-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later std = 'luajit' new_read_globals = { 'cache', 'eval_cmd', 'event', 'help', '_hint_root_file', 'hostname', 'map', 'modules', 'net', 'package_version', 'quit', 'resolve', 'ta_update', 'fromjson', 'todname', 'tojson', 'user', 'verbose', 'worker', 'kluautil_list_dir', -- Sandbox declarations 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'sec', 'second', 'minute', 'min', 'hour', 'day', 'panic', 'warn', 'log', 'mode', 'reorder_RR', 'option', 'env', 'kres', 'libknot_SONAME', 'libzscanner_SONAME', 'table_print', '_ENV', } new_globals = { -- Modules are allowed to be set and accessed from global namespace 'policy', 'view', 'stats', 'http', 'trust_anchors', 'bogus_log', } -- Luacheck < 0.18 doesn't support new_read_globals for _, v in ipairs(new_read_globals) do table.insert(new_globals, v) end -- Ignore test files exclude_files = { 'modules/policy/lua-aho-corasick', -- Vendored 'tests/config/tapered', } -- Ignore some pedantic checks ignore = { '4.1/err', -- Shadowing err '4.1/.', -- Shadowing one letter variables } -- Sandbox can set global variables files['**/daemon/lua'].ignore = {'111', '121', '122'} files['**/daemon/lua/kres-gen.lua'].ignore = {'631'} -- Allow overly long lines -- Tests and scripts can use global variables files['scripts'].ignore = {'111', '112', '113'} files['tests'].ignore = {'111', '112', '113'} files['**/utils/upgrade'].ignore = {'111', '112', '113'} files['**/modules/**/*.test.lua'].ignore = {'111', '112', '113', '121', '122'} files['**/daemon/**/*.test.lua'].ignore = {'111', '112', '113', '121', '122'}