# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #add your test here (do not put the .svg extension) set(RENDERING_TESTS # -- Generic tests -- test-empty test-dont-crash # -- Selector tests -- selector-important-002 selector-important-003 multi-style # -- Text tests -- ## Many (if not all) of these tests are sensitive to the text rendering stack: FreeType, HarfBuzz, Pango. # test-baseline-shift ## Small differences with code adapted for Pango 1.44. # test-glyph-y-pos ## to be fixed since an update happened between harfbuzz 1.5.1(OK) and 1.6.0(FAIL). ## If you re-enable the test, you may have to *slightly* fix the expected rendering (hoping the fix happens upstream). ## Please also check that the rendering with harfbuzz <=1.5.1 is not *too* wrong (for older systems) ## cf Tav's post : https://www.patreon.com/posts/into-sinkhole-19021727 ## and bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=787526 # test-rtl-vertical # text-shaping ## Expected rendering generated with Pango 1.44. Currently fails with ## CI as CI uses Pango 1.40. Enable after updating CI to Ubuntu 20.04. # text-glyphs-combining.svg ## Expected rendering generated with Pango 1.44. # text-glyphs-vertical.svg ## Expected rendering generated with Pango 1.44. # -- LPE tests -- test-powerstroke-join ) foreach(rendering_test ${RENDERING_TESTS}) set(testname "render_${rendering_test}") add_test(NAME ${testname} COMMAND bash ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test.sh ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/inkscape ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${rendering_test} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/testfiles/rendering_tests) set_tests_properties(${testname} PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "${INKSCAPE_TEST_PROFILE_DIR_ENV}/${testname};${CMAKE_CTEST_ENV}") endforeach()