// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Ruler widget. Indicates horizontal or vertical position of a cursor in a specified widget. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Tavmjong Bah * * Rewrite of the 'C' ruler code which came originally from Gimp. * * The contents of this file may be used under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. * */ #include "ink-ruler.h" #include #include #include "util/units.h" struct SPRulerMetric { gdouble ruler_scale[16]; gint subdivide[5]; }; // Ruler metric for general use. static SPRulerMetric const ruler_metric_general = { { 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 100000 }, { 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 } }; // Ruler metric for inch scales. static SPRulerMetric const ruler_metric_inches = { { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 }, { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 } }; // Half width of pointer triangle. static double half_width = 5.0; namespace Inkscape { namespace UI { namespace Widget { Ruler::Ruler(Gtk::Orientation orientation) : _orientation(orientation) , _backing_store(nullptr) , _lower(0) , _upper(1000) , _max_size(1000) , _unit(nullptr) , _backing_store_valid(false) , _rect() , _position(0) { set_name("InkRuler"); set_events(Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK); signal_motion_notify_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Ruler::draw_marker_callback)); } // Set display unit for ruler. void Ruler::set_unit(Inkscape::Util::Unit const *unit) { if (_unit != unit) { _unit = unit; _backing_store_valid = false; queue_draw(); } } // Set range for ruler, update ticks. void Ruler::set_range(const double& lower, const double& upper) { if (_lower != lower || _upper != upper) { _lower = lower; _upper = upper; _max_size = _upper - _lower; if (_max_size == 0) { _max_size = 1; } _backing_store_valid = false; queue_draw(); } } // Add a widget (i.e. canvas) to monitor. Note, we don't worry about removing this signal as // our ruler is tied tightly to the canvas, if one is destroyed, so is the other. void Ruler::add_track_widget(Gtk::Widget& widget) { widget.signal_motion_notify_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Ruler::draw_marker_callback), false); // false => connect first } // Draws marker in response to motion events from canvas. Position is defined in ruler pixel // coordinates. The routine assumes that the ruler is the same width (height) as the canvas. If // not, one could use Gtk::Widget::translate_coordinates() to convert the coordinates. bool Ruler::draw_marker_callback(GdkEventMotion* motion_event) { double position = 0; if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { position = motion_event->x; } else { position = motion_event->y; } if (position != _position) { _position = position; // Find region to repaint (old and new marker positions). Cairo::RectangleInt new_rect = marker_rect(); Cairo::RefPtr region = Cairo::Region::create(new_rect); region->do_union(_rect); // Queue repaint queue_draw_region(region); _rect = new_rect; } return false; } // Find smallest dimension of ruler based on font size. void Ruler::size_request (Gtk::Requisition& requisition) const { // Get border size Glib::RefPtr style_context = get_style_context(); Gtk::Border border = style_context->get_border(get_state_flags()); // Get font size Pango::FontDescription font = style_context->get_font(get_state_flags()); int font_size = font.get_size(); if (!font.get_size_is_absolute()) { font_size /= Pango::SCALE; } int size = 2 + font_size * 2.0; // Room for labels and ticks int width = border.get_left() + border.get_right(); int height = border.get_top() + border.get_bottom(); if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { width += 1; height += size; } else { width += size; height += 1; } // Only valid for orientation in question (smallest dimension)! requisition.width = width; requisition.height = height; } void Ruler::get_preferred_width_vfunc (int& minimum_width, int& natural_width) const { Gtk::Requisition requisition; size_request(requisition); minimum_width = natural_width = requisition.width; } void Ruler::get_preferred_height_vfunc (int& minimum_height, int& natural_height) const { Gtk::Requisition requisition; size_request(requisition); minimum_height = natural_height = requisition.height; } // Update backing store when scale changes. // Note: in principle, there should not be a border (ruler ends should match canvas ends). If there // is a border, we calculate tick position ignoring border width at ends of ruler but move the // ticks and position marker inside the border. bool Ruler::draw_scale(const::Cairo::RefPtr<::Cairo::Context>& cr_in) { // Get style information Glib::RefPtr style_context = get_style_context(); Gtk::Border border = style_context->get_border(get_state_flags()); Gdk::RGBA foreground = style_context->get_color(get_state_flags()); Pango::FontDescription font = style_context->get_font(get_state_flags()); int font_size = font.get_size(); if (!font.get_size_is_absolute()) { font_size /= Pango::SCALE; } Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); int awidth = allocation.get_width(); int aheight = allocation.get_height(); // if (allocation.get_x() != 0 || allocation.get_y() != 0) { // std::cerr << "Ruler::draw_scale: maybe we do have to handle allocation x and y! " // << " x: " << allocation.get_x() << " y: " << allocation.get_y() << std::endl; // } // Create backing store (need surface_in to get scale factor correct). Cairo::RefPtr surface_in = cr_in->get_target(); _backing_store = Cairo::Surface::create(surface_in, Cairo::CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, awidth, aheight); // Get context Cairo::RefPtr<::Cairo::Context> cr = ::Cairo::Context::create(_backing_store); style_context->render_background(cr, 0, 0, awidth, aheight); cr->set_line_width(1.0); Gdk::Cairo::set_source_rgba(cr, foreground); // Ruler size (only smallest dimension used later). int rwidth = awidth - (border.get_left() + border.get_right()); int rheight = aheight - (border.get_top() + border.get_bottom()); // Draw bottom/right line of ruler if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { cr->rectangle( 0, aheight - border.get_bottom() - 1, awidth, 1); } else { cr->rectangle( awidth - border.get_left() - 1, 0, 1, aheight); std::swap(awidth, aheight); std::swap(rwidth, rheight); } cr->fill(); // From here on, awidth is the longest dimension of the ruler, rheight is the shortest. // Figure out scale. Largest ticks must be far enough apart to fit largest text in vertical ruler. // We actually require twice the distance. unsigned int scale = std::ceil (_max_size); // Largest number Glib::ustring scale_text = std::to_string(scale); unsigned int digits = scale_text.length() + 1; // Add one for negative sign. unsigned int minimum = digits * font_size * 2; double pixels_per_unit = awidth/_max_size; // pixel per distance SPRulerMetric ruler_metric = ruler_metric_general; if (_unit == Inkscape::Util::unit_table.getUnit("in")) { ruler_metric = ruler_metric_inches; } unsigned scale_index; for (scale_index = 0; scale_index < G_N_ELEMENTS (ruler_metric.ruler_scale)-1; ++scale_index) { if (ruler_metric.ruler_scale[scale_index] * std::abs (pixels_per_unit) > minimum) break; } // Now we find out what is the subdivide index for the closest ticks we can draw unsigned divide_index; for (divide_index = 0; divide_index < G_N_ELEMENTS (ruler_metric.subdivide)-1; ++divide_index) { if (ruler_metric.ruler_scale[scale_index] * std::abs (pixels_per_unit) < 5 * ruler_metric.subdivide[divide_index+1]) break; } // We'll loop over all ticks. double pixels_per_tick = pixels_per_unit * ruler_metric.ruler_scale[scale_index] / ruler_metric.subdivide[divide_index]; double units_per_tick = pixels_per_tick/pixels_per_unit; double ticks_per_unit = 1.0/units_per_tick; // Find first and last ticks int start = 0; int end = 0; if (_lower < _upper) { start = std::floor (_lower * ticks_per_unit); end = std::ceil (_upper * ticks_per_unit); } else { start = std::floor (_upper * ticks_per_unit); end = std::ceil (_lower * ticks_per_unit); } // std::cout << " start: " << start // << " end: " << end // << " pixels_per_unit: " << pixels_per_unit // << " pixels_per_tick: " << pixels_per_tick // << std::endl; // Loop over all ticks for (int i = start; i < end+1; ++i) { // Position of tick (add 0.5 to center tick on pixel). double position = std::floor(i*pixels_per_tick - _lower*pixels_per_unit) + 0.5; // Height of tick int height = rheight; for (int j = divide_index; j > 0; --j) { if (i%ruler_metric.subdivide[j] == 0) break; height = height/2 + 1; } // Draw text for major ticks. if (i%ruler_metric.subdivide[divide_index] == 0) { int label_value = std::round(i*units_per_tick); Glib::ustring label = std::to_string(label_value); Glib::RefPtr layout = create_pango_layout(""); layout->set_font_description(font); if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { layout->set_text(label); cr->move_to (position+2, border.get_top()); layout->show_in_cairo_context(cr); } else { cr->move_to (border.get_left(), position); int n = 0; for (char const &c : label) { std::string s(1, c); layout->set_text(s); int text_width; int text_height; layout->get_pixel_size(text_width, text_height); cr->move_to(border.get_left() + (aheight-text_width)/2.0 - 1, position + n*0.7*text_height - 1); layout->show_in_cairo_context(cr); ++n; } // Glyphs are not centered in vertical text... should specify fixed width numbers. // Glib::RefPtr context = layout->get_context(); // if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { // context->set_base_gravity(Pango::GRAVITY_EAST); // context->set_gravity_hint(Pango::GRAVITY_HINT_STRONG); // cr->move_to(...) // cr->save(); // cr->rotate(M_PI_2); // layout->show_in_cairo_context(cr); // cr->restore(); // } } } // Draw ticks if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { cr->move_to(position, rheight + border.get_top() - height); cr->line_to(position, rheight + border.get_top()); } else { cr->move_to(rheight + border.get_left() - height, position); cr->line_to(rheight + border.get_left(), position); } cr->stroke(); } _backing_store_valid = true; return true; } // Draw position marker, we use doubles here. void Ruler::draw_marker(const Cairo::RefPtr<::Cairo::Context>& cr) { // Get style information Glib::RefPtr style_context = get_style_context(); Gtk::Border border = style_context->get_border(get_state_flags()); Gdk::RGBA foreground = style_context->get_color(get_state_flags()); Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int awidth = allocation.get_width(); const int aheight = allocation.get_height(); // Temp (to verify our redraw rectangle encloses position marker). // Cairo::RectangleInt rect = marker_rect(); // cr->set_source_rgb(0, 1.0, 0); // cr->rectangle (rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); // cr->fill(); Gdk::Cairo::set_source_rgba(cr, foreground); if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { double offset = aheight - border.get_bottom(); cr->move_to(_position, offset); cr->line_to(_position - half_width, offset - half_width); cr->line_to(_position + half_width, offset - half_width); cr->close_path(); } else { double offset = awidth - border.get_right(); cr->move_to(offset, _position); cr->line_to(offset - half_width, _position - half_width); cr->line_to(offset - half_width, _position + half_width); cr->close_path(); } cr->fill(); } // This is a pixel aligned integer rectangle that encloses the position marker. Used to define the // redraw area. Cairo::RectangleInt Ruler::marker_rect() { // Get border size Glib::RefPtr style_context = get_style_context(); Gtk::Border border = style_context->get_border(get_state_flags()); Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int awidth = allocation.get_width(); const int aheight = allocation.get_height(); int rwidth = awidth - border.get_left() - border.get_right(); int rheight = aheight - border.get_top() - border.get_bottom(); Cairo::RectangleInt rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.width = 0; rect.height = 0; // Find size of rectangle to enclose triangle. if (_orientation == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) { rect.x = std::floor(_position - half_width); rect.y = std::floor(border.get_top() + rheight - half_width); rect.width = std::ceil(half_width * 2.0 + 1); rect.height = std::ceil(half_width); } else { rect.x = std::floor(border.get_left() + rwidth - half_width); rect.y = std::floor(_position - half_width); rect.width = std::ceil(half_width); rect.height = std::ceil(half_width * 2.0 + 1); } return rect; } // Draw the ruler using the tick backing store. bool Ruler::on_draw(const::Cairo::RefPtr<::Cairo::Context>& cr) { if (!_backing_store_valid) { draw_scale (cr); } cr->set_source (_backing_store, 0, 0); cr->paint(); draw_marker (cr); return true; } // Update ruler on style change (font-size, etc.) void Ruler::on_style_updated() { Gtk::DrawingArea::on_style_updated(); _backing_store_valid = false; // If font-size changed we need to regenerate store. queue_resize(); queue_draw(); } } // Namespace Inkscape } } /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :