning("Can't download %s", uri.c_str());
    return filename;


  Local Variables:
  c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :