// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * A class derived from Gtk::ToolItem that wraps a GtkComboBoxEntry. * Features: * Setting GtkEntryBox width in characters. * Passing a function for formatting cells. * Displaying a warning if entry text isn't in list. * Check comma separated values in text against list. (Useful for font-family fallbacks.) * Setting names for GtkComboBoxEntry and GtkEntry (actionName_combobox, actionName_entry) * to allow setting resources. * * Author(s): * Tavmjong Bah * Jon A. Cruz * * Copyright (C) 2010 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ /* * We must provide for both a toolbar item and a menu item. * As we don't know which widgets are used (or even constructed), * we must keep track of things like active entry ourselves. */ #include "combo-box-entry-tool-item.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui/icon-names.h" namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Widget { ComboBoxEntryToolItem::ComboBoxEntryToolItem(Glib::ustring name, Glib::ustring label, Glib::ustring tooltip, GtkTreeModel *model, gint entry_width, gint extra_width, void *cell_data_func, void *separator_func, GtkWidget *focusWidget) : _label(std::move(label)), _tooltip(std::move(tooltip)), _model(model), _entry_width(entry_width), _extra_width(extra_width), _cell_data_func(cell_data_func), _separator_func(separator_func), _focusWidget(focusWidget), _active(-1), _text(strdup("")), _entry_completion(nullptr), _indicator(nullptr), _popup(false), _info(nullptr), _info_cb(nullptr), _info_cb_id(0), _info_cb_blocked(false), _warning(nullptr), _warning_cb(nullptr), _warning_cb_id(0), _warning_cb_blocked(false), _altx_name(nullptr) { set_name(name); gchar *action_name = g_strdup( get_name().c_str() ); gchar *combobox_name = g_strjoin( nullptr, action_name, "_combobox", NULL ); gchar *entry_name = g_strjoin( nullptr, action_name, "_entry", NULL ); g_free( action_name ); GtkWidget* comboBoxEntry = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model_and_entry (_model); gtk_combo_box_set_entry_text_column (GTK_COMBO_BOX (comboBoxEntry), 0); // Name it so we can muck with it using an RC file gtk_widget_set_name( comboBoxEntry, combobox_name ); g_free( combobox_name ); { gtk_widget_set_halign(comboBoxEntry, GTK_ALIGN_START); gtk_widget_set_hexpand(comboBoxEntry, FALSE); gtk_widget_set_vexpand(comboBoxEntry, FALSE); add(*Glib::wrap(comboBoxEntry)); } _combobox = GTK_COMBO_BOX (comboBoxEntry); //gtk_combo_box_set_active( GTK_COMBO_BOX( comboBoxEntry ), ink_comboboxentry_action->active ); gtk_combo_box_set_active( GTK_COMBO_BOX( comboBoxEntry ), 0 ); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(comboBoxEntry), "changed", G_CALLBACK(combo_box_changed_cb), this ); // Optionally add separator function... if( _separator_func != nullptr ) { gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func( _combobox, GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc (_separator_func), nullptr, nullptr ); } // FIXME: once gtk3 migration is done this can be removed // https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=734915 gtk_widget_show_all (comboBoxEntry); // Optionally add formatting... if( _cell_data_func != nullptr ) { GtkCellRenderer *cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); gtk_cell_layout_clear( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( comboBoxEntry ) ); gtk_cell_layout_pack_start( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( comboBoxEntry ), cell, true ); gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( comboBoxEntry ), cell, GtkCellLayoutDataFunc (_cell_data_func), nullptr, nullptr ); } // Optionally widen the combobox width... which widens the drop-down list in list mode. if( _extra_width > 0 ) { GtkRequisition req; gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(GTK_WIDGET(_combobox), &req, nullptr); gtk_widget_set_size_request( GTK_WIDGET( _combobox ), req.width + _extra_width, -1 ); } // Get reference to GtkEntry and fiddle a bit with it. GtkWidget *child = gtk_bin_get_child( GTK_BIN(comboBoxEntry) ); // Name it so we can muck with it using an RC file gtk_widget_set_name( child, entry_name ); g_free( entry_name ); if( child && GTK_IS_ENTRY( child ) ) { _entry = GTK_ENTRY(child); // Change width if( _entry_width > 0 ) { gtk_entry_set_width_chars (GTK_ENTRY (child), _entry_width ); } // Add pop-up entry completion if required if( _popup ) { popup_enable(); } // Add altx_name if required if( _altx_name ) { g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( child ), _altx_name, _entry ); } // Add signal for GtkEntry to check if finished typing. g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(child), "activate", G_CALLBACK(entry_activate_cb), this ); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(child), "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(keypress_cb), this ); } set_tooltip(_tooltip.c_str()); show_all(); } // Setters/Getters --------------------------------------------------- gchar* ComboBoxEntryToolItem::get_active_text() { gchar* text = g_strdup( _text ); return text; } /* * For the font-family list we need to handle two cases: * Text is in list store: * In this case we use row number as the font-family list can have duplicate * entries, one in the document font part and one in the system font part. In * order that scrolling through the list works properly we must distinguish * between the two. * Text is not in the list store (i.e. default font-family is not on system): * In this case we have a row number of -1, and the text must be set by hand. */ gboolean ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_active_text(const gchar* text, int row) { if( strcmp( _text, text ) != 0 ) { g_free( _text ); _text = g_strdup( text ); } // Get active row or -1 if none if( row < 0 ) { row = get_active_row_from_text(this, _text); } _active = row; // Set active row, check that combobox has been created. if( _combobox ) { gtk_combo_box_set_active( GTK_COMBO_BOX( _combobox ), _active ); } // Fiddle with entry if( _entry ) { // Explicitly set text in GtkEntry box (won't be set if text not in list). gtk_entry_set_text( _entry, text ); // Show or hide warning -- this might be better moved to text-toolbox.cpp if( _info_cb_id != 0 && !_info_cb_blocked ) { g_signal_handler_block (G_OBJECT(_entry), _info_cb_id ); _info_cb_blocked = true; } if( _warning_cb_id != 0 && !_warning_cb_blocked ) { g_signal_handler_block (G_OBJECT(_entry), _warning_cb_id ); _warning_cb_blocked = true; } bool set = false; if( _warning != nullptr ) { Glib::ustring missing = check_comma_separated_text(); if( !missing.empty() ) { gtk_entry_set_icon_from_icon_name( _entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, INKSCAPE_ICON("dialog-warning") ); // Can't add tooltip until icon set Glib::ustring warning = _warning; warning += ": "; warning += missing; gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text( _entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, warning.c_str() ); if( _warning_cb ) { // Add callback if we haven't already if( _warning_cb_id == 0 ) { _warning_cb_id = g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(_entry), "icon-press", G_CALLBACK(_warning_cb), this); } // Unblock signal if( _warning_cb_blocked ) { g_signal_handler_unblock (G_OBJECT(_entry), _warning_cb_id ); _warning_cb_blocked = false; } } set = true; } } if( !set && _info != nullptr ) { gtk_entry_set_icon_from_icon_name( GTK_ENTRY(_entry), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, INKSCAPE_ICON("edit-select-all") ); gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text( _entry, GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, _info ); if( _info_cb ) { // Add callback if we haven't already if( _info_cb_id == 0 ) { _info_cb_id = g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(_entry), "icon-press", G_CALLBACK(_info_cb), this); } // Unblock signal if( _info_cb_blocked ) { g_signal_handler_unblock (G_OBJECT(_entry), _info_cb_id ); _info_cb_blocked = false; } } set = true; } if( !set ) { gtk_entry_set_icon_from_icon_name( GTK_ENTRY(_entry), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, nullptr ); } } // Return if active text in list gboolean found = ( _active != -1 ); return found; } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_entry_width(gint entry_width) { _entry_width = entry_width; // Clamp to limits if(entry_width < -1) entry_width = -1; if(entry_width > 100) entry_width = 100; // Widget may not have been created.... if( _entry ) { gtk_entry_set_width_chars( GTK_ENTRY(_entry), entry_width ); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_extra_width( gint extra_width ) { _extra_width = extra_width; // Clamp to limits if(extra_width < -1) extra_width = -1; if(extra_width > 500) extra_width = 500; // Widget may not have been created.... if( _combobox ) { GtkRequisition req; gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(GTK_WIDGET(_combobox), &req, nullptr); gtk_widget_set_size_request( GTK_WIDGET( _combobox ), req.width + _extra_width, -1 ); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::focus_on_click( bool focus_on_click ) { if (_combobox) { gtk_widget_set_focus_on_click(GTK_WIDGET(_combobox), focus_on_click); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::popup_enable() { _popup = true; // Widget may not have been created.... if( _entry ) { // Check we don't already have a GtkEntryCompletion if( _entry_completion ) return; _entry_completion = gtk_entry_completion_new(); gtk_entry_set_completion( _entry, _entry_completion ); gtk_entry_completion_set_model( _entry_completion, _model ); gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column( _entry_completion, 0 ); gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_completion( _entry_completion, true ); gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_completion( _entry_completion, false ); gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_selection( _entry_completion, true ); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (_entry_completion), "match-selected", G_CALLBACK (match_selected_cb), this); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::popup_disable() { _popup = false; if( _entry_completion ) { gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(_entry_completion)); _entry_completion = nullptr; } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_tooltip(const gchar* tooltip) { set_tooltip_text(tooltip); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text ( GTK_WIDGET(_combobox), tooltip); // Widget may not have been created.... if( _entry ) { gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text ( GTK_WIDGET(_entry), tooltip); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_info(const gchar* info) { g_free( _info ); _info = g_strdup( info ); // Widget may not have been created.... if( _entry ) { gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text( GTK_ENTRY(_entry), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, _info ); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_info_cb(gpointer info_cb) { _info_cb = info_cb; } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_warning(const gchar* warning) { g_free( _warning ); _warning = g_strdup( warning ); // Widget may not have been created.... if( _entry ) { gtk_entry_set_icon_tooltip_text( GTK_ENTRY(_entry), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, _warning ); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_warning_cb(gpointer warning_cb) { _warning_cb = warning_cb; } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::set_altx_name(const gchar* altx_name) { g_free(_altx_name); _altx_name = g_strdup( altx_name ); // Widget may not have been created.... if(_entry) { g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT(_entry), _altx_name, _entry ); } } // Internal --------------------------------------------------- // Return row of active text or -1 if not found. If exclude is true, // use 3d column if available to exclude row from checking (useful to // skip rows added for font-families included in doc and not on // system) gint ComboBoxEntryToolItem::get_active_row_from_text(ComboBoxEntryToolItem *action, const gchar *target_text, gboolean exclude, gboolean ignore_case ) { // Check if text in list gint row = 0; gboolean found = false; GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first( action->_model, &iter ); while ( valid ) { // See if we should exclude a row gboolean check = true; // If true, font-family is on system. if( exclude && gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns( action->_model ) > 2 ) { gtk_tree_model_get( action->_model, &iter, 2, &check, -1 ); } if( check ) { // Get text from list entry gchar* text = nullptr; gtk_tree_model_get( action->_model, &iter, 0, &text, -1 ); // Column 0 if( !ignore_case ) { // Case sensitive compare if( strcmp( target_text, text ) == 0 ){ found = true; g_free(text); break; } } else { // Case insensitive compare gchar* target_text_casefolded = g_utf8_casefold( target_text, -1 ); gchar* text_casefolded = g_utf8_casefold( text, -1 ); gboolean equal = (strcmp( target_text_casefolded, text_casefolded ) == 0 ); g_free( text_casefolded ); g_free( target_text_casefolded ); if( equal ) { found = true; g_free(text); break; } } g_free(text); } ++row; valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next( action->_model, &iter ); } if( !found ) row = -1; return row; } // Checks if all comma separated text fragments are in the list and // returns a ustring with a list of missing fragments. // This is useful for checking if all fonts in a font-family fallback // list are available on the system. // // This routine could also create a Pango Markup string to show which // fragments are invalid in the entry box itself. See: // http://developer.gnome.org/pango/stable/PangoMarkupFormat.html // However... it appears that while one can retrieve the PangoLayout // for a GtkEntry box, it is only a copy and changing it has no effect. // PangoLayout * pl = gtk_entry_get_layout( entry ); // pango_layout_set_markup( pl, "NEW STRING", -1 ); // DOESN'T WORK Glib::ustring ComboBoxEntryToolItem::check_comma_separated_text() { Glib::ustring missing; // Parse fallback_list using a comma as deliminator gchar** tokens = g_strsplit( _text, ",", 0 ); gint i = 0; while( tokens[i] != nullptr ) { // Remove any surrounding white space. g_strstrip( tokens[i] ); if( get_active_row_from_text( this, tokens[i], true, true ) == -1 ) { missing += tokens[i]; missing += ", "; } ++i; } g_strfreev( tokens ); // Remove extra comma and space from end. if( missing.size() >= 2 ) { missing.resize( missing.size()-2 ); } return missing; } // Callbacks --------------------------------------------------- void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::combo_box_changed_cb( GtkComboBox* widget, gpointer data ) { // Two things can happen to get here: // An item is selected in the drop-down menu. // Text is typed. // We only react here if an item is selected. // Get action auto action = reinterpret_cast( data ); // Check if item selected: gint newActive = gtk_combo_box_get_active(widget); if( newActive >= 0 && newActive != action->_active ) { action->_active = newActive; GtkTreeIter iter; if( gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter( GTK_COMBO_BOX( action->_combobox ), &iter ) ) { gchar* text = nullptr; gtk_tree_model_get( action->_model, &iter, 0, &text, -1 ); gtk_entry_set_text( action->_entry, text ); g_free( action->_text ); action->_text = text; } // Now let the world know action->_signal_changed.emit(); } } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::entry_activate_cb( GtkEntry *widget, gpointer data ) { // Get text from entry box.. check if it matches a menu entry. // Get action auto action = reinterpret_cast( data ); // Get text g_free( action->_text ); action->_text = g_strdup( gtk_entry_get_text( widget ) ); // Get row action->_active = get_active_row_from_text( action, action->_text ); // Set active row gtk_combo_box_set_active( GTK_COMBO_BOX( action->_combobox), action->_active ); // Now let the world know action->_signal_changed.emit(); } gboolean ComboBoxEntryToolItem::match_selected_cb( GtkEntryCompletion* /*widget*/, GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* iter, gpointer data ) { // Get action auto action = reinterpret_cast(data); GtkEntry *entry = action->_entry; if( entry) { gchar *family = nullptr; gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, 0, &family, -1); // Set text in GtkEntry gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), family ); // Set text in ToolItem g_free( action->_text ); action->_text = family; // Get row action->_active = get_active_row_from_text( action, action->_text ); // Set active row gtk_combo_box_set_active( GTK_COMBO_BOX( action->_combobox), action->_active ); // Now let the world know action->_signal_changed.emit(); return true; } return false; } void ComboBoxEntryToolItem::defocus() { if ( _focusWidget ) { gtk_widget_grab_focus( _focusWidget ); } } gboolean ComboBoxEntryToolItem::keypress_cb( GtkWidget * /*widget*/, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data ) { gboolean wasConsumed = FALSE; /* default to report event not consumed */ guint key = 0; auto action = reinterpret_cast(data); gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state( Gdk::Display::get_default()->get_keymap(), event->hardware_keycode, (GdkModifierType)event->state, 0, &key, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr ); switch ( key ) { // TODO Add bindings for Tab/LeftTab case GDK_KEY_Escape: { //gtk_spin_button_set_value( GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(widget), action->private_data->lastVal ); action->defocus(); wasConsumed = TRUE; } break; case GDK_KEY_Return: case GDK_KEY_KP_Enter: { action->defocus(); //wasConsumed = TRUE; } break; } return wasConsumed; } } } } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :