/* Copyright (C) 2018 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ /* Module is intended to import resource records from file into resolver's cache. * File supposed to be a standard DNS zone file * which contains text representations of resource records. * For now only root zone import is supported. * * Import process consists of two stages. * 1) Zone file parsing. * 2) Import of parsed entries into the cache. * * These stages are implemented as two separate functions * (zi_zone_import and zi_zone_process) which runs sequentially with the * pause between them. This is done because resolver is a single-threaded * application, so it can't process user's requests during the whole import * process. Separation into two stages allows to reduce the * continuous time interval when resolver can't serve user requests. * Since root zone isn't large it is imported as single * chunk. If it would be considered as necessary, import stage can be * split into shorter stages. * * zi_zone_import() uses libzscanner to parse zone file. * Parsed records are stored to internal storage from where they are imported to * cache during the second stage. * * zi_zone_process() imports parsed resource records to cache. * It imports rrset by creating request that will never be sent to upstream. * After request creation resolver creates pseudo-answer which must contain * all necessary data for validation. Then resolver process answer as if he had * been received from network. */ #include /* PRIu64 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/utils.h" #include "lib/dnssec/ta.h" #include "daemon/worker.h" #include "daemon/zimport.h" #include "lib/generic/map.h" #include "lib/generic/array.h" #define VERBOSE_MSG(qry, ...) QRVERBOSE(qry, "zimport", __VA_ARGS__) /* Pause between parse and import stages, milliseconds. * See comment in zi_zone_import() */ #define ZONE_IMPORT_PAUSE 100 typedef array_t(knot_rrset_t *) qr_rrsetlist_t; struct zone_import_ctx { struct worker_ctx *worker; bool started; knot_dname_t *origin; knot_rrset_t *ta; knot_rrset_t *key; uint64_t start_timestamp; size_t rrset_idx; uv_timer_t timer; map_t rrset_indexed; qr_rrsetlist_t rrset_sorted; knot_mm_t pool; zi_callback cb; void *cb_param; }; typedef struct zone_import_ctx zone_import_ctx_t; static int RRSET_IS_ALREADY_IMPORTED = 1; /** @internal Allocate zone import context. * @return pointer to zone import context or NULL. */ static zone_import_ctx_t *zi_ctx_alloc() { return calloc(1, sizeof(zone_import_ctx_t)); } /** @internal Free zone import context. */ static void zi_ctx_free(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import) { if (z_import != NULL) { free(z_import); } } /** @internal Reset all fields in the zone import context to their default values. * Flushes memory pool, but doesn't reallocate memory pool buffer. * Doesn't affect timer handle, pointers to callback and callback parameter. * @return 0 if success; -1 if failed. */ static int zi_reset(struct zone_import_ctx *z_import, size_t rrset_sorted_list_size) { mp_flush(z_import->pool.ctx); z_import->started = false; z_import->start_timestamp = 0; z_import->rrset_idx = 0; z_import->pool.alloc = (knot_mm_alloc_t) mp_alloc; z_import->rrset_indexed = map_make(&z_import->pool); array_init(z_import->rrset_sorted); int ret = 0; if (rrset_sorted_list_size) { ret = array_reserve_mm(z_import->rrset_sorted, rrset_sorted_list_size, kr_memreserve, &z_import->pool); } return ret; } /** @internal Close callback for timer handle. * @note Actually frees zone import context. */ static void on_timer_close(uv_handle_t *handle) { zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = (zone_import_ctx_t *)handle->data; if (z_import != NULL) { zi_ctx_free(z_import); } } zone_import_ctx_t *zi_allocate(struct worker_ctx *worker, zi_callback cb, void *param) { if (worker->loop == NULL) { return NULL; } zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = zi_ctx_alloc(); if (!z_import) { return NULL; } void *mp = mp_new (8192); if (!mp) { zi_ctx_free(z_import); return NULL; } z_import->pool.ctx = mp; z_import->worker = worker; int ret = zi_reset(z_import, 0); if (ret < 0) { mp_delete(mp); zi_ctx_free(z_import); return NULL; } uv_timer_init(z_import->worker->loop, &z_import->timer); z_import->timer.data = z_import; z_import->cb = cb; z_import->cb_param = param; return z_import; } void zi_free(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import) { z_import->started = false; z_import->start_timestamp = 0; z_import->rrset_idx = 0; mp_delete(z_import->pool.ctx); z_import->pool.ctx = NULL; z_import->pool.alloc = NULL; z_import->worker = NULL; z_import->cb = NULL; z_import->cb_param = NULL; uv_close((uv_handle_t *)&z_import->timer, on_timer_close); } /** @internal Mark rrset that has been already imported * to avoid repeated import. */ static inline void zi_rrset_mark_as_imported(knot_rrset_t *rr) { rr->additional = (void *)&RRSET_IS_ALREADY_IMPORTED; } /** @internal Check if rrset is marked as "already imported". * @return true if marked, false if isn't */ static inline bool zi_rrset_is_marked_as_imported(knot_rrset_t *rr) { return (rr->additional == &RRSET_IS_ALREADY_IMPORTED); } /** @internal Try to find rrset with given requisites amongst parsed rrsets * and put it to given packet. If there is RRSIG which covers that rrset, it * will be added as well. If rrset found and successfully put, it marked as * "already imported" to avoid repeated import. The same is true for RRSIG. * @return -1 if failed * 0 if required record been actually put into the packet * 1 if required record could not be found */ static int zi_rrset_find_put(struct zone_import_ctx *z_import, knot_pkt_t *pkt, const knot_dname_t *owner, uint16_t class, uint16_t type, uint16_t additional) { if (type != KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG) { /* If required rrset isn't rrsig, these must be the same values */ additional = type; } char key[KR_RRKEY_LEN]; int err = kr_rrkey(key, class, owner, type, additional); if (err <= 0) { return -1; } knot_rrset_t *rr = map_get(&z_import->rrset_indexed, key); if (!rr) { return 1; } err = knot_pkt_put(pkt, 0, rr, 0); if (err != KNOT_EOK) { return -1; } zi_rrset_mark_as_imported(rr); if (type != KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG) { /* Try to find corresponding rrsig */ err = zi_rrset_find_put(z_import, pkt, owner, class, KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG, type); if (err < 0) { return err; } } return 0; } /** @internal Try to put given rrset to the given packet. * If there is RRSIG which covers that rrset, it will be added as well. * If rrset successfully put in the packet, it marked as * "already imported" to avoid repeated import. * The same is true for RRSIG. * @return -1 if failed * 0 if required record been actually put into the packet */ static int zi_rrset_put(struct zone_import_ctx *z_import, knot_pkt_t *pkt, knot_rrset_t *rr) { assert(rr); assert(rr->type != KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG); int err = knot_pkt_put(pkt, 0, rr, 0); if (err != KNOT_EOK) { return -1; } zi_rrset_mark_as_imported(rr); /* Try to find corresponding RRSIG */ err = zi_rrset_find_put(z_import, pkt, rr->owner, rr->rclass, KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG, rr->type); return (err < 0) ? err : 0; } /** @internal Try to put DS & NSEC* for rset->owner to given packet. * @return -1 if failed; * 0 if no errors occurred (it doesn't mean * that records were actually added). */ static int zi_put_delegation(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import, knot_pkt_t *pkt, knot_rrset_t *rr) { int err = zi_rrset_find_put(z_import, pkt, rr->owner, rr->rclass, KNOT_RRTYPE_DS, 0); if (err == 1) { /* DS not found, maybe there are NSEC* */ err = zi_rrset_find_put(z_import, pkt, rr->owner, rr->rclass, KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC, 0); if (err >= 0) { err = zi_rrset_find_put(z_import, pkt, rr->owner, rr->rclass, KNOT_RRTYPE_NSEC3, 0); } } return err < 0 ? err : 0; } /** @internal Try to put A & AAAA records for rset->owner to given packet. * @return -1 if failed; * 0 if no errors occurred (it doesn't mean * that records were actually added). */ static int zi_put_glue(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import, knot_pkt_t *pkt, knot_rrset_t *rr) { int err = 0; knot_rdata_t *rdata_i = rr->rrs.rdata; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < rr->rrs.count; ++i, rdata_i = knot_rdataset_next(rdata_i)) { const knot_dname_t *ns_name = knot_ns_name(rdata_i); err = zi_rrset_find_put(z_import, pkt, ns_name, rr->rclass, KNOT_RRTYPE_A, 0); if (err < 0) { break; } err = zi_rrset_find_put(z_import, pkt, ns_name, rr->rclass, KNOT_RRTYPE_AAAA, 0); if (err < 0) { break; } } return err < 0 ? err : 0; } /** @internal Create query. */ static knot_pkt_t *zi_query_create(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import, knot_rrset_t *rr) { knot_mm_t *pool = &z_import->pool; uint32_t msgid = kr_rand_bytes(2); knot_pkt_t *query = knot_pkt_new(NULL, KNOT_WIRE_MAX_PKTSIZE, pool); if (!query) { return NULL; } knot_pkt_put_question(query, rr->owner, rr->rclass, rr->type); knot_pkt_begin(query, KNOT_ANSWER); knot_wire_set_rd(query->wire); knot_wire_set_id(query->wire, msgid); int err = knot_pkt_parse(query, 0); if (err != KNOT_EOK) { knot_pkt_free(query); return NULL; } return query; } /** @internal Import given rrset to cache. * @return -1 if failed; 0 if success */ static int zi_rrset_import(zone_import_ctx_t *z_import, knot_rrset_t *rr) { /* Create "pseudo query" which asks for given rrset. */ knot_pkt_t *query = zi_query_create(z_import, rr); if (!query) { return -1; } knot_mm_t *pool = &z_import->pool; uint8_t *dname = rr->owner; uint16_t rrtype = rr->type; uint16_t rrclass = rr->rclass; /* Create "pseudo answer". */ knot_pkt_t *answer = knot_pkt_new(NULL, KNOT_WIRE_MAX_PKTSIZE, pool); if (!answer) { knot_pkt_free(query); return -1; } knot_pkt_put_question(answer, dname, rrclass, rrtype); knot_pkt_begin(answer, KNOT_ANSWER); struct kr_qflags options = { 0 }; options.DNSSEC_WANT = true; options.NO_MINIMIZE = true; /* This call creates internal structures which necessary for * resolving - qr_task & request_ctx. */ struct qr_task *task = worker_resolve_start(query, options); if (!task) { knot_pkt_free(query); knot_pkt_free(answer); return -1; } /* Push query to the request resolve plan. * Actually query will never been sent to upstream. */ struct kr_request *request = worker_task_request(task); struct kr_rplan *rplan = &request->rplan; struct kr_query *qry = kr_rplan_push(rplan, NULL, dname, rrclass, rrtype); int state = KR_STATE_FAIL; bool origin_is_owner = knot_dname_is_equal(rr->owner, z_import->origin); bool is_referral = (rrtype == KNOT_RRTYPE_NS && !origin_is_owner); uint32_t msgid = knot_wire_get_id(query->wire); qry->id = msgid; /* Prepare zonecut. It must have all the necessary requisites for * successful validation - matched zone name & keys & trust-anchors. */ kr_zonecut_init(&qry->zone_cut, z_import->origin, pool); qry->zone_cut.key = z_import->key; qry->zone_cut.trust_anchor = z_import->ta; if (knot_pkt_init_response(answer, query) != 0) { goto cleanup; } /* Since "pseudo" query asks for NS for subzone, * "pseudo" answer must simulate referral. */ if (is_referral) { knot_pkt_begin(answer, KNOT_AUTHORITY); } /* Put target rrset to ANSWER\AUTHORIRY as well as corresponding RRSIG */ int err = zi_rrset_put(z_import, answer, rr); if (err != 0) { goto cleanup; } if (!is_referral) { knot_wire_set_aa(answer->wire); } else { /* Type is KNOT_RRTYPE_NS and owner is not equal to origin. * It will be "referral" answer and must contain delegation. */ err = zi_put_delegation(z_import, answer, rr); if (err < 0) { goto cleanup; } } knot_pkt_begin(answer, KNOT_ADDITIONAL); if (rrtype == KNOT_RRTYPE_NS) { /* Try to find glue addresses. */ err = zi_put_glue(z_import, answer, rr); if (err < 0) { goto cleanup; } } knot_wire_set_id(answer->wire, msgid); answer->parsed = answer->size; err = knot_pkt_parse(answer, 0); if (err != KNOT_EOK) { goto cleanup; } /* Importing doesn't imply communication with upstream at all. * "answer" contains pseudo-answer from upstream and must be successfully * validated in CONSUME stage. If not, something gone wrong. */ state = kr_resolve_consume(request, NULL, answer); cleanup: knot_pkt_free(query); knot_pkt_free(answer); worker_task_finalize(task, state); return state == (is_referral ? KR_STATE_PRODUCE : KR_STATE_DONE) ? 0 : -1; } /** @internal Create element in qr_rrsetlist_t rrset_list for * given node of map_t rrset_sorted. */ static int zi_mapwalk_preprocess(const char *k, void *v, void *baton) { zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = (zone_import_ctx_t *)baton; int ret = array_push_mm(z_import->rrset_sorted, v, kr_memreserve, &z_import->pool); return (ret < 0); } /** @internal Iterate over parsed rrsets and try to import each of them. */ static void zi_zone_process(uv_timer_t* handle) { zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = (zone_import_ctx_t *)handle->data; assert(z_import->worker); size_t failed = 0; size_t ns_imported = 0; size_t other_imported = 0; /* At the moment import of root zone only is supported. * Check the name of the parsed zone. * TODO - implement importing of arbitrary zone. */ KR_DNAME_GET_STR(zone_name_str, z_import->origin); if (strcmp(".", zone_name_str) != 0) { kr_log_error("[zimport] unexpected zone name `%s` (root zone expected), fail\n", zone_name_str); failed = 1; goto finish; } if (z_import->rrset_sorted.len <= 0) { kr_log_error("[zimport] zone `%s` is empty\n", zone_name_str); goto finish; } /* TA have been found, zone is secured. * DNSKEY must be somewhere amongst the imported records. Find it. * TODO - For those zones that provenly do not have TA this step must be skipped. */ char key[KR_RRKEY_LEN]; int err = kr_rrkey(key, KNOT_CLASS_IN, z_import->origin, KNOT_RRTYPE_DNSKEY, KNOT_RRTYPE_DNSKEY); if (err <= 0) { failed = 1; goto finish; } knot_rrset_t *rr_key = map_get(&z_import->rrset_indexed, key); if (!rr_key) { /* DNSKEY MUST be here. If not found - fail. */ kr_log_error("[zimport] DNSKEY not found for `%s`, fail\n", zone_name_str); failed = 1; goto finish; } z_import->key = rr_key; map_t *trust_anchors = &z_import->worker->engine->resolver.trust_anchors; knot_rrset_t *rr_ta = kr_ta_get(trust_anchors, z_import->origin); if (!rr_ta) { kr_log_error("[zimport] error: TA for zone `%s` vanished, fail", zone_name_str); failed = 1; goto finish; } z_import->ta = rr_ta; VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "started: zone: '%s'\n", zone_name_str); z_import->start_timestamp = kr_now(); /* Import DNSKEY at first step. If any validation problems will appear, * cancel import of whole zone. */ KR_DNAME_GET_STR(kname_str, rr_key->owner); KR_RRTYPE_GET_STR(ktype_str, rr_key->type); VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "importing: name: '%s' type: '%s'\n", kname_str, ktype_str); int res = zi_rrset_import(z_import, rr_key); if (res != 0) { kr_log_error("[zimport] import failed: qname: '%s' type: '%s'\n", kname_str, ktype_str); failed = 1; goto finish; } /* Import all NS records */ for (size_t i = 0; i < z_import->rrset_sorted.len; ++i) { knot_rrset_t *rr = z_import->rrset_sorted.at[i]; if (rr->type != KNOT_RRTYPE_NS) { continue; } KR_DNAME_GET_STR(name_str, rr->owner); KR_RRTYPE_GET_STR(type_str, rr->type); VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "importing: name: '%s' type: '%s'\n", name_str, type_str); int ret = zi_rrset_import(z_import, rr); if (ret == 0) { ++ns_imported; } else { VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "import failed: name: '%s' type: '%s'\n", name_str, type_str); ++failed; } z_import->rrset_sorted.at[i] = NULL; } /* NS records have been imported as well as relative DS, NSEC* and glue. * Now import what's left. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < z_import->rrset_sorted.len; ++i) { knot_rrset_t *rr = z_import->rrset_sorted.at[i]; if (rr == NULL) { continue; } if (zi_rrset_is_marked_as_imported(rr)) { continue; } if (rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_DNSKEY || rr->type == KNOT_RRTYPE_RRSIG) { continue; } KR_DNAME_GET_STR(name_str, rr->owner); KR_RRTYPE_GET_STR(type_str, rr->type); VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "importing: name: '%s' type: '%s'\n", name_str, type_str); res = zi_rrset_import(z_import, rr); if (res == 0) { ++other_imported; } else { VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "import failed: name: '%s' type: '%s'\n", name_str, type_str); ++failed; } } uint64_t elapsed = kr_now() - z_import->start_timestamp; elapsed = elapsed > UINT_MAX ? UINT_MAX : elapsed; VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "finished in %"PRIu64" ms; zone: `%s`; ns: %zd" "; other: %zd; failed: %zd\n", elapsed, zone_name_str, ns_imported, other_imported, failed); finish: uv_timer_stop(&z_import->timer); z_import->started = false; int import_state = 0; if (failed != 0) { if (ns_imported == 0 && other_imported == 0) { import_state = -1; kr_log_error("[zimport] import failed; zone `%s` \n", zone_name_str); } else { import_state = 1; } } else { import_state = 0; } if (z_import->cb != NULL) { z_import->cb(import_state, z_import->cb_param); } } /** @internal Store rrset that has been imported to zone import context memory pool. * @return -1 if failed; 0 if success. */ static int zi_record_store(zs_scanner_t *s) { if (s->r_data_length > UINT16_MAX) { /* Due to knot_rrset_add_rdata(..., const uint16_t size, ...); */ kr_log_error("[zscanner] line %"PRIu64": rdata is too long\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } if (knot_dname_size(s->r_owner) != strlen((const char *)(s->r_owner)) + 1) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] line %"PRIu64 ": owner name contains zero byte, skip\n", s->line_counter); return 0; } zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = (zone_import_ctx_t *)s->process.data; knot_rrset_t *new_rr = knot_rrset_new(s->r_owner, s->r_type, s->r_class, s->r_ttl, &z_import->pool); if (!new_rr) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] line %"PRIu64": error creating rrset\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } int res = knot_rrset_add_rdata(new_rr, s->r_data, s->r_data_length, &z_import->pool); if (res != KNOT_EOK) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] line %"PRIu64": error adding rdata to rrset\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } /* Records in zone file may not be grouped by name and RR type. * Use map to create search key and * avoid ineffective searches across all the imported records. */ char key[KR_RRKEY_LEN]; uint16_t additional_key_field = kr_rrset_type_maysig(new_rr); res = kr_rrkey(key, new_rr->rclass, new_rr->owner, new_rr->type, additional_key_field); if (res <= 0) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] line %"PRIu64": error constructing rrkey\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } knot_rrset_t *saved_rr = map_get(&z_import->rrset_indexed, key); if (saved_rr) { res = knot_rdataset_merge(&saved_rr->rrs, &new_rr->rrs, &z_import->pool); } else { res = map_set(&z_import->rrset_indexed, key, new_rr); } if (res != 0) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] line %"PRIu64": error saving parsed rrset\n", s->line_counter); return -1; } return 0; } /** @internal zscanner callback. */ static int zi_state_parsing(zs_scanner_t *s) { bool empty = true; while (zs_parse_record(s) == 0) { switch (s->state) { case ZS_STATE_DATA: if (zi_record_store(s) != 0) { return -1; } zone_import_ctx_t *z_import = (zone_import_ctx_t *) s->process.data; empty = false; if (s->r_type == 6) { z_import->origin = knot_dname_copy(s->r_owner, &z_import->pool); } break; case ZS_STATE_ERROR: kr_log_error("[zscanner] line: %"PRIu64 ": parse error; code: %i ('%s')\n", s->line_counter, s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); return -1; case ZS_STATE_INCLUDE: kr_log_error("[zscanner] line: %"PRIu64 ": INCLUDE is not supported\n", s->line_counter); return -1; case ZS_STATE_EOF: case ZS_STATE_STOP: if (empty) { kr_log_error("[zimport] empty zone file\n"); return -1; } if (!((zone_import_ctx_t *) s->process.data)->origin) { kr_log_error("[zimport] zone file doesn't contain SOA record\n"); return -1; } return (s->error.counter == 0) ? 0 : -1; default: kr_log_error("[zscanner] line: %"PRIu64 ": unexpected parse state: %i\n", s->line_counter, s->state); return -1; } } return -1; } int zi_zone_import(struct zone_import_ctx *z_import, const char *zone_file, const char *origin, uint16_t rclass, uint32_t ttl) { assert (z_import != NULL && "[zimport] empty parameter"); assert (z_import->worker != NULL && "[zimport] invalid parameter\n"); assert (zone_file != NULL && "[zimport] empty parameter\n"); zs_scanner_t *s = malloc(sizeof(zs_scanner_t)); if (s == NULL) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] error creating instance of zone scanner (malloc() fails)\n"); return -1; } /* zs_init(), zs_set_input_file(), zs_set_processing() returns -1 in case of error, * so don't print error code as it meaningless. */ int res = zs_init(s, origin, rclass, ttl); if (res != 0) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] error initializing zone scanner instance, error: %i (%s)\n", s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); free(s); return -1; } res = zs_set_input_file(s, zone_file); if (res != 0) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] error opening zone file `%s`, error: %i (%s)\n", zone_file, s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); zs_deinit(s); free(s); return -1; } /* Don't set processing and error callbacks as we don't use automatic parsing. * Parsing as well error processing will be performed in zi_state_parsing(). * Store pointer to zone import context for further use. */ if (zs_set_processing(s, NULL, NULL, (void *)z_import) != 0) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] zs_set_processing() failed for zone file `%s`, " "error: %i (%s)\n", zone_file, s->error.code, zs_strerror(s->error.code)); zs_deinit(s); free(s); return -1; } uint64_t elapsed = 0; int ret = zi_reset(z_import, 4096); if (ret == 0) { z_import->started = true; z_import->start_timestamp = kr_now(); VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "[zscanner] started; zone file `%s`\n", zone_file); ret = zi_state_parsing(s); if (ret == 0) { /* Try to find TA for worker->z_import.origin. */ map_t *trust_anchors = &z_import->worker->engine->resolver.trust_anchors; knot_rrset_t *rr = kr_ta_get(trust_anchors, z_import->origin); if (!rr) { /* For now - fail. * TODO - query DS and continue after answer had been obtained. */ KR_DNAME_GET_STR(zone_name_str, z_import->origin); kr_log_error("[zimport] no TA found for `%s`, fail\n", zone_name_str); ret = 1; } elapsed = kr_now() - z_import->start_timestamp; elapsed = elapsed > UINT_MAX ? UINT_MAX : elapsed; } } zs_deinit(s); free(s); if (ret != 0) { kr_log_error("[zscanner] error parsing zone file `%s`\n", zone_file); z_import->started = false; return ret; } VERBOSE_MSG(NULL, "[zscanner] finished in %"PRIu64" ms; zone file `%s`\n", elapsed, zone_file); map_walk(&z_import->rrset_indexed, zi_mapwalk_preprocess, z_import); /* Zone have been parsed already, so start the import. */ uv_timer_start(&z_import->timer, zi_zone_process, ZONE_IMPORT_PAUSE, ZONE_IMPORT_PAUSE); return 0; } bool zi_import_started(struct zone_import_ctx *z_import) { return z_import ? z_import->started : false; }