// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Eraser drawing mode * * Authors: * Mitsuru Oka * Lauris Kaplinski * bulia byak * MenTaLguY * Jon A. Cruz * Abhishek Sharma * * The original dynadraw code: * Paul Haeberli * * Copyright (C) 1998 The Free Software Foundation * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 authors * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ximian, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 bulia byak * Copyright (C) 2006 MenTaLguY * Copyright (C) 2008 Jon A. Cruz * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #define noERASER_VERBOSE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <2geom/bezier-utils.h> #include <2geom/pathvector.h> #include "context-fns.h" #include "desktop-events.h" #include "desktop-style.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "document-undo.h" #include "document.h" #include "layer-manager.h" #include "layer-model.h" #include "message-context.h" #include "path-chemistry.h" #include "rubberband.h" #include "selection-chemistry.h" #include "selection.h" #include "splivarot.h" #include "verbs.h" #include "display/sp-canvas.h" #include "display/canvas-arena.h" #include "display/canvas-bpath.h" #include "display/curve.h" #include "include/macros.h" #include "object/sp-clippath.h" #include "object/sp-item-group.h" #include "object/sp-path.h" #include "object/sp-rect.h" #include "object/sp-root.h" #include "object/sp-shape.h" #include "object/sp-text.h" #include "object/sp-use.h" #include "style.h" #include "ui/pixmaps/cursor-eraser.xpm" #include "svg/svg.h" #include "ui/tools/eraser-tool.h" using Inkscape::DocumentUndo; #define ERC_RED_RGBA 0xff0000ff #define TOLERANCE_ERASER 0.1 #define ERASER_EPSILON 0.5e-6 #define ERASER_EPSILON_START 0.5e-2 #define ERASER_VEL_START 1e-5 #define DRAG_MIN 0.0 #define DRAG_DEFAULT 1.0 #define DRAG_MAX 1.0 namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Tools { const std::string& EraserTool::getPrefsPath() { return EraserTool::prefsPath; } const std::string EraserTool::prefsPath = "/tools/eraser"; EraserTool::EraserTool() : DynamicBase(cursor_eraser_xpm) , nowidth(false) { } EraserTool::~EraserTool() = default; void EraserTool::setup() { DynamicBase::setup(); this->accumulated = new SPCurve(); this->currentcurve = new SPCurve(); this->cal1 = new SPCurve(); this->cal2 = new SPCurve(); this->currentshape = sp_canvas_item_new(desktop->getSketch(), SP_TYPE_CANVAS_BPATH, nullptr); sp_canvas_bpath_set_fill(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(this->currentshape), ERC_RED_RGBA, SP_WIND_RULE_EVENODD); sp_canvas_bpath_set_stroke(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(this->currentshape), 0x00000000, 1.0, SP_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER, SP_STROKE_LINECAP_BUTT); /* fixme: Cannot we cascade it to root more clearly? */ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(this->currentshape), "event", G_CALLBACK(sp_desktop_root_handler), desktop); /* static ProfileFloatElement f_profile[PROFILE_FLOAT_SIZE] = { {"mass",0.02, 0.0, 1.0}, {"wiggle",0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {"angle",30.0, -90.0, 90.0}, {"thinning",0.1, -1.0, 1.0}, {"tremor",0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {"flatness",0.9, 0.0, 1.0}, {"cap_rounding",0.0, 0.0, 5.0} }; */ sp_event_context_read(this, "mass"); sp_event_context_read(this, "wiggle"); sp_event_context_read(this, "angle"); sp_event_context_read(this, "width"); sp_event_context_read(this, "thinning"); sp_event_context_read(this, "tremor"); sp_event_context_read(this, "flatness"); sp_event_context_read(this, "tracebackground"); sp_event_context_read(this, "usepressure"); sp_event_context_read(this, "usetilt"); sp_event_context_read(this, "abs_width"); sp_event_context_read(this, "cap_rounding"); this->is_drawing = false; //TODO not sure why get 0.01 if slider width == 0, maybe a double/int problem Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); if (prefs->getBool("/tools/eraser/selcue", false) != 0) { this->enableSelectionCue(); } // TODO temp force: this->enableSelectionCue(); } static double flerp(double f0, double f1, double p) { return f0 + ( f1 - f0 ) * p; } void EraserTool::reset(Geom::Point p) { this->last = this->cur = getNormalizedPoint(p); this->vel = Geom::Point(0,0); this->vel_max = 0; this->acc = Geom::Point(0,0); this->ang = Geom::Point(0,0); this->del = Geom::Point(0,0); } void EraserTool::extinput(GdkEvent *event) { if (gdk_event_get_axis (event, GDK_AXIS_PRESSURE, &this->pressure)) this->pressure = CLAMP (this->pressure, ERC_MIN_PRESSURE, ERC_MAX_PRESSURE); else this->pressure = ERC_DEFAULT_PRESSURE; if (gdk_event_get_axis (event, GDK_AXIS_XTILT, &this->xtilt)) this->xtilt = CLAMP (this->xtilt, ERC_MIN_TILT, ERC_MAX_TILT); else this->xtilt = ERC_DEFAULT_TILT; if (gdk_event_get_axis (event, GDK_AXIS_YTILT, &this->ytilt)) this->ytilt = CLAMP (this->ytilt, ERC_MIN_TILT, ERC_MAX_TILT); else this->ytilt = ERC_DEFAULT_TILT; } bool EraserTool::apply(Geom::Point p) { Geom::Point n = getNormalizedPoint(p); /* Calculate mass and drag */ double const mass = flerp(1.0, 160.0, this->mass); double const drag = flerp(0.0, 0.5, this->drag * this->drag); /* Calculate force and acceleration */ Geom::Point force = n - this->cur; // If force is below the absolute threshold ERASER_EPSILON, // or we haven't yet reached ERASER_VEL_START (i.e. at the beginning of stroke) // _and_ the force is below the (higher) ERASER_EPSILON_START threshold, // discard this move. // This prevents flips, blobs, and jerks caused by microscopic tremor of the tablet pen, // especially bothersome at the start of the stroke where we don't yet have the inertia to // smooth them out. if ( Geom::L2(force) < ERASER_EPSILON || (this->vel_max < ERASER_VEL_START && Geom::L2(force) < ERASER_EPSILON_START)) { return FALSE; } this->acc = force / mass; /* Calculate new velocity */ this->vel += this->acc; if (Geom::L2(this->vel) > this->vel_max) this->vel_max = Geom::L2(this->vel); /* Calculate angle of drawing tool */ double a1; if (this->usetilt) { // 1a. calculate nib angle from input device tilt: gdouble length = std::sqrt(this->xtilt*this->xtilt + this->ytilt*this->ytilt);; if (length > 0) { Geom::Point ang1 = Geom::Point(this->ytilt/length, this->xtilt/length); a1 = atan2(ang1); } else a1 = 0.0; } else { // 1b. fixed dc->angle (absolutely flat nib): double const radians = ( (this->angle - 90) / 180.0 ) * M_PI; Geom::Point ang1 = Geom::Point(-sin(radians), cos(radians)); a1 = atan2(ang1); } // 2. perpendicular to dc->vel (absolutely non-flat nib): gdouble const mag_vel = Geom::L2(this->vel); if ( mag_vel < ERASER_EPSILON ) { return FALSE; } Geom::Point ang2 = Geom::rot90(this->vel) / mag_vel; // 3. Average them using flatness parameter: // calculate angles double a2 = atan2(ang2); // flip a2 to force it to be in the same half-circle as a1 bool flipped = false; if (fabs (a2-a1) > 0.5*M_PI) { a2 += M_PI; flipped = true; } // normalize a2 if (a2 > M_PI) a2 -= 2*M_PI; if (a2 < -M_PI) a2 += 2*M_PI; // find the flatness-weighted bisector angle, unflip if a2 was flipped // FIXME: when dc->vel is oscillating around the fixed angle, the new_ang flips back and forth. How to avoid this? double new_ang = a1 + (1 - this->flatness) * (a2 - a1) - (flipped? M_PI : 0); // Try to detect a sudden flip when the new angle differs too much from the previous for the // current velocity; in that case discard this move double angle_delta = Geom::L2(Geom::Point (cos (new_ang), sin (new_ang)) - this->ang); if ( angle_delta / Geom::L2(this->vel) > 4000 ) { return FALSE; } // convert to point this->ang = Geom::Point (cos (new_ang), sin (new_ang)); // g_print ("force %g acc %g vel_max %g vel %g a1 %g a2 %g new_ang %g\n", Geom::L2(force), Geom::L2(dc->acc), dc->vel_max, Geom::L2(dc->vel), a1, a2, new_ang); /* Apply drag */ this->vel *= 1.0 - drag; /* Update position */ this->last = this->cur; this->cur += this->vel; return TRUE; } void EraserTool::brush() { g_assert( this->npoints >= 0 && this->npoints < SAMPLING_SIZE ); // How much velocity thins strokestyle double vel_thin = flerp (0, 160, this->vel_thin); // Influence of pressure on thickness double pressure_thick = (this->usepressure ? this->pressure : 1.0); // get the real brush point, not the same as pointer (affected by hatch tracking and/or mass // drag) Geom::Point brush = getViewPoint(this->cur); //Geom::Point brush_w = SP_EVENT_CONTEXT(dc)->desktop->d2w(brush); double trace_thick = 1; double width = (pressure_thick * trace_thick - vel_thin * Geom::L2(this->vel)) * this->width; double tremble_left = 0, tremble_right = 0; if (this->tremor > 0) { // obtain two normally distributed random variables, using polar Box-Muller transform double x1, x2, w, y1, y2; do { x1 = 2.0 * g_random_double_range(0,1) - 1.0; x2 = 2.0 * g_random_double_range(0,1) - 1.0; w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2; } while ( w >= 1.0 ); w = sqrt( (-2.0 * log( w ) ) / w ); y1 = x1 * w; y2 = x2 * w; // deflect both left and right edges randomly and independently, so that: // (1) dc->tremor=1 corresponds to sigma=1, decreasing dc->tremor narrows the bell curve; // (2) deflection depends on width, but is upped for small widths for better visual uniformity across widths; // (3) deflection somewhat depends on speed, to prevent fast strokes looking // comparatively smooth and slow ones excessively jittery tremble_left = (y1)*this->tremor * (0.15 + 0.8*width) * (0.35 + 14*Geom::L2(this->vel)); tremble_right = (y2)*this->tremor * (0.15 + 0.8*width) * (0.35 + 14*Geom::L2(this->vel)); } if ( width < 0.02 * this->width ) { width = 0.02 * this->width; } double dezoomify_factor = 0.05 * 1000; if (!this->abs_width) { dezoomify_factor /= SP_EVENT_CONTEXT(this)->desktop->current_zoom(); } Geom::Point del_left = dezoomify_factor * (width + tremble_left) * this->ang; Geom::Point del_right = dezoomify_factor * (width + tremble_right) * this->ang; this->point1[this->npoints] = brush + del_left; this->point2[this->npoints] = brush - del_right; if (this->nowidth) { this->point1[this->npoints] = Geom::middle_point(this->point1[this->npoints],this->point2[this->npoints]); } this->del = 0.5*(del_left + del_right); this->npoints++; } static void sp_erc_update_toolbox (SPDesktop *desktop, const gchar *id, double value) { desktop->setToolboxAdjustmentValue (id, value); } void EraserTool::cancel() { SPDesktop *desktop = SP_EVENT_CONTEXT(this)->desktop; this->dragging = FALSE; this->is_drawing = false; sp_canvas_item_ungrab(SP_CANVAS_ITEM(desktop->acetate)); /* Remove all temporary line segments */ for (auto i : this->segments) sp_canvas_item_destroy(SP_CANVAS_ITEM(i)); this->segments.clear(); /* reset accumulated curve */ this->accumulated->reset(); this->clear_current(); if (this->repr) { this->repr = nullptr; } } bool EraserTool::root_handler(GdkEvent* event) { gint ret = FALSE; Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); gint eraser_mode = prefs->getInt("/tools/eraser/mode", 2); switch (event->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: if (event->button.button == 1 && !this->space_panning) { if (Inkscape::have_viable_layer(desktop, defaultMessageContext()) == false) { return TRUE; } Geom::Point const button_w(event->button.x, event->button.y); Geom::Point const button_dt(desktop->w2d(button_w)); this->reset(button_dt); this->extinput(event); this->apply(button_dt); this->accumulated->reset(); if (this->repr) { this->repr = nullptr; } if ( eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_DELETE ) { Inkscape::Rubberband::get(desktop)->start(desktop, button_dt); Inkscape::Rubberband::get(desktop)->setMode(RUBBERBAND_MODE_TOUCHPATH); } /* initialize first point */ this->npoints = 0; sp_canvas_item_grab(SP_CANVAS_ITEM(desktop->acetate), ( GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK ), nullptr, event->button.time); ret = TRUE; desktop->canvas->forceFullRedrawAfterInterruptions(3); this->is_drawing = true; } break; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: { Geom::Point const motion_w(event->motion.x, event->motion.y); Geom::Point motion_dt(desktop->w2d(motion_w) ); this->extinput(event); this->message_context->clear(); if ( this->is_drawing && (event->motion.state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) && !this->space_panning) { this->dragging = TRUE; this->message_context->set(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Drawing an eraser stroke")); if (!this->apply(motion_dt)) { ret = TRUE; break; } if ( this->cur != this->last ) { this->brush(); g_assert( this->npoints > 0 ); this->fit_and_split(false); } ret = TRUE; } if ( eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_DELETE ) { this->accumulated->reset(); Inkscape::Rubberband::get(desktop)->move(motion_dt); } } break; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: { Geom::Point const motion_w(event->button.x, event->button.y); Geom::Point const motion_dt(desktop->w2d(motion_w)); sp_canvas_item_ungrab(SP_CANVAS_ITEM(desktop->acetate)); desktop->canvas->endForcedFullRedraws(); this->is_drawing = false; if (this->dragging && event->button.button == 1 && !this->space_panning) { this->dragging = FALSE; this->apply(motion_dt); /* Remove all temporary line segments */ for (auto i : this->segments) sp_canvas_item_destroy(SP_CANVAS_ITEM(i)); this->segments.clear(); /* Create object */ this->fit_and_split(true); this->accumulate(); this->set_to_accumulated(); // performs document_done /* reset accumulated curve */ this->accumulated->reset(); this->clear_current(); if (this->repr) { this->repr = nullptr; } this->message_context->clear(); ret = TRUE; } if (eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_DELETE && Inkscape::Rubberband::get(desktop)->is_started()) { Inkscape::Rubberband::get(desktop)->stop(); } break; } case GDK_KEY_PRESS: switch (get_latin_keyval (&event->key)) { // case GDK_KEY_Up: // case GDK_KEY_KP_Up: // if (!MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event)) { // this->angle += 5.0; // if (this->angle > 90.0) { // this->angle = 90.0; // } // sp_erc_update_toolbox (desktop, "eraser-angle", this->angle); // ret = TRUE; // } // break; // case GDK_KEY_Down: // case GDK_KEY_KP_Down: // if (!MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event)) { // this->angle -= 5.0; // if (this->angle < -90.0) { // this->angle = -90.0; // } // sp_erc_update_toolbox (desktop, "eraser-angle", this->angle); // ret = TRUE; // } // break; case GDK_KEY_Right: case GDK_KEY_KP_Right: if (!MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event)) { this->width += 0.01; if (this->width > 1.0) { this->width = 1.0; } sp_erc_update_toolbox (desktop, "eraser-width", this->width * 100); // the same spinbutton is for alt+x ret = TRUE; } break; case GDK_KEY_Left: case GDK_KEY_KP_Left: if (!MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event)) { this->width -= 0.01; if (this->width < 0.01) { this->width = 0.01; } sp_erc_update_toolbox (desktop, "eraser-width", this->width * 100); ret = TRUE; } break; case GDK_KEY_Home: case GDK_KEY_KP_Home: this->width = 0.01; sp_erc_update_toolbox (desktop, "eraser-width", this->width * 100); ret = TRUE; break; case GDK_KEY_End: case GDK_KEY_KP_End: this->width = 1.0; sp_erc_update_toolbox (desktop, "eraser-width", this->width * 100); ret = TRUE; break; case GDK_KEY_x: case GDK_KEY_X: if (MOD__ALT_ONLY(event)) { desktop->setToolboxFocusTo ("eraser-width"); ret = TRUE; } break; case GDK_KEY_Escape: if ( eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_DELETE ) { Inkscape::Rubberband::get(desktop)->stop(); } if (this->is_drawing) { // if drawing, cancel, otherwise pass it up for deselecting this->cancel(); ret = TRUE; } break; case GDK_KEY_z: case GDK_KEY_Z: if (MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event) && this->is_drawing) { // if drawing, cancel, otherwise pass it up for undo this->cancel(); ret = TRUE; } break; default: break; } break; case GDK_KEY_RELEASE: switch (get_latin_keyval(&event->key)) { case GDK_KEY_Control_L: case GDK_KEY_Control_R: this->message_context->clear(); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } if (!ret) { ret = DynamicBase::root_handler(event); } return ret; } void EraserTool::clear_current() { // reset bpath sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(this->currentshape), nullptr); // reset curve this->currentcurve->reset(); this->cal1->reset(); this->cal2->reset(); // reset points this->npoints = 0; } void EraserTool::set_to_accumulated() { bool workDone = false; SPDocument *document = this->desktop->doc(); if (!this->accumulated->is_empty()) { if (!this->repr) { /* Create object */ Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = this->desktop->doc()->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path"); /* Set style */ sp_desktop_apply_style_tool (this->desktop, repr, "/tools/eraser", false); this->repr = repr; } SPObject * top_layer = desktop->currentRoot(); SPItem *item_repr = SP_ITEM(top_layer->appendChildRepr(this->repr)); Inkscape::GC::release(this->repr); item_repr->updateRepr(); Geom::PathVector pathv = this->accumulated->get_pathvector() * this->desktop->dt2doc(); pathv *= item_repr->i2doc_affine().inverse(); gchar *str = sp_svg_write_path(pathv); g_assert( str != nullptr ); this->repr->setAttribute("d", str); g_free(str); Geom::OptRect eraserBbox; if ( this->repr ) { bool wasSelection = false; Inkscape::Selection *selection = this->desktop->getSelection(); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); gint eraser_mode = prefs->getInt("/tools/eraser/mode", ERASER_MODE_CLIP); Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = this->desktop->doc()->getReprDoc(); SPItem* acid = SP_ITEM(this->desktop->doc()->getObjectByRepr(this->repr)); eraserBbox = acid->documentVisualBounds(); std::vector remainingItems; std::vector toWorkOn; if (selection->isEmpty()) { if (eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_CUT || eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_CLIP) { toWorkOn = document->getItemsPartiallyInBox(this->desktop->dkey, *eraserBbox, false, false, false, true); } else { Inkscape::Rubberband *r = Inkscape::Rubberband::get(this->desktop); toWorkOn = document->getItemsAtPoints(this->desktop->dkey, r->getPoints()); } toWorkOn.erase(std::remove(toWorkOn.begin(), toWorkOn.end(), acid), toWorkOn.end()); } else { if (eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_DELETE) { Inkscape::Rubberband *r = Inkscape::Rubberband::get(this->desktop); std::vector touched; touched = document->getItemsAtPoints(this->desktop->dkey, r->getPoints()); for (auto i : touched) { if(selection->includes(i)){ toWorkOn.push_back(i); } } } else { toWorkOn.insert(toWorkOn.end(), selection->items().begin(), selection->items().end()); } wasSelection = true; } if ( !toWorkOn.empty() ) { if (eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_CUT) { for (auto i : toWorkOn){ SPItem *item = i; SPUse *use = dynamic_cast(item); if (SP_IS_PATH(item) && SP_PATH(item)->nodesInPath () == 2){ SPItem *item = i; item->deleteObject(true); workDone = true; } else if (SP_IS_GROUP(item) || use ) { /*Do nothing*/ } else { Geom::OptRect bbox = item->documentVisualBounds(); if (bbox && bbox->intersects(*eraserBbox)) { Inkscape::XML::Node* dup = this->repr->duplicate(xml_doc); this->repr->parent()->appendChild(dup); Inkscape::GC::release(dup); // parent takes over Inkscape::ObjectSet w_selection(this->desktop); w_selection.set(dup); if (!this->nowidth) { w_selection.pathUnion(true); } w_selection.add(item); if(item->style->fill_rule.value == SP_WIND_RULE_EVENODD){ SPCSSAttr *css = sp_repr_css_attr_new(); sp_repr_css_set_property(css, "fill-rule", "evenodd"); sp_desktop_set_style(this->desktop, css); sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css); css = nullptr; } if (this->nowidth) { w_selection.pathCut(true); } else { w_selection.pathDiff(true); } workDone = true; // TODO set this only if something was cut. bool break_apart = prefs->getBool("/tools/eraser/break_apart", false); if(!break_apart){ w_selection.combine(true); } else { if(!this->nowidth){ w_selection.breakApart(true); } } if ( !w_selection.isEmpty() ) { // If the item was not completely erased, track the new remainder. std::vector nowSel(w_selection.items().begin(), w_selection.items().end()); for (auto i2 : nowSel) { remainingItems.push_back(i2); } } } else { remainingItems.push_back(item); } } } } else if (eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_CLIP) { if (!this->nowidth) { remainingItems.clear(); for (auto item : toWorkOn){ Inkscape::ObjectSet w_selection(this->desktop); Geom::OptRect bbox = item->documentVisualBounds(); Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = this->desktop->doc()->getReprDoc(); Inkscape::XML::Node* dup = this->repr->duplicate(xml_doc); this->repr->parent()->appendChild(dup); Inkscape::GC::release(dup); // parent takes over w_selection.set(dup); w_selection.pathUnion(true); if (bbox && bbox->intersects(*eraserBbox)) { SPClipPath *clip_path = item->getClipObject(); if (clip_path) { std::vector selected; selected.push_back(SP_ITEM(clip_path->firstChild())); std::vector to_select; std::vector items(selected); sp_item_list_to_curves(items, selected, to_select); Inkscape::XML::Node * clip_data = SP_ITEM(clip_path->firstChild())->getRepr(); if (!clip_data && !to_select.empty()) { clip_data = *(to_select.begin()); } if (clip_data) { Inkscape::XML::Node *dup_clip = clip_data->duplicate(xml_doc); if (dup_clip) { SPItem * dup_clip_obj = SP_ITEM(item_repr->parent->appendChildRepr(dup_clip)); Inkscape::GC::release(dup_clip); if (dup_clip_obj) { dup_clip_obj->transform *= item->getRelativeTransform(SP_ITEM(item_repr->parent)); dup_clip_obj->updateRepr(); clip_path->deleteObject(true); w_selection.raiseToTop(true); w_selection.add(dup_clip); w_selection.pathDiff(true); //SPItem * clip = SP_ITEM(*(w_selection.items().begin())); } } } } else { Inkscape::XML::Node *rect_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:rect"); sp_desktop_apply_style_tool (this->desktop, rect_repr, "/tools/eraser", false); SPRect * rect = SP_RECT(item_repr->parent->appendChildRepr(rect_repr)); Inkscape::GC::release(rect_repr); rect->setPosition (bbox->left(), bbox->top(), bbox->width(), bbox->height()); rect->transform = SP_ITEM(rect->parent)->i2doc_affine().inverse(); rect->updateRepr(); rect->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG); w_selection.raiseToTop(true); w_selection.add(rect); w_selection.pathDiff(true); } w_selection.raiseToTop(true); w_selection.add(item); w_selection.setMask(true, false, true); } else { SPItem *erase_clip = w_selection.singleItem(); if (erase_clip) { erase_clip->deleteObject(true); } } workDone = true; if (wasSelection) { remainingItems.push_back(item); } } } } else { for (auto item : toWorkOn) { item->deleteObject(true); workDone = true; } } if (eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_DELETE) { selection->deleteItems(); remainingItems.clear(); } selection->clear(); if ( wasSelection ) { if ( !remainingItems.empty() ) { selection->add(remainingItems.begin(), remainingItems.end()); } } } // Remove the eraser stroke itself: sp_repr_unparent( this->repr ); this->repr = nullptr; } } else { if (this->repr) { sp_repr_unparent(this->repr); this->repr = nullptr; } } if ( workDone ) { DocumentUndo::done(document, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_ERASER, _("Draw eraser stroke")); } else { DocumentUndo::cancel(document); } } static void add_cap(SPCurve *curve, Geom::Point const &pre, Geom::Point const &from, Geom::Point const &to, Geom::Point const &post, double rounding) { Geom::Point vel = rounding * Geom::rot90( to - from ) / sqrt(2.0); double mag = Geom::L2(vel); Geom::Point v_in = from - pre; double mag_in = Geom::L2(v_in); if ( mag_in > ERASER_EPSILON ) { v_in = mag * v_in / mag_in; } else { v_in = Geom::Point(0, 0); } Geom::Point v_out = to - post; double mag_out = Geom::L2(v_out); if ( mag_out > ERASER_EPSILON ) { v_out = mag * v_out / mag_out; } else { v_out = Geom::Point(0, 0); } if ( Geom::L2(v_in) > ERASER_EPSILON || Geom::L2(v_out) > ERASER_EPSILON ) { curve->curveto(from + v_in, to + v_out, to); } } void EraserTool::accumulate() { // construct a crude outline of the eraser's path. // this desperately needs to be rewritten to use the path outliner... if ( !this->cal1->is_empty() && !this->cal2->is_empty() ) { this->accumulated->reset(); /* Is this required ?? */ SPCurve *rev_cal2 = this->cal2->create_reverse(); g_assert(this->cal1->get_segment_count() > 0); g_assert(rev_cal2->get_segment_count() > 0); g_assert( ! this->cal1->first_path()->closed() ); g_assert( ! rev_cal2->first_path()->closed() ); Geom::BezierCurve const * dc_cal1_firstseg = dynamic_cast( this->cal1->first_segment() ); Geom::BezierCurve const * rev_cal2_firstseg = dynamic_cast( rev_cal2->first_segment() ); Geom::BezierCurve const * dc_cal1_lastseg = dynamic_cast( this->cal1->last_segment() ); Geom::BezierCurve const * rev_cal2_lastseg = dynamic_cast( rev_cal2->last_segment() ); g_assert( dc_cal1_firstseg ); g_assert( rev_cal2_firstseg ); g_assert( dc_cal1_lastseg ); g_assert( rev_cal2_lastseg ); this->accumulated->append(this->cal1, FALSE); if(!this->nowidth) { add_cap(this->accumulated, dc_cal1_lastseg->finalPoint() - dc_cal1_lastseg->unitTangentAt(1), dc_cal1_lastseg->finalPoint(), rev_cal2_firstseg->initialPoint(), rev_cal2_firstseg->initialPoint() + rev_cal2_firstseg->unitTangentAt(0), this->cap_rounding); this->accumulated->append(rev_cal2, TRUE); add_cap(this->accumulated, rev_cal2_lastseg->finalPoint() - rev_cal2_lastseg->unitTangentAt(1), rev_cal2_lastseg->finalPoint(), dc_cal1_firstseg->initialPoint(), dc_cal1_firstseg->initialPoint() + dc_cal1_firstseg->unitTangentAt(0), this->cap_rounding); this->accumulated->closepath(); } rev_cal2->unref(); this->cal1->reset(); this->cal2->reset(); } } static double square(double const x) { return x * x; } void EraserTool::fit_and_split(bool release) { double const tolerance_sq = square( desktop->w2d().descrim() * TOLERANCE_ERASER ); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); this->nowidth = prefs->getDouble( "/tools/eraser/width", 1) == 0; #ifdef ERASER_VERBOSE g_print("[F&S:R=%c]", release?'T':'F'); #endif if (!( this->npoints > 0 && this->npoints < SAMPLING_SIZE )) return; // just clicked if ( this->npoints == SAMPLING_SIZE - 1 || release ) { #define BEZIER_SIZE 4 #define BEZIER_MAX_BEZIERS 8 #define BEZIER_MAX_LENGTH ( BEZIER_SIZE * BEZIER_MAX_BEZIERS ) #ifdef ERASER_VERBOSE g_print("[F&S:#] this->npoints:%d, release:%s\n", dc->npoints, release ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); #endif /* Current eraser */ if ( this->cal1->is_empty() || this->cal2->is_empty() ) { /* dc->npoints > 0 */ /* g_print("erasers(1|2) reset\n"); */ this->cal1->reset(); this->cal2->reset(); this->cal1->moveto(this->point1[0]); this->cal2->moveto(this->point2[0]); } Geom::Point b1[BEZIER_MAX_LENGTH]; gint const nb1 = Geom::bezier_fit_cubic_r(b1, this->point1, this->npoints, tolerance_sq, BEZIER_MAX_BEZIERS); g_assert( nb1 * BEZIER_SIZE <= gint(G_N_ELEMENTS(b1)) ); Geom::Point b2[BEZIER_MAX_LENGTH]; gint const nb2 = Geom::bezier_fit_cubic_r(b2, this->point2, this->npoints, tolerance_sq, BEZIER_MAX_BEZIERS); g_assert( nb2 * BEZIER_SIZE <= gint(G_N_ELEMENTS(b2)) ); if ( nb1 != -1 && nb2 != -1 ) { /* Fit and draw and reset state */ #ifdef ERASER_VERBOSE g_print("nb1:%d nb2:%d\n", nb1, nb2); #endif /* CanvasShape */ if (! release) { this->currentcurve->reset(); this->currentcurve->moveto(b1[0]); for (Geom::Point *bp1 = b1; bp1 < b1 + BEZIER_SIZE * nb1; bp1 += BEZIER_SIZE) { this->currentcurve->curveto(bp1[1], bp1[2], bp1[3]); } this->currentcurve->lineto(b2[BEZIER_SIZE*(nb2-1) + 3]); for (Geom::Point *bp2 = b2 + BEZIER_SIZE * ( nb2 - 1 ); bp2 >= b2; bp2 -= BEZIER_SIZE) { this->currentcurve->curveto(bp2[2], bp2[1], bp2[0]); } // FIXME: this->segments is always NULL at this point?? if (this->segments.empty()) { // first segment add_cap(this->currentcurve, b2[1], b2[0], b1[0], b1[1], this->cap_rounding); } this->currentcurve->closepath(); sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(this->currentshape), this->currentcurve, true); } /* Current eraser */ for (Geom::Point *bp1 = b1; bp1 < b1 + BEZIER_SIZE * nb1; bp1 += BEZIER_SIZE) { this->cal1->curveto(bp1[1], bp1[2], bp1[3]); } for (Geom::Point *bp2 = b2; bp2 < b2 + BEZIER_SIZE * nb2; bp2 += BEZIER_SIZE) { this->cal2->curveto(bp2[1], bp2[2], bp2[3]); } } else { /* fixme: ??? */ #ifdef ERASER_VERBOSE g_print("[fit_and_split] failed to fit-cubic.\n"); #endif this->draw_temporary_box(); for (gint i = 1; i < this->npoints; i++) { this->cal1->lineto(this->point1[i]); } for (gint i = 1; i < this->npoints; i++) { this->cal2->lineto(this->point2[i]); } } /* Fit and draw and copy last point */ #ifdef ERASER_VERBOSE g_print("[%d]Yup\n", this->npoints); #endif if (!release) { gint eraser_mode = prefs->getInt("/tools/eraser/mode",2); g_assert(!this->currentcurve->is_empty()); SPCanvasItem *cbp = sp_canvas_item_new(desktop->getSketch(), SP_TYPE_CANVAS_BPATH, nullptr); SPCurve *curve = this->currentcurve->copy(); sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH (cbp), curve, true); curve->unref(); guint32 fillColor = sp_desktop_get_color_tool (desktop, "/tools/eraser", true); //guint32 strokeColor = sp_desktop_get_color_tool (desktop, "/tools/eraser", false); double opacity = sp_desktop_get_master_opacity_tool (desktop, "/tools/eraser"); double fillOpacity = sp_desktop_get_opacity_tool (desktop, "/tools/eraser", true); //double strokeOpacity = sp_desktop_get_opacity_tool (desktop, "/tools/eraser", false); sp_canvas_bpath_set_fill(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(cbp), ((fillColor & 0xffffff00) | SP_COLOR_F_TO_U(opacity*fillOpacity)), SP_WIND_RULE_EVENODD); //on second thougtht don't do stroke yet because we don't have stoke-width yet and because stoke appears between segments while drawing //sp_canvas_bpath_set_stroke(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(cbp), ((strokeColor & 0xffffff00) | SP_COLOR_F_TO_U(opacity*strokeOpacity)), 1.0, SP_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER, SP_STROKE_LINECAP_BUTT); sp_canvas_bpath_set_stroke(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(cbp), 0x00000000, 1.0, SP_STROKE_LINEJOIN_MITER, SP_STROKE_LINECAP_BUTT); /* fixme: Cannot we cascade it to root more clearly? */ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(cbp), "event", G_CALLBACK(sp_desktop_root_handler), desktop); this->segments.push_back(cbp); if (eraser_mode == ERASER_MODE_DELETE) { sp_canvas_item_hide(cbp); sp_canvas_item_hide(this->currentshape); } } this->point1[0] = this->point1[this->npoints - 1]; this->point2[0] = this->point2[this->npoints - 1]; this->npoints = 1; } else { this->draw_temporary_box(); } } void EraserTool::draw_temporary_box() { this->currentcurve->reset(); this->currentcurve->moveto(this->point1[this->npoints-1]); for (gint i = this->npoints-2; i >= 0; i--) { this->currentcurve->lineto(this->point1[i]); } for (gint i = 0; i < this->npoints; i++) { this->currentcurve->lineto(this->point2[i]); } if (this->npoints >= 2) { add_cap(this->currentcurve, this->point2[this->npoints-2], this->point2[this->npoints-1], this->point1[this->npoints-1], this->point1[this->npoints-2], this->cap_rounding); } this->currentcurve->closepath(); sp_canvas_bpath_set_bpath(SP_CANVAS_BPATH(this->currentshape), this->currentcurve, true); } } } } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :