// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** \file * LPE implementation */ /* * Authors: * Jabiertxof Code migration from python extensions envelope and perspective * Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org from envelope and perspective python code * Dmitry Platonov, shadowjack@mail.ru, 2006 perspective approach & math * Jose Hevia (freon) Transform algorithm from envelope * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include "live_effects/lpe-perspective-envelope.h" #include "helper/geom.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include // TODO due to internal breakage in glibmm headers, this must be last: #include using namespace Geom; namespace Inkscape { namespace LivePathEffect { enum DeformationType { DEFORMATION_PERSPECTIVE, DEFORMATION_ENVELOPE }; static const Util::EnumData DeformationTypeData[] = { {DEFORMATION_PERSPECTIVE , N_("Perspective"), "perspective"}, {DEFORMATION_ENVELOPE , N_("Envelope deformation"), "envelope_deformation"} }; static const Util::EnumDataConverter DeformationTypeConverter(DeformationTypeData, sizeof(DeformationTypeData)/sizeof(*DeformationTypeData)); LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::LPEPerspectiveEnvelope(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) : Effect(lpeobject), horizontal_mirror(_("Mirror movements in horizontal"), _("Mirror movements in horizontal"), "horizontal_mirror", &wr, this, false), vertical_mirror(_("Mirror movements in vertical"), _("Mirror movements in vertical"), "vertical_mirror", &wr, this, false), overflow_perspective(_("Overflow perspective"), _("Overflow perspective"), "overflow_perspective", &wr, this, false), deform_type(_("Type"), _("Select the type of deformation"), "deform_type", DeformationTypeConverter, &wr, this, DEFORMATION_PERSPECTIVE), up_left_point(_("Top Left"), _("Top Left - Ctrl+Alt+Click: reset, Ctrl: move along axes"), "up_left_point", &wr, this), up_right_point(_("Top Right"), _("Top Right - Ctrl+Alt+Click: reset, Ctrl: move along axes"), "up_right_point", &wr, this), down_left_point(_("Down Left"), _("Down Left - Ctrl+Alt+Click: reset, Ctrl: move along axes"), "down_left_point", &wr, this), down_right_point(_("Down Right"), _("Down Right - Ctrl+Alt+Click: reset, Ctrl: move along axes"), "down_right_point", &wr, this) { // register all your parameters here, so Inkscape knows which parameters this effect has: registerParameter(&deform_type); registerParameter(&horizontal_mirror); registerParameter(&vertical_mirror); registerParameter(&overflow_perspective); registerParameter(&up_left_point); registerParameter(&up_right_point); registerParameter(&down_left_point); registerParameter(&down_right_point); apply_to_clippath_and_mask = true; } LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::~LPEPerspectiveEnvelope() = default; void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::transform_multiply(Geom::Affine const &postmul, bool /*set*/) { up_left_point.param_transform_multiply(postmul, false); up_right_point.param_transform_multiply(postmul, false); down_left_point.param_transform_multiply(postmul, false); down_right_point.param_transform_multiply(postmul, false); } bool pointInTriangle(Geom::Point const &p, std::vector points) { if (points.size() != 3) { g_warning("Incorrect number of points in pointInTriangle\n"); return false; } Geom::Point p1 = points[0]; Geom::Point p2 = points[1]; Geom::Point p3 = points[2]; // http://totologic.blogspot.com.es/2014/01/accurate-point-in-triangle-test.html using Geom::X; using Geom::Y; double denominator = (p1[X] * (p2[Y] - p3[Y]) + p1[Y] * (p3[X] - p2[X]) + p2[X] * p3[Y] - p2[Y] * p3[X]); double t1 = (p[X] * (p3[Y] - p1[Y]) + p[Y] * (p1[X] - p3[X]) - p1[X] * p3[Y] + p1[Y] * p3[X]) / denominator; double t2 = (p[X] * (p2[Y] - p1[Y]) + p[Y] * (p1[X] - p2[X]) - p1[X] * p2[Y] + p1[Y] * p2[X]) / -denominator; double s = t1 + t2; return 0 <= t1 && t1 <= 1 && 0 <= t2 && t2 <= 1 && s <= 1; } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::doEffect(SPCurve *curve) { double projmatrix[3][3]; if(deform_type == DEFORMATION_PERSPECTIVE) { using Geom::X; using Geom::Y; std::vector source_handles(4); source_handles[0] = Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.max()); source_handles[1] = Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.min()); source_handles[2] = Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.min()); source_handles[3] = Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.max()); double solmatrix[8][8] = {{0}}; double free_term[8] = {0}; double gslSolmatrix[64]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { solmatrix[i][0] = source_handles[i][X]; solmatrix[i][1] = source_handles[i][Y]; solmatrix[i][2] = 1; solmatrix[i][6] = -handles[i][X] * source_handles[i][X]; solmatrix[i][7] = -handles[i][X] * source_handles[i][Y]; solmatrix[i+4][3] = source_handles[i][X]; solmatrix[i+4][4] = source_handles[i][Y]; solmatrix[i+4][5] = 1; solmatrix[i+4][6] = -handles[i][Y] * source_handles[i][X]; solmatrix[i+4][7] = -handles[i][Y] * source_handles[i][Y]; free_term[i] = handles[i][X]; free_term[i+4] = handles[i][Y]; } int h = 0; for(auto & i : solmatrix) { for(double j : i) { gslSolmatrix[h] = j; h++; } } //this is get by this page: //http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Linear-Algebra-Examples.html#Linear-Algebra-Examples gsl_matrix_view m = gsl_matrix_view_array (gslSolmatrix, 8, 8); gsl_vector_view b = gsl_vector_view_array (free_term, 8); gsl_vector *x = gsl_vector_alloc (8); int s; gsl_permutation * p = gsl_permutation_alloc (8); gsl_linalg_LU_decomp (&m.matrix, p, &s); gsl_linalg_LU_solve (&m.matrix, p, &b.vector, x); h = 0; for(auto & i : projmatrix) { for(double & j : i) { if(h==8) { projmatrix[2][2] = 1.0; continue; } j = gsl_vector_get(x, h); h++; } } gsl_permutation_free (p); gsl_vector_free (x); } Geom::PathVector const original_pathv = pathv_to_linear_and_cubic_beziers(curve->get_pathvector()); curve->reset(); Geom::CubicBezier const *cubic = nullptr; Geom::Point point_at1(0, 0); Geom::Point point_at2(0, 0); Geom::Point point_at3(0, 0); for (const auto & path_it : original_pathv) { //Si está vacío... if (path_it.empty()) continue; //Itreadores SPCurve *nCurve = new SPCurve(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_it1 = path_it.begin(); Geom::Path::const_iterator curve_endit = path_it.end_default(); if (path_it.closed()) { const Geom::Curve &closingline = path_it.back_closed(); if (are_near(closingline.initialPoint(), closingline.finalPoint())) { curve_endit = path_it.end_open(); } } if(deform_type == DEFORMATION_PERSPECTIVE) { nCurve->moveto(projectPoint(curve_it1->initialPoint(), projmatrix)); } else { nCurve->moveto(projectPoint(curve_it1->initialPoint())); } while (curve_it1 != curve_endit) { cubic = dynamic_cast(&*curve_it1); if (cubic) { point_at1 = (*cubic)[1]; point_at2 = (*cubic)[2]; } else { point_at1 = curve_it1->initialPoint(); point_at2 = curve_it1->finalPoint(); } point_at3 = curve_it1->finalPoint(); if(deform_type == DEFORMATION_PERSPECTIVE) { point_at1 = projectPoint(point_at1, projmatrix); point_at2 = projectPoint(point_at2, projmatrix); point_at3 = projectPoint(point_at3, projmatrix); } else { point_at1 = projectPoint(point_at1); point_at2 = projectPoint(point_at2); point_at3 = projectPoint(point_at3); } if (cubic) { nCurve->curveto(point_at1, point_at2, point_at3); } else { nCurve->lineto(point_at3); } ++curve_it1; } //y cerramos la curva if (path_it.closed()) { nCurve->move_endpoints(point_at3, point_at3); nCurve->closepath_current(); } curve->append(nCurve, false); nCurve->reset(); delete nCurve; } } Geom::Point LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::projectPoint(Geom::Point p) { double width = boundingbox_X.extent(); double height = boundingbox_Y.extent(); double delta_x = boundingbox_X.min() - p[X]; double delta_y = boundingbox_Y.max() - p[Y]; Geom::Coord x_ratio = (delta_x * -1) / width; Geom::Coord y_ratio = delta_y / height; Geom::Line horiz; Geom::Line vert; vert.setPoints (pointAtRatio(y_ratio,down_left_point,up_left_point),pointAtRatio(y_ratio,down_right_point,up_right_point)); horiz.setPoints (pointAtRatio(x_ratio,down_left_point,down_right_point),pointAtRatio(x_ratio,up_left_point,up_right_point)); OptCrossing crossPoint = intersection(horiz,vert); if(crossPoint) { return horiz.pointAt(Geom::Coord(crossPoint->ta)); } else { return p; } } Geom::Point LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::projectPoint(Geom::Point p, double m[][3]) { Geom::Coord x = p[0]; Geom::Coord y = p[1]; return Geom::Point( Geom::Coord((x*m[0][0] + y*m[0][1] + m[0][2])/(x*m[2][0]+y*m[2][1]+m[2][2])), Geom::Coord((x*m[1][0] + y*m[1][1] + m[1][2])/(x*m[2][0]+y*m[2][1]+m[2][2]))); } Geom::Point LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::pointAtRatio(Geom::Coord ratio,Geom::Point A, Geom::Point B) { Geom::Coord x = A[X] + (ratio * (B[X]-A[X])); Geom::Coord y = A[Y]+ (ratio * (B[Y]-A[Y])); return Point(x, y); } Gtk::Widget * LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::newWidget() { // use manage here, because after deletion of Effect object, others might still be pointing to this widget. Gtk::VBox * vbox = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::VBox(Effect::newWidget()) ); vbox->set_border_width(5); vbox->set_homogeneous(false); vbox->set_spacing(6); std::vector::iterator it = param_vector.begin(); Gtk::HBox * hbox_up_handles = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(false,0)); Gtk::HBox * hbox_down_handles = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(false,0)); while (it != param_vector.end()) { if ((*it)->widget_is_visible) { Parameter * param = *it; Gtk::Widget * widg = dynamic_cast(param->param_newWidget()); if (param->param_key == "up_left_point" || param->param_key == "up_right_point" || param->param_key == "down_left_point" || param->param_key == "down_right_point") { Gtk::HBox * point_hbox = dynamic_cast(widg); std::vector< Gtk::Widget* > child_list = point_hbox->get_children(); Gtk::HBox * point_hboxHBox = dynamic_cast(child_list[0]); std::vector< Gtk::Widget* > child_list2 = point_hboxHBox->get_children(); point_hboxHBox->remove(child_list2[0][0]); Glib::ustring * tip = param->param_getTooltip(); if (widg) { if(param->param_key == "up_left_point") { Gtk::Label* handles = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(Glib::ustring(_("Handles:")),Gtk::ALIGN_START)); vbox->pack_start(*handles, false, false, 2); hbox_up_handles->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); hbox_up_handles->pack_start(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Separator(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)), Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); } else if(param->param_key == "up_right_point") { hbox_up_handles->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); } else if(param->param_key == "down_left_point") { hbox_down_handles->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); hbox_down_handles->pack_start(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Separator(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)), Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); } else { hbox_down_handles->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); } if (tip) { widg->set_tooltip_markup(*tip); } else { widg->set_tooltip_text(""); widg->set_has_tooltip(false); } } } else { Glib::ustring * tip = param->param_getTooltip(); if (widg) { vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); if (tip) { widg->set_tooltip_text(*tip); } else { widg->set_tooltip_text(""); widg->set_has_tooltip(false); } } } } ++it; } vbox->pack_start(*hbox_up_handles,true, true, 2); Gtk::HBox * hbox_middle = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(true,2)); hbox_middle->pack_start(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Separator(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)), Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); hbox_middle->pack_start(*Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Separator(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)), Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); vbox->pack_start(*hbox_middle, false, true, 2); vbox->pack_start(*hbox_down_handles, true, true, 2); Gtk::HBox * hbox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox(false,0)); Gtk::Button* reset_button = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button(_("_Clear"), true)); reset_button->set_image_from_icon_name("edit-clear"); reset_button->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun (*this,&LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::resetGrid)); reset_button->set_size_request(140,30); vbox->pack_start(*hbox, true,true,2); hbox->pack_start(*reset_button, false, false,2); if(Gtk::Widget* widg = defaultParamSet()) { vbox->pack_start(*widg, true, true, 2); } return dynamic_cast(vbox); } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::vertical(PointParam ¶m_one, PointParam ¶m_two, Geom::Line vert) { Geom::Point A = param_one; Geom::Point B = param_two; double Y = (A[Geom::Y] + B[Geom::Y])/2; A[Geom::Y] = Y; B[Geom::Y] = Y; Geom::Point nearest = vert.pointAt(vert.nearestTime(A)); double distance_one = Geom::distance(A,nearest); double distance_two = Geom::distance(B,nearest); double distance_middle = (distance_one + distance_two)/2; if(A[Geom::X] > B[Geom::X]) { distance_middle *= -1; } A[Geom::X] = nearest[Geom::X] - distance_middle; B[Geom::X] = nearest[Geom::X] + distance_middle; param_one.param_setValue(A); param_two.param_setValue(B); } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::horizontal(PointParam ¶m_one, PointParam ¶m_two, Geom::Line horiz) { Geom::Point A = param_one; Geom::Point B = param_two; double X = (A[Geom::X] + B[Geom::X])/2; A[Geom::X] = X; B[Geom::X] = X; Geom::Point nearest = horiz.pointAt(horiz.nearestTime(A)); double distance_one = Geom::distance(A,nearest); double distance_two = Geom::distance(B,nearest); double distance_middle = (distance_one + distance_two)/2; if(A[Geom::Y] > B[Geom::Y]) { distance_middle *= -1; } A[Geom::Y] = nearest[Geom::Y] - distance_middle; B[Geom::Y] = nearest[Geom::Y] + distance_middle; param_one.param_setValue(A); param_two.param_setValue(B); } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { original_bbox(lpeitem, false, true); Geom::Line vert(Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.middle(),boundingbox_Y.max()), Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.middle(), boundingbox_Y.min())); Geom::Line horiz(Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.min(),boundingbox_Y.middle()), Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.middle())); if(vertical_mirror) { vertical(up_left_point, up_right_point,vert); vertical(down_left_point, down_right_point,vert); } if(horizontal_mirror) { horizontal(up_left_point, down_left_point,horiz); horizontal(up_right_point, down_right_point,horiz); } setDefaults(); if (are_near(up_left_point, up_right_point) && are_near(up_right_point, down_left_point) && are_near(down_left_point, down_right_point)) { g_warning( "Perspective/Envelope LPE::doBeforeEffect - lpeobj with invalid parameter, the same value in 4 handles!"); resetGrid(); return; } if (deform_type == DEFORMATION_PERSPECTIVE) { if (!overflow_perspective && handles.size() == 4) { bool move0 = false; if (handles[0] != down_left_point) { move0 = true; } bool move1 = false; if (handles[1] != up_left_point) { move1 = true; } bool move2 = false; if (handles[2] != up_right_point) { move2 = true; } bool move3 = false; if (handles[3] != down_right_point) { move3 = true; } handles.resize(4); handles[0] = down_left_point; handles[1] = up_left_point; handles[2] = up_right_point; handles[3] = down_right_point; Geom::Line line_a(handles[3], handles[1]); Geom::Line line_b(handles[1], handles[2]); Geom::Line line_c(handles[2], handles[3]); int position_a = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[3] - handles[1], handles[0] - handles[1])); int position_b = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[1] - handles[2], handles[0] - handles[2])); int position_c = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[2] - handles[3], handles[0] - handles[3])); if (position_a != 1 && move0) { Geom::Point point_a = line_a.pointAt(line_a.nearestTime(handles[0])); down_left_point.param_setValue(point_a, true); } if (position_b == 1 && move0) { Geom::Point point_b = line_b.pointAt(line_b.nearestTime(handles[0])); down_left_point.param_setValue(point_b, true); } if (position_c == 1 && move0) { Geom::Point point_c = line_c.pointAt(line_c.nearestTime(handles[0])); down_left_point.param_setValue(point_c, true); } line_a.setPoints(handles[0], handles[2]); line_b.setPoints(handles[2], handles[3]); line_c.setPoints(handles[3], handles[0]); position_a = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[0] - handles[2], handles[1] - handles[2])); position_b = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[2] - handles[3], handles[1] - handles[3])); position_c = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[3] - handles[0], handles[1] - handles[0])); if (position_a != 1 && move1) { Geom::Point point_a = line_a.pointAt(line_a.nearestTime(handles[1])); up_left_point.param_setValue(point_a, true); } if (position_b == 1 && move1) { Geom::Point point_b = line_b.pointAt(line_b.nearestTime(handles[1])); up_left_point.param_setValue(point_b, true); } if (position_c == 1 && move1) { Geom::Point point_c = line_c.pointAt(line_c.nearestTime(handles[1])); up_left_point.param_setValue(point_c, true); } line_a.setPoints(handles[1], handles[3]); line_b.setPoints(handles[3], handles[0]); line_c.setPoints(handles[0], handles[1]); position_a = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[1] - handles[3], handles[2] - handles[3])); position_b = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[3] - handles[0], handles[2] - handles[0])); position_c = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[0] - handles[1], handles[2] - handles[1])); if (position_a != 1 && move2) { Geom::Point point_a = line_a.pointAt(line_a.nearestTime(handles[2])); up_right_point.param_setValue(point_a, true); } if (position_b == 1 && move2) { Geom::Point point_b = line_b.pointAt(line_b.nearestTime(handles[2])); up_right_point.param_setValue(point_b, true); } if (position_c == 1 && move2) { Geom::Point point_c = line_c.pointAt(line_c.nearestTime(handles[2])); up_right_point.param_setValue(point_c, true); } line_a.setPoints(handles[2], handles[0]); line_b.setPoints(handles[0], handles[1]); line_c.setPoints(handles[1], handles[2]); position_a = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[2] - handles[0], handles[3] - handles[0])); position_b = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[0] - handles[1], handles[3] - handles[1])); position_c = Geom::sgn(Geom::cross(handles[1] - handles[2], handles[3] - handles[2])); if (position_a != 1 && move3) { Geom::Point point_a = line_a.pointAt(line_a.nearestTime(handles[3])); down_right_point.param_setValue(point_a, true); } if (position_b == 1 && move3) { Geom::Point point_b = line_b.pointAt(line_b.nearestTime(handles[3])); down_right_point.param_setValue(point_b, true); } if (position_c == 1 && move3) { Geom::Point point_c = line_c.pointAt(line_c.nearestTime(handles[3])); down_right_point.param_setValue(point_c, true); } } else { handles.resize(4); handles[0] = down_left_point; handles[1] = up_left_point; handles[2] = up_right_point; handles[3] = down_right_point; } } } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::setDefaults() { Geom::Point up_left(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.min()); Geom::Point up_right(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.min()); Geom::Point down_left(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.max()); Geom::Point down_right(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.max()); up_left_point.param_update_default(up_left); up_right_point.param_update_default(up_right); down_right_point.param_update_default(down_right); down_left_point.param_update_default(down_left); } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::resetGrid() { up_left_point.param_set_default(); up_right_point.param_set_default(); down_right_point.param_set_default(); down_left_point.param_set_default(); } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::resetDefaults(SPItem const* item) { Effect::resetDefaults(item); original_bbox(SP_LPE_ITEM(item), false, true); setDefaults(); resetGrid(); } void LPEPerspectiveEnvelope::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem const */*lpeitem*/, std::vector &hp_vec) { hp_vec.clear(); SPCurve *c = new SPCurve(); c->reset(); c->moveto(up_left_point); c->lineto(up_right_point); c->lineto(down_right_point); c->lineto(down_left_point); c->lineto(up_left_point); hp_vec.push_back(c->get_pathvector()); } /* ######################## */ } //namespace LivePathEffect } /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :