// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /** @file * @brief A dialog for CSS selectors */ /* Authors: * Kamalpreet Kaur Grewal * Tavmjong Bah * Jabiertxof * * Copyright (C) Kamalpreet Kaur Grewal 2016 * Copyright (C) Tavmjong Bah 2017 * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "selectorsdialog.h" #include "attribute-rel-svg.h" #include "document-undo.h" #include "inkscape.h" #include "selection.h" #include "style.h" #include "ui/icon-loader.h" #include "ui/icon-names.h" #include "ui/widget/iconrenderer.h" #include "verbs.h" #include "xml/attribute-record.h" #include "xml/node-observer.h" #include "xml/sp-css-attr.h" #include #include #include #include #include // G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=DEBUG_SELECTORSDIALOG gdb ./inkscape // #define DEBUG_SELECTORSDIALOG // #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "SELECTORSDIALOG" using Inkscape::DocumentUndo; using Inkscape::Util::List; using Inkscape::XML::AttributeRecord; /** * This macro is used to remove spaces around selectors or any strings when * parsing is done to update XML style element or row labels in this dialog. */ #define REMOVE_SPACES(x) \ x.erase(0, x.find_first_not_of(' ')); \ if (x.size() && x[0] == ',') \ x.erase(0, 1); \ if (x.size() && x[x.size() - 1] == ',') \ x.erase(x.size() - 1, 1); \ x.erase(x.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1); namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Dialog { // Keeps a watch on style element class SelectorsDialog::NodeObserver : public Inkscape::XML::NodeObserver { public: NodeObserver(SelectorsDialog *selectorsdialog) : _selectorsdialog(selectorsdialog) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::NodeObserver: Constructor"); }; void notifyContentChanged(Inkscape::XML::Node &node, Inkscape::Util::ptr_shared old_content, Inkscape::Util::ptr_shared new_content) override; SelectorsDialog *_selectorsdialog; }; void SelectorsDialog::NodeObserver::notifyContentChanged(Inkscape::XML::Node & /*node*/, Inkscape::Util::ptr_shared /*old_content*/, Inkscape::Util::ptr_shared /*new_content*/) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::NodeObserver::notifyContentChanged"); _selectorsdialog->_scroollock = true; _selectorsdialog->_updating = false; _selectorsdialog->_readStyleElement(); _selectorsdialog->_selectRow(); } // Keeps a watch for new/removed/changed nodes // (Must update objects that selectors match.) class SelectorsDialog::NodeWatcher : public Inkscape::XML::NodeObserver { public: NodeWatcher(SelectorsDialog *selectorsdialog) : _selectorsdialog(selectorsdialog) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::NodeWatcher: Constructor"); }; void notifyChildAdded( Inkscape::XML::Node &/*node*/, Inkscape::XML::Node &child, Inkscape::XML::Node */*prev*/ ) override { _selectorsdialog->_nodeAdded(child); } void notifyChildRemoved( Inkscape::XML::Node &/*node*/, Inkscape::XML::Node &child, Inkscape::XML::Node */*prev*/ ) override { _selectorsdialog->_nodeRemoved(child); } void notifyAttributeChanged( Inkscape::XML::Node &node, GQuark qname, Util::ptr_shared /*old_value*/, Util::ptr_shared /*new_value*/ ) override { static GQuark const CODE_id = g_quark_from_static_string("id"); static GQuark const CODE_class = g_quark_from_static_string("class"); if (qname == CODE_id || qname == CODE_class) { _selectorsdialog->_nodeChanged(node); } } SelectorsDialog *_selectorsdialog; }; void SelectorsDialog::_nodeAdded(Inkscape::XML::Node &node) { _readStyleElement(); _selectRow(); } void SelectorsDialog::_nodeRemoved(Inkscape::XML::Node &repr) { if (_textNode == &repr) { _textNode = nullptr; } _readStyleElement(); _selectRow(); } void SelectorsDialog::_nodeChanged(Inkscape::XML::Node &object) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::NodeChanged"); _scroollock = true; _readStyleElement(); _selectRow(); } SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::TreeStore() = default; /** * Allow dragging only selectors. */ bool SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::row_draggable_vfunc(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &path) const { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::row_draggable_vfunc"); auto unconstThis = const_cast(this); const_iterator iter = unconstThis->get_iter(path); if (iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; bool is_draggable = row[_selectorsdialog->_mColumns._colType] == SELECTOR; return is_draggable; } return Gtk::TreeStore::row_draggable_vfunc(path); } /** * Allow dropping only in between other selectors. */ bool SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::row_drop_possible_vfunc(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &dest, const Gtk::SelectionData &selection_data) const { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::row_drop_possible_vfunc"); Gtk::TreeModel::Path dest_parent = dest; dest_parent.up(); return dest_parent.empty(); } // This is only here to handle updating style element after a drag and drop. void SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::on_row_deleted(const TreeModel::Path &path) { if (_selectorsdialog->_updating) return; // Don't write if we deleted row (other than from DND) g_debug("on_row_deleted"); _selectorsdialog->_writeStyleElement(); _selectorsdialog->_readStyleElement(); } Glib::RefPtr SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::create(SelectorsDialog *selectorsdialog) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::TreeStore::create"); SelectorsDialog::TreeStore *store = new SelectorsDialog::TreeStore(); store->_selectorsdialog = selectorsdialog; store->set_column_types(store->_selectorsdialog->_mColumns); return Glib::RefPtr(store); } /** * Constructor * A treeview and a set of two buttons are added to the dialog. _addSelector * adds selectors to treeview. _delSelector deletes the selector from the dialog. * Any addition/deletion of the selectors updates XML style element accordingly. */ SelectorsDialog::SelectorsDialog() : UI::Widget::Panel("/dialogs/selectors", SP_VERB_DIALOG_SELECTORS) , _updating(false) , _textNode(nullptr) , _scroolpos(0) , _scroollock(false) , _desktopTracker() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::SelectorsDialog"); m_nodewatcher.reset(new SelectorsDialog::NodeWatcher(this)); m_styletextwatcher.reset(new SelectorsDialog::NodeObserver(this)); // Tree Inkscape::UI::Widget::IconRenderer * addRenderer = manage( new Inkscape::UI::Widget::IconRenderer() ); addRenderer->add_icon("edit-delete"); addRenderer->add_icon("list-add"); addRenderer->add_icon("empty-icon"); _store = TreeStore::create(this); _treeView.set_model(_store); _treeView.set_headers_visible(false); _treeView.enable_model_drag_source(); _treeView.enable_model_drag_dest( Gdk::ACTION_MOVE ); int addCol = _treeView.append_column("", *addRenderer) - 1; Gtk::TreeViewColumn *col = _treeView.get_column(addCol); if ( col ) { col->add_attribute(addRenderer->property_icon(), _mColumns._colType); } Gtk::CellRendererText *label = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::CellRendererText()); addCol = _treeView.append_column("CSS Selector", *label) - 1; col = _treeView.get_column(addCol); if (col) { col->add_attribute(label->property_text(), _mColumns._colSelector); col->add_attribute(label->property_weight(), _mColumns._colSelected); } _treeView.set_expander_column(*(_treeView.get_column(1))); // Signal handlers _treeView.signal_button_release_event().connect( // Needs to be release, not press. sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_handleButtonEvent), false); _treeView.signal_button_release_event().connect_notify( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_buttonEventsSelectObjs), false); _treeView.signal_row_expanded().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_rowExpand)); _treeView.signal_row_collapsed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_rowCollapse)); _showWidgets(); // Document & Desktop _desktop_changed_connection = _desktopTracker.connectDesktopChanged(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_handleDesktopChanged)); _desktopTracker.connect(GTK_WIDGET(gobj())); _document_replaced_connection = getDesktop()->connectDocumentReplaced(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SelectorsDialog::_handleDocumentReplaced)); _selection_changed_connection = getDesktop()->getSelection()->connectChanged( sigc::hide(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SelectorsDialog::_handleSelectionChanged))); // Add watchers _updateWatchers(getDesktop()); // Load tree _readStyleElement(); _selectRow(); if (!_store->children().empty()) { _del.show(); } show_all(); } void SelectorsDialog::_vscrool() { if (!_scroollock) { _scroolpos = _vadj->get_value(); } else { _vadj->set_value(_scroolpos); _scroollock = false; } } void SelectorsDialog::_showWidgets() { // Pack widgets g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_showWidgets"); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); bool dir = prefs->getBool("/dialogs/selectors/vertical", true); _paned.set_orientation(dir ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); _selectors_box.set_orientation(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL); _selectors_box.set_name("SelectorsDialog"); _scrolled_window_selectors.add(_treeView); _scrolled_window_selectors.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); _vadj = _scrolled_window_selectors.get_vadjustment(); _vadj->signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_vscrool)); _selectors_box.pack_start(_scrolled_window_selectors, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); /* Gtk::Label *dirtogglerlabel = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(_("Paned vertical"))); dirtogglerlabel->get_style_context()->add_class("inksmall"); _direction.property_active() = dir; _direction.property_active().signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_toggleDirection)); _direction.get_style_context()->add_class("inkswitch"); */ _styleButton(_create, "list-add", "Add a new CSS Selector"); _create.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_addSelector)); _styleButton(_del, "list-remove", "Remove a CSS Selector"); _button_box.pack_start(_create, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); _button_box.pack_start(_del, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); Gtk::RadioButton::Group group; Gtk::RadioButton *_horizontal = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::RadioButton()); Gtk::RadioButton *_vertical = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::RadioButton()); _horizontal->set_image_from_icon_name(INKSCAPE_ICON("horizontal")); _vertical->set_image_from_icon_name(INKSCAPE_ICON("vertical")); _horizontal->set_group(group); _vertical->set_group(group); _vertical->set_active(dir); _vertical->signal_toggled().connect( sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_toggleDirection), _vertical)); _horizontal->property_draw_indicator() = false; _vertical->property_draw_indicator() = false; _button_box.pack_end(*_horizontal, false, false, 0); _button_box.pack_end(*_vertical, false, false, 0); _del.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_delSelector)); _del.hide(); _style_dialog = new StyleDialog; _style_dialog->set_name("StyleDialog"); _paned.pack1(*_style_dialog, Gtk::SHRINK); _paned.pack2(_selectors_box, true, true); _paned.set_wide_handle(true); Gtk::Box *contents = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)); contents->pack_start(_paned, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); contents->pack_start(_button_box, false, false, 0); contents->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_FILL); contents->child_property_fill(_paned); Gtk::ScrolledWindow *dialog_scroller = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow(); dialog_scroller->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); dialog_scroller->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_IN); dialog_scroller->add(*Gtk::manage(contents)); _getContents()->pack_start(*dialog_scroller, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET); show_all(); int widthpos = _paned.property_max_position() - _paned.property_min_position(); int panedpos = prefs->getInt("/dialogs/selectors/panedpos", widthpos / 2); _paned.property_position().signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_childresized)); _paned.signal_size_allocate().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_panedresized)); _paned.signal_realize().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_panedrealized)); _updating = true; _paned.property_position() = panedpos; _updating = false; set_size_request(320, 260); set_name("SelectorsAndStyleDialog"); } void SelectorsDialog::_panedresized(Gtk::Allocation allocation) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_panedresized"); _resized(); } void SelectorsDialog::_panedrealized() { _style_dialog->readStyleElement(); } void SelectorsDialog::_childresized() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_childresized"); _resized(); } void SelectorsDialog::_resized() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_resized"); _scroollock = true; if (_updating) { return; } _updating = true; Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); bool dir = !prefs->getBool("/dialogs/selectors/vertical", true); int max = int(_paned.property_max_position() * 0.95); int min = int(_paned.property_max_position() * 0.05); if (_paned.property_position() > max) { _paned.property_position() = max; } if (_paned.property_position() < min) { _paned.property_position() = min; } prefs->setInt("/dialogs/selectors/panedpos", _paned.property_position()); _updating = false; } void SelectorsDialog::_toggleDirection(Gtk::RadioButton *vertical) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_toggleDirection"); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); bool dir = vertical->get_active(); prefs->setBool("/dialogs/selectors/vertical", dir); _paned.set_orientation(dir ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); _paned.check_resize(); int widthpos = _paned.property_max_position() - _paned.property_min_position(); prefs->setInt("/dialogs/selectors/panedpos", widthpos / 2); _paned.property_position() = widthpos / 2; } /** * Class destructor */ SelectorsDialog::~SelectorsDialog() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::~SelectorsDialog"); _desktop_changed_connection.disconnect(); _document_replaced_connection.disconnect(); _selection_changed_connection.disconnect(); } /** * @return Inkscape::XML::Node* pointing to a style element's text node. * Returns the style element's text node. If there is no style element, one is created. * Ditto for text node. */ Inkscape::XML::Node *SelectorsDialog::_getStyleTextNode(bool create_if_missing) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_getStyleTextNode"); auto textNode = Inkscape::get_first_style_text_node(m_root, create_if_missing); if (_textNode != textNode) { if (_textNode) { _textNode->removeObserver(*m_styletextwatcher); } _textNode = textNode; if (_textNode) { _textNode->addObserver(*m_styletextwatcher); } } return textNode; } /** * Fill the Gtk::TreeStore from the svg:style element. */ void SelectorsDialog::_readStyleElement() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_readStyleElement(): updating %s", (_updating ? "true" : "false")); if (_updating) return; // Don't read if we wrote style element. _updating = true; _scroollock = true; Inkscape::XML::Node * textNode = _getStyleTextNode(); // Get content from style text node. std::string content = (textNode && textNode->content()) ? textNode->content() : ""; // Remove end-of-lines (check it works on Windoze). content.erase(std::remove(content.begin(), content.end(), '\n'), content.end()); // Remove comments (/* xxx */) #if 0 while(content.find("/*") != std::string::npos) { size_t start = content.find("/*"); content.erase(start, (content.find("*\/", start) - start) +2); } #endif // First split into selector/value chunks. // An attempt to use Glib::Regex failed. A C++11 version worked but // reportedly has problems on Windows. Using split_simple() is simpler // and probably faster. // // Glib::RefPtr regex1 = // Glib::Regex::create("([^\\{]+)\\{([^\\{]+)\\}"); // // Glib::MatchInfo minfo; // regex1->match(content, minfo); // Split on curly brackets. Even tokens are selectors, odd are values. std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[}{]", content); // If text node is empty, return (avoids problem with negative below). if (tokens.size() == 0) { _store->clear(); _updating = false; return; } _treeView.show_all(); std::vector> expanderstatus; for (unsigned i = 0; i < tokens.size() - 1; i += 2) { Glib::ustring selector = tokens[i]; REMOVE_SPACES(selector); // Remove leading/trailing spaces std::vector selectordata = Glib::Regex::split_simple(";", selector); if (!selectordata.empty()) { selector = selectordata.back(); } selector = _style_dialog->fixCSSSelectors(selector); for (auto &row : _store->children()) { Glib::ustring selectorold = row[_mColumns._colSelector]; if (selectorold == selector) { expanderstatus.emplace_back(selector, row[_mColumns._colExpand]); } } } _store->clear(); bool rewrite = false; std::vector objVec; for (unsigned i = 0; i < tokens.size()-1; i += 2) { Glib::ustring selector = tokens[i]; REMOVE_SPACES(selector); // Remove leading/trailing spaces std::vector selectordata = Glib::Regex::split_simple(";", selector); for (auto selectoritem : selectordata) { if (selectordata[selectordata.size() - 1] == selectoritem) { selector = selectoritem; } else { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(_store->append()); row[_mColumns._colSelector] = selectoritem + ";"; row[_mColumns._colExpand] = false; row[_mColumns._colType] = OTHER; row[_mColumns._colObj] = objVec; row[_mColumns._colProperties] = ""; row[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; row[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; } } Glib::ustring selector_old = selector; selector = _style_dialog->fixCSSSelectors(selector); if (selector_old != selector) { rewrite = true; } if (selector.empty() || selector == "* > .inkscapehacktmp") { continue; } std::vector tokensplus = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[,]+", selector); coltype colType = SELECTOR; // Get list of objects selector matches objVec = _getObjVec(selector); Glib::ustring properties; // Check to make sure we do have a value to match selector. if ((i+1) < tokens.size()) { properties = tokens[i+1]; } else { std::cerr << "SelectorsDialog::_readStyleElement(): Missing values " "for last selector!" << std::endl; } REMOVE_SPACES(properties); bool colExpand = false; for (auto rowstatus : expanderstatus) { if (selector == rowstatus.first) { colExpand = rowstatus.second; } } std::vector properties_data = Glib::Regex::split_simple(";", properties); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(_store->append()); row[_mColumns._colSelector] = selector; row[_mColumns._colExpand] = colExpand; row[_mColumns._colType] = colType; row[_mColumns._colObj] = objVec; row[_mColumns._colProperties] = properties; row[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; row[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; // Add as children, objects that match selector. for (auto &obj : objVec) { auto *id = obj->getId(); if (!id) continue; Gtk::TreeModel::Row childrow = *(_store->append(row->children())); childrow[_mColumns._colSelector] = "#" + Glib::ustring(id); childrow[_mColumns._colExpand] = false; childrow[_mColumns._colType] = colType == OBJECT; childrow[_mColumns._colObj] = std::vector(1, obj); childrow[_mColumns._colProperties] = ""; // Unused childrow[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; // Unused childrow[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; } } _updating = false; if (rewrite) { _writeStyleElement(); } _scroollock = false; _vadj->set_value(std::min(_scroolpos, _vadj->get_upper())); } void SelectorsDialog::_rowExpand(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &iter, const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &path) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_row_expand()"); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[_mColumns._colExpand] = true; } void SelectorsDialog::_rowCollapse(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &iter, const Gtk::TreeModel::Path &path) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_row_collapse()"); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[_mColumns._colExpand] = false; } /** * Update the content of the style element as selectors (or objects) are added/removed. */ void SelectorsDialog::_writeStyleElement() { if (_updating) { return; } g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_writeStyleElement"); _scroollock = true; _updating = true; Glib::ustring styleContent = ""; for (auto& row: _store->children()) { Glib::ustring selector = row[_mColumns._colSelector]; #if 0 REMOVE_SPACES(selector); size_t len = selector.size(); if(selector[len-1] == ','){ selector.erase(len-1); } row[_mColumns._colSelector] = selector; #endif if (row[_mColumns._colType] == OTHER) { styleContent = selector + styleContent; } else { styleContent = styleContent + selector + " { " + row[_mColumns._colProperties] + " }\n"; } } // We could test if styleContent is empty and then delete the style node here but there is no // harm in keeping it around ... Inkscape::XML::Node *textNode = _getStyleTextNode(true); bool empty = false; if (styleContent.empty()) { empty = true; styleContent = "* > .inkscapehacktmp{}"; } textNode->setContent(styleContent.c_str()); INKSCAPE.readStyleSheets(true); if (empty) { styleContent = ""; textNode->setContent(styleContent.c_str()); } textNode->setContent(styleContent.c_str()); DocumentUndo::done(SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT, SP_VERB_DIALOG_SELECTORS, _("Edited style element.")); _updating = false; _scroollock = false; _vadj->set_value(std::min(_scroolpos, _vadj->get_upper())); g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_writeStyleElement(): | %s |", styleContent.c_str()); } /** * Update the watchers on objects. */ void SelectorsDialog::_updateWatchers(SPDesktop *desktop) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_updateWatchers"); if (_textNode) { _textNode->removeObserver(*m_styletextwatcher); _textNode = nullptr; } if (m_root) { m_root->removeSubtreeObserver(*m_nodewatcher); m_root = nullptr; } if (desktop) { m_root = desktop->getDocument()->getReprRoot(); m_root->addSubtreeObserver(*m_nodewatcher); } } /* void sp_get_selector_active(Glib::ustring &selector) { std::vector tokensplus = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[ ]+", selector); selector = tokensplus[tokensplus.size() - 1]; // Erase any comma/space REMOVE_SPACES(selector); Glib::ustring toadd = Glib::ustring(selector); Glib::ustring toparse = Glib::ustring(selector); Glib::ustring tag = ""; if (toadd[0] != '.' || toadd[0] != '#') { auto i = std::min(toadd.find("#"), toadd.find(".")); tag = toadd.substr(0,i-1); toparse.erase(0, i-1); } auto i = toparse.find("#"); toparse.erase(i, 1); auto j = toparse.find("#"); if (j == std::string::npos) { selector = ""; } else if (i != std::string::npos) { Glib::ustring post = toadd.substr(0,i-1); Glib::ustring pre = toadd.substr(i, (toadd.size()-1)-i); selector = tag + pre + post; } } */ Glib::ustring sp_get_selector_classes(Glib::ustring selector) //, SelectorType selectortype, Glib::ustring id = "") { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::sp_get_selector_classes"); std::pair result; std::vector tokensplus = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[ ]+", selector); selector = tokensplus[tokensplus.size() - 1]; // Erase any comma/space REMOVE_SPACES(selector); Glib::ustring toparse = Glib::ustring(selector); selector = Glib::ustring(""); auto i = toparse.find("."); if (i == std::string::npos) { return ""; } if (toparse[0] != '.' && toparse[0] != '#') { i = std::min(toparse.find("#"), toparse.find(".")); Glib::ustring tag = toparse.substr(0, i); if (!SPAttributeRelSVG::isSVGElement(tag)) { return selector; } if (i != std::string::npos) { toparse.erase(0, i); } } i = toparse.find("#"); if (i != std::string::npos) { toparse.erase(i, 1); } auto j = toparse.find("#"); if (j != std::string::npos) { return selector; } if (i != std::string::npos) { toparse.insert(i, "#"); if (i) { Glib::ustring post = toparse.substr(0, i); Glib::ustring pre = toparse.substr(i, toparse.size() - i); toparse = pre + post; } auto k = toparse.find("."); if (k != std::string::npos) { toparse = toparse.substr(k, toparse.size() - k); } } return toparse; } /** * @param row * Add selected objects on the desktop to the selector corresponding to 'row'. */ void SelectorsDialog::_addToSelector(Gtk::TreeModel::Row row) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_addToSelector: Entrance"); if (*row) { // Store list of selected elements on desktop (not to be confused with selector). _updating = true; if (row[_mColumns._colType] == OTHER) { return; } Inkscape::Selection *selection = getDesktop()->getSelection(); std::vector toAddObjVec(selection->objects().begin(), selection->objects().end()); Glib::ustring multiselector = row[_mColumns._colSelector]; std::vector objVec = _getObjVec(multiselector); row[_mColumns._colObj] = objVec; row[_mColumns._colExpand] = true; std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[,]+", multiselector); for (auto &obj : toAddObjVec) { auto *id = obj->getId(); if (!id) continue; for (auto tok : tokens) { Glib::ustring clases = sp_get_selector_classes(tok); if (!clases.empty()) { _insertClass(obj, clases); std::vector currentobjs = _getObjVec(multiselector); bool removeclass = true; for (auto currentobj : currentobjs) { if (g_strcmp0(currentobj->getId(), id) == 0) { removeclass = false; } } if (removeclass) { _removeClass(obj, clases); } } } std::vector currentobjs = _getObjVec(multiselector); bool insertid = true; for (auto currentobj : currentobjs) { if (g_strcmp0(currentobj->getId(), id) == 0) { insertid = false; } } if (insertid) { multiselector = multiselector + ",#" + id; } Gtk::TreeModel::Row childrow = *(_store->prepend(row->children())); childrow[_mColumns._colSelector] = "#" + Glib::ustring(id); childrow[_mColumns._colExpand] = false; childrow[_mColumns._colType] = OBJECT; childrow[_mColumns._colObj] = std::vector(1, obj); childrow[_mColumns._colProperties] = ""; // Unused childrow[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; // Unused childrow[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; } objVec = _getObjVec(multiselector); row[_mColumns._colSelector] = multiselector; row[_mColumns._colObj] = objVec; _updating = false; // Add entry to style element for (auto &obj : toAddObjVec) { Glib::ustring css_str = ""; SPCSSAttr *css = sp_repr_css_attr_new(); SPCSSAttr *css_selector = sp_repr_css_attr_new(); sp_repr_css_attr_add_from_string(css, obj->getRepr()->attribute("style")); Glib::ustring selprops = row[_mColumns._colProperties]; sp_repr_css_attr_add_from_string(css_selector, selprops.c_str()); for (List iter = css_selector->attributeList(); iter; ++iter) { gchar const *key = g_quark_to_string(iter->key); css->setAttribute(key, nullptr); } sp_repr_css_write_string(css, css_str); sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css); sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css_selector); obj->getRepr()->setAttribute("style", css_str); obj->style->readFromObject(obj); obj->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_STYLE_MODIFIED_FLAG); } _writeStyleElement(); } } /** * @param row * Remove the object corresponding to 'row' from the parent selector. */ void SelectorsDialog::_removeFromSelector(Gtk::TreeModel::Row row) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_removeFromSelector: Entrance"); if (*row) { _scroollock = true; _updating = true; SPObject *obj = nullptr; Glib::ustring objectLabel = row[_mColumns._colSelector]; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = row->parent(); if (iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row parent = *iter; Glib::ustring multiselector = parent[_mColumns._colSelector]; REMOVE_SPACES(multiselector); obj = _getObjVec(objectLabel)[0]; std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[,]+", multiselector); Glib::ustring selector = ""; for (auto tok : tokens) { if (tok.empty()) { continue; } // TODO: handle when other selectors has the removed class applied to maybe not remove Glib::ustring clases = sp_get_selector_classes(tok); if (!clases.empty()) { _removeClass(obj, tok, true); } auto i = tok.find(row[_mColumns._colSelector]); if (i == std::string::npos) { selector = selector.empty() ? tok : selector + "," + tok; } } REMOVE_SPACES(selector); if (selector.empty()) { _store->erase(parent); } else { _store->erase(row); parent[_mColumns._colSelector] = selector; parent[_mColumns._colExpand] = true; parent[_mColumns._colObj] = _getObjVec(selector); } } _updating = false; // Add entry to style element _writeStyleElement(); obj->style->readFromObject(obj); obj->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_STYLE_MODIFIED_FLAG); _scroollock = false; _vadj->set_value(std::min(_scroolpos, _vadj->get_upper())); } } /** * @param sel * @return This function returns a comma separated list of ids for objects in input vector. * It is used in creating an 'id' selector. It relies on objects having 'id's. */ Glib::ustring SelectorsDialog::_getIdList(std::vector sel) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_getIdList"); Glib::ustring str; for (auto& obj: sel) { char const *id = obj->getId(); if (id) { if (!str.empty()) { str.append(", "); } str.append("#").append(id); } } return str; } /** * @param selector: a valid CSS selector string. * @return objVec: a vector of pointers to SPObject's the selector matches. * Return a vector of all objects that selector matches. */ std::vector SelectorsDialog::_getObjVec(Glib::ustring selector) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_getObjVec: | %s |", selector.c_str()); g_assert(selector.find(";") == Glib::ustring::npos); return getDesktop()->getDocument()->getObjectsBySelector(selector); } /** * @param objs: list of objects to insert class * @param class: class to insert * Insert a class name into objects' 'class' attribute. */ void SelectorsDialog::_insertClass(const std::vector &objVec, const Glib::ustring &className) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_insertClass"); for (auto& obj: objVec) { _insertClass(obj, className); } } /** * @param objs: list of objects to insert class * @param class: class to insert * Insert a class name into objects' 'class' attribute. */ void SelectorsDialog::_insertClass(SPObject *obj, const Glib::ustring &className) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_insertClass"); Glib::ustring classAttr = Glib::ustring(""); if (obj->getRepr()->attribute("class")) { classAttr = obj->getRepr()->attribute("class"); } std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[.]+", className); std::sort(tokens.begin(), tokens.end()); tokens.erase(std::unique(tokens.begin(), tokens.end()), tokens.end()); std::vector tokensplus = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[\\s]+", classAttr); for (auto tok : tokens) { bool exist = false; for (auto &tokenplus : tokensplus) { if (tokenplus == tok) { exist = true; } } if (!exist) { classAttr = classAttr.empty() ? tok : classAttr + " " + tok; } } obj->getRepr()->setAttribute("class", classAttr); } /** * @param objs: list of objects to insert class * @param class: class to insert * Insert a class name into objects' 'class' attribute. */ void SelectorsDialog::_removeClass(const std::vector &objVec, const Glib::ustring &className, bool all) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_removeClass"); for (auto &obj : objVec) { _removeClass(obj, className, all); } } /** * @param objs: list of objects to insert class * @param class: class to insert * Insert a class name into objects' 'class' attribute. */ void SelectorsDialog::_removeClass(SPObject *obj, const Glib::ustring &className, bool all) // without "." { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_removeClass"); if (obj->getRepr()->attribute("class")) { std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[.]+", className); Glib::ustring classAttr = obj->getRepr()->attribute("class"); Glib::ustring classAttrRestore = classAttr; bool notfound = false; for (auto tok : tokens) { auto i = classAttr.find(tok); if (i != std::string::npos) { classAttr.erase(i, tok.length()); } else { notfound = true; } } if (all && notfound) { classAttr = classAttrRestore; } REMOVE_SPACES(classAttr); if (classAttr.empty()) { obj->getRepr()->removeAttribute("class"); } else { obj->getRepr()->setAttribute("class", classAttr); } } } /** * @param eventX * @param eventY * This function selects objects in the drawing corresponding to the selector * selected in the treeview. */ void SelectorsDialog::_selectObjects(int eventX, int eventY) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_selectObjects: %d, %d", eventX, eventY); Gtk::TreeViewColumn *col = _treeView.get_column(1); Gtk::TreeModel::Path path; int x2 = 0; int y2 = 0; // To do: We should be able to do this via passing in row. if (_treeView.get_path_at_pos(eventX, eventY, path, col, x2, y2)) { if (_lastpath.size() && _lastpath == path) { return; } if (col == _treeView.get_column(1) && x2 > 25) { getDesktop()->selection->clear(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = _store->get_iter(path); if (iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = row.children(); if (children.empty() || children.size() == 1) { _del.show(); } std::vector objVec = row[_mColumns._colObj]; for (auto obj : objVec) { getDesktop()->selection->add(obj); } } _lastpath = path; } } } /** * This function opens a dialog to add a selector. The dialog is prefilled * with an 'id' selector containing a list of the id's of selected objects * or with a 'class' selector if no objects are selected. */ void SelectorsDialog::_addSelector() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_addSelector: Entrance"); _scroollock = true; // Store list of selected elements on desktop (not to be confused with selector). Inkscape::Selection* selection = getDesktop()->getSelection(); std::vector objVec( selection->objects().begin(), selection->objects().end() ); // ==== Create popup dialog ==== Gtk::Dialog *textDialogPtr = new Gtk::Dialog(); textDialogPtr->property_modal() = true; textDialogPtr->property_title() = _("CSS selector"); textDialogPtr->property_window_position() = Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT; textDialogPtr->add_button(_("Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); textDialogPtr->add_button(_("Add"), Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); Gtk::Entry *textEditPtr = manage ( new Gtk::Entry() ); textEditPtr->signal_activate().connect( sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SelectorsDialog::_closeDialog), textDialogPtr)); textDialogPtr->get_content_area()->pack_start(*textEditPtr, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); Gtk::Label *textLabelPtr = manage(new Gtk::Label(_("Invalid CSS selector."))); textDialogPtr->get_content_area()->pack_start(*textLabelPtr, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); /** * By default, the entrybox contains 'Class1' as text. However, if object(s) * is(are) selected and user clicks '+' at the bottom of dialog, the * entrybox will have the id(s) of the selected objects as text. */ if (getDesktop()->getSelection()->isEmpty()) { textEditPtr->set_text(".Class1"); } else { textEditPtr->set_text(_getIdList(objVec)); } Gtk::Requisition sreq1, sreq2; textDialogPtr->get_preferred_size(sreq1, sreq2); int minWidth = 200; int minHeight = 100; minWidth = (sreq2.width > minWidth ? sreq2.width : minWidth ); minHeight = (sreq2.height > minHeight ? sreq2.height : minHeight); textDialogPtr->set_size_request(minWidth, minHeight); textEditPtr->show(); textLabelPtr->hide(); textDialogPtr->show(); // ==== Get response ==== int result = -1; bool invalid = true; Glib::ustring selectorValue; Glib::ustring originalValue; while (invalid) { result = textDialogPtr->run(); if (result != Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) { // Cancel, close dialog, etc. textDialogPtr->hide(); delete textDialogPtr; return; } /** * @brief selectorName * This string stores selector name. The text from entrybox is saved as name * for selector. If the entrybox is empty, the text (thus selectorName) is * set to ".Class1" */ originalValue = Glib::ustring(textEditPtr->get_text()); selectorValue = _style_dialog->fixCSSSelectors(originalValue); _del.show(); if (originalValue.find("@import ") == std::string::npos && selectorValue.empty()) { textLabelPtr->show(); } else { invalid = false; } } delete textDialogPtr; // ==== Handle response ==== // If class selector, add selector name to class attribute for each object REMOVE_SPACES(selectorValue); if (originalValue.find("@import ") != std::string::npos) { std::vector objVecEmpty; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(_store->prepend()); row[_mColumns._colSelector] = originalValue; row[_mColumns._colExpand] = false; row[_mColumns._colType] = OTHER; row[_mColumns._colObj] = objVecEmpty; row[_mColumns._colProperties] = ""; row[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; row[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; } else { std::vector tokens = Glib::Regex::split_simple("[,]+", selectorValue); for (auto &obj : objVec) { for (auto tok : tokens) { Glib::ustring clases = sp_get_selector_classes(tok); if (clases.empty()) { continue; } _insertClass(obj, clases); std::vector currentobjs = _getObjVec(selectorValue); bool removeclass = true; for (auto currentobj : currentobjs) { if (currentobj == obj) { removeclass = false; } } if (removeclass) { _removeClass(obj, clases); } } } objVec = _getObjVec(selectorValue); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(_store->prepend()); row[_mColumns._colExpand] = true; row[_mColumns._colType] = SELECTOR; row[_mColumns._colSelector] = selectorValue; row[_mColumns._colObj] = objVec; row[_mColumns._colProperties] = ""; row[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; row[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; for (auto &obj : objVec) { auto *id = obj->getId(); if (!id) continue; Gtk::TreeModel::Row childrow = *(_store->prepend(row->children())); childrow[_mColumns._colSelector] = "#" + Glib::ustring(id); childrow[_mColumns._colExpand] = false; childrow[_mColumns._colType] = OBJECT; childrow[_mColumns._colObj] = std::vector(1, obj); childrow[_mColumns._colProperties] = ""; // Unused childrow[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; // Unused childrow[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; } } // Add entry to style element _writeStyleElement(); _scroollock = false; _vadj->set_value(std::min(_scroolpos, _vadj->get_upper())); } void SelectorsDialog::_closeDialog(Gtk::Dialog *textDialogPtr) { textDialogPtr->response(Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); } /** * This function deletes selector when '-' at the bottom is clicked. * Note: If deleting a class selector, class attributes are NOT changed. */ void SelectorsDialog::_delSelector() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_delSelector"); _scroollock = true; Glib::RefPtr refTreeSelection = _treeView.get_selection(); _treeView.get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected(); if (iter) { _vscrool(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; if (row.children().size() > 2) { return; } _updating = true; _store->erase(iter); _updating = false; _writeStyleElement(); _del.hide(); _scroollock = false; _vadj->set_value(std::min(_scroolpos, _vadj->get_upper())); } } /** * @param event * @return * Handles the event when '+' button in front of a selector name is clicked or when a '-' button in * front of a child object is clicked. In the first case, the selected objects on the desktop (if * any) are added as children of the selector in the treeview. In the latter case, the object * corresponding to the row is removed from the selector. */ bool SelectorsDialog::_handleButtonEvent(GdkEventButton *event) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_handleButtonEvent: Entrance"); if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE && event->button == 1) { _scroollock = true; Gtk::TreeViewColumn *col = nullptr; Gtk::TreeModel::Path path; int x = static_cast(event->x); int y = static_cast(event->y); int x2 = 0; int y2 = 0; if (_treeView.get_path_at_pos(x, y, path, col, x2, y2)) { if (col == _treeView.get_column(0)) { _vscrool(); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = _store->get_iter(path); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; if (!row.parent()) { _addToSelector(row); } else { _removeFromSelector(row); } _vadj->set_value(std::min(_scroolpos, _vadj->get_upper())); } } } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- class PropertyData { public: PropertyData() = default;; PropertyData(Glib::ustring name) : _name(std::move(name)) {}; void _setSheetValue(Glib::ustring value) { _sheetValue = value; }; void _setAttrValue(Glib::ustring value) { _attrValue = value; }; Glib::ustring _getName() { return _name; }; Glib::ustring _getSheetValue() { return _sheetValue; }; Glib::ustring _getAttrValue() { return _attrValue; }; private: Glib::ustring _name; Glib::ustring _sheetValue; Glib::ustring _attrValue; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Handle document replaced. (Happens when a default document is immediately replaced by another * document in a new window.) */ void SelectorsDialog::_handleDocumentReplaced(SPDesktop *desktop, SPDocument * /* document */) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::handleDocumentReplaced()"); _selection_changed_connection.disconnect(); _updateWatchers(desktop); if (!desktop) return; _selection_changed_connection = desktop->getSelection()->connectChanged( sigc::hide(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SelectorsDialog::_handleSelectionChanged))); _readStyleElement(); _selectRow(); } /* * When a dialog is floating, it is connected to the active desktop. */ void SelectorsDialog::_handleDesktopChanged(SPDesktop *desktop) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::handleDesktopReplaced()"); if (getDesktop() == desktop) { // This will happen after construction of dialog. We've already // set up signals so just return. return; } _selection_changed_connection.disconnect(); _document_replaced_connection.disconnect(); setDesktop( desktop ); _selection_changed_connection = desktop->getSelection()->connectChanged( sigc::hide(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SelectorsDialog::_handleSelectionChanged))); _document_replaced_connection = desktop->connectDocumentReplaced(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SelectorsDialog::_handleDocumentReplaced)); _updateWatchers(desktop); _readStyleElement(); _selectRow(); } /* * Handle a change in which objects are selected in a document. */ void SelectorsDialog::_handleSelectionChanged() { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_handleSelectionChanged()"); _lastpath.clear(); _treeView.get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE); _readStyleElement(); _selectRow(); } /** * @param event * This function detects single or double click on a selector in any row. Clicking * on a selector selects the matching objects on the desktop. A double click will * in addition open the CSS dialog. */ void SelectorsDialog::_buttonEventsSelectObjs(GdkEventButton *event) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_buttonEventsSelectObjs"); _treeView.get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE); _updating = true; _del.show(); if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE && event->button == 1) { int x = static_cast(event->x); int y = static_cast(event->y); _selectObjects(x, y); } _updating = false; } /** * This function selects the row in treeview corresponding to an object selected * in the drawing. If more than one row matches, the first is chosen. */ void SelectorsDialog::_selectRow() { _scroollock = true; g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_selectRow: updating: %s", (_updating ? "true" : "false")); _del.hide(); std::vector selectedrows = _treeView.get_selection()->get_selected_rows(); if (selectedrows.size() == 1) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *_store->get_iter(selectedrows[0]); if (!row->parent() && row->children().size() < 2) { _del.show(); } if (!row->parent()) { _style_dialog->setCurrentSelector(row[_mColumns._colSelector]); } } else if (selectedrows.size() == 0) { _del.show(); } if (_updating || !getDesktop()) return; // Avoid updating if we have set row via dialog. _treeView.get_selection()->unselect_all(); Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = _store->children(); Inkscape::Selection* selection = getDesktop()->getSelection(); SPObject *obj = nullptr; if (!selection->isEmpty()) { obj = selection->objects().back(); } else { _style_dialog->setCurrentSelector(""); } for (auto row : children) { Gtk::TreeModel::Children subchildren = row->children(); for (auto subrow : subchildren) { subrow[_mColumns._colSelected] = 400; } } for (auto obj : selection->items()) { for (auto row : children) { Gtk::TreeModel::Children subchildren = row->children(); for (auto subrow : subchildren) { std::vector objVec = subrow[_mColumns._colObj]; if (obj == objVec[0]) { _treeView.get_selection()->select(row); row[_mColumns._colVisible] = true; subrow[_mColumns._colSelected] = 700; } } if (row[_mColumns._colExpand]) { _treeView.expand_to_path(Gtk::TreePath(row)); } } } for (auto row : children) { if (row[_mColumns._colExpand]) { _treeView.expand_to_path(Gtk::TreePath(row)); } } _vadj->set_value(std::min(_scroolpos, _vadj->get_upper())); } /** * @param btn * @param iconName * @param tooltip * Set the style of '+' and '-' buttons at the bottom of dialog. */ void SelectorsDialog::_styleButton(Gtk::Button &btn, char const *iconName, char const *tooltip) { g_debug("SelectorsDialog::_styleButton"); GtkWidget *child = sp_get_icon_image(iconName, GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR); gtk_widget_show(child); btn.add(*manage(Glib::wrap(child))); btn.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE); btn.set_tooltip_text (tooltip); } } // namespace Dialog } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :