// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * LineSnapper class. * * Authors: * Diederik van Lierop * And others... * * Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include <2geom/line.h> #include "line-snapper.h" #include "snap.h" Inkscape::LineSnapper::LineSnapper(SnapManager *sm, Geom::Coord const d) : Snapper(sm, d) { } void Inkscape::LineSnapper::freeSnap(IntermSnapResults &isr, Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint const &p, Geom::OptRect const &/*bbox_to_snap*/, std::vector const */*it*/, std::vector */*unselected_nodes*/) const { if (!(_snap_enabled && _snapmanager->snapprefs.isSourceSnappable(p.getSourceType())) ) { return; } /* Get the lines that we will try to snap to */ const LineList lines = _getSnapLines(p.getPoint()); for (const auto & line : lines) { Geom::Point const p1 = line.second; // point at guide/grid line Geom::Point const p2 = p1 + Geom::rot90(line.first); // 2nd point at guide/grid line assert(line.first != Geom::Point(0,0)); // we cannot project on an linesegment of zero length Geom::Point const p_proj = Geom::projection(p.getPoint(), Geom::Line(p1, p2)); Geom::Coord const dist = Geom::L2(p_proj - p.getPoint()); //Store any line that's within snapping range if (dist < getSnapperTolerance()) { _addSnappedLine(isr, p_proj, dist, p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), line.first, line.second); // For any line that's within range, we will also look at it's "point on line" p1. For guides // this point coincides with its origin; for grids this is of no use, but we cannot // discern between grids and guides here Geom::Coord const dist_p1 = Geom::L2(p1 - p.getPoint()); if (dist_p1 < getSnapperTolerance()) { _addSnappedLinesOrigin(isr, p1, dist_p1, p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), false); // Only relevant for guides; grids don't have an origin per line // Therefore _addSnappedLinesOrigin() will only be implemented for guides } // Here we will try to snap either tangentially or perpendicularly to a grid/guide line // For this we need to know where the origin is located of the line that is currently being rotated, std::vector > const origins_and_vectors = p.getOriginsAndVectors(); // Now we will iterate over all the origins and vectors and see which of these will get use a tangential or perpendicular snap for (const auto & origins_and_vector : origins_and_vectors) { if (origins_and_vector.second) { // if "second" is true then "first" is a vector, otherwise it's a point // When snapping a line with a constant vector (constant direction) to a guide or grid line, // then either all points will be perpendicular/tangential or none at all. This is not very useful continue; } //Geom::Point origin_doc = _snapmanager->getDesktop()->dt2doc((*it_origin_or_vector).first); // "first" contains a Geom::Point, denoting either a point Geom::Point origin = origins_and_vector.first; // "first" contains a Geom::Point, denoting either a point // We won't try to snap tangentially; a line being tangential to another line can be achieved by snapping both its endpoints // individually to the other line. There's no need to have an explicit tangential snap here, that would be redundant if (_snapmanager->snapprefs.getSnapPerp()) { // Find the point that leads to a perpendicular snap Geom::Point const origin_proj = Geom::projection(origin, Geom::Line(p1, p2)); Geom::Coord dist = Geom::L2(origin_proj - p.getPoint()); if (dist < getSnapperTolerance()) { _addSnappedLinePerpendicularly(isr, origin_proj, dist, p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), false); } } } } } } void Inkscape::LineSnapper::constrainedSnap(IntermSnapResults &isr, Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint const &p, Geom::OptRect const &/*bbox_to_snap*/, SnapConstraint const &c, std::vector const */*it*/, std::vector */*unselected_nodes*/) const { if (_snap_enabled == false || _snapmanager->snapprefs.isSourceSnappable(p.getSourceType()) == false) { return; } // project the mouse pointer onto the constraint. Only the projected point will be considered for snapping Geom::Point pp = c.projection(p.getPoint()); /* Get the lines that we will try to snap to */ const LineList lines = _getSnapLines(pp); for (const auto & line : lines) { Geom::Point const point_on_line = c.hasPoint() ? c.getPoint() : pp; Geom::Line gridguide_line(line.second, line.second + Geom::rot90(line.first)); if (c.isCircular()) { // Find the intersections between the line and the circular constraint // First, project the origin of the circle onto the line Geom::Point const origin = c.getPoint(); Geom::Point const p_proj = Geom::projection(origin, gridguide_line); Geom::Coord dist = Geom::L2(p_proj - origin); // distance from circle origin to constraint line Geom::Coord radius = c.getRadius(); if (dist == radius) { // Only one point of intersection; _addSnappedPoint(isr, p_proj, Geom::L2(pp - p_proj), p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), true); } else if (dist < radius) { // Two points of intersection, symmetrical with respect to the projected point // Calculate half the length of the linesegment between the two points of intersection Geom::Coord l = sqrt(radius*radius - dist*dist); Geom::Coord d = Geom::L2(gridguide_line.versor()); // length of versor, needed to normalize the versor if (d > 0) { Geom::Point v = l*gridguide_line.versor()/d; _addSnappedPoint(isr, p_proj + v, Geom::L2(p.getPoint() - (p_proj + v)), p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), true); _addSnappedPoint(isr, p_proj - v, Geom::L2(p.getPoint() - (p_proj - v)), p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), true); } } } else { // Find the intersections between the line and the linear constraint Geom::Line constraint_line(point_on_line, point_on_line + c.getDirection()); Geom::OptCrossing inters = Geom::OptCrossing(); // empty by default try { inters = Geom::intersection(constraint_line, gridguide_line); } catch (Geom::InfiniteSolutions &e) { // We're probably dealing with parallel lines, so snapping doesn't make any sense here continue; // jump to the next iterator in the for-loop } if (inters) { Geom::Point t = constraint_line.pointAt((*inters).ta); const Geom::Coord dist = Geom::L2(t - p.getPoint()); if (dist < getSnapperTolerance()) { // When doing a constrained snap, we're already at an intersection. // This snappoint is therefore fully constrained, so there's no need // to look for additional intersections; just return the snapped point // and forget about the line _addSnappedPoint(isr, t, dist, p.getSourceType(), p.getSourceNum(), true); } } } } } // Will only be overridden in the guide-snapper class, because grid lines don't have an origin; the // grid-snapper classes will use this default empty method void Inkscape::LineSnapper::_addSnappedLinesOrigin(IntermSnapResults &/*isr*/, Geom::Point const &/*origin*/, Geom::Coord const &/*snapped_distance*/, SnapSourceType const &/*source_type*/, long /*source_num*/, bool /*constrained_snap*/) const { } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :