// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include "live_effects/lpe-bspline.h" #include "ui/widget/scalar.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include "helper/geom-curves.h" #include "object/sp-path.h" #include "svg/svg.h" #include "xml/repr.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "document-undo.h" #include "verbs.h" // TODO due to internal breakage in glibmm headers, this must be last: #include namespace Inkscape { namespace LivePathEffect { const double HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP = 0.001; const double NO_POWER = 0.0; const double DEFAULT_START_POWER = 1.0/3.0; const double DEFAULT_END_POWER = 2.0/3.0; Geom::Path sp_bspline_drawHandle(Geom::Point p, double helper_size); LPEBSpline::LPEBSpline(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) : Effect(lpeobject), steps(_("Steps with CTRL:"), _("Change number of steps with CTRL pressed"), "steps", &wr, this, 2), helper_size(_("Helper size:"), _("Helper size"), "helper_size", &wr, this, 0), apply_no_weight(_("Apply changes if weight = 0%"), _("Apply changes if weight = 0%"), "apply_no_weight", &wr, this, true), apply_with_weight(_("Apply changes if weight > 0%"), _("Apply changes if weight > 0%"), "apply_with_weight", &wr, this, true), only_selected(_("Change only selected nodes"), _("Change only selected nodes"), "only_selected", &wr, this, false), weight(_("Change weight %:"), _("Change weight percent of the effect"), "weight", &wr, this, DEFAULT_START_POWER * 100) { registerParameter(&weight); registerParameter(&steps); registerParameter(&helper_size); registerParameter(&apply_no_weight); registerParameter(&apply_with_weight); registerParameter(&only_selected); weight.param_set_range(NO_POWER, 100.0); weight.param_set_increments(0.1, 0.1); weight.param_set_digits(4); weight.param_set_undo(false); steps.param_set_range(1, 10); steps.param_set_increments(1, 1); steps.param_set_digits(0); steps.param_set_undo(false); helper_size.param_set_range(0.0, 999.0); helper_size.param_set_increments(1, 1); helper_size.param_set_digits(2); } LPEBSpline::~LPEBSpline() = default; void LPEBSpline::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem const* /*lpeitem*/) { if(!hp.empty()) { hp.clear(); } } void LPEBSpline::doOnApply(SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { if (!SP_IS_SHAPE(lpeitem)) { g_warning("LPE BSpline can only be applied to shapes (not groups)."); SPLPEItem * item = const_cast(lpeitem); item->removeCurrentPathEffect(false); } } void LPEBSpline::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const */*lpeitem*/, std::vector &hp_vec) { hp_vec.push_back(hp); } Gtk::Widget *LPEBSpline::newWidget() { // use manage here, because after deletion of Effect object, others might // still be pointing to this widget. Gtk::VBox *vbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::VBox(Effect::newWidget())); vbox->set_homogeneous(false); vbox->set_border_width(5); std::vector::iterator it = param_vector.begin(); while (it != param_vector.end()) { if ((*it)->widget_is_visible) { Parameter *param = *it; Gtk::Widget *widg = dynamic_cast(param->param_newWidget()); if (param->param_key == "weight") { Gtk::HBox * buttons = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(true,0)); Gtk::Button *default_weight = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button(Glib::ustring(_("Default weight")))); default_weight->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEBSpline::toDefaultWeight)); buttons->pack_start(*default_weight, true, true, 2); Gtk::Button *make_cusp = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button(Glib::ustring(_("Make cusp")))); make_cusp->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEBSpline::toMakeCusp)); buttons->pack_start(*make_cusp, true, true, 2); vbox->pack_start(*buttons, true, true, 2); } if (param->param_key == "weight" || param->param_key == "steps") { Inkscape::UI::Widget::Scalar *widg_registered = Gtk::manage(dynamic_cast(widg)); widg_registered->signal_value_changed() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEBSpline::toWeight)); widg = dynamic_cast(widg_registered); if (widg) { Gtk::HBox * hbox_weight_steps = dynamic_cast(widg); std::vector< Gtk::Widget* > childList = hbox_weight_steps->get_children(); Gtk::Entry* entry_widget = dynamic_cast(childList[1]); entry_widget->set_width_chars(9); } } if (param->param_key == "only_selected" || param->param_key == "apply_no_weight" || param->param_key == "apply_with_weight") { Gtk::CheckButton *widg_registered = Gtk::manage(dynamic_cast(widg)); widg = dynamic_cast(widg_registered); } Glib::ustring *tip = param->param_getTooltip(); if (widg) { vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); if (tip) { widg->set_tooltip_text(*tip); } else { widg->set_tooltip_text(""); widg->set_has_tooltip(false); } } } ++it; } if(Gtk::Widget* widg = defaultParamSet()) { vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); } return dynamic_cast(vbox); } void LPEBSpline::toDefaultWeight() { changeWeight(DEFAULT_START_POWER * 100); DocumentUndo::done(getSPDoc(), SP_VERB_DIALOG_LIVE_PATH_EFFECT, _("Change to default weight")); } void LPEBSpline::toMakeCusp() { changeWeight(NO_POWER); DocumentUndo::done(getSPDoc(), SP_VERB_DIALOG_LIVE_PATH_EFFECT, _("Change to 0 weight")); } void LPEBSpline::toWeight() { changeWeight(weight); DocumentUndo::done(getSPDoc(), SP_VERB_DIALOG_LIVE_PATH_EFFECT, _("Change scalar parameter")); } void LPEBSpline::changeWeight(double weight_ammount) { SPPath *path = dynamic_cast(sp_lpe_item); if(path) { SPCurve *curve = path->getCurveForEdit(); doBSplineFromWidget(curve, weight_ammount/100.0); gchar *str = sp_svg_write_path(curve->get_pathvector()); path->setAttribute("inkscape:original-d", str); g_free(str); } } void LPEBSpline::doEffect(SPCurve *curve) { sp_bspline_do_effect(curve, helper_size, hp); } void sp_bspline_do_effect(SPCurve *curve, double helper_size, Geom::PathVector &hp) { if (curve->get_segment_count() < 1) { return; } Geom::PathVector const original_pathv = curve->get_pathvector(); curve->reset(); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); for (const auto & path_it : original_pathv) { if (path_it.empty()) { continue; } if (!prefs->getBool("/tools/nodes/show_outline", true)){ hp.push_back(path_it); } Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it1 = path_it.begin(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it2 = ++(path_it.begin()); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); SPCurve *curve_n = new SPCurve(); Geom::Point previousNode(0, 0); Geom::Point node(0, 0); Geom::Point point_at1(0, 0); Geom::Point point_at2(0, 0); Geom::Point next_point_at1(0, 0); Geom::D2 sbasis_in; Geom::D2 sbasis_out; Geom::D2 sbasis_helper; Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic = nullptr; curve_n->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint()); if (path_it.closed()) { const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it.back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type // Geom::LineSegment. if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) { // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for // *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and // rounding errors... // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one! curve_endit = path_it.end_open(); } } while (curve_it1 != curve_endit) { SPCurve *in = new SPCurve(); in->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint()); in->lineto(curve_it1->finalPoint()); cubic = dynamic_cast(&*curve_it1); if (cubic) { sbasis_in = in->first_segment()->toSBasis(); if(are_near((*cubic)[1],(*cubic)[0]) && !are_near((*cubic)[2],(*cubic)[3])) { point_at1 = sbasis_in.valueAt(DEFAULT_START_POWER); } else { point_at1 = sbasis_in.valueAt(Geom::nearest_time((*cubic)[1], *in->first_segment())); } if(are_near((*cubic)[2],(*cubic)[3]) && !are_near((*cubic)[1],(*cubic)[0])) { point_at2 = sbasis_in.valueAt(DEFAULT_END_POWER); } else { point_at2 = sbasis_in.valueAt(Geom::nearest_time((*cubic)[2], *in->first_segment())); } } else { point_at1 = in->first_segment()->initialPoint(); point_at2 = in->first_segment()->finalPoint(); } in->reset(); delete in; if ( curve_it2 != curve_endit ) { SPCurve *out = new SPCurve(); out->moveto(curve_it2->initialPoint()); out->lineto(curve_it2->finalPoint()); cubic = dynamic_cast(&*curve_it2); if (cubic) { sbasis_out = out->first_segment()->toSBasis(); if(are_near((*cubic)[1],(*cubic)[0]) && !are_near((*cubic)[2],(*cubic)[3])) { next_point_at1 = sbasis_in.valueAt(DEFAULT_START_POWER); } else { next_point_at1 = sbasis_out.valueAt(Geom::nearest_time((*cubic)[1], *out->first_segment())); } } else { next_point_at1 = out->first_segment()->initialPoint(); } out->reset(); delete out; } if (path_it.closed() && curve_it2 == curve_endit) { SPCurve *start = new SPCurve(); start->moveto(path_it.begin()->initialPoint()); start->lineto(path_it.begin()->finalPoint()); Geom::D2 sbasis_start = start->first_segment()->toSBasis(); SPCurve *line_helper = new SPCurve(); cubic = dynamic_cast(&*path_it.begin()); if (cubic) { line_helper->moveto(sbasis_start.valueAt( Geom::nearest_time((*cubic)[1], *start->first_segment()))); } else { line_helper->moveto(start->first_segment()->initialPoint()); } start->reset(); delete start; SPCurve *end = new SPCurve(); end->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint()); end->lineto(curve_it1->finalPoint()); Geom::D2 sbasis_end = end->first_segment()->toSBasis(); cubic = dynamic_cast(&*curve_it1); if (cubic) { line_helper->lineto(sbasis_end.valueAt( Geom::nearest_time((*cubic)[2], *end->first_segment()))); } else { line_helper->lineto(end->first_segment()->finalPoint()); } end->reset(); delete end; sbasis_helper = line_helper->first_segment()->toSBasis(); line_helper->reset(); delete line_helper; node = sbasis_helper.valueAt(0.5); curve_n->curveto(point_at1, point_at2, node); curve_n->move_endpoints(node, node); } else if ( curve_it2 == curve_endit) { curve_n->curveto(point_at1, point_at2, curve_it1->finalPoint()); curve_n->move_endpoints(path_it.begin()->initialPoint(), curve_it1->finalPoint()); } else { SPCurve *line_helper = new SPCurve(); line_helper->moveto(point_at2); line_helper->lineto(next_point_at1); sbasis_helper = line_helper->first_segment()->toSBasis(); line_helper->reset(); delete line_helper; previousNode = node; node = sbasis_helper.valueAt(0.5); Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic2 = dynamic_cast(&*curve_it1); if((cubic && are_near((*cubic)[0],(*cubic)[1])) || (cubic2 && are_near((*cubic2)[2],(*cubic2)[3]))) { node = curve_it1->finalPoint(); } curve_n->curveto(point_at1, point_at2, node); } if(!are_near(node,curve_it1->finalPoint()) && helper_size > 0.0) { hp.push_back(sp_bspline_drawHandle(node, helper_size)); } ++curve_it1; ++curve_it2; } if (path_it.closed()) { curve_n->closepath_current(); } curve->append(curve_n, false); curve_n->reset(); delete curve_n; } if(helper_size > 0.0) { Geom::PathVector const pathv = curve->get_pathvector(); hp.push_back(pathv[0]); } } Geom::Path sp_bspline_drawHandle(Geom::Point p, double helper_size) { char const * svgd = "M 1,0.5 A 0.5,0.5 0 0 1 0.5,1 0.5,0.5 0 0 1 0,0.5 0.5,0.5 0 0 1 0.5,0 0.5,0.5 0 0 1 1,0.5 Z"; Geom::PathVector pathv = sp_svg_read_pathv(svgd); Geom::Affine aff = Geom::Affine(); aff *= Geom::Scale(helper_size); pathv *= aff; pathv *= Geom::Translate(p - Geom::Point(0.5*helper_size, 0.5*helper_size)); return pathv[0]; } void LPEBSpline::doBSplineFromWidget(SPCurve *curve, double weight_ammount) { using Geom::X; using Geom::Y; if (curve->get_segment_count() < 1) return; // Make copy of old path as it is changed during processing Geom::PathVector const original_pathv = curve->get_pathvector(); curve->reset(); for (const auto & path_it : original_pathv) { if (path_it.empty()) { continue; } Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it1 = path_it.begin(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it2 = ++(path_it.begin()); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); SPCurve *curve_n = new SPCurve(); Geom::Point point_at0(0, 0); Geom::Point point_at1(0, 0); Geom::Point point_at2(0, 0); Geom::Point point_at3(0, 0); Geom::D2 sbasis_in; Geom::D2 sbasis_out; Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic = nullptr; curve_n->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint()); if (path_it.closed()) { const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it.back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type // Geom::LineSegment. if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) { // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for // *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and // rounding errors... // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one! curve_endit = path_it.end_open(); } } while (curve_it1 != curve_endit) { SPCurve *in = new SPCurve(); in->moveto(curve_it1->initialPoint()); in->lineto(curve_it1->finalPoint()); cubic = dynamic_cast(&*curve_it1); point_at0 = in->first_segment()->initialPoint(); point_at3 = in->first_segment()->finalPoint(); sbasis_in = in->first_segment()->toSBasis(); if (cubic) { if ((apply_no_weight && apply_with_weight) || (apply_no_weight && Geom::are_near((*cubic)[1], point_at0)) || (apply_with_weight && !Geom::are_near((*cubic)[1], point_at0))) { if (isNodePointSelected(point_at0) || !only_selected) { point_at1 = sbasis_in.valueAt(weight_ammount); if (weight_ammount != NO_POWER) { point_at1 = Geom::Point(point_at1[X] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP, point_at1[Y] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP); } } else { point_at1 = (*cubic)[1]; } } else { point_at1 = (*cubic)[1]; } if ((apply_no_weight && apply_with_weight) || (apply_no_weight && Geom::are_near((*cubic)[2], point_at3)) || (apply_with_weight && !Geom::are_near((*cubic)[2], point_at3))) { if (isNodePointSelected(point_at3) || !only_selected) { point_at2 = sbasis_in.valueAt(1 - weight_ammount); if (weight_ammount != NO_POWER) { point_at2 = Geom::Point(point_at2[X] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP, point_at2[Y] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP); } } else { point_at2 = (*cubic)[2]; } } else { point_at2 = (*cubic)[2]; } } else { if ((apply_no_weight && apply_with_weight) || (apply_no_weight && weight_ammount == NO_POWER) || (apply_with_weight && weight_ammount != NO_POWER)) { if (isNodePointSelected(point_at0) || !only_selected) { point_at1 = sbasis_in.valueAt(weight_ammount); point_at1 = Geom::Point(point_at1[X] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP, point_at1[Y] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP); } else { point_at1 = in->first_segment()->initialPoint(); } if (isNodePointSelected(point_at3) || !only_selected) { point_at2 = sbasis_in.valueAt(1 - weight_ammount); point_at2 = Geom::Point(point_at2[X] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP, point_at2[Y] + HANDLE_CUBIC_GAP); } else { point_at2 = in->first_segment()->finalPoint(); } } else { point_at1 = in->first_segment()->initialPoint(); point_at2 = in->first_segment()->finalPoint(); } } in->reset(); delete in; curve_n->curveto(point_at1, point_at2, point_at3); ++curve_it1; ++curve_it2; } if (path_it.closed()) { curve_n->move_endpoints(path_it.begin()->initialPoint(), path_it.begin()->initialPoint()); } else { curve_n->move_endpoints(path_it.begin()->initialPoint(), point_at3); } if (path_it.closed()) { curve_n->closepath_current(); } curve->append(curve_n, false); curve_n->reset(); delete curve_n; } } }; //namespace LivePathEffect }; /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :