// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Author: * Tavmjong Bah * * Copyright (C) 2018 Tavmong Bah * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include #include #include "font-selector.h" #include "libnrtype/font-lister.h" #include "libnrtype/font-instance.h" // For updating from selection #include "inkscape.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "object/sp-text.h" namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Widget { FontSelector::FontSelector (bool with_size, bool with_variations) : Gtk::Grid () , family_frame (_("Font family")) , style_frame (C_("Font selector", "Style")) , size_label (_("Font size")) , size_combobox (true) // With entry , signal_block (false) , font_size (18) { Inkscape::FontLister* font_lister = Inkscape::FontLister::get_instance(); // Font family family_treecolumn.pack_start (family_cell, false); family_treecolumn.set_fixed_width (200); family_treecolumn.add_attribute (family_cell, "text", 0); family_treecolumn.set_cell_data_func (family_cell, &font_lister_cell_data_func); family_treeview.set_row_separator_func (&font_lister_separator_func); family_treeview.set_model (font_lister->get_font_list()); family_treeview.set_name ("FontSelector: Family"); family_treeview.set_headers_visible (false); family_treeview.append_column (family_treecolumn); family_scroll.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); family_scroll.add (family_treeview); family_frame.set_hexpand (true); family_frame.set_vexpand (true); family_frame.add (family_scroll); // Style style_treecolumn.pack_start (style_cell, false); style_treecolumn.add_attribute (style_cell, "text", 0); style_treecolumn.set_cell_data_func (style_cell, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FontSelector::style_cell_data_func)); style_treecolumn.set_title ("Face"); style_treecolumn.set_resizable (true); style_treeview.set_model (font_lister->get_style_list()); style_treeview.set_name ("FontSelectorStyle"); style_treeview.append_column ("CSS", font_lister->FontStyleList.cssStyle); style_treeview.append_column (style_treecolumn); style_treeview.get_column(0)->set_resizable (true); style_scroll.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); style_scroll.add (style_treeview); style_frame.set_hexpand (true); style_frame.set_vexpand (true); style_frame.add (style_scroll); // Size size_combobox.set_name ("FontSelectorSize"); set_sizes(); size_combobox.set_active_text( "18" ); // Font Variations font_variations.set_vexpand (true); font_variations_scroll.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); font_variations_scroll.add (font_variations); // Grid set_name ("FontSelectorGrid"); set_row_spacing(4); set_column_spacing(4); // Add extra columns to the "family frame" to change space distribution // by prioritizing font family over styles const int extra = 4; attach (family_frame, 0, 0, 1 + extra, 2); attach (style_frame, 1 + extra, 0, 2, 1); if (with_size) { // Glyph panel does not use size. attach (size_label, 1 + extra, 1, 1, 1); attach (size_combobox, 2 + extra, 1, 1, 1); } if (with_variations) { // Glyphs panel does not use variations. attach (font_variations_scroll, 0, 2, 3 + extra, 1); } // Add signals family_treeview.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FontSelector::on_family_changed)); style_treeview.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FontSelector::on_style_changed)); size_combobox.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FontSelector::on_size_changed)); font_variations.connectChanged(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FontSelector::on_variations_changed)); show_all_children(); // Initialize font family lists. (May already be done.) Should be done on document change. font_lister->update_font_list(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->getDocument()); } void FontSelector::set_sizes () { size_combobox.remove_all(); Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); int unit = prefs->getInt("/options/font/unitType", SP_CSS_UNIT_PT); int sizes[] = { 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 144 }; // Array must be same length as SPCSSUnit in style-internal.h // PX PT PC MM CM IN EM EX % double ratios[] = {1, 1, 1, 10, 4, 40, 100, 16, 8, 0.16}; for (int i : sizes) { double size = i/ratios[unit]; size_combobox.append( Glib::ustring::format(size) ); } } void FontSelector::set_fontsize_tooltip() { Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); int unit = prefs->getInt("/options/font/unitType", SP_CSS_UNIT_PT); Glib::ustring tooltip = Glib::ustring::format(_("Font size"), " (", sp_style_get_css_unit_string(unit), ")"); size_combobox.set_tooltip_text (tooltip); } // Update GUI. // We keep a private copy of the style list as the font-family in widget is only temporary // until the "Apply" button is set so the style list can be different from that in // FontLister. void FontSelector::update_font () { signal_block = true; Inkscape::FontLister *font_lister = Inkscape::FontLister::get_instance(); Gtk::TreePath path; Glib::ustring family = font_lister->get_font_family(); Glib::ustring style = font_lister->get_font_style(); // Set font family try { path = font_lister->get_row_for_font (family); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "FontSelector::update_font: Couldn't find row for font-family: " << family << std::endl; path.clear(); path.push_back(0); } Gtk::TreePath currentPath; Gtk::TreeViewColumn *currentColumn; family_treeview.get_cursor(currentPath, currentColumn); if (currentPath.empty() || !font_lister->is_path_for_font(currentPath, family)) { family_treeview.set_cursor (path); family_treeview.scroll_to_row (path); } // Get font-lister style list for selected family Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(family_treeview.get_model()->get_iter (path)); GList *styles; row.get_value(1, styles); // Copy font-lister style list to private list store, searching for match. Gtk::TreeModel::iterator match; FontLister::FontStyleListClass FontStyleList; Glib::RefPtr local_style_list_store = Gtk::ListStore::create(FontStyleList); for ( ; styles; styles = styles->next ) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator treeModelIter = local_style_list_store->append(); (*treeModelIter)[FontStyleList.cssStyle] = ((StyleNames *)styles->data)->CssName; (*treeModelIter)[FontStyleList.displayStyle] = ((StyleNames *)styles->data)->DisplayName; if (style == ((StyleNames*)styles->data)->CssName) { match = treeModelIter; } } // Attach store to tree view and select row. style_treeview.set_model (local_style_list_store); if (match) { style_treeview.get_selection()->select (match); } Glib::ustring fontspec = font_lister->get_fontspec(); update_variations(fontspec); signal_block = false; } void FontSelector::update_size (double size) { signal_block = true; // Set font size std::stringstream ss; ss << size; size_combobox.get_entry()->set_text( ss.str() ); font_size = size; // Store value set_fontsize_tooltip(); signal_block = false; } // If use_variations is true (default), we get variation values from variations widget otherwise we // get values from CSS widget (we need to be able to keep the two widgets synchronized both ways). Glib::ustring FontSelector::get_fontspec(bool use_variations) { // Build new fontspec from GUI settings Glib::ustring family = "Sans"; // Default...family list may not have been constructed. Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = family_treeview.get_selection()->get_selected(); if (iter) { (*iter).get_value(0, family); } Glib::ustring style = "Normal"; iter = style_treeview.get_selection()->get_selected(); if (iter) { (*iter).get_value(0, style); } if (family.empty()) { std::cerr << "FontSelector::get_fontspec: empty family!" << std::endl; } if (style.empty()) { std::cerr << "FontSelector::get_fontspec: empty style!" << std::endl; } Glib::ustring fontspec = family + ", "; if (use_variations) { // Clip any font_variation data in 'style' as we'll replace it. auto pos = style.find('@'); if (pos != Glib::ustring::npos) { style.erase (pos, style.length()-1); } Glib::ustring variations = font_variations.get_pango_string(); if (variations.empty()) { fontspec += style; } else { fontspec += variations; } } else { fontspec += style; } return fontspec; } void FontSelector::style_cell_data_func (Gtk::CellRenderer *renderer, Gtk::TreeIter const &iter) { Glib::ustring family = "Sans"; // Default...family list may not have been constructed. Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter_family = family_treeview.get_selection()->get_selected(); if (iter_family) { (*iter_family).get_value(0, family); } Glib::ustring style = "Normal"; (*iter).get_value(1, style); Glib::ustring style_escaped = Glib::Markup::escape_text( style ); Glib::ustring font_desc = Glib::Markup::escape_text( family + ", " + style ); Glib::ustring markup; markup = "" + style_escaped + ""; // std::cout << " markup: " << markup << " (" << name << ")" << std::endl; renderer->set_property("markup", markup); } // Callbacks // Need to update style list void FontSelector::on_family_changed() { if (signal_block) return; signal_block = true; Glib::RefPtr model; Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = family_treeview.get_selection()->get_selected(model); if (!iter) { // This can happen just after the family list is recreated. signal_block = false; return; } Inkscape::FontLister *fontlister = Inkscape::FontLister::get_instance(); fontlister->ensureRowStyles(model, iter); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; // Get family name Glib::ustring family; row.get_value(0, family); // Get style list (TO DO: Get rid of GList) GList *styles; row.get_value(1, styles); // Find best style match for selected family with current style (e.g. of selected text). Glib::ustring style = fontlister->get_font_style(); Glib::ustring best = fontlister->get_best_style_match (family, style); // Create are own store of styles for selected font-family (the font-family selected // in the dialog may not be the same as stored in the font-lister class until the // "Apply" button is triggered). Gtk::TreeModel::iterator it_best; FontLister::FontStyleListClass FontStyleList; Glib::RefPtr local_style_list_store = Gtk::ListStore::create(FontStyleList); // Build list and find best match. for ( ; styles; styles = styles->next ) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator treeModelIter = local_style_list_store->append(); (*treeModelIter)[FontStyleList.cssStyle] = ((StyleNames *)styles->data)->CssName; (*treeModelIter)[FontStyleList.displayStyle] = ((StyleNames *)styles->data)->DisplayName; if (best == ((StyleNames*)styles->data)->CssName) { it_best = treeModelIter; } } // Attach store to tree view and select row. style_treeview.set_model (local_style_list_store); if (it_best) { style_treeview.get_selection()->select (it_best); } signal_block = false; // Let world know changed_emit(); } void FontSelector::on_style_changed() { if (signal_block) return; // Update variations widget if new style selected from style widget. signal_block = true; Glib::ustring fontspec = get_fontspec( false ); update_variations(fontspec); signal_block = false; // Let world know changed_emit(); } void FontSelector::on_size_changed() { if (signal_block) return; double size; Glib::ustring input = size_combobox.get_active_text(); try { size = std::stod (input); } catch (std::invalid_argument) { std::cerr << "FontSelector::on_size_changed: Invalid input: " << input << std::endl; size = -1; } Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get(); // Arbitrary: Text and Font preview freezes with huge font sizes. int max_size = prefs->getInt("/dialogs/textandfont/maxFontSize", 10000); if (size <= 0) { return; } if (size > max_size) size = max_size; if (fabs(font_size - size) > 0.001) { font_size = size; // Let world know changed_emit(); } } void FontSelector::on_variations_changed() { if (signal_block) return; // Let world know changed_emit(); } void FontSelector::changed_emit() { signal_block = true; signal_changed.emit (get_fontspec()); signal_block = false; } void FontSelector::update_variations(const Glib::ustring& fontspec) { font_variations.update(fontspec); // Check if there are any variations available; if not, don't expand font_variations_scroll bool hasContent = font_variations.variations_present(); font_variations_scroll.set_vexpand(hasContent); } } // namespace Widget } // namespace UI } // namespace Inkscape /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8 :