// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * TODO: insert short description here *//* * Authors: * fred * bulia byak * * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" // only include where actually required! #endif #ifndef PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE #define PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "io/sys.h" #include "libnrtype/FontFactory.h" #include "libnrtype/font-instance.h" #include "libnrtype/OpenTypeUtil.h" typedef std::unordered_map FaceMapType; // need to avoid using the size field size_t font_descr_hash::operator()( PangoFontDescription *const &x) const { int h = 0; char const *theF = sp_font_description_get_family(x); h += (theF)?g_str_hash(theF):0; h *= 1128467; h += (int)pango_font_description_get_style(x); h *= 1128467; h += (int)pango_font_description_get_variant(x); h *= 1128467; h += (int)pango_font_description_get_weight(x); h *= 1128467; h += (int)pango_font_description_get_stretch(x); #if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,41,1) char const *theV = pango_font_description_get_variations(x); h *= 1128467; h += (theV)?g_str_hash(theV):0; #endif return h; } bool font_descr_equal::operator()( PangoFontDescription *const&a, PangoFontDescription *const &b) const { //if ( pango_font_description_equal(a,b) ) return true; char const *fa = sp_font_description_get_family(a); char const *fb = sp_font_description_get_family(b); if ( ( fa && fb == nullptr ) || ( fb && fa == nullptr ) ) return false; if ( fa && fb && strcmp(fa,fb) != 0 ) return false; if ( pango_font_description_get_style(a) != pango_font_description_get_style(b) ) return false; if ( pango_font_description_get_variant(a) != pango_font_description_get_variant(b) ) return false; if ( pango_font_description_get_weight(a) != pango_font_description_get_weight(b) ) return false; if ( pango_font_description_get_stretch(a) != pango_font_description_get_stretch(b) ) return false; #if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,41,1) if ( g_strcmp0( pango_font_description_get_variations(a), pango_font_description_get_variations(b) ) != 0 ) return false; #endif return true; } // User must free return value. PangoFontDescription* ink_font_description_from_style(SPStyle const *style) { PangoFontDescription *descr = pango_font_description_new(); pango_font_description_set_family(descr, style->font_family.value()); // This duplicates Layout::EnumConversionItem... perhaps we can share code? switch ( style->font_style.computed ) { case SP_CSS_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC: pango_font_description_set_style(descr, PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE: pango_font_description_set_style(descr, PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL: default: pango_font_description_set_style(descr, PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL); break; } switch( style->font_weight.computed ) { case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_100: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_THIN); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_200: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_300: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_LIGHT); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_400: case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_500: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_MEDIUM); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_600: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_700: case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_800: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_900: pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHTER: case SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLDER: default: g_warning("FaceFromStyle: Unrecognized font_weight.computed value"); pango_font_description_set_weight(descr, PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL); break; } // PANGO_WIEGHT_ULTRAHEAVY not used (not CSS2) switch (style->font_stretch.computed) { case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_CONDENSED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_EXPANDED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED); case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_WIDER: case SP_CSS_FONT_STRETCH_NARROWER: default: g_warning("FaceFromStyle: Unrecognized font_stretch.computed value"); pango_font_description_set_stretch(descr, PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL); break; } switch ( style->font_variant.computed ) { case SP_CSS_FONT_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS: pango_font_description_set_variant(descr, PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS); break; case SP_CSS_FONT_VARIANT_NORMAL: default: pango_font_description_set_variant(descr, PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL); break; } #if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,41,1) // Check if not empty as Pango will add @ to string even if empty (bug in Pango?). if (!style->font_variation_settings.axes.empty()) { pango_font_description_set_variations(descr, style->font_variation_settings.toString().c_str()); } #endif return descr; } /////////////////// helper functions static void noop(...) {} //#define PANGO_DEBUG g_print #define PANGO_DEBUG noop ///////////////////// FontFactory #ifndef USE_PANGO_WIN32 // the substitute function to tell fontconfig to enforce outline fonts static void FactorySubstituteFunc(FcPattern *pattern,gpointer /*data*/) { FcPatternAddBool(pattern, "FC_OUTLINE",FcTrue); //char *fam = NULL; //FcPatternGetString(pattern, "FC_FAMILY",0, &fam); //printf("subst_f on %s\n",fam); } #endif font_factory *font_factory::lUsine = nullptr; font_factory *font_factory::Default() { if ( lUsine == nullptr ) lUsine = new font_factory; return lUsine; } font_factory::font_factory() : nbEnt(0), // Note: this "ents" cache only keeps fonts from being unreffed, does not speed up access maxEnt(32), ents(static_cast(g_malloc(maxEnt*sizeof(font_entry)))), #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 fontServer(pango_win32_font_map_for_display()), pangoFontCache(pango_win32_font_map_get_font_cache(fontServer)), hScreenDC(pango_win32_get_dc()), #else fontServer(pango_ft2_font_map_new()), #endif fontContext(pango_font_map_create_context(fontServer)), fontSize(512), loadedPtr(new FaceMapType()) { #ifndef USE_PANGO_WIN32 pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution(PANGO_FT2_FONT_MAP(fontServer), 72, 72); pango_ft2_font_map_set_default_substitute(PANGO_FT2_FONT_MAP(fontServer), FactorySubstituteFunc, this, nullptr); #endif } font_factory::~font_factory() { for (int i = 0;i < nbEnt;i++) ents[i].f->Unref(); if ( ents ) g_free(ents); g_object_unref(fontServer); #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 pango_win32_shutdown_display(); #else //pango_ft2_shutdown_display(); #endif //g_object_unref(fontContext); if (loadedPtr) { FaceMapType* tmp = static_cast(loadedPtr); delete tmp; loadedPtr = nullptr; } } Glib::ustring font_factory::ConstructFontSpecification(PangoFontDescription *font) { Glib::ustring pangoString; g_assert(font); if (font) { // Once the format for the font specification is decided, it must be // kept.. if it is absolutely necessary to change it, the attribute // it is written to needs to have a new version so the legacy files // can be read. PangoFontDescription *copy = pango_font_description_copy(font); pango_font_description_unset_fields (copy, PANGO_FONT_MASK_SIZE); char * copyAsString = pango_font_description_to_string(copy); pangoString = copyAsString; g_free(copyAsString); copyAsString = nullptr; pango_font_description_free(copy); } return pangoString; } Glib::ustring font_factory::ConstructFontSpecification(font_instance *font) { Glib::ustring pangoString; g_assert(font); if (font) { pangoString = ConstructFontSpecification(font->descr); } return pangoString; } /* * Wrap calls to pango_font_description_get_family * and replace some of the pango font names with generic css names * http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS2-20080411/fonts.html#generic-font-families * * This function should be called in place of pango_font_description_get_family() */ const char *sp_font_description_get_family(PangoFontDescription const *fontDescr) { static std::map fontNameMap; std::map::iterator it; if (fontNameMap.empty()) { fontNameMap.insert(std::make_pair("Sans", "sans-serif")); fontNameMap.insert(std::make_pair("Serif", "serif")); fontNameMap.insert(std::make_pair("Monospace", "monospace")); } const char *pangoFamily = pango_font_description_get_family(fontDescr); if (pangoFamily && ((it = fontNameMap.find(pangoFamily)) != fontNameMap.end())) { return (it->second).c_str(); } return pangoFamily; } Glib::ustring font_factory::GetUIFamilyString(PangoFontDescription const *fontDescr) { Glib::ustring family; g_assert(fontDescr); if (fontDescr) { // For now, keep it as family name taken from pango const char *pangoFamily = sp_font_description_get_family(fontDescr); if( pangoFamily ) { family = pangoFamily; } } return family; } Glib::ustring font_factory::GetUIStyleString(PangoFontDescription const *fontDescr) { Glib::ustring style; g_assert(fontDescr); if (fontDescr) { PangoFontDescription *fontDescrCopy = pango_font_description_copy(fontDescr); pango_font_description_unset_fields(fontDescrCopy, PANGO_FONT_MASK_FAMILY); pango_font_description_unset_fields(fontDescrCopy, PANGO_FONT_MASK_SIZE); // For now, keep it as style name taken from pango char *fontDescrAsString = pango_font_description_to_string(fontDescrCopy); style = fontDescrAsString; g_free(fontDescrAsString); fontDescrAsString = nullptr; pango_font_description_free(fontDescrCopy); } return style; } ///// // Calculate a Style "value" based on CSS values for ordering styles. static int StyleNameValue( const Glib::ustring &style ) { PangoFontDescription *pfd = pango_font_description_from_string ( style.c_str() ); int value = pango_font_description_get_weight ( pfd ) * 1000000 + pango_font_description_get_style ( pfd ) * 10000 + pango_font_description_get_stretch( pfd ) * 100 + pango_font_description_get_variant( pfd ); pango_font_description_free ( pfd ); return value; } // Determines order in which styles are presented (sorted by CSS style values) //static bool StyleNameCompareInternal(const StyleNames &style1, const StyleNames &style2) //{ // return( StyleNameValue( style1.CssName ) < StyleNameValue( style2.CssName ) ); //} static gint StyleNameCompareInternalGlib(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { return( StyleNameValue( ((StyleNames *)a)->CssName ) < StyleNameValue( ((StyleNames *)b)->CssName ) ? -1 : 1 ); } static bool ustringPairSort(std::pair const& first, std::pair const& second) { // well, this looks weird. return first.second < second.second; } void font_factory::GetUIFamilies(std::vector& out) { // Gather the family names as listed by Pango PangoFontFamily** families = nullptr; int numFamilies = 0; pango_font_map_list_families(fontServer, &families, &numFamilies); std::vector > sorted; // not size_t for (int currentFamily = 0; currentFamily < numFamilies; ++currentFamily) { const char* displayName = pango_font_family_get_name(families[currentFamily]); if (displayName == nullptr || *displayName == '\0') { std::cerr << "font_factory::GetUIFamilies: Missing displayName! " << std::endl; continue; } if (!g_utf8_validate(displayName, -1, nullptr)) { // TODO: can can do anything about this or does it always indicate broken fonts that should not be used? std::cerr << "font_factory::GetUIFamilies: Illegal characters in displayName. "; std::cerr << "Ignoring font '" << displayName << "'" << std::endl; continue; } sorted.emplace_back(families[currentFamily], displayName); } std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), ustringPairSort); for (auto & i : sorted) { out.push_back(i.first); } } GList* font_factory::GetUIStyles(PangoFontFamily * in) { GList* ret = nullptr; // Gather the styles for this family PangoFontFace** faces = nullptr; int numFaces = 0; if (in == nullptr) { std::cerr << "font_factory::GetUIStyles(): PangoFontFamily is NULL" << std::endl; return ret; } pango_font_family_list_faces(in, &faces, &numFaces); for (int currentFace = 0; currentFace < numFaces; currentFace++) { // If the face has a name, describe it, and then use the // description to get the UI family and face strings const gchar* displayName = pango_font_face_get_face_name(faces[currentFace]); // std::cout << "Display Name: " << displayName << std::endl; if (displayName == nullptr || *displayName == '\0') { std::cerr << "font_factory::GetUIStyles: Missing displayName! " << std::endl; continue; } PangoFontDescription *faceDescr = pango_font_face_describe(faces[currentFace]); if (faceDescr) { Glib::ustring familyUIName = GetUIFamilyString(faceDescr); Glib::ustring styleUIName = GetUIStyleString(faceDescr); // std::cout << " " << familyUIName << " styleUIName: " << styleUIName << " displayName: " << displayName << std::endl; // Disable synthesized (faux) font faces except for CSS generic faces if (pango_font_face_is_synthesized(faces[currentFace]) ) { if (familyUIName.compare( "sans-serif" ) != 0 && familyUIName.compare( "serif" ) != 0 && familyUIName.compare( "monospace" ) != 0 && familyUIName.compare( "fantasy" ) != 0 && familyUIName.compare( "cursive" ) != 0 ) { continue; } } // Pango breaks the 1 to 1 mapping between Pango weights and CSS weights by // adding Semi-Light (as of 1.36.7), Book (as of 1.24), and Ultra-Heavy (as of // 1.24). We need to map these weights to CSS weights. Book and Ultra-Heavy // are rarely used. Semi-Light (350) is problematic as it is halfway between // Light (300) and Normal (400) and if care is not taken it is converted to // Normal, rather than Light. // // Note: The ultimate solution to handling various weight in the same // font family is to support the @font rules from CSS. // // Additional notes, helpful for debugging: // Pango's FC backend: // Weights defined in fontconfig/fontconfig.h // String equivalents in src/fcfreetype.c // Weight set from os2->usWeightClass // Use Fontforge: Element->Font Info...->OS/2->Misc->Weight Class to check font weight size_t f = styleUIName.find( "Book" ); if( f != Glib::ustring::npos ) { styleUIName.replace( f, 4, "Normal" ); } f = styleUIName.find( "Semi-Light" ); if( f != Glib::ustring::npos ) { styleUIName.replace( f, 10, "Light" ); } f = styleUIName.find( "Ultra-Heavy" ); if( f != Glib::ustring::npos ) { styleUIName.replace( f, 11, "Heavy" ); } bool exists = false; for(GList *temp = ret; temp; temp = temp->next) { if( ((StyleNames*)temp->data)->CssName.compare( styleUIName ) == 0 ) { exists = true; std::cerr << "Warning: Font face with same CSS values already added: " << familyUIName << " " << styleUIName << " (" << ((StyleNames*)temp->data)->DisplayName << ", " << displayName << ")" << std::endl; break; } } if (!exists && !familyUIName.empty() && !styleUIName.empty()) { // Add the style information ret = g_list_append(ret, new StyleNames(styleUIName, displayName)); } } pango_font_description_free(faceDescr); } g_free(faces); // Sort the style lists ret = g_list_sort( ret, StyleNameCompareInternalGlib ); return ret; } font_instance* font_factory::FaceFromStyle(SPStyle const *style) { font_instance *font = nullptr; g_assert(style); if (style) { // First try to use the font specification if it is set char const *val; if (style->font_specification.set && (val = style->font_specification.value()) && val[0]) { font = FaceFromFontSpecification(val); } // If that failed, try using the CSS information in the style if (!font) { PangoFontDescription* temp_descr = ink_font_description_from_style(style); font = Face(temp_descr); pango_font_description_free(temp_descr); } } return font; } font_instance *font_factory::FaceFromDescr(char const *family, char const *style) { PangoFontDescription *temp_descr = pango_font_description_from_string(style); pango_font_description_set_family(temp_descr,family); font_instance *res = Face(temp_descr); pango_font_description_free(temp_descr); return res; } font_instance* font_factory::FaceFromPangoString(char const *pangoString) { font_instance *fontInstance = nullptr; g_assert(pangoString); if (pangoString) { // Create a font description from the string - this may fail or // produce unexpected results if the string does not have a good format PangoFontDescription *descr = pango_font_description_from_string(pangoString); if (descr) { if (sp_font_description_get_family(descr) != nullptr) { fontInstance = Face(descr); } pango_font_description_free(descr); } } return fontInstance; } font_instance* font_factory::FaceFromFontSpecification(char const *fontSpecification) { font_instance *font = nullptr; g_assert(fontSpecification); if (fontSpecification) { // How the string is used to reconstruct a font depends on how it // was constructed in ConstructFontSpecification. As it stands, // the font specification is a pango-created string font = FaceFromPangoString(fontSpecification); } return font; } font_instance *font_factory::Face(PangoFontDescription *descr, bool canFail) { #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 // damn Pango fudges the size, so we need to unfudge. See source of pango_win32_font_map_init() pango_font_description_set_size(descr, (int) (fontSize*PANGO_SCALE*72/GetDeviceCaps(pango_win32_get_dc(),LOGPIXELSY))); // mandatory huge size (hinting workaround) #else pango_font_description_set_size(descr, (int) (fontSize*PANGO_SCALE)); // mandatory huge size (hinting workaround) #endif font_instance *res = nullptr; FaceMapType& loadedFaces = *static_cast(loadedPtr); if ( loadedFaces.find(descr) == loadedFaces.end() ) { // not yet loaded PangoFont *nFace = nullptr; // workaround for bug #1025565. // fonts without families blow up Pango. if (sp_font_description_get_family(descr) != nullptr) { nFace = pango_font_map_load_font(fontServer,fontContext,descr); } else { g_warning("%s", _("Ignoring font without family that will crash Pango")); } if ( nFace ) { // duplicate FcPattern, the hard way res = new font_instance(); // store the descr of the font we asked for, since this is the key where we intend // to put the font_instance at in the unordered_map. the descr of the returned // pangofont may differ from what was asked, so we don't know (at this // point) whether loadedFaces[that_descr] is free or not (and overwriting // an entry will bring deallocation problems) res->descr = pango_font_description_copy(descr); res->parent = this; res->InstallFace(nFace); if ( res->pFont == nullptr ) { // failed to install face -> bitmap font // printf("face failed\n"); res->parent = nullptr; delete res; res = nullptr; if ( canFail ) { char *tc = pango_font_description_to_string(descr); PANGO_DEBUG("falling back from %s to 'sans-serif' because InstallFace failed\n",tc); g_free(tc); pango_font_description_set_family(descr,"sans-serif"); res = Face(descr,false); } } else { loadedFaces[res->descr]=res; res->Ref(); AddInCache(res); } } else { // no match if ( canFail ) { PANGO_DEBUG("falling back to 'sans-serif'\n"); PangoFontDescription *new_descr = pango_font_description_new(); pango_font_description_set_family(new_descr, "sans-serif"); res = Face(new_descr, false); pango_font_description_free(new_descr); } else { g_critical("Could not load any face for font '%s'.", pango_font_description_to_string(descr)); } } } else { // already here res = loadedFaces[descr]; res->Ref(); AddInCache(res); } if (res) { res->InitTheFace(); } return res; } // Not used, need to add variations if ever used. // font_instance *font_factory::Face(char const *family, int variant, int style, int weight, int stretch, int /*size*/, int /*spacing*/) // { // // std::cout << "font_factory::Face(family, variant, style, weight, stretch,)" << std::endl; // PangoFontDescription *temp_descr = pango_font_description_new(); // pango_font_description_set_family(temp_descr,family); // pango_font_description_set_weight(temp_descr,(PangoWeight)weight); // pango_font_description_set_stretch(temp_descr,(PangoStretch)stretch); // pango_font_description_set_style(temp_descr,(PangoStyle)style); // pango_font_description_set_variant(temp_descr,(PangoVariant)variant); // font_instance *res = Face(temp_descr); // pango_font_description_free(temp_descr); // return res; // } void font_factory::UnrefFace(font_instance *who) { if ( who ) { FaceMapType& loadedFaces = *static_cast(loadedPtr); if ( loadedFaces.find(who->descr) == loadedFaces.end() ) { // not found char *tc = pango_font_description_to_string(who->descr); g_warning("unrefFace %p=%s: failed\n",who,tc); g_free(tc); } else { loadedFaces.erase(loadedFaces.find(who->descr)); // printf("unrefFace %p: success\n",who); } } } void font_factory::AddInCache(font_instance *who) { if ( who == nullptr ) return; for (int i = 0;i < nbEnt;i++) ents[i].age *= 0.9; for (int i = 0;i < nbEnt;i++) { if ( ents[i].f == who ) { // printf("present\n"); ents[i].age += 1.0; return; } } if ( nbEnt > maxEnt ) { printf("cache sur-plein?\n"); return; } who->Ref(); if ( nbEnt == maxEnt ) { // cache is filled, unref the oldest-accessed font in it int bi = 0; double ba = ents[bi].age; for (int i = 1;i < nbEnt;i++) { if ( ents[i].age < ba ) { bi = i; ba = ents[bi].age; } } ents[bi].f->Unref(); ents[bi]=ents[--nbEnt]; } ents[nbEnt].f = who; ents[nbEnt].age = 1.0; nbEnt++; } void font_factory::AddFontsDir(char const *utf8dir) { #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 g_info("Adding additional font directories only supported for fontconfig backend."); #else if (!Inkscape::IO::file_test(utf8dir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { g_warning("Fonts dir '%s' does not exist and will be ignored.", utf8dir); return; } gchar *dir; # ifdef _WIN32 dir = g_win32_locale_filename_from_utf8(utf8dir); # else dir = g_filename_from_utf8(utf8dir, -1, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); # endif FcConfig *conf = nullptr; # if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,38,0) conf = pango_fc_font_map_get_config(PANGO_FC_FONT_MAP(fontServer)); # endif FcBool res = FcConfigAppFontAddDir(conf, (FcChar8 const *)dir); if (res == FcTrue) { g_info("Fonts dir '%s' added successfully.", utf8dir); # if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,38,0) pango_fc_font_map_config_changed(PANGO_FC_FONT_MAP(fontServer)); # endif } else { g_warning("Could not add fonts dir '%s'.", utf8dir); } g_free(dir); #endif } void font_factory::AddFontFile(char const *utf8file) { #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 g_info("Adding additional font only supported for fontconfig backend."); #else if (!Inkscape::IO::file_test(utf8file, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { g_warning("Font file '%s' does not exist and will be ignored.", utf8file); return; } gchar *file; # ifdef _WIN32 file = g_win32_locale_filename_from_utf8(utf8file); # else file = g_filename_from_utf8(utf8file, -1, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); # endif FcConfig *conf = nullptr; # if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,38,0) conf = pango_fc_font_map_get_config(PANGO_FC_FONT_MAP(fontServer)); # endif FcBool res = FcConfigAppFontAddFile(conf, (FcChar8 const *)file); if (res == FcTrue) { g_info("Font file '%s' added successfully.", utf8file); # if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,38,0) pango_fc_font_map_config_changed(PANGO_FC_FONT_MAP(fontServer)); # endif } else { g_warning("Could not add font file '%s'.", utf8file); } g_free(file); #endif } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :