// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Author(s): * Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz * * Copyright (C) 2014 Author(s) * * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "live_effects/lpe-fillet-chamfer.h" #include "helper/geom.h" #include "helper/geom-curves.h" #include "helper/geom-satellite.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include "knotholder.h" #include "ui/tools/tool-base.h" #include <2geom/elliptical-arc.h> #include #include "object/sp-shape.h" // TODO due to internal breakage in glibmm headers, this must be last: #include namespace Inkscape { namespace LivePathEffect { static const Util::EnumData FilletmethodData[] = { { FM_AUTO, N_("Auto"), "auto" }, { FM_ARC, N_("Force arc"), "arc" }, { FM_BEZIER, N_("Force bezier"), "bezier" } }; static const Util::EnumDataConverter FMConverter(FilletmethodData, FM_END); LPEFilletChamfer::LPEFilletChamfer(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) : Effect(lpeobject), unit(_("Unit"), _("Unit"), "unit", &wr, this, "px"), satellites_param("Satellites_param", "Satellites_param", "satellites_param", &wr, this), method(_("Method:"), _("Methods to calculate the fillet or chamfer"), "method", FMConverter, &wr, this, FM_AUTO), mode(_("Mode:"), _("Mode, fillet or chamfer"), "mode", &wr, this, "F", true), radius(_("Radius:"), _("Radius, in unit or %"), "radius", &wr, this, 0.0), chamfer_steps(_("Chamfer steps:"), _("Chamfer steps"), "chamfer_steps", &wr, this, 1), flexible(_("Radius in %"), _("Flexible radius size (%)"), "flexible", &wr, this, false), only_selected(_("Change only selected nodes"), _("Change only selected nodes"), "only_selected", &wr, this, false), use_knot_distance(_("Use knots distance instead radius"), _("Use knots distance instead radius"), "use_knot_distance", &wr, this, true), hide_knots(_("Hide knots"), _("Hide knots"), "hide_knots", &wr, this, false), apply_no_radius(_("Apply changes if radius = 0"), _("Apply changes if radius = 0"), "apply_no_radius", &wr, this, true), apply_with_radius(_("Apply changes if radius > 0"), _("Apply changes if radius > 0"), "apply_with_radius", &wr, this, true), _pathvector_satellites(nullptr), _degenerate_hide(false) { registerParameter(&satellites_param); registerParameter(&unit); registerParameter(&method); registerParameter(&mode); registerParameter(&radius); registerParameter(&chamfer_steps); registerParameter(&flexible); registerParameter(&use_knot_distance); registerParameter(&apply_no_radius); registerParameter(&apply_with_radius); registerParameter(&only_selected); registerParameter(&hide_knots); radius.param_set_range(0.0, Geom::infinity()); radius.param_set_increments(1, 1); radius.param_set_digits(4); radius.param_set_undo(false); chamfer_steps.param_set_range(1, 999); chamfer_steps.param_set_increments(1, 1); chamfer_steps.param_set_digits(0); _provides_knotholder_entities = true; helperpath = false; previous_unit = Glib::ustring(""); } void LPEFilletChamfer::doOnApply(SPLPEItem const *lpeItem) { SPLPEItem *splpeitem = const_cast(lpeItem); SPShape *shape = dynamic_cast(splpeitem); if (shape) { Geom::PathVector const pathv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(shape->getCurve(true)->get_pathvector()); Satellites satellites; double power = radius; if (!flexible) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); Glib::ustring display_unit = document->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); power = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(power, unit.get_abbreviation(), display_unit.c_str()); } SatelliteType satellite_type = FILLET; std::map gchar_map_to_satellite_type = boost::assign::map_list_of("F", FILLET)("IF", INVERSE_FILLET)("C", CHAMFER)("IC", INVERSE_CHAMFER)("KO", INVALID_SATELLITE); auto mode_str = mode.param_getSVGValue(); std::map::iterator it = gchar_map_to_satellite_type.find(mode_str.raw()); if (it != gchar_map_to_satellite_type.end()) { satellite_type = it->second; } Geom::PathVector pathvres; for (const auto & path_it : pathv) { if (path_it.empty() || count_path_nodes(path_it) < 2) { continue; } std::vector subpath_satellites; Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it = path_it.begin(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); if (path_it.closed()) { const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it.back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type // Geom::LineSegment. if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) { // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for // *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and // rounding errors... // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one! curve_endit = path_it.end_open(); } } Geom::Path pathresult(curve_it->initialPoint()); while (curve_it != curve_endit) { if (pathresult.size()) { pathresult.setFinal(curve_it->initialPoint()); } pathresult.append(*curve_it); ++curve_it; Satellite satellite(satellite_type); satellite.setSteps(chamfer_steps); satellite.setAmount(power); satellite.setIsTime(flexible); satellite.setHasMirror(true); satellite.setHidden(hide_knots); subpath_satellites.push_back(satellite); } //we add the last satellite on open path because _pathvector_satellites is related to nodes, not curves //so maybe in the future we can need this last satellite in other effects //don't remove for this effect because _pathvector_satellites class has methods when the path is modified //and we want one method for all uses if (!path_it.closed()) { Satellite satellite(satellite_type); satellite.setSteps(chamfer_steps); satellite.setAmount(power); satellite.setIsTime(flexible); satellite.setHasMirror(true); satellite.setHidden(hide_knots); subpath_satellites.push_back(satellite); } pathresult.close(path_it.closed()); pathvres.push_back(pathresult); pathresult.clear(); satellites.push_back(subpath_satellites); } _pathvector_satellites = new PathVectorSatellites(); _pathvector_satellites->setPathVector(pathvres); _pathvector_satellites->setSatellites(satellites); satellites_param.setPathVectorSatellites(_pathvector_satellites); } else { g_warning("LPE Fillet/Chamfer can only be applied to shapes (not groups)."); SPLPEItem *item = const_cast(lpeItem); item->removeCurrentPathEffect(false); } } Gtk::Widget *LPEFilletChamfer::newWidget() { // use manage here, because after deletion of Effect object, others might // still be pointing to this widget. Gtk::VBox *vbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::VBox(Effect::newWidget())); vbox->set_border_width(5); vbox->set_homogeneous(false); vbox->set_spacing(2); std::vector::iterator it = param_vector.begin(); while (it != param_vector.end()) { if ((*it)->widget_is_visible) { Parameter *param = *it; Gtk::Widget *widg = param->param_newWidget(); if (param->param_key == "radius") { Inkscape::UI::Widget::Scalar *widg_registered = Gtk::manage(dynamic_cast(widg)); widg_registered->signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEFilletChamfer::updateAmount)); widg = widg_registered; if (widg) { Gtk::HBox *scalar_parameter = dynamic_cast(widg); std::vector childList = scalar_parameter->get_children(); Gtk::Entry *entry_widget = dynamic_cast(childList[1]); entry_widget->set_width_chars(6); } } else if (param->param_key == "chamfer_steps") { Inkscape::UI::Widget::Scalar *widg_registered = Gtk::manage(dynamic_cast(widg)); widg_registered->signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEFilletChamfer::updateChamferSteps)); widg = widg_registered; if (widg) { Gtk::HBox *scalar_parameter = dynamic_cast(widg); std::vector childList = scalar_parameter->get_children(); Gtk::Entry *entry_widget = dynamic_cast(childList[1]); entry_widget->set_width_chars(3); } } else if (param->param_key == "only_selected") { Gtk::manage(widg); } Glib::ustring *tip = param->param_getTooltip(); if (widg) { vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); if (tip) { widg->set_tooltip_text(*tip); } else { widg->set_tooltip_text(""); widg->set_has_tooltip(false); } } } ++it; } Gtk::HBox *fillet_container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(true, 0)); Gtk::Button *fillet = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button(Glib::ustring(_("Fillet")))); fillet->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEFilletChamfer::updateSatelliteType),FILLET)); fillet_container->pack_start(*fillet, true, true, 2); Gtk::Button *inverse_fillet = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button(Glib::ustring(_("Inverse fillet")))); inverse_fillet->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEFilletChamfer::updateSatelliteType),INVERSE_FILLET)); fillet_container->pack_start(*inverse_fillet, true, true, 2); Gtk::HBox *chamfer_container = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(true, 0)); Gtk::Button *chamfer = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button(Glib::ustring(_("Chamfer")))); chamfer->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEFilletChamfer::updateSatelliteType),CHAMFER)); chamfer_container->pack_start(*chamfer, true, true, 2); Gtk::Button *inverse_chamfer = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button(Glib::ustring(_("Inverse chamfer")))); inverse_chamfer->signal_clicked() .connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LPEFilletChamfer::updateSatelliteType),INVERSE_CHAMFER)); chamfer_container->pack_start(*inverse_chamfer, true, true, 2); vbox->pack_start(*fillet_container, true, true, 2); vbox->pack_start(*chamfer_container, true, true, 2); if(Gtk::Widget* widg = defaultParamSet()) { vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); } return vbox; } void LPEFilletChamfer::refreshKnots() { if (satellites_param._knoth) { satellites_param._knoth->update_knots(); } } void LPEFilletChamfer::updateAmount() { setSelected(_pathvector_satellites); double power = radius; if (!flexible) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); Glib::ustring display_unit = document->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); power = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(power, unit.get_abbreviation(), display_unit.c_str()); } _pathvector_satellites->updateAmount(power, apply_no_radius, apply_with_radius, only_selected, use_knot_distance, flexible); satellites_param.setPathVectorSatellites(_pathvector_satellites); } void LPEFilletChamfer::updateChamferSteps() { setSelected(_pathvector_satellites); _pathvector_satellites->updateSteps(chamfer_steps, apply_no_radius, apply_with_radius, only_selected); satellites_param.setPathVectorSatellites(_pathvector_satellites); } void LPEFilletChamfer::updateSatelliteType(SatelliteType satellitetype) { std::map satellite_type_to_gchar_map = boost::assign::map_list_of(FILLET, "F")(INVERSE_FILLET, "IF")(CHAMFER, "C")(INVERSE_CHAMFER, "IC")(INVALID_SATELLITE, "KO"); mode.param_setValue((Glib::ustring)satellite_type_to_gchar_map.at(satellitetype)); setSelected(_pathvector_satellites); _pathvector_satellites->updateSatelliteType(satellitetype, apply_no_radius, apply_with_radius, only_selected); satellites_param.setPathVectorSatellites(_pathvector_satellites); } void LPEFilletChamfer::setSelected(PathVectorSatellites *_pathvector_satellites){ Geom::PathVector const pathv = _pathvector_satellites->getPathVector(); Satellites satellites = _pathvector_satellites->getSatellites(); for (size_t i = 0; i < satellites.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < satellites[i].size(); ++j) { Geom::Curve const &curve_in = pathv[i][j]; if (only_selected && isNodePointSelected(curve_in.initialPoint()) ){ satellites[i][j].setSelected(true); } else { satellites[i][j].setSelected(false); } } } _pathvector_satellites->setSatellites(satellites); } void LPEFilletChamfer::doBeforeEffect(SPLPEItem const *lpeItem) { if (!pathvector_before_effect.empty()) { //fillet chamfer specific calls satellites_param.setUseDistance(use_knot_distance); satellites_param.setCurrentZoom(current_zoom); //mandatory call satellites_param.setEffectType(effectType()); Geom::PathVector const pathv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(pathvector_before_effect); Geom::PathVector pathvres; for (const auto &path_it : pathv) { if (path_it.empty() || count_path_nodes(path_it) < 2) { continue; } Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it = path_it.begin(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); if (path_it.closed()) { const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it.back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type // Geom::LineSegment. if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) { // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for // *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and // rounding errors... // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one! curve_endit = path_it.end_open(); } } Geom::Path pathresult(curve_it->initialPoint()); while (curve_it != curve_endit) { if (pathresult.size()) { pathresult.setFinal(curve_it->initialPoint()); } if (Geom::are_near((*curve_it).initialPoint(), (*curve_it).finalPoint())) { return; } pathresult.append(*curve_it); ++curve_it; } pathresult.close(path_it.closed()); pathvres.push_back(pathresult); pathresult.clear(); } // if are different sizes call to recalculate Satellites satellites = satellites_param.data(); if (satellites.empty()) { doOnApply(lpeItem); // dont want _impl to not update versioning satellites = satellites_param.data(); } bool write = false; if (_pathvector_satellites) { size_t number_nodes = count_pathvector_nodes(pathvres); size_t previous_number_nodes = _pathvector_satellites->getTotalSatellites(); if (number_nodes != previous_number_nodes) { double power = radius; if (!flexible) { SPDocument *document = getSPDoc(); Glib::ustring display_unit = document->getDisplayUnit()->abbr.c_str(); power = Inkscape::Util::Quantity::convert(power, unit.get_abbreviation(), display_unit.c_str()); } SatelliteType satellite_type = FILLET; std::map gchar_map_to_satellite_type = boost::assign::map_list_of("F", FILLET)("IF", INVERSE_FILLET)("C", CHAMFER)("IC", INVERSE_CHAMFER)("KO", INVALID_SATELLITE); auto mode_str = mode.param_getSVGValue(); std::map::iterator it = gchar_map_to_satellite_type.find(mode_str.raw()); if (it != gchar_map_to_satellite_type.end()) { satellite_type = it->second; } Satellite satellite(satellite_type); satellite.setSteps(chamfer_steps); satellite.setAmount(power); satellite.setIsTime(flexible); satellite.setHasMirror(true); satellite.setHidden(hide_knots); _pathvector_satellites->recalculateForNewPathVector(pathvres, satellite); satellites = _pathvector_satellites->getSatellites(); write = true; SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP; } } if (_degenerate_hide) { satellites_param.setGlobalKnotHide(true); } else { satellites_param.setGlobalKnotHide(false); } for (size_t i = 0; i < satellites.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < satellites[i].size(); ++j) { if (j >= count_path_nodes(pathvres[i])) { // we are on the end of a open path // for the moment we dont want to use // this satellite so simplest do nothing with it continue; } Geom::Curve const &curve_in = pathvres[i][j]; if (satellites[i][j].is_time != flexible) { satellites[i][j].is_time = flexible; double amount = satellites[i][j].amount; if (satellites[i][j].is_time) { double time = timeAtArcLength(amount, curve_in); satellites[i][j].amount = time; } else { double size = arcLengthAt(amount, curve_in); satellites[i][j].amount = size; } } satellites[i][j].hidden = hide_knots; if (only_selected && isNodePointSelected(curve_in.initialPoint()) ){ satellites[i][j].setSelected(true); } } if (!pathvres[i].closed()) { satellites[i][0].amount = 0; satellites[i][count_path_nodes(pathvres[i]) - 1].amount = 0; } } if (!_pathvector_satellites) { _pathvector_satellites = new PathVectorSatellites(); } _pathvector_satellites->setPathVector(pathvres); _pathvector_satellites->setSatellites(satellites); satellites_param.setPathVectorSatellites(_pathvector_satellites, write); size_t number_nodes = count_pathvector_nodes(pathvres); size_t previous_number_nodes = _pathvector_satellites->getTotalSatellites(); if (number_nodes != previous_number_nodes) { doOnApply(lpeItem); // dont want _impl to not update versioning satellites = satellites_param.data(); satellites_param.setPathVectorSatellites(_pathvector_satellites, write); } Glib::ustring current_unit = Glib::ustring(unit.get_abbreviation()); if (previous_unit != current_unit && previous_unit != "") { updateAmount(); } if (write) { satellites_param.reloadKnots(); } else { refreshKnots(); } previous_unit = current_unit; } else { g_warning("LPE Fillet can only be applied to shapes (not groups)."); } } void LPEFilletChamfer::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const */*lpeitem*/, std::vector &hp_vec) { hp_vec.push_back(_hp); } void LPEFilletChamfer::addChamferSteps(Geom::Path &tmp_path, Geom::Path path_chamfer, Geom::Point end_arc_point, size_t steps) { setSelected(_pathvector_satellites); double path_subdivision = 1.0 / steps; for (size_t i = 1; i < steps; i++) { Geom::Point chamfer_step = path_chamfer.pointAt(path_subdivision * i); tmp_path.appendNew(chamfer_step); } tmp_path.appendNew(end_arc_point); } Geom::PathVector LPEFilletChamfer::doEffect_path(Geom::PathVector const &path_in) { const double GAP_HELPER = 0.00001; Geom::PathVector path_out; size_t path = 0; const double K = (4.0 / 3.0) * (sqrt(2.0) - 1.0); _degenerate_hide = false; Geom::PathVector const pathv = _pathvector_satellites->getPathVector(); Satellites satellites = _pathvector_satellites->getSatellites(); for (const auto &path_it : pathv) { Geom::Path tmp_path; double time0 = 0; size_t curve = 0; Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it1 = path_it.begin(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); if (path_it.closed()) { const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it.back_closed(); // the closing line segment is always of type // Geom::LineSegment. if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) { // closingline.isDegenerate() did not work, because it only checks for // *exact* zero length, which goes wrong for relative coordinates and // rounding errors... // the closing line segment has zero-length. So stop before that one! curve_endit = path_it.end_open(); } } while (curve_it1 != curve_endit) { size_t next_index = curve + 1; if (curve == count_path_nodes(pathv[path]) - 1 && pathv[path].closed()) { next_index = 0; } //append last extreme of paths on open paths if (curve == count_path_nodes(pathv[path]) - 1 && !pathv[path].closed()) { // the path is open and we are at // end of path if (time0 != 1) { //Previous satellite not at 100% amount Geom::Curve *last_curve = curve_it1->portion(time0, 1); last_curve->setInitial(tmp_path.finalPoint()); tmp_path.append(*last_curve); } ++curve_it1; continue; } Geom::Curve const &curve_it2 = pathv[path][next_index]; Satellite satellite = satellites[path][next_index]; if (Geom::are_near((*curve_it1).initialPoint(), (*curve_it1).finalPoint())) { _degenerate_hide = true; g_warning("Knots hidden if consecutive nodes has the same position."); return path_in; } if (!curve) { //curve == 0 if (!path_it.closed()) { time0 = 0; } else { time0 = satellites[path][0].time(*curve_it1); } } double s = satellite.arcDistance(curve_it2); double time1 = satellite.time(s, true, (*curve_it1)); double time2 = satellite.time(curve_it2); if (time1 <= time0) { time1 = time0; } if (time2 > 1) { time2 = 1; } Geom::Curve *knot_curve_1 = curve_it1->portion(time0, time1); Geom::Curve *knot_curve_2 = curve_it2.portion(time2, 1); if (curve > 0) { knot_curve_1->setInitial(tmp_path.finalPoint()); } else { tmp_path.start((*curve_it1).pointAt(time0)); } Geom::Point start_arc_point = knot_curve_1->finalPoint(); Geom::Point end_arc_point = curve_it2.pointAt(time2); //add a gap helper if (time2 == 1) { end_arc_point = curve_it2.pointAt(time2 - GAP_HELPER); } if (time1 == time0) { start_arc_point = curve_it1->pointAt(time1 + GAP_HELPER); } double k1 = distance(start_arc_point, curve_it1->finalPoint()) * K; double k2 = distance(curve_it2.initialPoint(), end_arc_point) * K; Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic_1 = dynamic_cast(&*knot_curve_1); Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic_2 = dynamic_cast(&*knot_curve_2); Geom::Ray ray_1(start_arc_point, curve_it1->finalPoint()); Geom::Ray ray_2(curve_it2.initialPoint(), end_arc_point); if (cubic_1) { ray_1.setPoints((*cubic_1)[2], start_arc_point); } if (cubic_2) { ray_2.setPoints(end_arc_point, (*cubic_2)[1]); } bool ccw_toggle = cross(curve_it1->finalPoint() - start_arc_point, end_arc_point - start_arc_point) < 0; double angle = angle_between(ray_1, ray_2, ccw_toggle); double handle_angle_1 = ray_1.angle() - angle; double handle_angle_2 = ray_2.angle() + angle; if (ccw_toggle) { handle_angle_1 = ray_1.angle() + angle; handle_angle_2 = ray_2.angle() - angle; } Geom::Point handle_1 = Geom::Point::polar(ray_1.angle(), k1) + start_arc_point; Geom::Point handle_2 = end_arc_point - Geom::Point::polar(ray_2.angle(), k2); Geom::Point inverse_handle_1 = Geom::Point::polar(handle_angle_1, k1) + start_arc_point; Geom::Point inverse_handle_2 = end_arc_point - Geom::Point::polar(handle_angle_2, k2); if (time0 == 1) { handle_1 = start_arc_point; inverse_handle_1 = start_arc_point; } //remove gap helper if (time2 == 1) { end_arc_point = curve_it2.pointAt(time2); } if (time1 == time0) { start_arc_point = curve_it1->pointAt(time0); } if (time1 != 1 && !Geom::are_near(angle,Geom::rad_from_deg(360))) { if (time1 != time0 || (time1 == 1 && time0 == 1)) { if (!knot_curve_1->isDegenerate()) { tmp_path.append(*knot_curve_1); } } SatelliteType type = satellite.satellite_type; size_t steps = satellite.steps; if (!steps) steps = 1; Geom::Line const x_line(Geom::Point(0, 0), Geom::Point(1, 0)); Geom::Line const angled_line(start_arc_point, end_arc_point); double arc_angle = Geom::angle_between(x_line, angled_line); double radius = Geom::distance(start_arc_point, middle_point(start_arc_point, end_arc_point)) / sin(angle / 2.0); Geom::Coord rx = radius; Geom::Coord ry = rx; bool eliptical = (is_straight_curve(*curve_it1) && is_straight_curve(curve_it2) && method != FM_BEZIER) || method == FM_ARC; switch (type) { case CHAMFER: { Geom::Path path_chamfer; path_chamfer.start(tmp_path.finalPoint()); if (eliptical) { ccw_toggle = ccw_toggle ? false : true; path_chamfer.appendNew(rx, ry, arc_angle, 0, ccw_toggle, end_arc_point); } else { path_chamfer.appendNew(handle_1, handle_2, end_arc_point); } addChamferSteps(tmp_path, path_chamfer, end_arc_point, steps); } break; case INVERSE_CHAMFER: { Geom::Path path_chamfer; path_chamfer.start(tmp_path.finalPoint()); if (eliptical) { path_chamfer.appendNew(rx, ry, arc_angle, 0, ccw_toggle, end_arc_point); } else { path_chamfer.appendNew(inverse_handle_1, inverse_handle_2, end_arc_point); } addChamferSteps(tmp_path, path_chamfer, end_arc_point, steps); } break; case INVERSE_FILLET: { if (eliptical) { tmp_path.appendNew(rx, ry, arc_angle, 0, ccw_toggle, end_arc_point); } else { tmp_path.appendNew(inverse_handle_1, inverse_handle_2, end_arc_point); } } break; default: //fillet { if (eliptical) { ccw_toggle = ccw_toggle ? false : true; tmp_path.appendNew(rx, ry, arc_angle, 0, ccw_toggle, end_arc_point); } else { tmp_path.appendNew(handle_1, handle_2, end_arc_point); } } break; } } else { if (!knot_curve_1->isDegenerate()) { tmp_path.append(*knot_curve_1); } } curve++; ++curve_it1; time0 = time2; } if (path_it.closed()) { tmp_path.close(); } path++; path_out.push_back(tmp_path); } if (helperpath) { _hp = path_out; return pathvector_after_effect; } _hp.clear(); return path_out; } }; //namespace LivePathEffect }; /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offset:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :