// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Copyright (C) JF Barraud 2007 * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include "live_effects/lpe-vonkoch.h" // TODO due to internal breakage in glibmm headers, this must be last: #include namespace Inkscape { namespace LivePathEffect { void VonKochPathParam::param_setup_nodepath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np) { PathParam::param_setup_nodepath(np); //sp_nodepath_make_straight_path(np); } //FIXME: a path is used here instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug. void VonKochRefPathParam::param_setup_nodepath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np) { PathParam::param_setup_nodepath(np); //sp_nodepath_make_straight_path(np); } bool VonKochRefPathParam::param_readSVGValue(const gchar * strvalue) { Geom::PathVector old = _pathvector; bool res = PathParam::param_readSVGValue(strvalue); if (res && _pathvector.size()==1 && _pathvector.front().size()==1){ return true; }else{ _pathvector = old; return false; } } LPEVonKoch::LPEVonKoch(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) : Effect(lpeobject), nbgenerations(_("N_r of generations:"), _("Depth of the recursion --- keep low!!"), "nbgenerations", &wr, this, 1), generator(_("Generating path:"), _("Path whose segments define the iterated transforms"), "generator", &wr, this, "M0,0 L30,0 M0,10 L10,10 M 20,10 L30,10"), similar_only(_("_Use uniform transforms only"), _("2 consecutive segments are used to reverse/preserve orientation only (otherwise, they define a general transform)."), "similar_only", &wr, this, false), drawall(_("Dra_w all generations"), _("If unchecked, draw only the last generation"), "drawall", &wr, this, true), //,draw_boxes(_("Display boxes"), _("Display boxes instead of paths only"), "draw_boxes", &wr, this, true) ref_path(_("Reference segment:"), _("The reference segment. Defaults to the horizontal midline of the bbox."), "ref_path", &wr, this, "M0,0 L10,0"), //refA(_("Ref Start"), _("Left side middle of the reference box"), "refA", &wr, this), //refB(_("Ref End"), _("Right side middle of the reference box"), "refB", &wr, this), //FIXME: a path is used here instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug. maxComplexity(_("_Max complexity:"), _("Disable effect if the output is too complex"), "maxComplexity", &wr, this, 1000) { //FIXME: a path is used here instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug. registerParameter(&ref_path); //registerParameter(&refA) ); //registerParameter(&refB) ); registerParameter(&generator); registerParameter(&similar_only); registerParameter(&nbgenerations); registerParameter(&drawall); registerParameter(&maxComplexity); //registerParameter(&draw_boxes) ); apply_to_clippath_and_mask = true; nbgenerations.param_make_integer(); nbgenerations.param_set_range(0, Geom::infinity()); maxComplexity.param_make_integer(); maxComplexity.param_set_range(0, Geom::infinity()); } LPEVonKoch::~LPEVonKoch() = default; Geom::PathVector LPEVonKoch::doEffect_path (Geom::PathVector const & path_in) { using namespace Geom; Geom::PathVector generating_path = generator.get_pathvector(); if (generating_path.empty()) { return path_in; } //Collect transform matrices. Affine m0; Geom::Path refpath = ref_path.get_pathvector().front(); Point A = refpath.pointAt(0); Point B = refpath.pointAt(refpath.size()); Point u = B-A; m0 = Affine(u[X], u[Y],-u[Y], u[X], A[X], A[Y]); //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug. //Point u = refB-refA; //m0 = Affine(u[X], u[Y],-u[Y], u[X], refA[X], refA[Y]); m0 = m0.inverse(); std::vector transforms; for (const auto & i : generating_path){ Affine m; if(i.size()==1){ Point p = i.pointAt(0); Point u = i.pointAt(1)-p; m = Affine(u[X], u[Y],-u[Y], u[X], p[X], p[Y]); m = m0*m; transforms.push_back(m); }else if(i.size()>=2){ Point p = i.pointAt(1); Point u = i.pointAt(2)-p; Point v = p-i.pointAt(0); if (similar_only.get_value()){ int sign = (u[X]*v[Y]-u[Y]*v[X]>=0?1:-1); v[X] = -u[Y]*sign; v[Y] = u[X]*sign; } m = Affine(u[X], u[Y],v[X], v[Y], p[X], p[Y]); m = m0*m; transforms.push_back(m); } } if (transforms.empty()){ return path_in; } //Do nothing if the output is too complex... int path_in_complexity = 0; for (const auto & k : path_in){ path_in_complexity+=k.size(); } double complexity = std::pow(transforms.size(), nbgenerations) * path_in_complexity; if (drawall.get_value()){ int k = transforms.size(); if(k>1){ complexity = (std::pow(k,nbgenerations+1)-1)/(k-1)*path_in_complexity; }else{ complexity = nbgenerations*k*path_in_complexity; } } if (complexity > double(maxComplexity)){ g_warning("VonKoch lpe's output too complex. Effect bypassed."); return path_in; } //Generate path: Geom::PathVector pathi = path_in; Geom::PathVector path_out = path_in; for (unsigned i = 0; i &hp_vec) /*{ using namespace Geom; if (draw_boxes.get_value()){ double ratio = .5; if (similar_only.get_value()) ratio = boundingbox_Y.extent()/boundingbox_X.extent()/2; Point BB1,BB2,BB3,BB4,v; //Draw the reference box (ref_path is supposed to consist in one line segment) //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug. Geom::Path refpath = ref_path.get_pathvector().front(); if (refpath.size()==1){ BB1 = BB4 = refpath.front().pointAt(0); BB2 = BB3 = refpath.front().pointAt(1); v = rot90(BB2 - BB1)*ratio; BB1 -= v; BB2 -= v; BB3 += v; BB4 += v; Geom::Path refbox(BB1); refbox.appendNew(BB2); refbox.appendNew(BB3); refbox.appendNew(BB4); refbox.close(); PathVector refbox_as_vect; refbox_as_vect.push_back(refbox); hp_vec.push_back(refbox_as_vect); } //Draw the transformed boxes Geom::PathVector generating_path = generator.get_pathvector(); for (unsigned i=0;i(BB2); path.appendNew(BB3); path.appendNew(BB4); path.close(); PathVector pathv; pathv.push_back(path); hp_vec.push_back(pathv); } } } */ void LPEVonKoch::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem const* lpeitem) { using namespace Geom; original_bbox(lpeitem, false, true); Geom::PathVector paths = ref_path.get_pathvector(); Geom::Point A,B; if (paths.empty()||paths.front().size()==0){ //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug. //refA.param_setValue( Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.middle()) ); //refB.param_setValue( Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.middle()) ); A = Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.middle()); B = Point(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.middle()); }else{ A = paths.front().pointAt(0); B = paths.front().pointAt(paths.front().size()); } if (paths.size()!=1||paths.front().size()!=1){ Geom::Path tmp_path(A); tmp_path.appendNew(B); Geom::PathVector tmp_pathv; tmp_pathv.push_back(tmp_path); ref_path.set_new_value(tmp_pathv,true); } } void LPEVonKoch::resetDefaults(SPItem const* item) { Effect::resetDefaults(item); using namespace Geom; original_bbox(SP_LPE_ITEM(item), false, true); Point A,B; A[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.min(); A[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle(); B[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.max(); B[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle(); Geom::PathVector paths,refpaths; Geom::Path path = Geom::Path(A); path.appendNew(B); refpaths.push_back(path); ref_path.set_new_value(refpaths, true); paths.push_back(path * Affine(1./3,0,0,1./3, A[X]*2./3, A[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2)); paths.push_back(path * Affine(1./3,0,0,1./3, B[X]*2./3, B[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2)); generator.set_new_value(paths, true); //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug. //refA[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.min(); //refA[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle(); //refB[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.max(); //refB[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle(); //Geom::PathVector paths; //Geom::Path path = Geom::Path( (Point) refA); //path.appendNew( (Point) refB ); //paths.push_back(path * Affine(1./3,0,0,1./3, refA[X]*2./3, refA[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2)); //paths.push_back(path * Affine(1./3,0,0,1./3, refB[X]*2./3, refB[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2)); //paths.push_back(path); //generator.set_new_value(paths, true); } } // namespace LivePathEffect } /* namespace Inkscape */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :