.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later .. _cache_sizing: Cache sizing ------------ For personal use-cases and small deployments cache size around 100 MB is more than enough. For large deployments we recommend to run Knot Resolver on a dedicated machine, and to allocate 90% of machine's free memory for resolver's cache. For example, imagine you have a machine with 16 GB of memory. After machine restart you use command ``free -m`` to determine amount of free memory (without swap): .. code-block:: bash $ free -m total used free Mem: 15907 979 14928 Now you can configure cache size to be 90% of the free memory 14 928 MB, i.e. 13 453 MB: .. code-block:: lua -- 90 % of free memory after machine restart cache.size = 13453 * MB .. _cache_persistence: Cache persistence ----------------- .. tip:: Using tmpfs for cache improves performance and reduces disk I/O. By default the cache is saved on a persistent storage device so the content of the cache is persisted during system reboot. This usually leads to smaller latency after restart etc., however in certain situations a non-persistent cache storage might be preferred, e.g.: - Resolver handles high volume of queries and I/O performance to disk is too low. - Threat model includes attacker getting access to disk content in power-off state. - Disk has limited number of writes (e.g. flash memory in routers). If non-persistent cache is desired configure cache directory to be on tmpfs_ filesystem, a temporary in-memory file storage. The cache content will be saved in memory, and thus have faster access and will be lost on power-off or reboot. .. note:: In most of the Unix-like systems ``/tmp`` and ``/var/run`` are commonly mounted to tmpfs. While it is technically possible to move the cache to an existing tmpfs filesystem, it is *not recommended*: The path to cache is specified in multiple systemd units, and a shared tmpfs space could be used up by other applications, leading to ``SIGBUS`` errors during runtime. Mounting the cache directory as tmpfs_ is recommended apparoach. Make sure to use appropriate ``size=`` option and don't forget to adjust the size in the config file as well. .. code-block:: # /etc/fstab tmpfs /var/cache/knot-resolver tmpfs rw,size=2G,uid=knot-resolver,gid=knot-resolver,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=0700 0 0 .. code-block:: lua # /etc/knot-resolver/config cache.size = 2 * GB .. _tmpfs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tmpfs