-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -- check prerequisites local has_http = pcall(require, 'kres_modules.http') and pcall(require, 'http.request') if not has_http then -- skipping daf module test because http its not installed os.exit(77) else local path = worker.cwd..'/control/'..worker.pid same(true, net.listen(path, nil, {kind = 'control'}), 'new control sockets were created so map() can work') local request = require('http.request') modules.load('http') modules.load('daf') local bound for _ = 1,1000 do bound, _err = pcall(net.listen, '', math.random(40000, 49999), { kind = 'webmgmt'}) if bound then break end end assert(bound, 'unable to bind a port for HTTP module (1000 attempts)') -- globals for this module local _, host, port, baseuri local function start_server() local server_fd = next(http.servers) assert(server_fd) local server = http.servers[server_fd].server ok(server ~= nil, 'creates server instance') _, host, port = server:localname() ok(host and port, 'binds to an interface') baseuri = string.format('http://%s:%d/daf', host, port) end -- helper for returning useful values to test on -- local function http_get(uri) -- local headers, stream = assert(request.new_from_uri(uri):go()) -- local body = assert(stream:get_body_as_string()) -- return tonumber(headers:get(':status')), body, headers:get('content-type') -- end local function http_req(uri, method, reqbody) local req = assert(request.new_from_uri(baseuri .. uri)) req.headers:upsert(':method', method) req:set_body(reqbody) local headers, stream = assert(req:go()) local ansbody = assert(stream:get_body_as_string()) return tonumber(headers:get(':status')), ansbody, headers:get('content-type') end local function http_get(uri) return http_req(uri, 'GET') end -- compare two tables, expected value is specified as JSON -- comparison relies on table_print which sorts table keys local function compare_tables(expectedjson, gotjson, desc) same( table_print(fromjson(expectedjson)), table_print(fromjson(gotjson)), desc) end -- test whether http interface responds and binds local function test_daf_api() local code, body, mime -- rule listing /daf code, body, mime = http_get('/') same(code, 200, 'rule listing return 200 OK') same(body, '{}', 'daf rule list is empty after start') same(mime, 'application/json', 'daf rule list has application/json content type') -- get non-existing rule code, body = http_req('/0', 'GET') same(code, 404, 'non-existing rule retrieval returns 404') same(body, '"No such rule"', 'explanatory message is present') -- delete non-existing rule code, body = http_req('/0', 'DELETE') same(code, 404, 'non-existing rule deletion returns 404') same(body, '"No such rule"', 'explanatory message is present') -- bad PATCH code = http_req('/0', 'PATCH') same(code, 400, 'PATCH detects missing parameters') -- bad POST code = http_req('/', 'POST') same(code, 500, 'POST without parameters is detected') -- POST first new rule code, body, mime = http_req('/', 'POST', 'src = pass') same(code, 200, 'first POST succeeds') compare_tables(body, '{"count":0,"active":true,"id":0,"info":"src = pass"}', 'POST returns new rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- GET first rule code, body, mime = http_req('/0', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET for first rule succeeds') compare_tables(body, '{"count":0,"active":true,"id":0,"info":"src = pass"}', 'POST returns new rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- POST second new rule code, body, mime = http_req('/', 'POST', 'src = pass') same(code, 200, 'second POST succeeds') compare_tables(body, '{"count":0,"active":true,"id":1,"info":"src = pass"}', 'POST returns new rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- GET second rule code, body, mime = http_req('/1', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET for second rule succeeds') compare_tables(body, '{"count":0,"active":true,"id":1,"info":"src = pass"}', 'POST returns new rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- PATCH first rule code, body, mime = http_req('/0/active/false', 'PATCH') same(code, 200, 'PATCH for first rule succeeds') same(body, 'true', 'PATCH returns success in body') same(mime, 'application/json', 'PATCH return value has application/json content type') -- GET modified first rule code, body, mime = http_req('/0', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET for first rule succeeds') compare_tables(body, '{"count":0,"active":false,"id":0,"info":"src = pass"}', 'GET returns modified rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- GET both rules code, body, mime = http_req('/', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET for both rule succeeds') compare_tables(body, [[ [ {"count":0,"active":false,"info":"src = pass","id":0}, {"count":0,"active":true,"info":"src = pass","id":1}] ]], 'GET returns both rules in JSON including modifications') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule list has application/json content type') -- PATCH first rule back to original state code, body, mime = http_req('/0/active/true', 'PATCH') same(code, 200, 'PATCH for first rule succeeds') same(body, 'true', 'PATCH returns success in body') same(mime, 'application/json', 'PATCH return value has application/json content type') -- GET modified (reversed) first rule code, body, mime = http_req('/0', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET for first rule succeeds') compare_tables(body, '{"count":0,"active":true,"id":0,"info":"src = pass"}', 'GET returns modified rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- DELETE first rule code, body, mime = http_req('/0', 'DELETE') same(code, 200, 'DELETE for first rule succeeds') same(body, 'true', 'DELETE returns success in body') same(mime, 'application/json', 'DELETE return value has application/json content type') -- GET deleted (first) rule code, body = http_req('/0', 'GET') same(code, 404, 'GET for deleted fails with 404') same(body, '"No such rule"', 'failed GET contains explanatory message') -- GET second rule code, body, mime = http_req('/1', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET for second rule still succeeds') compare_tables(body, '{"count":0,"active":true,"id":1,"info":"src = pass"}', 'POST returns new rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- GET list of all rules code, body, mime = http_req('/', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET returns list with the remaining rule') compare_tables(body, '[{"count":0,"active":true,"id":1,"info":"src = pass"}]', 'rule list contains only the remaining rule in JSON') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') -- try to DELETE first rule again code, body = http_req('/0', 'DELETE') same(code, 404, 'DELETE for already deleted rule fails with 404') same(body, '"No such rule"', 'DELETE explains failure') -- DELETE second rule code, body, mime = http_req('/1', 'DELETE') same(code, 200, 'DELETE for second rule succeeds') same(body, 'true', 'DELETE returns success in body') same(mime, 'application/json', 'DELETE return value has application/json content type') -- GET (supposedly empty) list of all rules code, body, mime = http_req('/', 'GET') same(code, 200, 'GET returns list with the remaining rule') compare_tables(body, '[]', 'rule list is now empty JSON list') same(mime, 'application/json', 'rule has application/json content type') end -- plan tests local tests = { start_server, test_daf_api, } return tests end