path: root/irkerd
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3 files changed, 1323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/irkerd b/irkerd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d42f56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irkerd
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+irkerd - a simple IRC multiplexer daemon
+Listens for JSON objects of the form {'to':<irc-url>, 'privmsg':<text>}
+and relays messages to IRC channels. Each request must be followed by
+a newline.
+The <text> must be a string. The value of the 'to' attribute can be a
+string containing an IRC URL (e.g. 'irc://') or
+a list of such strings; in the latter case the message is broadcast to
+all listed channels. Note that the channel portion of the URL need
+*not* have a leading '#' unless the channel name itself does.
+Design and code by Eric S. Raymond <>. See the project
+resource page at <>.
+Requires Python 2.7, or:
+* 2.6 with the argparse package installed.
+* Any 3.x
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+# These things might need tuning
+HOST = "localhost"
+PORT = 6659
+PROXY_TYPE = None # Use proxy if set 1: SOCKS4, 2: SOCKS5, 3: HTTP
+PROXY_PORT = 1080
+XMIT_TTL = (3 * 60 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last transmit
+PING_TTL = (15 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last PING
+HANDSHAKE_TTL = 60 # Time to live, seconds from nick transmit
+CHANNEL_TTL = (3 * 60 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last transmit
+DISCONNECT_TTL = (24 * 60 * 60) # Time to live, seconds from last connect
+UNSEEN_TTL = 60 # Time to live, seconds since first request
+CHANNEL_MAX = 18 # Max channels open per socket (default)
+ANTI_FLOOD_DELAY = 1.0 # Anti-flood delay after transmissions, seconds
+ANTI_BUZZ_DELAY = 0.09 # Anti-buzz delay after queue-empty check
+CONNECTION_MAX = 200 # To avoid hitting a thread limit
+RECONNECT_DELAY = 3 # Don't spam servers with connection attempts
+# No user-serviceable parts below this line
+version = "2.19"
+import argparse
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+import json
+import os
+import os.path
+try: # Python 3
+ import queue
+except ImportError: # Python 2
+ import Queue as queue
+import random
+import re
+import select
+import signal
+import socket
+ import socks
+ socks_on = True
+except ImportError:
+ socks_on = False
+try: # Python 3
+ import socketserver
+except ImportError: # Python 2
+ import SocketServer as socketserver
+import ssl
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+try: # Python 3
+ import urllib.parse as urllib_parse
+except ImportError: # Python 2
+ import urlparse as urllib_parse
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+LOG_LEVELS = ['critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug']
+try: # Python 2
+ UNICODE_TYPE = unicode
+except NameError: # Python 3
+# Sketch of implementation:
+# One Irker object manages multiple IRC sessions. It holds a map of
+# Dispatcher objects, one per (server, port) combination, which are
+# responsible for routing messages to one of any number of Connection
+# objects that do the actual socket conversations. The reason for the
+# Dispatcher layer is that IRC daemons limit the number of channels a
+# client (that is, from the daemon's point of view, a socket) can be
+# joined to, so each session to a server needs a flock of Connection
+# instances each with its own socket.
+# Connections are timed out and removed when either they haven't seen a
+# PING for a while (indicating that the server may be stalled or down)
+# or there has been no message traffic to them for a while, or
+# even if the queue is nonempty but efforts to connect have failed for
+# a long time.
+# There are multiple threads. One accepts incoming traffic from all
+# servers. Each Connection also has a consumer thread and a
+# thread-safe message queue. The program main appends messages to
+# queues as JSON requests are received; the consumer threads try to
+# ship them to servers. When a socket write stalls, it only blocks an
+# individual consumer thread; if it stalls long enough, the session
+# will be timed out. This solves the biggest problem with a
+# single-threaded implementation, which is that you can't count on a
+# single stalled write not hanging all other traffic - you're at the
+# mercy of the length of the buffers in the TCP/IP layer.
+# Message delivery is thus not reliable in the face of network stalls,
+# but this was considered acceptable because IRC (notoriously) has the
+# same problem - there is little point in reliable delivery to a relay
+# that is down or unreliable.
+# This code uses only NICK, JOIN, PART, MODE, PRIVMSG, USER, and QUIT.
+# It is strictly compliant to RFC1459, except for the interpretation and
+# use of the DEAF and CHANLIMIT and (obsolete) MAXCHANNELS features.
+# CHANLIMIT is as described in the Internet RFC draft
+# draft-brocklesby-irc-isupport-03 at <>.
+# The ",isnick" feature is as described in
+# <>.
+# Historical note: the IRCClient and IRCServerConnection classes
+# (~270LOC) replace the overweight, overcomplicated 3KLOC mass of
+# irclib code that irker formerly used as a service library. They
+# still look similar to parts of irclib because I contributed to that
+# code before giving up on it.
+class IRCError(BaseException):
+ "An IRC exception"
+ pass
+class InvalidRequest(ValueError):
+ "An invalid JSON request"
+ pass
+class IRCClient():
+ "An IRC client session to one or more servers."
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.mutex = threading.RLock()
+ self.server_connections = []
+ self.event_handlers = {}
+ self.add_event_handler("ping",
+ lambda c, e: c.ship("PONG %s" %
+ def newserver(self):
+ "Initialize a new server-connection object."
+ conn = IRCServerConnection(self)
+ with self.mutex:
+ self.server_connections.append(conn)
+ return conn
+ def spin(self, timeout=0.2):
+ "Spin processing data from connections forever."
+ # Outer loop should specifically *not* be mutex-locked.
+ # Otherwise no other thread would ever be able to change
+ # the shared state of an IRC object running this function.
+ while True:
+ nextsleep = 0
+ with self.mutex:
+ connected = [x for x in self.server_connections
+ if x is not None and x.socket is not None]
+ sockets = [x.socket for x in connected]
+ if sockets:
+ connmap = dict([(c.socket.fileno(), c) for c in connected])
+ (insocks, _o, _e) =, [], [], timeout)
+ for s in insocks:
+ try:
+ connmap[s.fileno()].consume()
+ except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
+ LOG.warn('{0}: invalid encoding ({1})'.format(
+ self, e))
+ else:
+ nextsleep = timeout
+ time.sleep(nextsleep)
+ def add_event_handler(self, event, handler):
+ "Set a handler to be called later."
+ with self.mutex:
+ event_handlers = self.event_handlers.setdefault(event, [])
+ event_handlers.append(handler)
+ def handle_event(self, connection, event):
+ with self.mutex:
+ h = self.event_handlers
+ th = h.get("all_events", []) + h.get(event.type, [])
+ for handler in th:
+ handler(connection, event)
+ def drop_connection(self, connection):
+ with self.mutex:
+ self.server_connections.remove(connection)
+class LineBufferedStream():
+ "Line-buffer a read stream."
+ _crlf_re = re.compile(b'\r?\n')
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buffer = b''
+ def append(self, newbytes):
+ self.buffer += newbytes
+ def lines(self):
+ "Iterate over lines in the buffer."
+ lines = self._crlf_re.split(self.buffer)
+ self.buffer = lines.pop()
+ return iter(lines)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.lines()
+class IRCServerConnectionError(IRCError):
+ pass
+class IRCServerConnection():
+ command_re = re.compile("^(:(?P<prefix>[^ ]+) +)?(?P<command>[^ ]+)( *(?P<argument> .+))?")
+ # The full list of numeric-to-event mappings is in Perl's Net::IRC.
+ # We only need to ensure that if some ancient server throws numerics
+ # for the ones we actually want to catch, they're mapped.
+ codemap = {
+ "001": "welcome",
+ "005": "featurelist",
+ "432": "erroneusnickname",
+ "433": "nicknameinuse",
+ "436": "nickcollision",
+ "437": "unavailresource",
+ }
+ def __init__(self, master):
+ self.master = master
+ self.socket = None
+ # PROTOCOL_SSLv23 selects the highest version that both client and server support
+ def _wrap_socket(self, socket, target, certfile=None, cafile=None,
+ protocol=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23):
+ try: # Python 3.2 and greater
+ ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(protocol)
+ except AttributeError: # Python < 3.2
+ self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(
+ socket, certfile=certfile, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
+ ssl_version=protocol, ca_certs=cafile)
+ else:
+ ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
+ if certfile:
+ ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile)
+ if cafile:
+ ssl_context.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile)
+ else:
+ ssl_context.set_default_verify_paths()
+ kwargs = {}
+ if ssl.HAS_SNI:
+ kwargs['server_hostname'] = target.servername
+ self.socket = ssl_context.wrap_socket(socket, **kwargs)
+ return self.socket
+ def _check_hostname(self, target):
+ if hasattr(ssl, 'match_hostname'): # Python >= 3.2
+ cert = self.socket.getpeercert()
+ try:
+ ssl.match_hostname(cert, target.servername)
+ except ssl.CertificateError as e:
+ raise IRCServerConnectionError(
+ 'Invalid SSL/TLS certificate: %s' % e)
+ else: # Python < 3.2
+ LOG.warning(
+ 'cannot check SSL/TLS hostname with Python %s' % sys.version)
+ def connect(self, target, nickname, username=None, realname=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ LOG.debug("connect(server=%r, port=%r, nickname=%r, ...)" % (
+ target.servername, target.port, nickname))
+ if self.socket is not None:
+ self.disconnect("Changing servers")
+ self.buffer = LineBufferedStream()
+ self.event_handlers = {}
+ self.real_server_name = ""
+ = target
+ self.nickname = nickname
+ try:
+ if socks_on and PROXY_TYPE:
+ self.socket = socks.socksocket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.socket.set_proxy(PROXY_TYPE, PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT)
+ else:
+ self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ if target.ssl:
+ self.socket = self._wrap_socket(
+ socket=self.socket, target=target, **kwargs)
+ self.socket.bind(('', 0))
+ self.socket.connect((target.servername, target.port))
+ except socket.error as err:
+ raise IRCServerConnectionError("Couldn't connect to socket: %s" % err)
+ if target.ssl:
+ self._check_hostname(target=target)
+ if target.password:
+ self.ship("PASS " + target.password)
+ self.nick(self.nickname)
+ self.user(
+ username=target.username or username or 'irker',
+ realname=realname or 'irker relaying client')
+ return self
+ def close(self):
+ # Without this thread lock, there is a window during which
+ # select() can find a closed socket, leading to an EBADF error.
+ with self.master.mutex:
+ self.disconnect("Closing object")
+ self.master.drop_connection(self)
+ def consume(self):
+ try:
+ incoming = self.socket.recv(16384)
+ except socket.error:
+ # Server hung up on us.
+ self.disconnect("Connection reset by peer")
+ return
+ if not incoming:
+ # Dead air also indicates a connection reset.
+ self.disconnect("Connection reset by peer")
+ return
+ self.buffer.append(incoming)
+ for line in self.buffer:
+ if not isinstance(line, UNICODE_TYPE):
+ line = UNICODE_TYPE(line, 'utf-8')
+ LOG.debug("FROM: %s" % line)
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ prefix = None
+ command = None
+ arguments = None
+ self.handle_event(Event("every_raw_message",
+ self.real_server_name,
+ None,
+ [line]))
+ m = IRCServerConnection.command_re.match(line)
+ if"prefix"):
+ prefix ="prefix")
+ if not self.real_server_name:
+ self.real_server_name = prefix
+ if"command"):
+ command ="command").lower()
+ if"argument"):
+ a ="argument").split(" :", 1)
+ arguments = a[0].split()
+ if len(a) == 2:
+ arguments.append(a[1])
+ command = IRCServerConnection.codemap.get(command, command)
+ if command in ["privmsg", "notice"]:
+ target = arguments.pop(0)
+ else:
+ target = None
+ if command == "quit":
+ arguments = [arguments[0]]
+ elif command == "ping":
+ target = arguments[0]
+ else:
+ target = arguments[0]
+ arguments = arguments[1:]
+ LOG.debug("command: %s, source: %s, target: %s, arguments: %s" % (
+ command, prefix, target, arguments))
+ self.handle_event(Event(command, prefix, target, arguments))
+ def handle_event(self, event):
+ self.master.handle_event(self, event)
+ if event.type in self.event_handlers:
+ for fn in self.event_handlers[event.type]:
+ fn(self, event)
+ def is_connected(self):
+ return self.socket is not None
+ def disconnect(self, message=""):
+ if self.socket is None:
+ return
+ # Don't send a QUIT here - causes infinite loop!
+ try:
+ self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
+ self.socket.close()
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ del self.socket
+ self.socket = None
+ self.handle_event(
+ Event("disconnect",, "", [message]))
+ def join(self, channel, key=""):
+ self.ship("JOIN %s%s" % (channel, (key and (" " + key))))
+ def mode(self, target, command):
+ self.ship("MODE %s %s" % (target, command))
+ def nick(self, newnick):
+ self.ship("NICK " + newnick)
+ def part(self, channel, message=""):
+ cmd_parts = ['PART', channel]
+ if message:
+ cmd_parts.append(message)
+ self.ship(' '.join(cmd_parts))
+ def privmsg(self, target, text):
+ self.ship("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (target, text))
+ def quit(self, message=""):
+ self.ship("QUIT" + (message and (" :" + message)))
+ def user(self, username, realname):
+ self.ship("USER %s 0 * :%s" % (username, realname))
+ def ship(self, string):
+ "Ship a command to the server, appending CR/LF"
+ try:
+ self.socket.send(string.encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n')
+ LOG.debug("TO: %s" % string)
+ except socket.error:
+ self.disconnect("Connection reset by peer.")
+class Event(object):
+ def __init__(self, evtype, source, target, arguments=None):
+ self.type = evtype
+ self.source = source
+ = target
+ if arguments is None:
+ arguments = []
+ self.arguments = arguments
+def is_channel(string):
+ return string and string[0] in "#&+!"
+class Connection:
+ def __init__(self, irker, target, nick_template, nick_needs_number=False,
+ password=None, **kwargs):
+ self.irker = irker
+ = target
+ self.nick_template = nick_template
+ self.nick_needs_number = nick_needs_number
+ self.password = password
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.nick_trial = None
+ self.connection = None
+ self.status = None
+ self.last_xmit = time.time()
+ self.last_ping = time.time()
+ self.channels_joined = {}
+ self.channel_limits = {}
+ # The consumer thread
+ self.queue = queue.Queue()
+ self.thread = None
+ def nickname(self, n=None):
+ "Return a name for the nth server connection."
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.nick_trial
+ if self.nick_needs_number:
+ return self.nick_template % n
+ else:
+ return self.nick_template
+ def handle_ping(self):
+ "Register the fact that the server has pinged this connection."
+ self.last_ping = time.time()
+ def handle_welcome(self):
+ "The server says we're OK, with a non-conflicting nick."
+ self.status = "ready"
+"nick %s accepted" % self.nickname())
+ if self.password:
+ self.connection.privmsg("nickserv", "identify %s" % self.password)
+ def handle_badnick(self):
+ "The server says our nick is ill-formed or has a conflict."
+"nick %s rejected" % self.nickname())
+ if self.nick_needs_number:
+ # Randomness prevents a malicious user or bot from
+ # anticipating the next trial name in order to block us
+ # from completing the handshake.
+ self.nick_trial += random.randint(1, 3)
+ self.last_xmit = time.time()
+ self.connection.nick(self.nickname())
+ # Otherwise fall through, it might be possible to
+ # recover manually.
+ def handle_disconnect(self):
+ "Server disconnected us for flooding or some other reason."
+ self.connection = None
+ if self.status != "expired":
+ self.status = "disconnected"
+ # Avoid flooding the server if it disconnects
+ # immediately on sucessful login.
+ time.sleep(RECONNECT_DELAY)
+ def handle_kick(self, outof):
+ "We've been kicked."
+ self.status = "handshaking"
+ try:
+ del self.channels_joined[outof]
+ except KeyError:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: kicked by %s from %s that's not joined" % (
+, outof))
+ qcopy = []
+ while not self.queue.empty():
+ (channel, message, key) = self.queue.get()
+ if channel != outof:
+ qcopy.append((channel, message, key))
+ for (channel, message, key) in qcopy:
+ self.queue.put((channel, message, key))
+ self.status = "ready"
+ def enqueue(self, channel, message, key, quit_after=False):
+ "Enque a message for transmission."
+ if self.thread is None or not self.thread.is_alive():
+ self.status = "unseen"
+ self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.dequeue)
+ self.thread.setDaemon(True)
+ self.thread.start()
+ self.queue.put((channel, message, key))
+ if quit_after:
+ self.queue.put((channel, None, key))
+ def dequeue(self):
+ "Try to ship pending messages from the queue."
+ try:
+ while True:
+ # We want to be kind to the IRC servers and not hold unused
+ # sockets open forever, so they have a time-to-live. The
+ # loop is coded this particular way so that we can drop
+ # the actual server connection when its time-to-live
+ # expires, then reconnect and resume transmission if the
+ # queue fills up again.
+ if self.queue.empty():
+ # Queue is empty, at some point we want to time out
+ # the connection rather than holding a socket open in
+ # the server forever.
+ now = time.time()
+ xmit_timeout = now > self.last_xmit + XMIT_TTL
+ ping_timeout = now > self.last_ping + PING_TTL
+ if self.status == "disconnected":
+ # If the queue is empty, we can drop this connection.
+ self.status = "expired"
+ break
+ elif xmit_timeout or ping_timeout:
+ "timing out connection to %s at %s "
+ "(ping_timeout=%s, xmit_timeout=%s)") % (
+, time.asctime(), ping_timeout,
+ xmit_timeout))
+ with self.irker.irc.mutex:
+ self.connection.context = None
+ self.connection.quit("transmission timeout")
+ self.connection = None
+ self.status = "disconnected"
+ else:
+ # Prevent this thread from hogging the CPU by pausing
+ # for just a little bit after the queue-empty check.
+ # As long as this is less that the duration of a human
+ # reflex arc it is highly unlikely any human will ever
+ # notice.
+ time.sleep(ANTI_BUZZ_DELAY)
+ elif self.status == "disconnected" \
+ and time.time() > self.last_xmit + DISCONNECT_TTL:
+ # Queue is nonempty, but the IRC server might be
+ # down. Letting failed connections retain queue
+ # space forever would be a memory leak.
+ self.status = "expired"
+ break
+ elif not self.connection and self.status != "expired":
+ # Queue is nonempty but server isn't connected.
+ with self.irker.irc.mutex:
+ self.connection = self.irker.irc.newserver()
+ self.connection.context = self
+ # Try to avoid colliding with other instances
+ self.nick_trial = random.randint(1, 990)
+ self.channels_joined = {}
+ try:
+ # This will throw
+ # IRCServerConnectionError on failure
+ self.connection.connect(
+ nickname=self.nickname(),
+ **self.kwargs)
+ self.status = "handshaking"
+"XMIT_TTL bump (%s connection) at %s" % (
+, time.asctime()))
+ self.last_xmit = time.time()
+ self.last_ping = time.time()
+ except IRCServerConnectionError as e:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: %s" % e)
+ self.status = "expired"
+ break
+ elif self.status == "handshaking":
+ if time.time() > self.last_xmit + HANDSHAKE_TTL:
+ self.status = "expired"
+ break
+ else:
+ # Don't buzz on the empty-queue test while we're
+ # handshaking
+ time.sleep(ANTI_BUZZ_DELAY)
+ elif self.status == "unseen" \
+ and time.time() > self.last_xmit + UNSEEN_TTL:
+ # Nasty people could attempt a denial-of-service
+ # attack by flooding us with requests with invalid
+ # servernames. We guard against this by rapidly
+ # expiring connections that have a nonempty queue but
+ # have never had a successful open.
+ self.status = "expired"
+ break
+ elif self.status == "ready":
+ (channel, message, key) = self.queue.get()
+ if channel not in self.channels_joined:
+ self.connection.join(channel, key=key)
+"joining %s on %s." % (channel,
+ # None is magic - it's a request to quit the server
+ if message is None:
+ self.connection.quit()
+ # An empty message might be used as a keepalive or
+ # to join a channel for logging, so suppress the
+ # privmsg send unless there is actual traffic.
+ elif message:
+ for segment in message.split("\n"):
+ # Truncate the message if it's too long,
+ # but we're working with characters here,
+ # not bytes, so we could be off.
+ # 500 = 512 - CRLF - 'PRIVMSG ' - ' :'
+ maxlength = 500 - len(channel)
+ if len(segment) > maxlength:
+ segment = segment[:maxlength]
+ try:
+ self.connection.privmsg(channel, segment)
+ except ValueError as err:
+ LOG.warning((
+ "rejected a message to %s on %s "
+ "because: %s") % (
+ channel,, UNICODE_TYPE(err)))
+ LOG.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ time.sleep(ANTI_FLOOD_DELAY)
+ self.last_xmit = self.channels_joined[channel] = time.time()
+"XMIT_TTL bump (%s transmission) at %s" % (
+, time.asctime()))
+ self.queue.task_done()
+ elif self.status == "expired":
+ LOG.error(
+ "irkerd: we're expired but still running! This is a bug.")
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: exception %s in thread for %s" % (e,
+ # Maybe this should have its own status?
+ self.status = "expired"
+ LOG.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ finally:
+ # Make sure we don't leave any zombies behind
+ if self.connection:
+ self.connection.close()
+ def live(self):
+ "Should this connection not be scavenged?"
+ return self.status != "expired"
+ def joined_to(self, channel):
+ "Is this connection joined to the specified channel?"
+ return channel in self.channels_joined
+ def accepting(self, channel):
+ "Can this connection accept a join of this channel?"
+ if self.channel_limits:
+ match_count = 0
+ for already in self.channels_joined:
+ # This obscure code is because the RFCs allow separate limits
+ # by channel type (indicated by the first character of the name)
+ # a feature that is almost never actually used.
+ if already[0] == channel[0]:
+ match_count += 1
+ return match_count < self.channel_limits.get(channel[0], CHANNEL_MAX)
+ else:
+ return len(self.channels_joined) < CHANNEL_MAX
+class Target():
+ "Represent a transmission target."
+ def __init__(self, url):
+ self.url = url
+ parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(url)
+ self.ssl = parsed.scheme == 'ircs'
+ if self.ssl:
+ default_ircport = 6697
+ else:
+ default_ircport = 6667
+ self.username = parsed.username
+ self.password = parsed.password
+ self.servername = parsed.hostname
+ self.port = parsed.port or default_ircport
+ # IRC channel names are case-insensitive. If we don't smash
+ # case here we may run into problems later. There was a bug
+ # observed on where an irkerd user specified #Channel,
+ # got kicked, and irkerd crashed because the server returned
+ # "#channel" in the notification that our kick handler saw.
+ = parsed.path.lstrip('/').lower()
+ # This deals with a tweak in recent versions of urlparse.
+ if parsed.fragment:
+ += "#" + parsed.fragment
+ isnick =",isnick")
+ if isnick:
+ =[:-7]
+ if and not isnick and[0] not in "#&+":
+ = "#" +
+ # support both channel?secret and channel?key=secret
+ self.key = ""
+ if parsed.query:
+ self.key = re.sub("^key=", "", parsed.query)
+ def __str__(self):
+ "Represent this instance as a string"
+ return self.servername or self.url or repr(self)
+ def validate(self):
+ "Raise InvalidRequest if the URL is missing a critical component"
+ if not self.servername:
+ raise InvalidRequest(
+ 'target URL missing a servername: %r' % self.url)
+ if not
+ raise InvalidRequest(
+ 'target URL missing a channel: %r' % self.url)
+ def server(self):
+ "Return a hashable tuple representing the destination server."
+ return (self.servername, self.port)
+class Dispatcher:
+ "Manage connections to a particular server-port combination."
+ def __init__(self, irker, **kwargs):
+ self.irker = irker
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.connections = []
+ def dispatch(self, channel, message, key, quit_after=False):
+ "Dispatch messages for our server-port combination."
+ # First, check if there is room for another channel
+ # on any of our existing connections.
+ connections = [x for x in self.connections if]
+ eligibles = [x for x in connections if x.joined_to(channel)] \
+ or [x for x in connections if x.accepting(channel)]
+ if eligibles:
+ eligibles[0].enqueue(channel, message, key, quit_after)
+ return
+ # All connections are full up. Look for one old enough to be
+ # scavenged.
+ ancients = []
+ for connection in connections:
+ for (chan, age) in connections.channels_joined.items():
+ if age < time.time() - CHANNEL_TTL:
+ ancients.append((connection, chan, age))
+ if ancients:
+ ancients.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
+ (found_connection, drop_channel, _drop_age) = ancients[0]
+ found_connection.part(drop_channel, "scavenged by irkerd")
+ del found_connection.channels_joined[drop_channel]
+ #time.sleep(ANTI_FLOOD_DELAY)
+ found_connection.enqueue(channel, message, key, quit_after)
+ return
+ # All existing channels had recent activity
+ newconn = Connection(self.irker, **self.kwargs)
+ self.connections.append(newconn)
+ newconn.enqueue(channel, message, key, quit_after)
+ def live(self):
+ "Does this server-port combination have any live connections?"
+ self.connections = [x for x in self.connections if]
+ return len(self.connections) > 0
+ def pending(self):
+ "Return all connections with pending traffic."
+ return [x for x in self.connections if not x.queue.empty()]
+ def last_xmit(self):
+ "Return the time of the most recent transmission."
+ return max(x.last_xmit for x in self.connections)
+class Irker:
+ "Persistent IRC multiplexer."
+ def __init__(self, logfile=None, **kwargs):
+ self.logfile = logfile
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.irc = IRCClient()
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("ping", self._handle_ping)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("welcome", self._handle_welcome)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("erroneusnickname", self._handle_badnick)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("nicknameinuse", self._handle_badnick)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("nickcollision", self._handle_badnick)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("unavailresource", self._handle_badnick)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("featurelist", self._handle_features)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("disconnect", self._handle_disconnect)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("kick", self._handle_kick)
+ self.irc.add_event_handler("every_raw_message", self._handle_every_raw_message)
+ self.servers = {}
+ def thread_launch(self):
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=self.irc.spin)
+ thread.setDaemon(True)
+ self.irc._thread = thread
+ thread.start()
+ def _handle_ping(self, connection, _event):
+ "PING arrived, bump the last-received time for the connection."
+ if connection.context:
+ connection.context.handle_ping()
+ def _handle_welcome(self, connection, _event):
+ "Welcome arrived, nick accepted for this connection."
+ if connection.context:
+ connection.context.handle_welcome()
+ def _handle_badnick(self, connection, _event):
+ "Nick not accepted for this connection."
+ if connection.context:
+ connection.context.handle_badnick()
+ def _handle_features(self, connection, event):
+ "Determine if and how we can set deaf mode."
+ if connection.context:
+ cxt = connection.context
+ arguments = event.arguments
+ for lump in arguments:
+ if lump.startswith("DEAF="):
+ if not self.logfile:
+ connection.mode(cxt.nickname(), "+"+lump[5:])
+ elif lump.startswith("MAXCHANNELS="):
+ m = int(lump[12:])
+ for pref in "#&+":
+ cxt.channel_limits[pref] = m
+"%s maxchannels is %d" % (, m))
+ elif lump.startswith("CHANLIMIT=#:"):
+ limits = lump[10:].split(",")
+ try:
+ for token in limits:
+ (prefixes, limit) = token.split(":")
+ limit = int(limit)
+ for c in prefixes:
+ cxt.channel_limits[c] = limit
+"%s channel limit map is %s" % (
+, cxt.channel_limits))
+ except ValueError:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: ill-formed CHANLIMIT property")
+ def _handle_disconnect(self, connection, _event):
+ "Server hung up the connection."
+"server %s disconnected" %
+ connection.close()
+ if connection.context:
+ connection.context.handle_disconnect()
+ def _handle_kick(self, connection, event):
+ "Server hung up the connection."
+ target =
+"irker has been kicked from %s on %s" % (
+ target,
+ if connection.context:
+ connection.context.handle_kick(target)
+ def _handle_every_raw_message(self, _connection, event):
+ "Log all messages when in watcher mode."
+ if self.logfile:
+ with open(self.logfile, "ab") as logfp:
+ message = u"%03f|%s|%s\n" % \
+ (time.time(), event.source, event.arguments[0])
+ logfp.write(message.encode('utf-8'))
+ def pending(self):
+ "Do we have any pending message traffic?"
+ return [k for (k, v) in self.servers.items() if v.pending()]
+ def _parse_request(self, line):
+ "Request-parsing helper for the handle() method"
+ request = json.loads(line.strip())
+ if not isinstance(request, dict):
+ raise InvalidRequest(
+ "request is not a JSON dictionary: %r" % request)
+ if "to" not in request or "privmsg" not in request:
+ raise InvalidRequest(
+ "malformed request - 'to' or 'privmsg' missing: %r" % request)
+ channels = request['to']
+ message = request['privmsg']
+ if not isinstance(channels, (list, UNICODE_TYPE)):
+ raise InvalidRequest(
+ "malformed request - unexpected channel type: %r" % channels)
+ if not isinstance(message, UNICODE_TYPE):
+ raise InvalidRequest(
+ "malformed request - unexpected message type: %r" % message)
+ if not isinstance(channels, list):
+ channels = [channels]
+ targets = []
+ for url in channels:
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(url, UNICODE_TYPE):
+ raise InvalidRequest(
+ "malformed request - URL has unexpected type: %r" %
+ url)
+ target = Target(url)
+ target.validate()
+ except InvalidRequest as e:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: " + UNICODE_TYPE(e))
+ else:
+ targets.append(target)
+ return (targets, message)
+ def handle(self, line, quit_after=False):
+ "Perform a JSON relay request."
+ try:
+ targets, message = self._parse_request(line=line)
+ for target in targets:
+ if target.server() not in self.servers:
+ self.servers[target.server()] = Dispatcher(
+ self, target=target, **self.kwargs)
+ self.servers[target.server()].dispatch(
+, message, target.key, quit_after=quit_after)
+ # GC dispatchers with no active connections
+ servernames = self.servers.keys()
+ for servername in servernames:
+ if not self.servers[servername].live():
+ del self.servers[servername]
+ # If we might be pushing a resource limit even
+ # after garbage collection, remove a session. The
+ # goal here is to head off DoS attacks that aim at
+ # exhausting thread space or file descriptors.
+ # The cost is that attempts to DoS this service
+ # will cause lots of join/leave spam as we
+ # scavenge old channels after connecting to new
+ # ones. The particular method used for selecting a
+ # session to be terminated doesn't matter much; we
+ # choose the one longest idle on the assumption
+ # that message activity is likely to be clumpy.
+ if len(self.servers) >= CONNECTION_MAX:
+ oldest = min(
+ self.servers.keys(),
+ key=lambda name: self.servers[name].last_xmit())
+ del self.servers[oldest]
+ except InvalidRequest as e:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: " + UNICODE_TYPE(e))
+ except ValueError:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: " + "can't recognize JSON on input: %r" % line)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: " + "wildly malformed JSON blew the parser stack.")
+class IrkerTCPHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
+ def handle(self):
+ while True:
+ line = self.rfile.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ if not isinstance(line, UNICODE_TYPE):
+ line = UNICODE_TYPE(line, 'utf-8')
+ irker.handle(line=line.strip())
+class IrkerUDPHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
+ def handle(self):
+ line = self.request[0].strip()
+ #socket = self.request[1]
+ if not isinstance(line, UNICODE_TYPE):
+ line = UNICODE_TYPE(line, 'utf-8')
+ irker.handle(line=line.strip())
+def in_background():
+ "Is this process running in background?"
+ try:
+ return os.getpgrp() != os.tcgetpgrp(1)
+ except OSError:
+ return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0])
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-c', '--ca-file', metavar='PATH',
+ help='file of trusted certificates for SSL/TLS')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-e', '--cert-file', metavar='PATH',
+ help='pem file used to authenticate to the server')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-d', '--log-level', metavar='LEVEL', choices=LOG_LEVELS,
+ help='how much to log to the log file (one of %(choices)s)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-H', '--host', metavar='ADDRESS', default=HOST,
+ help='IP address to listen on')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-l', '--log-file', metavar='PATH',
+ help='file for saving captured message traffic')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-n', '--nick', metavar='NAME', default='irker%03d',
+ help="nickname (optionally with a '%%.*d' server connection marker)")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-p', '--password', metavar='PASSWORD',
+ help='NickServ password')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-i', '--immediate', metavar='IRC-URL',
+ help=(
+ 'send a single message to IRC-URL and exit. The message is the '
+ 'first positional argument.'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-V', '--version', action='version',
+ version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(version))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'message', metavar='MESSAGE', nargs='?',
+ help='message for --immediate mode')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.log_file and in_background():
+ # There's a case for falling back to address = ('localhost', 514)
+ # But some systems (including OS X) disable this for security reasons.
+ handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(facility='daemon')
+ else:
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ LOG.addHandler(handler)
+ if args.log_level:
+ log_level = getattr(logging, args.log_level.upper())
+ LOG.setLevel(log_level)
+ irker = Irker(
+ logfile=args.log_file,
+ nick_template=args.nick,
+'%.*d', args.nick),
+ password=args.password,
+ cafile=args.ca_file,
+ certfile=args.cert_file,
+ )
+"irkerd version %s" % version)
+ if args.immediate:
+ if not args.message:
+ # We want newline to become '\n' and tab to become '\t';
+ # the JSON decoder will undo these transformations.
+ # This will also encode backslash, backspace, formfeed,
+ # and high-half characters, which might produce unexpected
+ # results on output.
+ args.message ="string_escape")
+ irker.irc.add_event_handler("quit", lambda _c, _e: sys.exit(0))
+ irker.handle('{"to":"%s","privmsg":"%s"}' % (
+ args.immediate, args.message), quit_after=True)
+ irker.irc.spin()
+ else:
+ if args.message:
+ LOG.error(
+ 'irkerd: message argument given (%r), but --immediate not set' % (
+ args.message))
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ irker.thread_launch()
+ try:
+ tcpserver = socketserver.TCPServer((, PORT), IrkerTCPHandler)
+ udpserver = socketserver.UDPServer((, PORT), IrkerUDPHandler)
+ for server in [tcpserver, udpserver]:
+ server = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
+ server.setDaemon(True)
+ server.start()
+ try:
+ signal.pause()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise SystemExit(1)
+ except socket.error as e:
+ LOG.error("irkerd: server launch failed: %r\n" % e)
+# end
diff --git a/irkerd.service b/irkerd.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e75ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irkerd.service
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Wulf C. Krueger <>
+# Distributed under the terms of the BSD LICENSE
+Description=Internet Relay Chat (IRC) notification daemon
+Documentation=man:irkerd(8) man:irkerhook(1) man:irk(1)
diff --git a/irkerd.xml b/irkerd.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b7dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/irkerd.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
+ "docbook/docbookx.dtd">
+<refentry id='irkerd.8'>
+<refmiscinfo class='date'>Aug 27 2012</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo class='source'>irker</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo class='product'>irker</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo class='manual'>Commands</refmiscinfo>
+<refnamediv id='name'>
+<refpurpose>relay for shipping notifications to IRC servers</refpurpose>
+<refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
+ <command>irkerd</command>
+ <arg>-c <replaceable>ca-file</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-d <replaceable>debuglevel</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-e <replaceable>cert-file</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-l <replaceable>logfile</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-H <replaceable>host</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-n <replaceable>nick</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-p <replaceable>password</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-i <replaceable>IRC-URL</replaceable></arg>
+ <arg>-V</arg>
+ <arg>-h</arg>
+ <arg choice='opt'><replaceable>message text</replaceable></arg>
+<refsect1 id='description'><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+<para><application>irkerd</application> is a specialized write-only IRC
+client intended to be used for shipping notification messages to IRC
+channels. The use case in mind when it was designed was broadcasting
+notifications from commit hooks in version-control systems.</para>
+<para>The main advantage of relaying through this daemon over
+individual scripted sends from applications is that it can maintain
+connection state for multiple channels, rather than producing obnoxious
+join/leave channel spam on every message.</para>
+<para><application>irkerd</application> is a socket server that
+listens on for UDP or TCP packets on port 6659 for textual request
+lines containing JSON objects and terminated by a newline. Each JSON
+object must have two members: "to" specifying a destination or
+destination list, and "privmsg" specifying the message text.
+{"to":"irc://", "privmsg":"Hello, world!"}
+{"to":["irc://","irc://"],"privmsg":"Multichannel test"}
+{"to":"irc://", "privmsg":"Hello, world!"}
+{"to":"ircs://", "privmsg":"Keyed channel test"}
+{"to":"ircs://", "privmsg":"Password-protected server test"}
+<para>If the channel part of the URL does not have one of the prefix
+characters <quote>#</quote>, <quote>&amp;</quote>, or
+<quote>+</quote>, a <quote>#</quote> will be prepended to it before
+shipping - <emphasis>unless</emphasis> the channel part has the suffix
+",isnick" (which is unconditionally removed).</para>
+<para>The host part of the URL may have a port-number suffix separated by a
+colon, as shown in the third example; otherwise
+<application>irkerd</application> sends plaintext messages to the default
+6667 IRC port of each server, and SSL/TLS messages to 6697.</para>
+<para>The password for password-protected servers can be set using the
+usual <quote>[{username}:{password}@]{host}:{port}</quote> defined in
+RFC 3986, as shown in the fifth example. Non-empty URL usernames
+override the default <quote>irker</quote> username.</para>
+<para>When the <quote>to</quote> URL uses the <quote>ircs</quote>
+scheme (as shown in the fourth and fifth examples), the connection to
+the IRC server is made via SSL/TLS (vs. a plaintext connection with the
+<quote>irc</quote> scheme). To connect via SSL/TLS with Python 2.x,
+you need to explicitly declare the certificate authority file used to
+verify server certificates. For example, <quote>-c
+/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt</quote>. In Python 3.2 and later,
+you can still set this option to declare a custom CA file, but
+<application>irkerd</application>; if you don't set it
+<application>irkerd</application> will use OpenSSL's default file
+(using Python's
+<quote>ssl.SSLContext.set_default_verify_paths</quote>). In Python
+3.2 and later, <quote>ssl.match_hostname</quote> is used to ensure the
+server certificate belongs to the intended host, as well as being
+signed by a trusted CA.</para>
+<para>To join password-protected (mode +k) channels, the channel part of the
+URL may be followed with a query-string indicating the channel key, of the
+form <quote>?secret</quote> or <quote>?key=secret</quote>, where
+<quote>secret</quote> is the channel key.</para>
+<para>An empty message is legal and will cause
+<application>irkerd</application> to join or maintain a connection to
+the target channels without actually emitting a message. This may be
+useful for advertising that an instance is up and running, or for
+joining a channel to log its traffic.</para>
+<refsect1 id='options'><title>OPTIONS</title>
+<para><application>irkerd</application> takes the following options:</para>
+ <para>
+ Takes a following value, setting the debugging level from it;
+ possible values are 'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info',
+ 'debug'. This option will generally only be of interest to
+ developers, as the logs are designed to help trace
+ <application>irkerd</application>'s internal state. These tracing
+ logs are independent of the traffic logs controlled by
+ <quote>-l</quote>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Logging will be to standard error (if
+ <application>irkerd</application> is running in the foreground) or
+ to <quote>/dev/syslog</quote> with facility "daemon" (if
+ <application>irkerd</application> is running in the background).
+ The background-ness of <application>irkerd</application> is
+ determined by comparing the process group id with the process
+ group associated with the terminal attached to stdout (with
+ non-matches for background processes). We assume you aren't
+ running <application>irkerd</application> in Windows or another OS
+ that doesn't support <quote>os.getpgrp</quote> or
+ <quote>tcgetpgrp</quote>. We assume that if stdout is attached to
+ a TTY associated with the same process group as
+ <application>irkerd</application>, you do intend to log to stderr
+ and not syslog.
+ </para>
+<listitem><para>Takes a following filename in pem format and uses it
+to authenticate to the IRC server. You must be connecting to the IRC server
+over SSL for this to function properly. This is commonly known as
+<listitem><para>Takes a following filename in pem format and uses it
+to authenticate to the IRC server. You must be connecting to the IRC
+server over SSL for this to function properly. This is commonly known
+as <quote>CertFP.</quote></para>
+<listitem><para>Takes a following filename, logs traffic to that file.
+Each log line consists of three |-separated fields; a numeric
+timestamp in Unix time, the FQDN of the sending server, and the
+message data.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Takes a following hostname, and binds to that address
+when listening for messages. <application>irkerd</application> binds
+to localhost by default, but you may want to use your host's public
+address to listen on a local network. Listening on a public interface
+is not recommended, as it makes spamming IRC channels very
+<listitem><para>Takes a following value, setting the nick
+to be used. If the nick contains a numeric format element
+(such as %03d) it is used to generate suffixed fallback names
+in the event of a nick collision.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Takes a following value, setting a nickserv
+password to be used. If given, this password is shipped to
+authenticate the nick on receipt of a welcome message.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Immediate mode, to be run in foreground. Takes a following
+following value interpreted as a channel URL. May take a second
+argument giving a message string; if the second argument is absent the
+message is read from standard input (and may contain newlines).
+Sends the message, then quits.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Write the program version to stdout and
+<listitem><para>Print usage instructions and terminate.</para></listitem>
+<refsect1 id='limitations'><title>LIMITATIONS</title>
+<para>Requests via UDP optimizes for lowest latency and network load
+by avoiding TCP connection setup time; the cost is that delivery is
+not reliable in the face of packet loss.</para>
+<para>An <application>irkerd</application> instance with a
+publicly-accessible request socket could complicate blocking of IRC
+spam by making it easy for spammers to submit while hiding their IP
+addresses; the better way to deploy, then, is on places like
+project-hosting sites where the <application>irkerd</application>
+socket can be visible from commit-hook code but not exposed to the
+outside world. Priming your firewall with blocklists of IP addresses
+known to spew spam is always a good idea.</para>
+<para>The absence of any option to set the service port is deliberate.
+If you think you need to do that, you have a problem better solved at
+your firewall.</para>
+<para>IRC has a message length limit of 510 bytes; generate your
+privmsg attribute values with appropriate care.</para>
+<para>IRC ignores any text after an embedded newline. Be aware that
+<application>irkerd</application> will turn payload strings with
+embedded newlines into multiple IRC sends to avoid having message data
+discarded. </para>
+<para>Due to a bug in Python URL parsing, IRC urls with both a # and a
+key part may fail unexpectedly. The workaround is to remove the #.</para>
+<refsect1 id='see_also'><title>SEE ALSO</title>
+<refsect1 id='authors'><title>AUTHOR</title>
+<para>Eric S. Raymond <email></email>. See the
+project page at <ulink
+for updates and other resources, including an installable repository
+hook script.</para>