describe 'Epoch.Chart.options', -> it 'should set the type option to "area" for basic area charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Chart.Area().options.type, 'area' it 'should set the type option to "bar" for basic bar charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Chart.Bar().options.type, 'bar' it 'should set the type option to "histogram" for basic histogram charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Chart.Histogram().options.type, 'histogram' it 'should set the type option to "line" for basic line charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Chart.Line().options.type, 'line' it 'should set the type option to "pie" for basic pie charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Chart.Pie().options.type, 'pie' it 'should set the type option to "scatter" for basic scatter charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Chart.Scatter().options.type, 'scatter' it 'should set the type option to "time.area" for real-time area charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Time.Area().options.type, 'time.area' it 'should set the type option to "" for real-time bar charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Time.Bar().options.type, '' it 'should set the type option to "time.gauge" for real-time gauge charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Time.Gauge().options.type, 'time.gauge' it 'should set the type option to "time.heatmap" for real-time heatmap charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Time.Heatmap().options.type, 'time.heatmap' it 'should set the type option to "time.line" for real-time line charts', -> assert.equal new Epoch.Time.Line().options.type, 'time.line' describe 'Epoch.Chart._formatData', -> assertBasicData = (klassName, type) -> data = [1, 2, 3, 4] expected = 'array', data, {type: type} chart = new Epoch.Chart[klassName] data: data dataFormat: 'array' expected, assertTimeData = (klassName, type) -> data = [1, 2, 3, 4] expected = 'array', data, {type: type, time: (d, i) -> parseInt(i)} chart = new Epoch.Time[klassName] data: data dataFormat: name: 'array' options: { time: (d, i) -> parseInt(i) } assert.timeData expected, it 'should correctly detect and format array type data', -> data = [1, 2, 3] expected = 'array', data chart = new Epoch.Chart.Base data: data dataFormat: 'array' expected, it 'should correctly detect and format tuple type data', -> data = [[1, 1], [2, 4], [3, 78]] expected = 'tuple', data chart = new Epoch.Chart.Base data: data dataFormat: 'tuple' expected, it 'should correctly detect and format keyvalue type data', -> data = [ {a: 20, b: 30, x: 10}, {a: 40, b: 50, x: 20} ] expected = 'keyvalue', data, ['a', 'b'], { x: (d) -> d.x } chart = new Epoch.Chart.Base data: data dataFormat: name: 'keyvalue' arguments: [['a', 'b']] options: { x: (d, i) -> d.x } expected, it 'should correctly format area chart data', -> assertBasicData 'Area', 'area' it 'should correctly format bar chart data', -> assertBasicData 'Bar', 'bar' it 'should correctly format line data', -> assertBasicData 'Line', 'line' it 'should correctly format scatter data', -> assertBasicData 'Scatter', 'scatter' it 'should correctly format pie data', -> data = [1, 2, 3] expected = (d) -> {value: d} result = (new Epoch.Chart.Pie(data: data, dataFormat: 'array')).data for i in [0...expected.length] assert.equal expected[i].value, result[i].value it 'should correctly format histogram data', -> data = (parseInt(Math.random() * 100) for i in [0...100]) format ='array', data, { type: 'histogram' }) expected = (new Epoch.Chart.Histogram())._prepareData(format) chart = new Epoch.Chart.Histogram({ data: data, dataFormat: 'array' }) expected, it 'should correctly format real-time area data', -> assertTimeData 'Area', 'time.area' it 'should correctly format real-time bar data', -> assertTimeData 'Bar', '' it 'should correctly format real-time heatmap data', -> assertTimeData 'Heatmap', 'time.heatmap' it 'should correctly format real-time line data', -> assertTimeData 'Line', 'time.line'