// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * This is the C++ glue between Inkscape and Potrace * * Authors: * Bob Jamison * Stéphane Gimenez * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. * * Potrace, the wonderful tracer located at http://potrace.sourceforge.net, * is provided by the generosity of Peter Selinger, to whom we are grateful. * */ #include "inkscape-potrace.h" #include #include #include #include "trace/filterset.h" #include "trace/quantize.h" #include "trace/imagemap-gdk.h" #include #include "desktop.h" #include "message-stack.h" #include "object/sp-path.h" #include #include "bitmap.h" using Glib::ustring; static void updateGui() { //## Allow the GUI to update Gtk::Main::iteration(false); //at least once, non-blocking while( Gtk::Main::events_pending() ) Gtk::Main::iteration(); } static void potraceStatusCallback(double /*progress*/, void *userData) /* callback fn */ { updateGui(); if (!userData) return; //g_message("progress: %f\n", progress); //Inkscape::Trace::Potrace::PotraceTracingEngine *engine = // (Inkscape::Trace::Potrace::PotraceTracingEngine *)userData; } namespace { ustring twohex( int value ) { return ustring::format(std::hex, std::setfill(L'0'), std::setw(2), value); } } // namespace //required by potrace namespace Inkscape { namespace Trace { namespace Potrace { /** * */ PotraceTracingEngine::PotraceTracingEngine() : keepGoing(1), traceType(TRACE_BRIGHTNESS), invert(false), quantizationNrColors(8), brightnessThreshold(0.45), brightnessFloor(0), cannyHighThreshold(0.65), multiScanNrColors(8), multiScanStack(true), multiScanSmooth(false), multiScanRemoveBackground(false) { /* get default parameters */ potraceParams = potrace_param_default(); potraceParams->progress.callback = potraceStatusCallback; potraceParams->progress.data = (void *)this; } PotraceTracingEngine::PotraceTracingEngine(TraceType traceType, bool invert, int quantizationNrColors, double brightnessThreshold, double brightnessFloor, double cannyHighThreshold, int multiScanNrColors, bool multiScanStack, bool multiScanSmooth, bool multiScanRemoveBackground) : keepGoing(1), traceType(traceType), invert(invert), quantizationNrColors(quantizationNrColors), brightnessThreshold(brightnessThreshold), brightnessFloor(brightnessFloor), cannyHighThreshold(cannyHighThreshold), multiScanNrColors(multiScanNrColors) , multiScanStack(multiScanStack), multiScanSmooth(multiScanSmooth), multiScanRemoveBackground(multiScanRemoveBackground) { potraceParams = potrace_param_default(); potraceParams->progress.callback = potraceStatusCallback; potraceParams->progress.data = (void *)this; } PotraceTracingEngine::~PotraceTracingEngine() { potrace_param_free(potraceParams); } struct Point { double x; double y; }; /** * Check a point against a list of points to see if it * has already occurred. */ static bool hasPoint(std::vector &points, double x, double y) { for (auto p : points) { if (p.x == x && p.y == y) return true; } return false; } /** * Recursively descend the potrace_path_t node tree, writing paths in SVG * format into the output stream. The Point vector is used to prevent * redundant paths. Returns number of paths processed. */ static long writePaths(PotraceTracingEngine *engine, potrace_path_t *plist, Inkscape::SVG::PathString& data, std::vector &points) { long nodeCount = 0L; potrace_path_t *node; for (node=plist; node ; node=node->sibling) { potrace_curve_t *curve = &(node->curve); //g_message("node->fm:%d\n", node->fm); if (!curve->n) continue; const potrace_dpoint_t *pt = curve->c[curve->n - 1]; double x0 = 0.0; double y0 = 0.0; double x1 = 0.0; double y1 = 0.0; double x2 = pt[2].x; double y2 = pt[2].y; //Have we been here already? if (hasPoint(points, x2, y2)) { //g_message("duplicate point: (%f,%f)\n", x2, y2); continue; } else { Point p; p.x = x2; p.y = y2; points.push_back(p); } data.moveTo(x2, y2); nodeCount++; for (int i=0 ; in ; i++) { if (!engine->keepGoing) return 0L; pt = curve->c[i]; x0 = pt[0].x; y0 = pt[0].y; x1 = pt[1].x; y1 = pt[1].y; x2 = pt[2].x; y2 = pt[2].y; switch (curve->tag[i]) { case POTRACE_CORNER: data.lineTo(x1, y1).lineTo(x2, y2); break; case POTRACE_CURVETO: data.curveTo(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2); break; default: break; } nodeCount++; } data.closePath(); for (potrace_path_t *child=node->childlist; child ; child=child->sibling) { nodeCount += writePaths(engine, child, data, points); } } return nodeCount; } static GrayMap *filter(PotraceTracingEngine &engine, GdkPixbuf * pixbuf) { if (!pixbuf) return nullptr; GrayMap *newGm = nullptr; /*### Color quantization -- banding ###*/ if (engine.traceType == TRACE_QUANT) { RgbMap *rgbmap = gdkPixbufToRgbMap(pixbuf); //rgbMap->writePPM(rgbMap, "rgb.ppm"); newGm = quantizeBand(rgbmap, engine.quantizationNrColors); rgbmap->destroy(rgbmap); //return newGm; } /*### Brightness threshold ###*/ else if ( engine.traceType == TRACE_BRIGHTNESS || engine.traceType == TRACE_BRIGHTNESS_MULTI ) { GrayMap *gm = gdkPixbufToGrayMap(pixbuf); newGm = GrayMapCreate(gm->width, gm->height); double floor = 3.0 * ( engine.brightnessFloor * 256.0 ); double cutoff = 3.0 * ( engine.brightnessThreshold * 256.0 ); for (int y=0 ; yheight ; y++) { for (int x=0 ; xwidth ; x++) { double brightness = (double)gm->getPixel(gm, x, y); if (brightness >= floor && brightness < cutoff) newGm->setPixel(newGm, x, y, GRAYMAP_BLACK); //black pixel else newGm->setPixel(newGm, x, y, GRAYMAP_WHITE); //white pixel } } gm->destroy(gm); //newGm->writePPM(newGm, "brightness.ppm"); //return newGm; } /*### Canny edge detection ###*/ else if (engine.traceType == TRACE_CANNY) { GrayMap *gm = gdkPixbufToGrayMap(pixbuf); newGm = grayMapCanny(gm, 0.1, engine.cannyHighThreshold); gm->destroy(gm); //newGm->writePPM(newGm, "canny.ppm"); //return newGm; } /*### Do I invert the image? ###*/ if (newGm && engine.invert) { for (int y=0 ; yheight ; y++) { for (int x=0 ; xwidth ; x++) { unsigned long brightness = newGm->getPixel(newGm, x, y); brightness = 765 - brightness; newGm->setPixel(newGm, x, y, brightness); } } } return newGm;//none of the above } static IndexedMap *filterIndexed(PotraceTracingEngine &engine, GdkPixbuf * pixbuf) { if (!pixbuf) return nullptr; IndexedMap *newGm = nullptr; RgbMap *gm = gdkPixbufToRgbMap(pixbuf); if (engine.multiScanSmooth) { RgbMap *gaussMap = rgbMapGaussian(gm); newGm = rgbMapQuantize(gaussMap, engine.multiScanNrColors); gaussMap->destroy(gaussMap); } else { newGm = rgbMapQuantize(gm, engine.multiScanNrColors); } gm->destroy(gm); if (engine.traceType == TRACE_QUANT_MONO) { //Turn to grays for (int i=0 ; inrColors ; i++) { RGB rgb = newGm->clut[i]; int grayVal = (rgb.r + rgb.g + rgb.b) / 3; rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = grayVal; newGm->clut[i] = rgb; } } return newGm; } Glib::RefPtr PotraceTracingEngine::preview(Glib::RefPtr thePixbuf) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = thePixbuf->gobj(); if ( traceType == TRACE_QUANT_COLOR || traceType == TRACE_QUANT_MONO ) { IndexedMap *gm = filterIndexed(*this, pixbuf); if (!gm) return Glib::RefPtr(nullptr); Glib::RefPtr newBuf = Glib::wrap(indexedMapToGdkPixbuf(gm), false); gm->destroy(gm); return newBuf; } else { GrayMap *gm = filter(*this, pixbuf); if (!gm) return Glib::RefPtr(nullptr); Glib::RefPtr newBuf = Glib::wrap(grayMapToGdkPixbuf(gm), false); gm->destroy(gm); return newBuf; } } //*This is the core inkscape-to-potrace binding std::string PotraceTracingEngine::grayMapToPath(GrayMap *grayMap, long *nodeCount) { if (!keepGoing) { g_warning("aborted"); return ""; } potrace_bitmap_t *potraceBitmap = bm_new(grayMap->width, grayMap->height); bm_clear(potraceBitmap, 0); //##Read the data out of the GrayMap for (int y=0 ; yheight ; y++) { for (int x=0 ; xwidth ; x++) { BM_UPUT(potraceBitmap, x, y, grayMap->getPixel(grayMap, x, y) ? 0 : 1); } } //##Debug /* FILE *f = fopen("poimage.pbm", "wb"); bm_writepbm(f, bm); fclose(f); */ /* trace a bitmap*/ potrace_state_t *potraceState = potrace_trace(potraceParams, potraceBitmap); //## Free the Potrace bitmap bm_free(potraceBitmap); if (!keepGoing) { g_warning("aborted"); potrace_state_free(potraceState); return ""; } Inkscape::SVG::PathString data; //## copy the path information into our d="" attribute string std::vector points; long thisNodeCount = writePaths(this, potraceState->plist, data, points); /* free a potrace items */ potrace_state_free(potraceState); if (!keepGoing) return ""; if ( nodeCount) *nodeCount = thisNodeCount; return data.string(); } /** * This is called for a single scan */ std::vector PotraceTracingEngine::traceSingle(GdkPixbuf * thePixbuf) { std::vector results; if (!thePixbuf) return results; brightnessFloor = 0.0; //important to set this GrayMap *grayMap = filter(*this, thePixbuf); if (!grayMap) return results; long nodeCount = 0L; std::string d = grayMapToPath(grayMap, &nodeCount); grayMap->destroy(grayMap); char const *style = "fill:#000000"; //g_message("### GOT '%s' \n", d); TracingEngineResult result(style, d, nodeCount); results.push_back(result); return results; } /** * This allows routines that already generate GrayMaps to skip image filtering, * increasing performance. */ std::vector PotraceTracingEngine::traceGrayMap(GrayMap *grayMap) { std::vector results; brightnessFloor = 0.0; //important to set this long nodeCount = 0L; std::string d = grayMapToPath(grayMap, &nodeCount); char const *style = "fill:#000000"; //g_message("### GOT '%s' \n", d); TracingEngineResult result(style, d, nodeCount); results.push_back(result); return results; } /** * Called for multiple-scanning algorithms */ std::vector PotraceTracingEngine::traceBrightnessMulti(GdkPixbuf * thePixbuf) { std::vector results; if ( thePixbuf ) { double low = 0.2; //bottom of range double high = 0.9; //top of range double delta = (high - low ) / ((double)multiScanNrColors); brightnessFloor = 0.0; //Set bottom to black int traceCount = 0; for ( brightnessThreshold = low ; brightnessThreshold <= high ; brightnessThreshold += delta) { GrayMap *grayMap = filter(*this, thePixbuf); if ( grayMap ) { long nodeCount = 0L; std::string d = grayMapToPath(grayMap, &nodeCount); grayMap->destroy(grayMap); if ( !d.empty() ) { //### get style info int grayVal = (int)(256.0 * brightnessThreshold); ustring style = ustring::compose("fill-opacity:1.0;fill:#%1%2%3", twohex(grayVal), twohex(grayVal), twohex(grayVal) ); //g_message("### GOT '%s' \n", style.c_str()); TracingEngineResult result(style, d, nodeCount); results.push_back(result); if (!multiScanStack) { brightnessFloor = brightnessThreshold; } SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP; if (desktop) { ustring msg = ustring::compose(_("Trace: %1. %2 nodes"), traceCount++, nodeCount); desktop->getMessageStack()->flash(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, msg); } } } } //# Remove the bottom-most scan, if requested if (results.size() > 1 && multiScanRemoveBackground) { results.erase(results.end() - 1); } } return results; } /** * Quantization */ std::vector PotraceTracingEngine::traceQuant(GdkPixbuf * thePixbuf) { std::vector results; if (thePixbuf) { IndexedMap *iMap = filterIndexed(*this, thePixbuf); if ( iMap ) { //Create and clear a gray map GrayMap *gm = GrayMapCreate(iMap->width, iMap->height); for (int row=0 ; rowheight ; row++) { for (int col=0 ; colwidth ; col++) { gm->setPixel(gm, col, row, GRAYMAP_WHITE); } } for (int colorIndex=0 ; colorIndexnrColors ; colorIndex++) { // Make a gray map for each color index for (int row=0 ; rowheight ; row++) { for (int col=0 ; colwidth ; col++) { int indx = (int) iMap->getPixel(iMap, col, row); if (indx == colorIndex) { gm->setPixel(gm, col, row, GRAYMAP_BLACK); //black } else if (!multiScanStack) { gm->setPixel(gm, col, row, GRAYMAP_WHITE); //white } } } //## Now we have a traceable graymap long nodeCount = 0L; std::string d = grayMapToPath(gm, &nodeCount); if ( !d.empty() ) { //### get style info RGB rgb = iMap->clut[colorIndex]; ustring style = ustring::compose("fill:#%1%2%3", twohex(rgb.r), twohex(rgb.g), twohex(rgb.b) ); //g_message("### GOT '%s' \n", style.c_str()); TracingEngineResult result(style, d, nodeCount); results.push_back(result); SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP; if (desktop) { ustring msg = ustring::compose(_("Trace: %1. %2 nodes"), colorIndex, nodeCount); desktop->getMessageStack()->flash(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, msg); } } }// for colorIndex gm->destroy(gm); iMap->destroy(iMap); } //# Remove the bottom-most scan, if requested if (results.size() > 1 && multiScanRemoveBackground) { results.erase(results.end() - 1); } } return results; } /** * This is the working method of this interface, and all * implementing classes. Take a GdkPixbuf, trace it, and * return the path data that is compatible with the d="" attribute * of an SVG element. */ std::vector PotraceTracingEngine::trace(Glib::RefPtr pixbuf) { GdkPixbuf *thePixbuf = pixbuf->gobj(); //Set up for messages keepGoing = 1; if ( traceType == TRACE_QUANT_COLOR || traceType == TRACE_QUANT_MONO ) { return traceQuant(thePixbuf); } else if ( traceType == TRACE_BRIGHTNESS_MULTI ) { return traceBrightnessMulti(thePixbuf); } else { return traceSingle(thePixbuf); } } /** * Abort the thread that is executing getPathDataFromPixbuf() */ void PotraceTracingEngine::abort() { //g_message("PotraceTracingEngine::abort()\n"); keepGoing = 0; } } // namespace Potrace } // namespace Trace } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :