/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "daemon/bindings/impl.h" #include "kresconfig.h" #include "daemon/engine.h" #include "daemon/ffimodule.h" #include "lib/selection.h" #include "lib/cache/api.h" #include "lib/defines.h" #include "lib/cache/cdb_lmdb.h" #include "lib/dnssec/ta.h" /* Magic defaults for the engine. */ #ifndef LRU_RTT_SIZE #define LRU_RTT_SIZE 65536 /**< NS RTT cache size */ #endif #ifndef LRU_REP_SIZE #define LRU_REP_SIZE (LRU_RTT_SIZE / 4) /**< NS reputation cache size */ #endif #ifndef LRU_COOKIES_SIZE #if ENABLE_COOKIES #define LRU_COOKIES_SIZE LRU_RTT_SIZE /**< DNS cookies cache size. */ #else #define LRU_COOKIES_SIZE LRU_ASSOC /* simpler than guards everywhere */ #endif #endif /**@internal Maximum number of incomplete TCP connections in queue. * Default is from empirical testing - in our case, more isn't necessarily better. * See https://gitlab.nic.cz/knot/knot-resolver/-/merge_requests/968 * */ #ifndef TCP_BACKLOG_DEFAULT #define TCP_BACKLOG_DEFAULT 128 #endif /* Cleanup engine state every 5 minutes */ const size_t CLEANUP_TIMER = 5*60*1000; /* Execute byte code */ #define l_dobytecode(L, arr, len, name) \ (luaL_loadbuffer((L), (arr), (len), (name)) || lua_pcall((L), 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) /* * Global bindings. */ struct args *the_args; /** Print help and available commands. */ static int l_help(lua_State *L) { static const char *help_str = "help()\n show this help\n" "quit()\n quit\n" "hostname()\n hostname\n" "package_version()\n return package version\n" "user(name[, group])\n change process user (and group)\n" "verbose(true|false)\n toggle verbose mode\n" "option(opt[, new_val])\n get/set server option\n" "mode(strict|normal|permissive)\n set resolver strictness level\n" "reorder_RR([true|false])\n set/get reordering of RRs within RRsets\n" "resolve(name, type[, class, flags, callback])\n resolve query, callback when it's finished\n" "todname(name)\n convert name to wire format\n" "tojson(val)\n convert value to JSON\n" "net\n network configuration\n" "cache\n network configuration\n" "modules\n modules configuration\n" "kres\n resolver services\n" "trust_anchors\n configure trust anchors\n" ; lua_pushstring(L, help_str); return 1; } static bool update_privileges(int uid, int gid) { if ((gid_t)gid != getgid()) { if (setregid(gid, gid) < 0) { return false; } } if ((uid_t)uid != getuid()) { if (setreuid(uid, uid) < 0) { return false; } } return true; } /** Set process user/group. */ static int l_setuser(lua_State *L) { int n = lua_gettop(L); if (n < 1 || !lua_isstring(L, 1)) lua_error_p(L, "user(user[, group])"); /* Fetch UID/GID based on string identifiers. */ struct passwd *user_pw = getpwnam(lua_tostring(L, 1)); if (!user_pw) lua_error_p(L, "invalid user name"); int uid = user_pw->pw_uid; int gid = getgid(); if (n > 1 && lua_isstring(L, 2)) { struct group *group_pw = getgrnam(lua_tostring(L, 2)); if (!group_pw) lua_error_p(L, "invalid group name"); gid = group_pw->gr_gid; } /* Drop privileges */ bool ret = update_privileges(uid, gid); if (!ret) { lua_error_maybe(L, errno); } lua_pushboolean(L, ret); return 1; } /** Quit current executable. */ static int l_quit(lua_State *L) { engine_stop(the_worker->engine); return 0; } /** Toggle verbose mode. */ static int l_verbose(lua_State *L) { if (lua_isboolean(L, 1) || lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { kr_verbose_set(lua_toboolean(L, 1)); } lua_pushboolean(L, kr_verbose_status); return 1; } char *engine_get_hostname(struct engine *engine) { static char hostname_str[KNOT_DNAME_MAXLEN]; if (!engine) { return NULL; } if (!engine->hostname) { if (gethostname(hostname_str, sizeof(hostname_str)) != 0) return NULL; return hostname_str; } return engine->hostname; } int engine_set_hostname(struct engine *engine, const char *hostname) { if (!engine || !hostname) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } char *new_hostname = strdup(hostname); if (!new_hostname) { return kr_error(ENOMEM); } if (engine->hostname) { free(engine->hostname); } engine->hostname = new_hostname; network_new_hostname(&engine->net, engine); return 0; } /** Return hostname. */ static int l_hostname(lua_State *L) { struct engine *engine = the_worker->engine; if (lua_gettop(L) == 0) { lua_pushstring(L, engine_get_hostname(engine)); return 1; } if ((lua_gettop(L) != 1) || !lua_isstring(L, 1)) lua_error_p(L, "hostname takes at most one parameter: (\"fqdn\")"); if (engine_set_hostname(engine, lua_tostring(L, 1)) != 0) lua_error_p(L, "setting hostname failed"); lua_pushstring(L, engine_get_hostname(engine)); return 1; } /** Return server package version. */ static int l_package_version(lua_State *L) { lua_pushliteral(L, PACKAGE_VERSION); return 1; } /** Load root hints from zonefile. */ static int l_hint_root_file(lua_State *L) { struct kr_context *ctx = &the_worker->engine->resolver; const char *file = lua_tostring(L, 1); const char *err = engine_hint_root_file(ctx, file); if (err) { if (!file) { file = ROOTHINTS; } lua_error_p(L, "error when opening '%s': %s", file, err); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; } } /** @internal for engine_hint_root_file */ static void roothints_add(zs_scanner_t *zs) { struct kr_zonecut *hints = zs->process.data; if (!hints) { return; } if (zs->r_type == KNOT_RRTYPE_A || zs->r_type == KNOT_RRTYPE_AAAA) { kr_zonecut_add(hints, zs->r_owner, zs->r_data, zs->r_data_length); } } const char* engine_hint_root_file(struct kr_context *ctx, const char *file) { if (!file) { file = ROOTHINTS; } if (strlen(file) == 0 || !ctx) { return "invalid parameters"; } struct kr_zonecut *root_hints = &ctx->root_hints; zs_scanner_t zs; if (zs_init(&zs, ".", 1, 0) != 0) { return "not enough memory"; } if (zs_set_input_file(&zs, file) != 0) { zs_deinit(&zs); return "failed to open root hints file"; } kr_zonecut_set(root_hints, (const uint8_t *)""); zs_set_processing(&zs, roothints_add, NULL, root_hints); zs_parse_all(&zs); zs_deinit(&zs); return NULL; } /** Unpack JSON object to table */ static void l_unpack_json(lua_State *L, JsonNode *table) { /* Unpack POD */ switch(table->tag) { case JSON_STRING: lua_pushstring(L, table->string_); return; case JSON_NUMBER: lua_pushnumber(L, table->number_); return; case JSON_BOOL: lua_pushboolean(L, table->bool_); return; default: break; } /* Unpack object or array into table */ lua_newtable(L); JsonNode *node = NULL; json_foreach(node, table) { /* Push node value */ switch(node->tag) { case JSON_OBJECT: /* as array */ case JSON_ARRAY: l_unpack_json(L, node); break; case JSON_STRING: lua_pushstring(L, node->string_); break; case JSON_NUMBER: lua_pushnumber(L, node->number_); break; case JSON_BOOL: lua_pushboolean(L, node->bool_); break; default: continue; } /* Set table key */ if (node->key) { lua_setfield(L, -2, node->key); } else { lua_rawseti(L, -2, lua_objlen(L, -2) + 1); } } } /** @internal Recursive Lua/JSON serialization. */ static JsonNode *l_pack_elem(lua_State *L, int top) { switch(lua_type(L, top)) { case LUA_TSTRING: return json_mkstring(lua_tostring(L, top)); case LUA_TNUMBER: return json_mknumber(lua_tonumber(L, top)); case LUA_TBOOLEAN: return json_mkbool(lua_toboolean(L, top)); case LUA_TTABLE: break; /* Table, iterate it. */ default: return json_mknull(); } /* Use absolute indexes here, as the table may be nested. */ JsonNode *node = NULL; lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L, top) != 0) { bool is_array = false; if (!node) { is_array = (lua_type(L, top + 1) == LUA_TNUMBER); node = is_array ? json_mkarray() : json_mkobject(); if (!node) { return NULL; } } else { is_array = node->tag == JSON_ARRAY; } /* Insert to array/table. */ JsonNode *val = l_pack_elem(L, top + 2); if (is_array) { json_append_element(node, val); } else { const char *key = lua_tostring(L, top + 1); json_append_member(node, key, val); } lua_pop(L, 1); } /* Return empty object for empty tables. */ return node ? node : json_mkobject(); } /** @internal Serialize to string */ static char *l_pack_json(lua_State *L, int top) { JsonNode *root = l_pack_elem(L, top); if (!root) { return NULL; } char *result = json_encode(root); json_delete(root); return result; } static int l_tojson(lua_State *L) { auto_free char *json_str = l_pack_json(L, lua_gettop(L)); if (!json_str) { return 0; } lua_pushstring(L, json_str); return 1; } static int l_fromjson(lua_State *L) { if (lua_gettop(L) != 1 || !lua_isstring(L, 1)) lua_error_p(L, "a JSON string is required"); const char *json_str = lua_tostring(L, 1); JsonNode *root_node = json_decode(json_str); if (!root_node) lua_error_p(L, "invalid JSON string"); l_unpack_json(L, root_node); json_delete(root_node); return 1; } /* * Engine API. */ static int init_resolver(struct engine *engine) { /* Note: whole *engine had been zeroed by engine_init(). */ struct kr_context * const ctx = &engine->resolver; /* Default options (request flags). */ ctx->options.REORDER_RR = true; /* Open resolution context */ ctx->trust_anchors = map_make(NULL); ctx->negative_anchors = map_make(NULL); ctx->pool = engine->pool; ctx->modules = &engine->modules; ctx->cache_rtt_tout_retry_interval = KR_NS_TIMEOUT_RETRY_INTERVAL; /* Create OPT RR */ ctx->downstream_opt_rr = mm_alloc(engine->pool, sizeof(knot_rrset_t)); ctx->upstream_opt_rr = mm_alloc(engine->pool, sizeof(knot_rrset_t)); if (!ctx->downstream_opt_rr || !ctx->upstream_opt_rr) { return kr_error(ENOMEM); } knot_edns_init(ctx->downstream_opt_rr, KR_EDNS_PAYLOAD, 0, KR_EDNS_VERSION, engine->pool); knot_edns_init(ctx->upstream_opt_rr, KR_EDNS_PAYLOAD, 0, KR_EDNS_VERSION, engine->pool); /* Use default TLS padding */ ctx->tls_padding = -1; /* Empty init; filled via ./lua/postconfig.lua */ kr_zonecut_init(&ctx->root_hints, (const uint8_t *)"", engine->pool); lru_create(&ctx->cache_cookie, LRU_COOKIES_SIZE, NULL, NULL); /* Load basic modules */ engine_register(engine, "iterate", NULL, NULL); engine_register(engine, "validate", NULL, NULL); engine_register(engine, "cache", NULL, NULL); return array_push(engine->backends, kr_cdb_lmdb()); } static int init_state(struct engine *engine) { /* Initialize Lua state */ engine->L = luaL_newstate(); if (engine->L == NULL) { return kr_error(ENOMEM); } /* Initialize used libraries. */ luaL_openlibs(engine->L); /* Global functions */ lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_help); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "help"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_quit); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "quit"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_hostname); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "hostname"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_package_version); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "package_version"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_verbose); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "verbose"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_setuser); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "user"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_hint_root_file); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "_hint_root_file"); lua_pushliteral(engine->L, libknot_SONAME); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "libknot_SONAME"); lua_pushliteral(engine->L, libzscanner_SONAME); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "libzscanner_SONAME"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_tojson); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "tojson"); lua_pushcfunction(engine->L, l_fromjson); lua_setglobal(engine->L, "fromjson"); /* Random number generator */ lua_getfield(engine->L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "math"); lua_getfield(engine->L, -1, "randomseed"); lua_remove(engine->L, -2); lua_Number seed = kr_rand_bytes(sizeof(lua_Number)); lua_pushnumber(engine->L, seed); lua_call(engine->L, 1, 0); return kr_ok(); } /** * Start luacov measurement and store results to file specified by * KRESD_COVERAGE_STATS environment variable. * Do nothing if the variable is not set. */ static void init_measurement(struct engine *engine) { const char * const statspath = getenv("KRESD_COVERAGE_STATS"); if (!statspath) return; char * snippet = NULL; int ret = asprintf(&snippet, "_luacov_runner = require('luacov.runner')\n" "_luacov_runner.init({\n" " statsfile = '%s',\n" " exclude = {'test', 'tapered', 'lua/5.1'},\n" "})\n" "jit.off()\n", statspath ); assert(ret > 0); (void)ret; ret = luaL_loadstring(engine->L, snippet); assert(ret == 0); lua_call(engine->L, 0, 0); free(snippet); } int init_lua(struct engine *engine) { if (!engine) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } /* Use libdir path for including Lua scripts */ char l_paths[MAXPATHLEN] = { 0 }; #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat" /* %1$ is not in C standard */ /* Save original package.path to package._path */ snprintf(l_paths, MAXPATHLEN - 1, "if package._path == nil then package._path = package.path end\n" "package.path = '%1$s/?.lua;%1$s/?/init.lua;'..package._path\n" "if package._cpath == nil then package._cpath = package.cpath end\n" "package.cpath = '%1$s/?%2$s;'..package._cpath\n", LIBDIR, LIBEXT); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop int ret = l_dobytecode(engine->L, l_paths, strlen(l_paths), ""); if (ret != 0) { lua_pop(engine->L, 1); return ret; } return 0; } int engine_init(struct engine *engine, knot_mm_t *pool) { if (engine == NULL) { return kr_error(EINVAL); } memset(engine, 0, sizeof(*engine)); engine->pool = pool; /* Initialize state */ int ret = init_state(engine); if (ret != 0) { engine_deinit(engine); return ret; } init_measurement(engine); /* Initialize resolver */ ret = init_resolver(engine); if (ret != 0) { engine_deinit(engine); return ret; } /* Initialize network */ network_init(&engine->net, uv_default_loop(), TCP_BACKLOG_DEFAULT); /* Initialize lua */ ret = init_lua(engine); if (ret != 0) { engine_deinit(engine); return ret; } return ret; } /** Unregister a (found) module */ static void engine_unload(struct engine *engine, struct kr_module *module) { auto_free char *name = module->name ? strdup(module->name) : NULL; kr_module_unload(module); /* beware: lua/C mix, could be confusing */ /* Clear in Lua world, but not for embedded modules ('cache' in particular). */ if (name && !kr_module_get_embedded(name)) { lua_pushnil(engine->L); lua_setglobal(engine->L, name); } free(module); } void engine_deinit(struct engine *engine) { if (engine == NULL) { return; } if (!engine->L) { assert(false); return; } /* Only close sockets and services; no need to clean up mempool. */ /* Network deinit is split up. We first need to stop listening, * then we can unload modules during which we still want * e.g. the endpoint kind registry to work (inside ->net), * and this registry deinitization uses the lua state. */ network_close_force(&engine->net); for (size_t i = 0; i < engine->modules.len; ++i) { engine_unload(engine, engine->modules.at[i]); } kr_zonecut_deinit(&engine->resolver.root_hints); kr_cache_close(&engine->resolver.cache); /* The LRUs are currently malloc-ated and need to be freed. */ lru_free(engine->resolver.cache_cookie); network_deinit(&engine->net); ffimodule_deinit(engine->L); lua_close(engine->L); /* Free data structures */ array_clear(engine->modules); array_clear(engine->backends); kr_ta_clear(&engine->resolver.trust_anchors); kr_ta_clear(&engine->resolver.negative_anchors); free(engine->hostname); } int engine_pcall(lua_State *L, int argc) { return lua_pcall(L, argc, LUA_MULTRET, 0); } int engine_cmd(lua_State *L, const char *str, bool raw) { if (L == NULL) { return kr_error(ENOEXEC); } /* Evaluate results */ lua_getglobal(L, "eval_cmd"); lua_pushstring(L, str); lua_pushboolean(L, raw); /* Check result. */ return engine_pcall(L, 2); } int engine_load_sandbox(struct engine *engine) { /* Init environment */ int ret = luaL_dofile(engine->L, LIBDIR "/sandbox.lua"); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[system] error %s\n", lua_tostring(engine->L, -1)); lua_pop(engine->L, 1); return kr_error(ENOEXEC); } ret = ffimodule_init(engine->L); return ret; } int engine_loadconf(struct engine *engine, const char *config_path) { assert(config_path != NULL); char cwd[PATH_MAX]; get_workdir(cwd, sizeof(cwd)); kr_log_verbose("[system] loading config '%s' (workdir '%s')\n", config_path, cwd); int ret = luaL_dofile(engine->L, config_path); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[system] error while loading config: " "%s (workdir '%s')\n", lua_tostring(engine->L, -1), cwd); lua_pop(engine->L, 1); } return ret; } int engine_start(struct engine *engine) { /* Clean up stack */ lua_settop(engine->L, 0); return kr_ok(); } void engine_stop(struct engine *engine) { if (!engine) { return; } uv_stop(uv_default_loop()); } /** @internal Find matching module */ static size_t module_find(module_array_t *mod_list, const char *name) { size_t found = mod_list->len; for (size_t i = 0; i < mod_list->len; ++i) { struct kr_module *mod = mod_list->at[i]; if (strcmp(mod->name, name) == 0) { found = i; break; } } return found; } int engine_register(struct engine *engine, const char *name, const char *precedence, const char* ref) { if (engine == NULL || name == NULL) { assert(!EINVAL); return kr_error(EINVAL); } /* Make sure module is unloaded */ (void) engine_unregister(engine, name); /* Find the index of referenced module. */ module_array_t *mod_list = &engine->modules; size_t ref_pos = mod_list->len; if (precedence && ref) { ref_pos = module_find(mod_list, ref); if (ref_pos >= mod_list->len) { return kr_error(EIDRM); } } /* Attempt to load binary module */ struct kr_module *module = malloc(sizeof(*module)); if (!module) { return kr_error(ENOMEM); } module->data = engine; /*< some outside modules may still use this value */ int ret = kr_module_load(module, name, LIBDIR "/kres_modules"); if (ret == 0) { /* We have a C module, loaded and init() was called. * Now we need to prepare the lua side. */ lua_State *L = engine->L; lua_getglobal(L, "modules_create_table_for_c"); lua_pushpointer(L, module); if (lua_isnil(L, -2)) { /* When loading the three embedded modules, we don't * have the "modules_*" lua function yet, but fortunately * we don't need it there. Let's just check they're embedded. * TODO: solve this better *without* breaking stuff. */ lua_pop(L, 2); if (module->lib != RTLD_DEFAULT) { ret = kr_error(1); lua_pushliteral(L, "missing modules_create_table_for_c()"); } } else { ret = engine_pcall(L, 1); } if (ret) { kr_log_error("[system] internal error when loading C module %s: %s\n", module->name, lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); assert(false); /* probably not critical, but weird */ } } else if (ret == kr_error(ENOENT)) { /* No luck with C module, so try to load and .init() lua module. */ ret = ffimodule_register_lua(engine, module, name); if (ret != 0) { kr_log_error("[system] failed to load module '%s'\n", name); } } else if (ret == kr_error(ENOTSUP)) { /* Print a more helpful message when module is linked against an old resolver ABI. */ kr_log_error("[system] module '%s' links to unsupported ABI, please rebuild it\n", name); } if (ret != 0) { engine_unload(engine, module); return ret; } /* Push to the right place in engine->modules */ if (array_push(engine->modules, module) < 0) { engine_unload(engine, module); return kr_error(ENOMEM); } if (precedence) { struct kr_module **arr = mod_list->at; size_t emplacement = mod_list->len; if (strcasecmp(precedence, ">") == 0) { if (ref_pos + 1 < mod_list->len) emplacement = ref_pos + 1; /* Insert after target */ } if (strcasecmp(precedence, "<") == 0) { emplacement = ref_pos; /* Insert at target */ } /* Move the tail if it has some elements. */ if (emplacement + 1 < mod_list->len) { memmove(&arr[emplacement + 1], &arr[emplacement], sizeof(*arr) * (mod_list->len - (emplacement + 1))); arr[emplacement] = module; } } return kr_ok(); } int engine_unregister(struct engine *engine, const char *name) { module_array_t *mod_list = &engine->modules; size_t found = module_find(mod_list, name); if (found < mod_list->len) { engine_unload(engine, mod_list->at[found]); array_del(*mod_list, found); return kr_ok(); } return kr_error(ENOENT); }