// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * TODO: insert short description here *//* * Authors: * fred * bulia byak * * Copyright (C) 2018 Authors * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" // only include where actually required! #endif #ifndef PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE #define PANGO_ENABLE_ENGINE #endif #include #include FT_OUTLINE_H #include FT_BBOX_H #include FT_TRUETYPE_TAGS_H #include FT_TRUETYPE_TABLES_H #include FT_GLYPH_H #include FT_MULTIPLE_MASTERS_H #include #include #include <2geom/pathvector.h> #include <2geom/path-sink.h> #include "libnrtype/font-glyph.h" #include "libnrtype/font-instance.h" #include "display/cairo-utils.h" // Inkscape::Pixbuf #ifndef USE_PANGO_WIN32 /* * Outline extraction */ struct FT2GeomData { FT2GeomData(Geom::PathBuilder &b, double s) : builder(b) , last(0, 0) , scale(s) {} Geom::PathBuilder &builder; Geom::Point last; double scale; }; // outline as returned by freetype static int ft2_move_to(FT_Vector const *to, void * i_user) { FT2GeomData *user = (FT2GeomData*)i_user; Geom::Point p(to->x, to->y); // printf("m t=%f %f\n",p[0],p[1]); user->builder.moveTo(p * user->scale); user->last = p; return 0; } static int ft2_line_to(FT_Vector const *to, void *i_user) { FT2GeomData *user = (FT2GeomData*)i_user; Geom::Point p(to->x, to->y); // printf("l t=%f %f\n",p[0],p[1]); user->builder.lineTo(p * user->scale); user->last = p; return 0; } static int ft2_conic_to(FT_Vector const *control, FT_Vector const *to, void *i_user) { FT2GeomData *user = (FT2GeomData*)i_user; Geom::Point p(to->x, to->y), c(control->x, control->y); user->builder.quadTo(c * user->scale, p * user->scale); // printf("b c=%f %f t=%f %f\n",c[0],c[1],p[0],p[1]); user->last = p; return 0; } static int ft2_cubic_to(FT_Vector const *control1, FT_Vector const *control2, FT_Vector const *to, void *i_user) { FT2GeomData *user = (FT2GeomData*)i_user; Geom::Point p(to->x, to->y); Geom::Point c1(control1->x, control1->y); Geom::Point c2(control2->x, control2->y); // printf("c c1=%f %f c2=%f %f t=%f %f\n",c1[0],c1[1],c2[0],c2[1],p[0],p[1]); //user->theP->CubicTo(p,3*(c1-user->last),3*(p-c2)); user->builder.curveTo(c1 * user->scale, c2 * user->scale, p * user->scale); user->last = p; return 0; } #endif /* *** END #if HACK *** */ /* * */ font_instance::font_instance() { //printf("font instance born\n"); _ascent = _ascent_max = 0.8; _descent = _descent_max = 0.2; _xheight = 0.5; // Default baseline values, alphabetic is reference _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_AUTO ] = 0.0; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC ] = 0.0; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC ] = -_descent; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_HANGING ] = 0.8 * _ascent; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MATHEMATICAL ] = 0.8 * _xheight; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_CENTRAL ] = 0.5 - _descent; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MIDDLE ] = 0.5 * _xheight; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_BEFORE_EDGE ] = _ascent; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_AFTER_EDGE ] = -_descent; } font_instance::~font_instance() { if ( parent ) { parent->UnrefFace(this); parent = nullptr; } //printf("font instance death\n"); if ( pFont ) { FreeTheFace(); g_object_unref(pFont); pFont = nullptr; } if ( descr ) { pango_font_description_free(descr); descr = nullptr; } // if ( theFace ) FT_Done_Face(theFace); // owned by pFont. don't touch theFace = nullptr; for (int i=0;ipangoFontCache,lf); g_free(lf); XFORM identity = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; SetWorldTransform(parent->hScreenDC, &identity); SetGraphicsMode(parent->hScreenDC, GM_COMPATIBLE); SelectObject(parent->hScreenDC,theFace); #else theFace = pango_fc_font_lock_face(PANGO_FC_FONT(pFont)); if ( theFace ) { FT_Select_Charmap(theFace, ft_encoding_unicode); FT_Select_Charmap(theFace, ft_encoding_symbol); } #endif #ifndef USE_PANGO_WIN32 if (loadgsub) { readOpenTypeGsubTable( theFace, openTypeTables ); fulloaded = true; } readOpenTypeFvarAxes( theFace, openTypeVarAxes ); readOpenTypeSVGTable( theFace, openTypeSVGGlyphs ); if (openTypeSVGGlyphs.size() > 0 ) { fontHasSVG = true; } #if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1,41,1) #if FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 && FREETYPE_MINOR >= 8 // 2.8 does not seem to work even though it has some support. // 'font-variation-settings' support. // The font returned from pango_fc_font_lock_face does not include variation settings. We must set them. // We need to: // Extract axes with values from Pango font description. // Replace default axis values with extracted values. char const *var = pango_font_description_get_variations( descr ); if (var) { Glib::ustring variations(var); FT_MM_Var* mmvar = nullptr; FT_Multi_Master mmtype; if (FT_HAS_MULTIPLE_MASTERS( theFace ) && // Font has variables FT_Get_MM_Var(theFace, &mmvar) == 0 && // We found the data FT_Get_Multi_Master(theFace, &mmtype) !=0) { // It's not an Adobe MM font // std::cout << " Multiple Masters: variables: " << mmvar->num_axis // << " named styles: " << mmvar->num_namedstyles << std::endl; // Get the required values from Pango Font Description // Need to check format of values from Pango, for the moment accept any format. Glib::RefPtr regex = Glib::Regex::create("(\\w{4})=([-+]?\\d*\\.?\\d+([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)"); Glib::MatchInfo matchInfo; const FT_UInt num_axis = openTypeVarAxes.size(); FT_Fixed w[num_axis]; for (int i = 0; i < num_axis; ++i) w[i] = 0; std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple(",", variations); for (auto token: tokens) { regex->match(token, matchInfo); if (matchInfo.matches()) { float value = std::stod(matchInfo.fetch(2)); // Should clamp value // Translate the "named" axes. Glib::ustring name = matchInfo.fetch(1); if (name == "wdth") name = "Width" ; // 'font-stretch' if (name == "wght") name = "Weight" ; // 'font-weight' if (name == "opsz") name = "Optical size"; // 'font-optical-sizing' if (name == "slnt") name = "Slant" ; // 'font-style' if (name == "ital") name = "Italic" ; // 'font-style' auto it = openTypeVarAxes.find(name); if (it != openTypeVarAxes.end()) { it->second.set_val = value; w[it->second.index] = value * 65536; } } } // Set design coordinates FT_Error err; err = FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates (theFace, num_axis, w); if (err) { std::cerr << "font_instance::InitTheFace(): Error in call to FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates(): " << err << std::endl; } // FT_Done_MM_Var(mmlib, mmvar); } } #endif // FreeType #endif // Pango #endif // !USE_PANGO_WIN32 FindFontMetrics(); } #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 // Someone (probably pango or cairo) sets the world transform during initialization and does not reset it. // Work around this by explicitly setting it again (even if the font is already initialized) XFORM identity = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; SetWorldTransform(parent->hScreenDC, &identity); SetGraphicsMode(parent->hScreenDC, GM_COMPATIBLE); SelectObject(parent->hScreenDC,theFace); #endif } void font_instance::FreeTheFace() { #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 SelectObject(parent->hScreenDC,GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)); pango_win32_font_cache_unload(parent->pangoFontCache,theFace); #else pango_fc_font_unlock_face(PANGO_FC_FONT(pFont)); #endif theFace=nullptr; } void font_instance::InstallFace(PangoFont* iFace) { if ( !iFace ) { return; } pFont=iFace; iFace = nullptr; InitTheFace(); if ( pFont && IsOutlineFont() == false ) { FreeTheFace(); if ( pFont ) { g_object_unref(pFont); } pFont=nullptr; } } bool font_instance::IsOutlineFont() { if ( pFont == nullptr ) { return false; } InitTheFace(); #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 TEXTMETRIC tm; return GetTextMetrics(parent->hScreenDC,&tm) && tm.tmPitchAndFamily&(TMPF_TRUETYPE|TMPF_DEVICE); #else return FT_IS_SCALABLE(theFace); #endif } int font_instance::MapUnicodeChar(gunichar c) { int res = 0; if ( pFont ) { #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 res = pango_win32_font_get_glyph_index(pFont, c); #else theFace = pango_fc_font_lock_face(PANGO_FC_FONT(pFont)); if ( c > 0xf0000 ) { res = CLAMP(c, 0xf0000, 0x1fffff) - 0xf0000; } else { res = FT_Get_Char_Index(theFace, c); } pango_fc_font_unlock_face(PANGO_FC_FONT(pFont)); #endif } return res; } #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 static inline Geom::Point pointfx_to_nrpoint(const POINTFX &p, double scale) { return Geom::Point(*(long*)&p.x / 65536.0 * scale, *(long*)&p.y / 65536.0 * scale); } #endif void font_instance::LoadGlyph(int glyph_id) { if ( pFont == nullptr ) { return; } InitTheFace(); #ifndef USE_PANGO_WIN32 if ( !FT_IS_SCALABLE(theFace) ) { return; // bitmap font } #endif if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) { Geom::PathBuilder path_builder; if ( nbGlyph >= maxGlyph ) { maxGlyph=2*nbGlyph+1; glyphs=(font_glyph*)realloc(glyphs,maxGlyph*sizeof(font_glyph)); } font_glyph n_g; n_g.pathvector=nullptr; n_g.bbox[0]=n_g.bbox[1]=n_g.bbox[2]=n_g.bbox[3]=0; n_g.h_advance = 0; n_g.v_advance = 0; n_g.h_width = 0; n_g.v_width = 0; bool doAdd=false; #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 #ifndef GGO_UNHINTED // For compatibility with old SDKs. #define GGO_UNHINTED 0x0100 #endif MAT2 identity = {{0,1},{0,0},{0,0},{0,1}}; OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm; GetOutlineTextMetrics(parent->hScreenDC, sizeof(otm), &otm); GLYPHMETRICS metrics; DWORD bufferSize=GetGlyphOutline (parent->hScreenDC, glyph_id, GGO_GLYPH_INDEX | GGO_NATIVE | GGO_UNHINTED, &metrics, 0, NULL, &identity); double scale=1.0/parent->fontSize; n_g.h_advance = metrics.gmCellIncX * scale; n_g.v_advance = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmHeight * scale; n_g.h_width = metrics.gmBlackBoxX * scale; n_g.v_width = metrics.gmBlackBoxY * scale; if ( bufferSize == GDI_ERROR) { // shit happened } else if ( bufferSize == 0) { // character has no visual representation, but is valid (eg whitespace) doAdd=true; } else { char *buffer = new char[bufferSize]; if ( GetGlyphOutline (parent->hScreenDC, glyph_id, GGO_GLYPH_INDEX | GGO_NATIVE | GGO_UNHINTED, &metrics, bufferSize, buffer, &identity) <= 0 ) { // shit happened } else { // Platform SDK is rubbish, read KB87115 instead DWORD polyOffset=0; while ( polyOffset < bufferSize ) { TTPOLYGONHEADER const *polyHeader=(TTPOLYGONHEADER const *)(buffer+polyOffset); if (polyOffset+polyHeader->cb > bufferSize) break; if (polyHeader->dwType == TT_POLYGON_TYPE) { path_builder.moveTo(pointfx_to_nrpoint(polyHeader->pfxStart, scale)); DWORD curveOffset=polyOffset+sizeof(TTPOLYGONHEADER); while ( curveOffset < polyOffset+polyHeader->cb ) { TTPOLYCURVE const *polyCurve=(TTPOLYCURVE const *)(buffer+curveOffset); POINTFX const *p=polyCurve->apfx; POINTFX const *endp=p+polyCurve->cpfx; switch (polyCurve->wType) { case TT_PRIM_LINE: while ( p != endp ) path_builder.lineTo(pointfx_to_nrpoint(*p++, scale)); break; case TT_PRIM_QSPLINE: { g_assert(polyCurve->cpfx >= 2); // The list of points specifies one or more control points and ends with the end point. // The intermediate points (on the curve) are the points between the control points. Geom::Point this_control = pointfx_to_nrpoint(*p++, scale); while ( p+1 != endp ) { // Process all "midpoints" (all points except the last) Geom::Point new_control = pointfx_to_nrpoint(*p++, scale); path_builder.quadTo(this_control, (new_control+this_control)/2); this_control = new_control; } Geom::Point end = pointfx_to_nrpoint(*p++, scale); path_builder.quadTo(this_control, end); } break; case 3: // TT_PRIM_CSPLINE g_assert(polyCurve->cpfx % 3 == 0); while ( p != endp ) { path_builder.curveTo(pointfx_to_nrpoint(p[0], scale), pointfx_to_nrpoint(p[1], scale), pointfx_to_nrpoint(p[2], scale)); p += 3; } break; } curveOffset += sizeof(TTPOLYCURVE)+sizeof(POINTFX)*(polyCurve->cpfx-1); } } polyOffset += polyHeader->cb; } doAdd=true; } delete [] buffer; } #else if (FT_Load_Glyph (theFace, glyph_id, FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP)) { // shit happened } else { if ( FT_HAS_HORIZONTAL(theFace) ) { n_g.h_advance=((double)theFace->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance)/((double)theFace->units_per_EM); n_g.h_width=((double)theFace->glyph->metrics.width)/((double)theFace->units_per_EM); } else { n_g.h_width=n_g.h_advance=((double)(theFace->bbox.xMax-theFace->bbox.xMin))/((double)theFace->units_per_EM); } if ( FT_HAS_VERTICAL(theFace) ) { n_g.v_advance=((double)theFace->glyph->metrics.vertAdvance)/((double)theFace->units_per_EM); n_g.v_width=((double)theFace->glyph->metrics.height)/((double)theFace->units_per_EM); } else { // CSS3 Writing modes dictates that if vertical font metrics are missing we must // synthisize them. No method is specified. The SVG 1.1 spec suggests using the em // height (which is not theFace->height as that includes leading). The em height // is ascender + descender (descender positive). Note: The "Requirements for // Japanese Text Layout" W3C document says that Japanese kanji should be "set // solid" which implies that vertical (and horizontal) advance should be 1em. n_g.v_width=n_g.v_advance= 1.0; } if ( theFace->glyph->format == ft_glyph_format_outline ) { FT_Outline_Funcs ft2_outline_funcs = { ft2_move_to, ft2_line_to, ft2_conic_to, ft2_cubic_to, 0, 0 }; FT2GeomData user(path_builder, 1.0/((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); FT_Outline_Decompose (&theFace->glyph->outline, &ft2_outline_funcs, &user); } doAdd=true; } #endif path_builder.flush(); if ( doAdd ) { Geom::PathVector pv = path_builder.peek(); // close all paths for (auto & i : pv) { i.close(); } if ( !pv.empty() ) { n_g.pathvector = new Geom::PathVector(pv); Geom::OptRect bounds = bounds_exact(*n_g.pathvector); if (bounds) { n_g.bbox[0] = bounds->left(); n_g.bbox[1] = bounds->top(); n_g.bbox[2] = bounds->right(); n_g.bbox[3] = bounds->bottom(); } } glyphs[nbGlyph]=n_g; id_to_no[glyph_id]=nbGlyph; nbGlyph++; } } else { } } bool font_instance::FontMetrics(double &ascent,double &descent,double &xheight) { if ( pFont == nullptr ) { return false; } InitTheFace(); if ( theFace == nullptr ) { return false; } ascent = _ascent; descent = _descent; xheight = _xheight; return true; } bool font_instance::FontDecoration( double &underline_position, double &underline_thickness, double &linethrough_position, double &linethrough_thickness) { if ( pFont == nullptr ) { return false; } InitTheFace(); if ( theFace == nullptr ) { return false; } #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm; if ( !GetOutlineTextMetrics(parent->hScreenDC,sizeof(otm),&otm) ) { return false; } double scale=1.0/parent->fontSize; underline_position = fabs(otm.otmsUnderscorePosition *scale); underline_thickness = fabs(otm.otmsUnderscoreSize *scale); linethrough_position = fabs(otm.otmsStrikeoutPosition *scale); linethrough_thickness = fabs(otm.otmsStrikeoutSize *scale); #else if ( theFace->units_per_EM == 0 ) { return false; // bitmap font } underline_position = fabs(((double)theFace->underline_position )/((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); underline_thickness = fabs(((double)theFace->underline_thickness)/((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); // there is no specific linethrough information, mock it up from other font fields linethrough_position = fabs(((double)theFace->ascender / 3.0 )/((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); linethrough_thickness = fabs(((double)theFace->underline_thickness)/((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); #endif return true; } bool font_instance::FontSlope(double &run, double &rise) { run = 0.0; rise = 1.0; if ( pFont == nullptr ) { return false; } InitTheFace(); if ( theFace == nullptr ) { return false; } #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm; if ( !GetOutlineTextMetrics(parent->hScreenDC,sizeof(otm),&otm) ) return false; run=otm.otmsCharSlopeRun; rise=otm.otmsCharSlopeRise; #else if ( !FT_IS_SCALABLE(theFace) ) { return false; // bitmap font } TT_HoriHeader *hhea = (TT_HoriHeader*)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(theFace, ft_sfnt_hhea); if (hhea == nullptr) { return false; } run = hhea->caret_Slope_Run; rise = hhea->caret_Slope_Rise; #endif return true; } Geom::OptRect font_instance::BBox(int glyph_id) { int no = -1; if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) { LoadGlyph(glyph_id); if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) { // didn't load } else { no = id_to_no[glyph_id]; } } else { no = id_to_no[glyph_id]; } if ( no < 0 ) { return Geom::OptRect(); } else { Geom::Point rmin(glyphs[no].bbox[0],glyphs[no].bbox[1]); Geom::Point rmax(glyphs[no].bbox[2],glyphs[no].bbox[3]); return Geom::Rect(rmin, rmax); } } Geom::PathVector* font_instance::PathVector(int glyph_id) { int no = -1; if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) { LoadGlyph(glyph_id); if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) { // didn't load } else { no = id_to_no[glyph_id]; } } else { no = id_to_no[glyph_id]; } if ( no < 0 ) return nullptr; return glyphs[no].pathvector; } Inkscape::Pixbuf* font_instance::PixBuf(int glyph_id) { Inkscape::Pixbuf* pixbuf = nullptr; auto glyph_iter = openTypeSVGGlyphs.find(glyph_id); if (glyph_iter != openTypeSVGGlyphs.end()) { // Glyphs are layed out in the +x, -y quadrant (assuming viewBox origin is 0,0). // We need to shift the viewBox by the height inorder to generate pixbuf! // To do: glyphs must draw overflow so we actually need larger pixbuf! // To do: cache pixbuf. // To do: Error handling. pixbuf = glyph_iter->second.pixbuf; if (!pixbuf) { Glib::ustring svg = glyph_iter->second.svg; // std::cout << svg << std::endl; // Create new viewbox which determines pixbuf size. Glib::ustring viewbox("viewBox=\"0 "); viewbox += std::to_string(-_design_units); viewbox += " "; viewbox += std::to_string(_design_units); viewbox += " "; viewbox += std::to_string(_design_units*2); viewbox += "\""; // Search for existing viewbox Glib::RefPtr regex = Glib::Regex::create("viewBox=\"\\s*(\\d*\\.?\\d+)\\s*,?\\s*(\\d*\\.?\\d+)\\s*,?\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\s*,?\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\s*\""); Glib::MatchInfo matchInfo; regex->match(svg, matchInfo); if (matchInfo.matches()) { // We have viewBox! We must transform so viewBox corresponds to design units. // Replace viewbox svg = regex->replace_literal(svg, 0, viewbox, static_cast(0)); // Insert group with required transform to map glyph to new viewbox. double x = std::stod(matchInfo.fetch(1)); double y = std::stod(matchInfo.fetch(2)); double w = std::stod(matchInfo.fetch(3)); double h = std::stod(matchInfo.fetch(4)); // std::cout << " x: " << x // << " y: " << y // << " w: " << w // << " h: " << h << std::endl; if (w <= 0.0 or h <= 0.0) { std::cerr << "font_instance::PixBuf: Invalid glyph width or height!" << std::endl; } else { double xscale = _design_units/w; double yscale = _design_units/h; double xtrans = _design_units/w * x; double ytrans = _design_units/h * y; if (xscale != 1.0 || yscale != 1.0) { Glib::ustring group = ""; // Insert start group tag after initial Glib::RefPtr regex = Glib::Regex::create("<\\s*svg.*?>"); regex->match(svg, matchInfo); if (matchInfo.matches()) { int start = -1; int end = -1; matchInfo.fetch_pos(0, start, end); svg.insert(end, group); } else { std::cerr << "font_instance::PixBuf: Could not find tag!" << std::endl; } // Insert end group tag before final (To do: make sure it is final ) regex = Glib::Regex::create("<\\s*\\/\\s*svg.*?>"); regex->match(svg, matchInfo); if (matchInfo.matches()) { int start = -1; int end = -1; matchInfo.fetch_pos(0, start, end); svg.insert(start, ""); } else { std::cerr << "font_instance::PixBuf: Could not find tag!" << std::endl; } } } } else { // No viewBox! We insert one. (To do: Look at 'width' and 'height' to see if we must scale.) Glib::RefPtr regex = Glib::Regex::create("<\\s*svg"); viewbox.insert(0, "replace_literal(svg, 0, viewbox, static_cast(0)); } // std::cout << svg << std::endl; // Finally create pixbuf! pixbuf = Inkscape::Pixbuf::create_from_buffer(svg); // And cache it. glyph_iter->second.pixbuf = pixbuf; } } return pixbuf; } double font_instance::Advance(int glyph_id, bool vertical) { int no = -1; if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) { LoadGlyph(glyph_id); if ( id_to_no.find(glyph_id) == id_to_no.end() ) { // didn't load } else { no=id_to_no[glyph_id]; } } else { no = id_to_no[glyph_id]; } if ( no >= 0 ) { if ( vertical ) { return glyphs[no].v_advance; } else { return glyphs[no].h_advance; } } return 0; } // Internal function to find baselines void font_instance::FindFontMetrics() { // CSS2 recommends using the OS/2 values sTypoAscender and sTypoDescender for the Typographic // ascender and descender values: // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#sTypoAscender // On Windows, the typographic ascender and descender are taken from the otmMacAscent and // otmMacDescent values: // http://microsoft.public.win32.programmer.gdi.narkive.com/LV6k4BDh/msdn-documentation-outlinetextmetrics-clarification // The otmAscent and otmDescent values are the maximum ascent and maximum descent of all the // glyphs in a font. if ( theFace ) { #ifdef USE_PANGO_WIN32 OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm; if ( GetOutlineTextMetrics(parent->hScreenDC,sizeof(otm),&otm) ) { double scale=1.0/parent->fontSize; _ascent = fabs(otm.otmMacAscent * scale); _descent = fabs(otm.otmMacDescent * scale); _xheight = fabs(otm.otmsXHeight * scale); _ascent_max = fabs(otm.otmAscent * scale); _descent_max = fabs(otm.otmDescent * scale); _design_units = parent->fontSize; // In CSS em size is ascent + descent... which should be 1. If not, // adjust so it is. double em = _ascent + _descent; if( em > 0 ) { _ascent /= em; _descent /= em; } // May not be necessary but if OS/2 table missing or not version 2 or higher, // xheight might be zero. if( _xheight == 0.0 ) { _xheight = 0.5; } // Baselines defined relative to alphabetic. _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC ] = -_descent; // Recommendation _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_HANGING ] = 0.8 * _ascent; // Guess _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MATHEMATICAL ] = 0.8 * _xheight; // Guess _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_CENTRAL ] = 0.5 - _descent; // Definition _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MIDDLE ] = 0.5 * _xheight; // Definition _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_BEFORE_EDGE ] = _ascent; // Definition _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_AFTER_EDGE ] = -_descent; // Definition MAT2 identity = {{0,1},{0,0},{0,0},{0,1}}; GLYPHMETRICS metrics; int retval; // Better math baseline: // Try center of minus sign retval = GetGlyphOutline (parent->hScreenDC, 0x2212, GGO_NATIVE | GGO_UNHINTED, &metrics, 0, NULL, &identity); // If no minus sign, try hyphen if( retval <= 0 ) retval = GetGlyphOutline (parent->hScreenDC, '-', GGO_NATIVE | GGO_UNHINTED, &metrics, 0, NULL, &identity); if( retval > 0 ) { double math = (metrics.gmptGlyphOrigin.y + 0.5 * metrics.gmBlackBoxY) * scale; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MATHEMATICAL ] = math; } // Find hanging baseline... assume it is at top of 'म'. retval = GetGlyphOutline (parent->hScreenDC, 0x092E, GGO_NATIVE | GGO_UNHINTED, &metrics, 0, NULL, &identity); if( retval > 0 ) { double hanging = metrics.gmptGlyphOrigin.y * scale; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MATHEMATICAL ] = hanging; } } #else if ( theFace->units_per_EM != 0 ) { // If zero then it's a bitmap font. TT_OS2* os2 = (TT_OS2*)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( theFace, ft_sfnt_os2 ); if( os2 ) { _ascent = fabs(((double)os2->sTypoAscender) / ((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); _descent = fabs(((double)os2->sTypoDescender)/ ((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); } else { _ascent = fabs(((double)theFace->ascender) / ((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); _descent = fabs(((double)theFace->descender) / ((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); } _ascent_max = fabs(((double)theFace->ascender) / ((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); _descent_max = fabs(((double)theFace->descender) / ((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); _design_units = theFace->units_per_EM; // In CSS em size is ascent + descent... which should be 1. If not, // adjust so it is. double em = _ascent + _descent; if( em > 0 ) { _ascent /= em; _descent /= em; } // x-height if( os2 && os2->version >= 0x0002 && os2->version != 0xffffu ) { // Only os/2 version 2 and above have sxHeight, 0xffff marks "old Mac fonts" without table _xheight = fabs(((double)os2->sxHeight) / ((double)theFace->units_per_EM)); } else { // Measure 'x' height in font. Recommended option by XSL standard if no sxHeight. FT_UInt index = FT_Get_Char_Index( theFace, 'x' ); if( index != 0 ) { FT_Load_Glyph( theFace, index, FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE ); _xheight = (fabs)(((double)theFace->glyph->metrics.height/(double)theFace->units_per_EM)); } else { // No 'x' in font! _xheight = 0.5; } } // Baselines defined relative to alphabetic. _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC ] = -_descent; // Recommendation _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_HANGING ] = 0.8 * _ascent; // Guess _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MATHEMATICAL ] = 0.8 * _xheight; // Guess _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_CENTRAL ] = 0.5 - _descent; // Definition _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MIDDLE ] = 0.5 * _xheight; // Definition _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_BEFORE_EDGE ] = _ascent; // Definition _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_AFTER_EDGE ] = -_descent; // Definition // Better math baseline: // Try center of minus sign FT_UInt index = FT_Get_Char_Index( theFace, 0x2212 ); //'−' // If no minus sign, try hyphen if( index == 0 ) index = FT_Get_Char_Index( theFace, '-' ); if( index != 0 ) { FT_Load_Glyph( theFace, index, FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE ); FT_Glyph aglyph; FT_Get_Glyph( theFace->glyph, &aglyph ); FT_BBox acbox; FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( aglyph, FT_GLYPH_BBOX_UNSCALED, &acbox ); double math = (acbox.yMin + acbox.yMax)/2.0/(double)theFace->units_per_EM; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MATHEMATICAL ] = math; // std::cout << "Math baseline: - bbox: y_min: " << acbox.yMin // << " y_max: " << acbox.yMax // << " math: " << math << std::endl; FT_Done_Glyph(aglyph); } // Find hanging baseline... assume it is at top of 'म'. index = FT_Get_Char_Index( theFace, 0x092E ); // 'म' if( index != 0 ) { FT_Load_Glyph( theFace, index, FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE ); FT_Glyph aglyph; FT_Get_Glyph( theFace->glyph, &aglyph ); FT_BBox acbox; FT_Glyph_Get_CBox( aglyph, FT_GLYPH_BBOX_UNSCALED, &acbox ); double hanging = (double)acbox.yMax/(double)theFace->units_per_EM; _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_HANGING ] = hanging; // std::cout << "Hanging baseline: प: " << hanging << std::endl; FT_Done_Glyph(aglyph); } } #endif // const gchar *family = pango_font_description_get_family(descr); // std::cout << "Font: " << (family?family:"null") << std::endl; // std::cout << " ascent: " << _ascent << std::endl; // std::cout << " descent: " << _descent << std::endl; // std::cout << " x-height: " << _xheight << std::endl; // std::cout << " max ascent: " << _ascent_max << std::endl; // std::cout << " max descent: " << _descent_max << std::endl; // std::cout << " Baselines:" << std::endl; // std::cout << " alphabetic: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC ] << std::endl; // std::cout << " ideographic: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC ] << std::endl; // std::cout << " hanging: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_HANGING ] << std::endl; // std::cout << " math: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MATHEMATICAL ] << std::endl; // std::cout << " central: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_CENTRAL ] << std::endl; // std::cout << " middle: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_MIDDLE ] << std::endl; // std::cout << " text_before: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_BEFORE_EDGE ] << std::endl; // std::cout << " text_after: " << _baselines[ SP_CSS_BASELINE_TEXT_AFTER_EDGE ] << std::endl; } } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :